Esquilette was still doing self-examination there. At that time, he thought it might be invisible. If he was invisible, his infrared glasses would not be able to see at all. Woolen cloth.

  How could this be ignored?Isn't it all about your own reasons?There is no reason for anyone else, all of them are based on their own mistakes, and the punishment that Murphy said is also willing~willingly.

  "You've already thought of this, so why don't you do it? You're not like me, I didn't think of this principle at all, sigh, hurry up and get out, if you take a step further, you'll have to be disciplined in a while. "

  The two quickly grabbed their sleds and walked outside. This school is really light, but it is much lighter than the previous one.

  "You said this sled is much lighter than the previous one, and this one is very soft, can't you feel it?"

  Tony felt the sleds with his hands, and he also opened his UV glasses so that he could see what the sleds looked like. This was completely transparent and had invisible skills.

  "Of course I can feel it. This one is much better than the previous one. The previous one had very strong invisibility, but it was a little heavy, and it was easy to leave marks on the snow."

  When they went out to do the task, it was really hidden, but it was very good, but there would still be marks on the ground. After all, this snow is not ordinary land, and even a little mark on the snow can be seen. It was very clear, especially since their sleds were too heavy.

  This time I went to Murphy to say, this can also see the thickness of the snow, the softness of learning can also avoid the automatic function, you don't have to find the route yourself, this can find the route by yourself, as long as it is connected to the computer, then That's it.

  "You two stop working on this now, just put this on and I'll show you two how to connect to your microcomputer."

· · Flowers · ·

  Murphy and Major have already put on this school, Murphy has helped Major to connect all this, and Major also feels that this is really light Yes, and it is much better than the previous one, not to mention soft, but also very small.

...... 0

  Unlike the previous sleds, which were long, hard to say, and extremely heavy, this time it was really improved a lot so small, and I don’t know if it would be easy to use. Anyway, Murphy designed it. Nothing should go wrong.

  When Murphy helped the three of them connect to their computer, and also did a simple debugging, this debugging is very important, after all, it was the first time to use Murphy before it was designed and there was no To experiment with him, but Murphy is still very confident about this.

  "This has not been tested. You must be careful when using it. I haven't reached the experimental stage yet, so this time I will call it an experiment." Ding.

Chapter 443

  Chapter 446 The influence of the snow layer

  Murphy is telling the truth, and he has no intention of concealing the big guys at all. This thing is all up to them to volunteer. Anyway, the school itself has not yet reached the stage of experimentation, but it is now involved in the weather of this blizzard. Is the layer very thick and uneven?

  At this time, it is best to use the newly designed sled, because this sled can distinguish the softness and hardness of the snow, and can also distinguish the thickness of the snow layer, whether it can stand alone.

  At this time, it was the most appropriate to use the sled, so I took it out without hesitation.

  Murphy also thought about taking the sled out after the experiment was successful. After all, it was also a new product of his own, but what he didn't expect was that he would actually use it this time, so he had to take it out.

  The previous sled had no discernible thickness of the snow layer, which would easily make everyone fall into the snow layer.

  This is also a last resort.

  If I had something else, I wouldn't take it out as a semi-finished product.

  Because he now lets outsiders say that it is a finished product, but to himself it is a semi-finished product, and the semi-finished product is already very powerful.

  Because this sled has not yet passed the experimental stage, no one has put on this sled to test it outside, but they have only tested it on the computer, and have not actually used it at all.

  Esquire and Tony looked at each other for a while, both of them tacitly felt that there was no use in this, why did this Murphy ask this?Could it be that there is something else going on in the middle of Murphy?

  Do you think the two of them will be afraid?In fact, the two of them were completely attracted to Murphy, even if Murphy said it was a semi-finished product, or that it was a bit of a malfunction.

  This one is not afraid of failure at all, so what if there is a failure, it can be solved, as long as Murphy can take it out for them, it means there is no problem.

  Esquire looked at Murphy, and Murphy looked at the sled underground, "Murphy doesn't dare to use it, even if you say this thing is faulty, we still dare to use it. , that's how we believe in you..."

  After Aschret said this, he directly picked up the sled on the ground, but seeing that the sleds were of different sizes, he didn't know which one to take, and he didn't know how to get off.

  Murphy watched as Escherett picked up the sled on the ground, put it down, and then picked it there. He didn't know what Escherlet's operation meant, and Tony looked the same. Kind of like hesitating.

  "Aeschylet, can you choose? You choose quickly, you choose one, and then I choose. 1.2"

  Murphy has been looking at the two of them, and at this time Tony has pushed all this matter to Esquilette. How smart is this Tony, how can I ask Murphy about this matter?

  It's like thinking that Murphy's designs are of different lengths, and I don't know which one to choose, or which one to choose here, whether it looks almost perfect. .

Chapter 444

  Chapter 447 Missing Raw Materials

  Is it because they don't have confidence in this because they haven't tested it, but it seems good to choose which one is right here. In fact, Tony and Ascillet don't mean it at all. The two of them have a very simple idea. .

  As long as Murphy designs something, the two of them can use it anytime, anywhere. Whether it has been tested or not, it is the safest, but I just don't know whether to choose a long or short one. what to say.

  Because this is of different lengths and widths, I don't know which one to choose. For Murphy, these are all the same, and there is no difference between the length and width of 12.

  It's just that when designing, it depends on personal preferences. Some people like long boards, some people like short boards, some people have wider feet, and some people have narrower feet. I just designed it according to this. .

  But Tony and Esquilette don't know what's going on, they just feel different, why are they different?Where is this different place?

  This must be a problem, but neither of them had the nerve to ask. If they asked, would they be questioning Murphy why this thing was different in length and width? What kind of thing was it? It is said that the design is unreasonable, so is there a lack of raw materials like this?

  Tony and Escherett thought a little bit more, because this was a semi-finished product, and thought if Murphy would be unwilling to ask this question, they thought a lot.

  But the two of them thought too much. Murphy didn't mean it at all. It was just that according to personal preferences, the four sleds were different.

  "Oh, what are you two doing there? Can you finish your studies? If the two of you have finished choosing, what time will it be?"

  Major Kelly is still very smart. After they take out the sled, they will watch them choose for themselves. Anyway, you can choose the last one. Don't just because you are a woman or something It is an indisputable fact that she let herself be the first choice, and Mei Jiekai also feels that this is unfair. It is an indisputable fact that her abilities are not inferior to the two of them, so she is not like any other woman. The same, I think I am a woman, I am a weak person, I should choose first, but Major Kelly doesn't think so, I just want the last choice, so when I take out these sleds, I digest and stand silently. In the back, I just want to wait for the remaining one after they have selected 453, and I can leave it to myself. I don't pick and choose, as long as it can be used.

  But after waiting for a long time, Tony and Escherett picked up the one they chose and put it down. This really made themselves anxious. After waiting for a long time, there was no result.

  He wants to wait for a result now, and quickly go out of this base. Now it has been two minutes since the time for grinding and chirping.

  If this continues to grind out here, then there is no need to go out at all, and now it depends on the weather. .

Chapter 445

  Chapter 448

  This blizzard is almost over now, it's just a matter of time.

  Tony and Esquilette also wanted to choose quickly, but they just didn't know which one to choose, and then the two looked at each other again, and both of them tacitly handed over this matter to Mei. On Jackie's.

  Tony looked at Major Kelly thoughtfully and said, "Major Kelly, then you choose first, it's different in length and width."

  When Tony said this, of course, Major understands, isn't this all shirk on himself?How can they not understand this? They don't know how to choose. Do they know how to choose?

  If I knew how to choose this, I would have already stepped forward to choose it, can I wait until the two of them have finished choosing themselves?Isn't it all because you don't know it?Otherwise who wouldn't choose?

  Murphy just watched the three of them there quietly, and you said one word to another, about the problem of the sled, Murphy knew that they thought that the sled was of different length and width.

  But none of them asked themselves Murphy just didn't say it, so why don't they ask themselves questions?

  Is this estranged from your relationship now?Or is there something you can't say to yourself?

  Just ask yourself such a simple question, that's fine, why is this different?what happened?He was very happy to solve this for him, why did he need to work so hard?

  There were a series of questions in Murphy's mind. When Murphy thought of these series of questions, he felt that his mind seemed to have no control over him.

  Is it because of a drug reaction?Now I feel that there is a little bit of separation with them, or do I doubt them when I am with them.

  Murphy knows that his body is gradually aging, but now he has not been able to develop it, which can make him younger and more energetic.

  I also want to have an immortal body, but this is not only my own problem, it is not a problem that should be studied now, and the current situation should be solved now, otherwise, this immortal body will not have time to study at all.

  Now I have to sort out my thoughts, and I can't let any thoughts disturb me. This brain may be because of this chemical reaction, so I have no confidence in the other party and myself, and have a little doubt.

  ".¨You wait a minute for me here.¨."

  After saying this, Murphy turned around and walked towards the laboratory upstairs without waiting for everyone's answer. At this time, he had to control his emotions and stabilize his emotions.

  The effect of this medicine to keep me young forever is a little too short. I was too busy before, and I forgot about the time limit.

  Although it is a waste of everyone's time to do this, it is also for the sake of safety. If you go out, if you don't have this medicine, your skin will instantly age, and you will look ten years older than now. , then his own secret will be exposed, and his own secret will be known by himself. .

Chapter 446

  Chapter 449 What happened to Murphy

  No one else knew about the close relationship between Esquire and Tony, and that he was reborn into this world, and that he needed to study chemical composition by himself to maintain his youthful appearance.

  This is his only secret. In front of Esquire and Tony, this is the only thing that deceived them. The rest of me really has nothing to deceive Tony and Esquire. , Murphy felt that he was very frank with his friends.

  "What's wrong with Murphy? Why did you return to the laboratory in such a hurry." Otherwise, how could she be a woman? His mind was still very delicate.

  Murphy didn't give any reason, turned around and hurried upstairs to 453, and told them about the doctor's arrival upstairs, but Tony and Ascillet didn't respond at all.

  But Major Kelly felt that there must be something wrong with Murphy. Is he feeling unwell, or is there something wrong with the experiment? It was fine before, why is he going upstairs all of a sudden? where did you go?

  It was out of concern for Murphy that Majorelle asked this question, because she felt that everyone's body and everyone's affairs were mutual, because in the Callus Mountains, they now belong to the closest people. .

  "You said what happened to Murphy, Murphy has so many things every day, there must be something that suddenly remembered and didn't turn off the power or why."

  Escherett felt that there was no fuss about this. These words were a fuss. Asked what happened to Murphy, what could Murphy do?If there is a problem with any one of them, this Murphy will not have a problem.

  Murphy's mind is very delicate. This must be a problem with the experiment. Otherwise, Murphy will not be able to run back to the laboratory halfway. This is still very understandable.

  This must be more important than going outside to find the Hulk, otherwise this Murphy will never stop what he is doing and return to the laboratory.

  There's nothing strange about this. The strange appearance of Majorelle there is like she has never seen Murphy suddenly interrupt the mission. They are used to it now, and they are not used to it.

  "Oh, I thought Murphy's body wasn't feeling well." Major Kelly frowned, looking upstairs.

  Tony had been squatting on the ground and studying the sled, listening to the conversation between Esquire and Major, and then Major said that Murphy was not feeling well.

  He really underestimated Murphy. Whoever has a problem with his body will never have a problem with Murphy's body.

  "You really underestimate Murphy. Whoever has a problem with his body will not have any problems with Murphy's body. His body is better than each of them."

  They really don't understand Murphy. Even though Murphy doesn't usually exercise, he does exercise more than any of them, and his physical strength is also very strong.

  "Okay, should we discuss this issue first? Now we need to discuss the issue of the sled. How should we allocate the sled now?".

Chapter 447

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