Chapter 450 Major Kelly's Cleverness

  "It's such a simple question, we still need to assign it. After the two of you have chosen, the rest is mine." Major Kelly felt that this question was still very simple. Anyway, let the two of them learn from each other. finished my own.

  Don't look like you are a girl, you have the right to be treated first, yes, you don't like that, what you like is to treat yourself fairly, but you don't want to go through the back door, it's like saying that a girl is weaker.

  "This is not a priority for ladies. You should choose the two of us first and then the one you choose. The rest is for the two of us. Murphy's will let him make his own choice."

  Tony thinks about this Major Kelly, this woman is really smart in her heart, which makes the two of them choose and the rest is his, if there is any problem with him at this time, it must be I would tell Murphy that the two big men chose first, and left the rest to themselves. If there is a problem with their own, they must choose the rest.

  Tony didn't want to do this, so he let Major Kelly choose the two of them first. In the end, if there is a problem with who is left, then this problem is not a problem, because Major Kelly will take care of it first. The one left first, and the two of them were left with a bad one.

  Tony felt that he was not talking about the problem of small belly. This woman, Major Kaili, is very fickle. He likes to deal with men, but not with women. What a woman is sometimes, she is very fickle. fast.

  Tony thought so in his heart, but Major Kelly thought the same in his heart, thinking that Tony was too fussy, and he might as well be a woman.

  I am a woman who is more generous than Tony in doing things. The two of them are suspicious of each other like this, but neither of them said anything, and they are just busy here, but each other's hearts are slandering each other.

  After they came to the Karlus Mountains, the two of them forged a relationship and it has not been eased, so the two of them are like this.

  After Murphy returned to the laboratory and hurriedly took a pill, Murphy's body suddenly felt hot and knew that it was working.

· · Flowers · ·

  This effect is so fast, Murphy thinks that this number is special everywhere, it is only a little bad, the time is too short, this can only be used for three months.

  Sometimes I'm too busy and I forget about it. The longer I go, the more forgetful I become. That's why I felt that way just now. I know this is inseparable from me. The rebirth will be discovered by others.


  No matter what, I can't let my rebirth be exposed, and everyone has been together for such a long time. It's not all a fool. So, some things can be deceived and some things can't be deceived.

  After Murphy finished taking it, he hurried downstairs. It took another minute for him to go back and forth. This minute has already passed, which delayed everyone's time a bit.

  Murphy didn't go downstairs and said to everyone, "Have you three made your choice yet? Actually, it's not that difficult at all, it's just that you all think too much." Ding.

Chapter 448

  Chapter 451 The performance of the sled

  These three people don't know what's wrong now. They have a lot of ideas, and they think so much, more than they think about themselves. As for the question of the three sleds, they are all hesitant now.

  If you are not by their side after going out, if you encounter any danger, how can you quickly make a good night in their favor.

   "This is an experimental product. Maybe you think too much. This is that the length, width and width are designed according to personal preferences. You can choose according to your own preferences."

  "The reason why we didn't make it exactly the same is to give everyone a level of comfort. It can't be the same as before, so everyone can't experience the level of comfort, so it's uncomfortable to say it out."

  Murphy is always like this, caring for everyone, just thinking about going out to do tasks, it is necessary to wear comfortable clothes in this ice and snow, especially the feet, the feet are the most important.

  In this icy and snowy mountain range of the Carlus Mountains, there is white snow everywhere. The snow under the feet takes the longest time to be stepped on. This must be comfortable on the feet and on the whole body.

  "Then you didn't say it earlier, we thought it had something to do with performance. If it had something to do with performance, who knew which one would be better for whom?"

  What Escheret didn't expect was that the difference in width and width between the long board and the short board was actually related to comfort, but it had nothing to do with anything else. I thought it had something to do with performance before.

  After all, this thing can be invisible, and it can also test the length of this thing like Murphy said, not to take one casually, just like those sleds before.

  They are all the same, with the same length and width and the same width, but now this is different, so they are a little overwhelmed, a little confused, what is this all about.

  It turns out that this is the case. If you said that earlier, you should have chosen it earlier and wasted so much time here. This is purely Murphy's problem. Murphy is just a test that may be a test for them. Do they have humility or are they a test of whether they can consider each other when choosing things...  

  "That can only mean that you are thinking too many questions. This has nothing to do with me. Do you need to remind you of everything?"

  Murphy didn't care what they did, he chose, anyway, he chose the one he felt more comfortable to walk to the door first, sat there and put on the sleigh and looked back at them.

  "Are the three of you going to stand there motionless? If you want to stand motionless, then you can go back to rest, and I can go 1.2 by myself."

  Among the two people who were still stunned at the beginning, this did not include Major Kelly, who had been looking down at the sled and felt that whichever one was more comfortable for her, she could choose whichever was more comfortable for her.

  Anyway, Tony and Esquire were stunned there. Isn't that why they hesitated here because of Murphy? .

Chapter 449

  Chapter 452 The Magic of the Carlus Mountains

  If it wasn't for Murphy's reasons, they had already chosen here, or they were afraid that Murphy would feel that this was told to them when they were choosing, and it was an experiment.

  They just pick and choose here, but it's different from before. They want what they get for them before. If they choose it, won't Murphy think too much?

  When the time comes, they think that this is an experiment, and that this thing is a little unsafe, so it is a little inappropriate for them to choose here and there, so Tony and Ascillet did not choose.

  The reason why I was stunned there was because I didn't expect this reason, it's so simple, I originally thought that the technology on this was different, and 12 was designed in this way to make it easy to distinguish, but I didn't expect that it was all the same.

  Now that I have calmed down, I will no longer choose this way. I feel that it is useless to choose any more. It is the same whichever one I choose, there is no discomfort or discomfort.

  Major Kelly quickly picked it up. This time, Major didn't give in. After she chose it, she wore it on her feet, but she didn't bother with them anymore. Just delayed on myself.

  As soon as the gate of the base opened, the strong wind followed, and there were scattered snowflakes. Everyone dressed up and stood at the gate. Anina looked at the instructions below, and Murphy ordered Annie. Na, the door opened in an instant.

  Anina then looked at the weather in the distance. At this time, the blizzard had passed, and now the weather shows it like this, but she is not sure when she arrives at the place.

  Because this place is simply magical, the Callus Mountains, and the weather can be very fickle at times.


  "I feel like I've been suffocated for the past two days. It feels so good." Tony said to Esquilet next to him.

  Since they haven't been separated yet, the four of them are now together. Tony is next to Esquire, next to Esquire is Murphy, and the other side of Murphy is Major Kelly.

  The four of them lined up neatly together on the sleds and moved forward. They are all hidden here now, and the snow and the snow are all melted together.

  Unless there is professional equipment to see it, if there is no professional equipment, they are now hidden in this snow-capped mountain and have been integrated with the snow-capped mountain.

  "Yeah, especially this sled, I really like it, the speed is much faster than the previous one, and it's not very flexible, it feels like I don't have it, my feet are so easy."

  Esquire felt that this feeling was simply fantastic. It was much better than before. It was too heavy before, but this time it brought a fresh experience to himself.

  Murphy uses the most advanced technology. This sled version is light, thin and tough. This material was chosen for the sake of not having such a heavy burden.

  When I saw this material, my first thought was to make a sled version, so Murphy quickly designed it. .

Chapter 450

  Chapter 453 Determining the Route

  This sled is also more encrypted than before in its stealth design.

  "I found that what Murphy is designing now is just too much for my taste." Tony described the sled designed by Murphy.

  Major Kelly laughed out loud, this Tony really can't describe it, can't he just keep his mouth shut?Actually describe from this word.

  "You seem to be describing it a bit wrong, what does it mean to meet your appetite? Is this thing edible, you want to eat you."

  After Tony said this, everyone laughed and laughed. Only Tony felt that there was no problem with this, and he didn't say anything wrong. Are you in line with yourself?

  It doesn't matter whether he suits his appetite or something, it's nothing to do with him, anyway, he just likes what he likes.

  "What did you eat? If this thing could be eaten, I would actually eat it in my stomach. ¨."

  Murphy looked in the direction ahead, and at this time there was a fork in the road, and this fork was the polarization of this place in the Carlus Mountains.

  Murphy stopped and looked at the route map on his satellite display. Both routes can go to the Pythagorean, and the distances of the routes are the same, but everyone has to go separately.

  After all, if something happens, either side can be blocked, and they cannot choose the same route. When they come out, they are already differentiated. They have to choose two routes.

  Everyone stopped following Murphy's pace. Murphy has always been leading the way. They have always followed behind. This is also the tradition of everyone. Fei is like this, feeling that she can detect dangerous things at the forefront.

  "It's a fork in the road for Murphy, so which side are we going now?"

  Escherlet was originally a pair with Murphy, and it was a fork in the road. Escherlet looked at the map. It was a fork in the road. It was here now, but it was covered by the heavy snow. The direction is unclear, and it can only be seen on the route.

  At this time, everyone will be separated, so everyone has to choose a route at this time, and they know that Murphy will not make the first choice. Tony and the others must make the choice.

  ".¨When Tony arrives, let Tony and Major Kelly choose the route first, and then we will go."

  Aschret knew that his conjecture was right. Murphy was like this. They would definitely let them choose the route first, and then they would choose the remaining route.

  This is also their practice, (li Zhao) Tony was able to be polite to Murphy, but now he is not so polite, because whether he chooses a difficult route or a relatively easy route, Murphy In the end, the easy route will be given to him.

  "Tony, tell me, which route do you choose, Major Kelly, come and study it."

  At this time, everyone hid and squatted on the ground, which could reduce their appearance on the outside.

Chapter 451

  Chapter 454 Rebirth of the World

  It was only at this time that he came out to choose the route, and Murphy didn't know what was wrong. Why did he choose the route now?

  It may be that I felt that it was much better to choose a route at that time than to choose a route on the monitoring.

  After all, when I was on the scene, I could see and observe the surrounding situation, and I could know which side was more difficult and which side was easier. Murphy would definitely choose the most difficult route.

  Because the one who thinks the hardest must be left to himself, let them go to Murphy who is relatively easy. This is what this person is like.

  No matter what is difficult, they have to bear it alone, and let them do all the easy things. Murphy is very comprehensive and thoughtful.

  Big 457 thinks of Murphy like this, but Murphy's heart is different from what everyone thinks. Murphy's heart is that he must constantly challenge himself in his limited life.

  After all, he was reborn into this world, and even his own life, it does not mean that he is immortal and immortal.

  I also have to grow old and die, so since I have been reborn into this world, I must constantly challenge myself in this world, refresh myself in this reborn world, and in the previous world. ability above.

  Who doesn't want to constantly challenge himself in his limited life? Murphy is a very positive person, not like some people feel that they are reborn.

  When you come to this world, you should enjoy it. You shouldn't challenge yourself like this. Maybe one day you will leave, but Murphy doesn't think so. In your limited life, you must challenge yourself. Don't waste this time.

  Otherwise, where do you get so much motivation to have an ageless face?He himself has been studying this issue, but he has not yet had any particular success in his research.

  Tony is hesitant here, because he doesn't know which route to choose is the right one. Which Murphy to choose has already been chosen, so it is better to let Murphy say it himself.

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