Everyone voted on what they should do in the next task.

  "By the way, I just remembered, didn't you say you design a pistol for us? Why hasn't it been released yet?"

  Anina suddenly remembered that when she came to this question, she came to Murphy's weapon. What she didn't expect was that Murphy would give her one, so she (Zhao) wanted it very much. Yes, and it's custom made.

  "This will be finished soon, so don't worry, I have analyzed a lot of thoughts on this, and don't all of you women like colors? I even made them with colors for you. "

  "What is colored? Then Murphy, you are really biased, and you even gave them two pistols with colored, so why are we all dark?".

Chapter 406

  Chapter 405 Don't Like Black

  Murphy was just too eccentric when Escherett heard this. He even gave them custom-made guns, which were all black. Although these guns were custom-made and specially tailored for them, Their names are engraved on them. What I didn't expect was that Murphy actually changed their colors. The colors of himself and Tony were the same as before, that is, the same black color.

  This is not meant to be used for tasks. This is very memorable. This gun is a custom model. Although it can be used, this gun is also a kind of commemorative thing.

  Moreover, there is only 427 unique Murphy in the world. It took a lot of thought on the structure of each gun, but it was customized according to the marksmanship used by each person's character.

  So Escheret thinks that this thing is not to say that there is no need to make black things for normal tasks. At that time, I had this idea. What I didn't expect was that Murphy still made them black, and now This statement of Anina and Major Kaili is completely different, and the two of them are still colored, which makes Escherett dissatisfied.

  Murphy also thought about how this Esquilette's reaction could be so big. Esquilette usually doesn't fight or grab it. No matter what, as long as it is given to him, that's fine. He never did. Any objection, how come there is an objection suddenly, Murphy was a little caught off guard.

  I have never seen Aschret react so strongly in this regard. If he reacts so strongly when he goes out to do a mission, that's okay, but in this gun especially. On custom guns, that's what he said, and he never asked for anything.

  "Asquilet, do you know? Your appearance caught me off guard a bit. What I didn't expect was that you also had an objection."

  "Ah, yes, I just have objections, why are they all colored, although Tony and I are big men, but at least this is a custom model, tailored for us, we also need it Color, that pitch black color is everywhere."

  Esquire just thinks that this Murphy is really biased now, that is, it is biased towards these two women. Although the two of them are men, aren't they also picky about colors?Although black is a high-end color, it is also a color for the general public.

  If this medicine is not your own custom gun with a color on it, how handsome it is to show it. Although I can't show this thing, but when I keep it and show it to my friends, Then they will also see their unique guns, and they are also colored. Who has seen guns with colors?Aren't they all pitch black?

  This kind of colorful gun is really very rare on the market. If it is not customized, it is really invisible, and it is purely hand-made. .

Chapter 407

  Chapter 406

  "Yeah, just you, a big man, still need to wear color, the pitch black is not obvious, do you have a high-end atmosphere?"

  Major Kelly also watched Esquilette's objection, and she didn't expect this phenomenon to occur.

  In the eyes of Major Kelly, it is also the same as what Murphy thinks. He thinks that a man is handsome with a black one. Although this customized gun is on a mission, no one will I'm willing to take it out and use it, it's just a collection, but isn't black also very beautiful?Another is that Murphy thinks that he and Anina are a woman, and that designing a unique color for women is not a product to show that they are a woman?

  "Then tell me what color you want, maybe I'm ignoring your feelings, I think men should use that kind of dark color, if you don't like it, you can tell me, I'll put it I'll get you a new one, what color do you say you like?"

  Murphy was just stunned by Esquire's reaction, but it doesn't matter what color he likes. He just feels that he has ignored Esquire and Tony's feelings a bit. He should ask When asked what color they like, even Majorelle and Anina themselves didn't ask their opinion, they just wanted to carve a rose on the gun, so this is their opinion .

  But I thought it would be better to wear a little color, so I changed the color of the gun myself, and didn't ask them what color they liked.

  "You really ignored our feelings. Although you gave us this gun, we shouldn't be picky, but this is a custom model. You haven't made a gun by hand for a long time."

  Escherett felt that his impulsiveness just now was a little bad, but he also had to say why he was so impulsive, because he knew that this was a pure handmade Murphy, and he had not used pure handcraft for several years. The production of guns is all made by machines.

· · Flowers · · ·

  Although these guns are also the most advanced, can the machine-made ones look the same as the hand-made ones?This one must be good - cherish it and store it.

  Because I didn't know that these guns could be made into other colors, so I didn't think of it, but today Murphy said that he knew that this gun can only be made into other colors, so of course I also wanted to It's time to change a color, and no one wants to, always facing the darkness.


  "I know what you mean, I can understand this completely, just say it, what color do you like, and Anina and Majorelle, you two also say what color you like, and then I'll do it again for you."

  "I didn't ask the two of you for your opinion before, so I made a pink color for you, so I don't think it's good, let you choose a color for yourself."

  Annina and Major Kelly, the two of them were already researching just now, and they knew that Murphy must change the color of this color for them.Ding.

Chapter 408

  Chapter 407

  But both of them feel that they are almost finished, and the other one is pink, which everyone likes very much.

  For women, pink really doesn't have any alternation. Women just like brighter colors, especially women who are really addicted to pink.

  "The two of us won't change it. The two of us researched it just now. In fact, we all like the pink one, and there are roses on it. I think this color scheme is the two of us who like it together, so We won't change it."

  Majorelle directly stated his and Anina's opinions. Besides, they are all hand-made, and they are very troublesome to make. It is purely hand-made, but I know that it takes time. of.

  Murphy is usually so busy and needs to do these things, so Murphy really has no time to rest, so Anina and Majorelle think this is already very good.

  There shouldn't be so many picky things. Anyway, the two of them think so, but Esquire also has the right to choose him. After all, Esqilet has been together for so many years, Murphy It must have been a custom pistol that they had given them before. Maybe it was black. It's okay to change the color.

  If some are more real, then you can directly recognize the difference. If you encounter some people who don't know the goods, you can't see it at all. What's the difference, just look at it. like a look.

  "Since the two of you have decided, this will be done soon. What about you, Esquilet?"

  "I want blue, the most vivid blue, the brighter the better."

  Esquilette didn't hesitate at all. He had already thought about the color in his heart. When he heard that the two of them were pink, he thought that he wanted a blue one, the brighter the color. That one is the best.

  I like blue the most, but I can't make myself wear some blue or bright colors when I get to the Callus Mountains, because it's all white and slightly banded. Most of the things of color are very clearly seen, and you can only wear them in white...  

  "Ascillet didn't see it. You still like that bright color. According to our two views on you, then you are all black, and you like black very much."

  Anina felt that if it was according to her and Major Kelly's ideas, both of them thought that Esquilette was very unsmiling, so they thought that his assembly was also very monotonous, one in black and white. .

  What I didn't expect was that he still likes bright colors, and it's also the kind of particularly bright blue color. If this gun is made 1.2, then it is really very beautiful.

  Now I have already imagined that color in my mind.

  "You know too little about me. I don't like black and white, and I also like bright colors, but you still know too little about me. After you know more, you will find that I am It's different from what you know."

Chapter 409

  Chapter 408 Personality Contrast

  "This sentence Esquilet is very right. Now we all know what you think about Tony, but the two of them are really two kinds of people. It's just that you are bound in this place in the Carlus Mountains, and you will know when you go out."

  "Murphy knows us best, so when we go out, you will know what our personalities are like. It's just that we are too constrained in the Callus Mountains and can't play."

  So I think this is really restricting myself, and the white color makes me feel a little depressed, so my mood is also depressed, I have closed all my original characters, and transformed myself into a Another character, that is the calm character in the eyes of Anina and Majorelle.

  He is the exact opposite of Tony.

  "I can already imagine, are you two so different? It's a bit unbelievable to me."

  "I also don't believe it. Even if this place in the Carlus Mountains is too oppressive, it can't suppress people's characters. Then you are really too good at hiding."

  "So you can't look at people by looking at the surface. You need to slowly understand this point. Esquire and Tony, they have a lot of advantages, and you need a lot of places. You learn."

  Majorelle and Anina nodded at the same time, knowing that Tony and Esquire, both of them have many advantages, and there are also many things worth learning.

  This is really a surprise for them everywhere. This surprise is simply that they have never thought that their personalities can be reversed. This is something that I didn't expect.

  Just when everyone was talking about this issue, Anina and Major Kelly suddenly came, but they didn't leave. It was really exciting when they heard the knock on the door.

  This Tony's speed is simply too slow, he's been gone for so long, and now it's done The two of them had a meal, so the two of them didn't dare to mention this matter again, so they could only wait quietly.

  This is the sound of hearing hope now. This Tony has been looking forward to it for a long time. His voice finally appeared outside the door. Now I feel that hearing his voice is particularly sweet, but it is much more pleasing to my ears than before. , I was always arguing with myself before, and I felt annoyed when I saw him or when 427 heard his voice, but now Major Kelly doesn't think so at all.

  I just want to see him immediately, to see what he looks like, what a man with such a big shoulder and a round waist can look like.

  In the end, can I be as amazed as I imagined and amazed my eyes, I have already wiped my eyes sharply.

  At this time, Tony's voice came from outside the door, "Are you ready? If you are ready, I'm going in, please watch with your big eyes.".

Chapter 410

  Chapter 410 Feeling So Excited

  At this time, everyone in the room began to hold their breath, especially the two of them, Major Kelly and Anina.

  There are a total of four people in this room, not to mention Esquire and Murphy.

  The two of them have already seen Tony's transformation, and now only the two women have not seen Tony. What can it be like?

  "Why do I feel that I am so excited, as if I have never seen the world, isn't it a little shameful?"

  While talking about Anina, she gestured to Major Kelly next to her. She looked at her face and felt that her face was turning a little bit red because of her excitement.

  "What's there to be ashamed of, I've never seen a man dressed as a woman, how amazing it is, and I'm quite flustered inside."

  Tony waited outside the door for a long time. He originally wanted to tell them that he was ready, and asked them to prepare to meet him.

  But after he shouted outside the door, he actually found that there was no sound in the room. What happened?

  Are they unwelcome or are they simply not paying attention to what they just said?

  Tony has been preparing for a long time. This time, he prepared it very carefully from head to toe, not even a single hair was spared.

  After waiting outside the door for a long time, he did not wait for news to come from inside, telling himself that he was ready to enter the house. Tony couldn't wait any longer, and pushed the door directly in.

  Tony's actions were still very rude, because he felt that the people here must not be paying attention to him, maybe they were busy there, and they didn't hear his own shouting.

  When he opened the door and entered, he found that the four people on the opposite side were looking at him. Tony instantly entered a state and became a very enchanting woman.

  Murphy and Escheret have long been used to Tony's appearance. Since they have seen it in disguise before, there is not much newness to it.

  But these two women are different, these two women are simply stunned.

  "Why don't you guys react at all?"

  Tony looked at the four people on the opposite side. Since he entered here, no one has spoken to him, but stood there quietly.

  "Tony, you are so amazing to me. I didn't expect that a tall man like you could turn into such a short woman."

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