Chapter 465

  Chapter 468 Waiting for the news of victory

  Reducing the movement can reduce the appearance of their sight in front of the enemy, so Anina also instantly operated here, everyone is more powerful when they are together.

  Anina's search is much faster than theirs, especially on such a broad screen, but it is much easier to find than they can look for with the naked eye.

  Anina quickened her speed and wanted to quickly find a place where she could have a long arm, but after a long time of searching, she finally found a place where she could hide, although the terrain was a little high. , but it is very good to hide, and it is also possible to observe the surrounding situation.

  "Majorelle, Major, I'll send you the location. This place is 400 meters behind you to the left. It is located at a high place and is suitable for shooting."

  "I received it, Anina, take a good look at home and wait for the news that we have returned victoriously. ¨."

  Without waiting for Major Kelly to click on the message above, Tony replied directly on behalf of Major Kelly.

  Major Kelly didn't say anything about whoever replied, it's all the same, it's still necessary to click on the location above to see what the location above is. Is it the best place for things? This Anina looks for. The location must be a little more clear than the location they were looking for.

  "Hurry up and look, don't be poor here, see if this place is laid out by me and us, if it is suitable, we will rush over there, if the Hulk fights back, it must be this way now. hurry."

  What Major Kelly said was right, at this time, she should hurry up and quickly find a favorable location. This was the location sent by Anina, and Tony looked back to see if it was really far from where he was.

  "Let's go to that place first, and now there is no Anina in this place, but we can see it much better than us, so let's go to that place."

  Tony called Major Kaili, and Major Katie nodded and felt that he agreed with Tony. Don't hesitate any more at this time. There must be no problem with what Anina sent. You can take a look first. If it doesn't work, Can let Anina continue to choose a location, or they can find another location.

  These are all uncertain factors, because Anina's location is not particularly accurate, so I can only see it in person at various locations, and then see if it works.

  Escherlet just kicked the enemy's gun to the side, Escherlet said to the enemy, "... ¨Don't make useless struggles, it's useless for you to struggle now."

  Murphy was very approachable, squatted down with a smile on his face, facing the enemy, the enemy's eyes were full of malice.

  "Don't (Wang Zhao) do this struggle again. If you tell me what I want to hear, then I can still save you."

  Right now, don't care if what Murphy said is true or not, you can just do what Murphy said anyway, and what is true and false is what the enemy wants.

  "Hmph, don't lie to me, you can still save me, don't you just want to get something out of my mouth? Don't worry, I won't say anything, or kill me.".

Chapter 466

  Chapter 469

  What Murphy didn't expect was that the enemy's mouth is really tough. Since it has reached this level, he is still pretending to be arrogant with himself here, and he has no intention of surrendering to himself at all. What kind of medicine did Ke give them to make them so loyal.

  "Yo, it seems that the Hulk has given you a lot of benefits. It actually makes you so loyal that you don't even care about your own life."

  Murphy deliberately used aggressive tactics to motivate this enemy, just to see if he could say something and make himself hear something from his words.

  "Hmph, life is my own business, don't talk nonsense with me here, just shoot me a shot to end my life and it will be more than 470, and my life will be dedicated to the Hulk."

  After saying this, Murphy was completely shocked. He actually had such a loyal subordinate and treated him like this, and he actually wanted to solve his life, which made him feel like a joke.

  How can one person actually give up his right to life for another person and protect another person regardless of his own comfort?

  Could it be that I caught the wrong person and caught a loyal Hulk subordinate, then I can't blame myself, I can't choose, and I can't guess what happened between them. , also not labelled.

  But just when Murphy was thinking about how to keep asking, this person suddenly seemed to have a poisonous reaction, foaming at the mouth, mixed with blood.

  "Murphy is not good, he seems to be poisoned."

  Esquilette said to Murphy very excitedly, this one finally left a living mouth, and actually took poison here, is there poison in his mouth?

  Does Hulk benefit from them? If they encounter any danger, they can just take the poison in their mouths directly, and there is no need for any hesitation and thinking at all.

  "What is Escheret anxious about? If you want to calm down, let him suffer for a while. Just his poison won't kill anyone at all, but will die in pain."

  How can I see this enemy spitting out white foam, this foam is mixed with an unpleasant smell, Murphy's nose is very sensitive to smell the smell and know what is in it, isn't it right?When he came out, he brought a potion with him, which was exactly what he needed to detoxify this poison.

  Doesn't he want to die?Then he just didn't let him die so happily, just wanted him to survive and let him suffer while he lived, who made him be so loyal to Hulk.

  Murphy took out the potion directly from his pocket, opened the enemy's mouth, and put the potion directly in his mouth, but the enemy spit the potion out, Murphy didn't give him a chance at all, and directly put the potion in his mouth. His mouth was sealed, and his hand was tightly clutching his mouth.

  "No matter how you want to die, it will not be so easy. I will not let you die so easily. If you say something, I can make your life a little more comfortable, otherwise I will let you die. It's very painful.".

Chapter 467

  Chapter 470 If It Was You

  This enemy is really cunning enough to hide poison in his mouth, and at a critical moment, he committed suicide by taking poison.

  How old is this, to be so loyal to their own organization, they can't reveal the location of the organization, they can only be poisoned to death by this poison.

  It would be alright if he died all of a sudden, but he didn't expect it to be so painful, so let him be kind enough to save him and let him say what he should say.

  This Hulk is really insidious enough. He actually gave people poison and let them take it. Why can't he die happily?Still lost in pain.

  The enemy is still resisting Murphy here and he presses his mouth firmly. It takes a few seconds for Murphy to put it in his mouth. At this time, the medicine has already taken effect, even if he No matter how much you resist, it is useless.

  "This resistance is quite powerful. There are still people like this. What is the age now, and they don't put their own lives most important."

  When Murphy was helping the enemy with the antidote just now, Escherett was beside him, covering and searching there. After looking around, the place was surrounded by cliffs.

  It's just such an independent building. This building is built with bulletproof equipment around it. It's a good choice. I haven't gone in here yet. Let's interrogate this enemy who slipped through the net. After that, go inside and take a look.

  Murphy felt that this was nothing to think about. The Hulk must have given them too many benefits, so they would rather give up their own lives, or it might be to protect their own family.

  These people themselves did a lot of evil when they were outside the Carlus Mountains. They were all wanted people in the world. After they were caught, they would all be shot, so they gave up their lives.

  It may be that they have already put their own lives outdoors, so they are already very content with giving them room to live, and it may be because of this that they gave their lives.

  "Isn't it true, Escillet, if you had one day, wouldn't you be able to do the same?"

· · Flowers · ·

  Murphy was joking with Esquilette. At this time, the enemy was much relieved now, but he was out of breath there. Asking him questions at this time is not the best time to wait for him to ask himself. he.

  Do you need to fight so hard with yourself?Just put his own medicine in his mouth, no matter whether he swallows it or whatever, it will work in his body.

...... 0

  If you don't have this ability, how can you be called the father of biochemistry?He has this ability, but this enemy still underestimates him.

  It can also be said that he is a king among kings. It is not that he is more confident, but that he can crack too many things from them. It is really a piece of cake for him.

  Looking at the situation of this enemy, Escherett felt that this enemy was really a little painful. Murphy asked himself this question, which he hadn't thought about just now. If it was his own, what should he do? ?Ding.

Chapter 468

  Chapter 471 It's Small to Me

  Esquilette stood in his heart and imagined that when this happened to him, how should he make a choice?

  "Anyway, I can't do the betrayal, but I'm very sure that I won't be caught at all, how can I be attacked by someone, it's impossible, with me It's absolutely impossible."

  Esqilet has such self-confidence, no matter what others are like, anyway, he has such self-confidence, and he uses his own ability to fight with his super-strong combat ability. It would be nice to kill everyone else.

  "Yes, it is to have such self-confidence, and to have such self-confidence can enable oneself to have the correct judgment ability when making choices."

  Murphy is not joking. He thinks that a person's ability to make choices at extraordinary times is very important. This enemy must be underestimated, otherwise it is impossible to be caught.

  Another is that he probably never thought about escaping at all. He knew that he would die after escaping. It would be better to die here gloriously than to carry the reputation of escaping before he died.

  "Isn't it, I believe that Tony and my choices are the same."

  "It's the same choice for me and Esquire. I think if we are in danger, how can we be caught by others?"

  Tony heard it here, Escheret and Murphy were discussing over there, so he said he was also involved. At this time, Xiangbai and Major Kelly had arrived at the predetermined place that Anina sent them.

  This location is really good, it is still very hidden, although there is no best ambush point like on the cliff, but they can observe this place, the entrance and exit can be observed, as long as someone comes in, they are all can be found.

  Whether they're wearing stealth suits or something, it's a matter of minutes for Tony.

  Major Kelly sneered at the side, nothing has happened now, it can be concluded like this, if something happened, then it really doesn't mean...  

  The judgments that people make when they are most dangerous is really impossible to say, because when people are in danger, it is easy for people to make mistakes in their judgments.

  I never said that when such a big flower encounters something, he will do whatever he wants, and he will never prepare for himself in advance.

  Anyway, what their men say is what they say, they just don't get involved, they have their own ideas.

  At this time, Murphy saw that the enemy had eased a lot, and he was no longer out of breath. Murphy knew that the effect of the medicine he gave him was completely effective.

  Murphy squatted down and asked the tall man, "Why 1.2? Is it more comfortable than before, and it doesn't matter. If you say it directly, what I want to hear, then I will make you happy. a little."

  "My happiness doesn't mean that a happy death is a happy life for you. I can guarantee that you will live and go out to this place in the Carlus Mountains without any threat.".

Chapter 469

  Chapter 472 The Loyalty of the Enemy

  Murphy felt that no matter what, it was a life and he couldn't take away the lives of others. Although there were a lot of lives in his hands, he still felt pitiful for this one.

  Murphy can do what he can say, and he also wants to seduce him to tell the truth, just to let him tell the whereabouts of Hulk and where it is.

  "I know what you want to ask me, don't you just want to ask where Hulk is? 12 Don't worry, I will never say it

  Come on, you should kill me happily. "

  "Your mouth is really hard." Murphy directly put the gun on the enemy's brain.

  "Don't you think that your own life is not important, if I can guarantee you to get out of this Carlus Mountains safely, can you still speak so hard?"

  Murphy still felt that if he could impress him, then try to impress him as much as possible. There is no need to treat him like this with flesh-and-blood people.

  Esquilette's temper is very urgent, this person is simply too hard-hearted, and he is not ready to say it at this time, Murphy also asked him a question, that is, what is the Hulk? where is it?

  "If you don't say anything, then we will have the means to torture you."

  "No matter what means you use to torture me, I won't say where Hulk is or where he is. Don't worry, you will never be able to catch him, nor will you be able to find him."

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