The enemy vomited blood, which was what he had put in his mouth before and then continued.

  "Hulk doesn't mean that you can catch it if you say you can catch it. This time we are absolutely careless and let you find it. Don't worry, I won't tell you if you kill me."

  "Murphy, don't talk nonsense with him here anymore. It's better to just blow him up. If you don't believe it, if you don't listen to what he says, we won't be able to find the Hulk."

  Esqilet can't hold back his temper. After so long, he didn't say anything. This kind of person is really rare, and he can do something to protect Hulk. This way.

  Why don't you listen to this at all, what do other people mean by saying this?Why did he start doing his own way here? Isn't it bad to live? He can do anything while alive, and he can do anything when he dies, and no one will collect his corpse.

  Esquilette really has a lot of questions, and now I really want to blow him up with a shot, so that he won't be honking here, but his decision still doesn't work, it needs to be seen. Murphy finally made a decision.

  I'm just a suggestion, 470 still needs to see what Murphy does in the end, because Murphy's brain is not his own, this brain can be compared.

  Murphy took out another small pill from his pocket, and the small pill was sent directly to the enemy's mouth.

  When the enemy was gasping for breath, Murphy didn't give the enemy a chance to react, and directly sent it into his mouth. The enemy couldn't spit it out if he wanted to spit it out.

  How could the melted thing be spit out so easily, so there is no need to think about it at all. .

Chapter 470

  Chapter 473 It's too late to live

  Especially in this icy and snowy place, the enemy is lying on the icy ground again, and their clothes are also very weak, and they have been poisoned and injured before, which can be said that his physical strength has already been alive. is good too.

  Escherett looked at Murphy's movements. It was really a combination of one breath. Although he didn't know what the small pill was doing, he knew that this man was sure to die.

  "What did you give me to eat?" the enemy roared there angrily, using all his strength.

  "What is something you seem to want to know very much, then I'll tell you, it's something that can make you die, and it will make you lose in pain, even more painful than before, this is the price you pay for not saying it. ."

  In just a few seconds, after Murphy finished saying this, the man had already played a role, feeling that his body was gnawing like ten thousand worms.

  His whole body was very painful, especially his joints, as if there were insects biting inside, which was much more poisonous than the previous one.

  "Why didn't you shoot me to death? Why did you do this? I have no enmity with you.¨." The man roared here again.

  "I didn't say that I have any grievances or hatred with you. I talked to you well before, but what are you like? Don't you want to die? Then I'll give you a death. I feel like I'm wasting my gun. Woolen cloth."

  Murphy felt that he did nothing wrong, he just wanted to die, if he wanted to die, then he would fulfill him, wouldn't he?The poison he took before, can't I just give him another poison?

  It's the same as the way he dealt with it before, so I can't blame myself for this, it has nothing to do with myself.

  At this time, the man was in severe pain without a handwriting, screaming there, there was no way to recover what Murphy said, Murphy and Ascillet just watched helplessly.

  Murphy lit a cigarette and gave a pack of cigarettes to Esquilette next to him. The two of them did nothing, but just stood here quietly watching him, just wanting to torture him.

  "I said I said can you save me, I said where is the Hulk?"

  What Escheret didn't expect was that this man's mouth was so hard before, and he became like this after receiving one of Murphy's poisons. It seems that this Murphy's poison is not ordinary or ordinary. of.

  "Murphy, he was really tortured and wanted to say it."

  Murphy squatted on the ground, and then looked at the enemy opposite with his sharp eyes. The enemy was in great pain at the moment, and his lips were bleeding from the bite, but he still couldn't stop. Live with your pain.

  I feel that something is biting my heart, liver and kidney, and this thing is constantly running around in my body. At this moment, I want to open my mouth, and I can't say anything.

  "Did you want to say something, but you can't say anything now, and I don't want to hear it anymore, do I still need you to tell me where he is? I don't believe that I used my strength to find him. Not.".

Chapter 471

  Chapter 474 A Comfortable Way to Die

  Murphy is still very confident. There is no need to let this enemy hold him back. He had been able to talk to him before, but what he didn't expect was to be hard on himself.

  Doesn't this man just want to die?Wouldn't it be better if you didn't fulfill him yourself?Isn't this the best thing to do?There are many things in life that are very difficult to solve, but this makes me feel very easy to solve.

  It was the first time that Escheret saw Murphy's expression so ruthless. He knew that Murphy was angry. The original Murphy was a very gentleman, and he rarely looked at his angry appearance. I know that Murphy is finally showing his power.

  From his expression and his words, you can tell how angry Murphy is Isn't that obviously stimulating Murphy?

  The man gradually stopped breathing, and the death was really bad enough. Murphy, who was bleeding from the seven orifices, picked up a rag next to him and covered his face directly.

  Just die, then let him die with dignity, and don't let his face show outside, he has been in this place all year round, and no one will collect his body for him.

  "This man has a comfortable way to die, why not choose a comfortable way? If you say Hulk's position, I guess you will give him a comfortable way to die."

  Esquire here is guessing that Murphy will not leave this alive anyway, even if he tells the answer that Murphy wants to know, Murphy will never let it live.

  Leaving a living mouth is the future trouble, because this man has clearly seen what Murphy's face looks like. Although Murphy's reputation is out, he has seen Murphy's face, which is extremely rare.

  It's like when I heard about Murphy before, it was all I heard, and I never saw Murphy at all. Later, when Murphy introduced himself, I still didn't believe it. Only after the understanding did he realize that he was the real Murphy.

  Knowing his face means that he can't leave a living room, so no matter what, this man is a dead end, but it's just a little more uncomfortable to die, or a little more comfortable to die.

  "Hehe, keep it, then the next comedy may be us, because he can see our faces."

  What Murphy said was the same as what Esquilette thought in his heart. It seemed that his guess was really right and right in Murphy's heart.

  Murphy glanced at it, the man was completely dead, and then walked towards the room. When Murphy turned around, he put on his invisibility cloak.

  Escherett didn't understand why Murphy did this, but when Yu Cai was facing the enemy, Murphy deliberately showed his face, but Murphy put it on before he turned around. Are you going to get out of here?

  "Asquilet put on your invisibility cloak as well, we're going to go into that place and take a look."

  After speaking, Murphy walked directly into the hole that Ascillet opened, if there were no rockets. .

Chapter 472

  Chapter 475 The weapon is good

  It is estimated that it will take a while to take them down. This material is simply too good.

  After Murphy entered here, he found that there were a lot of monitoring equipment, and these monitoring equipment could just observe the place where they had just entered.

  Murphy was just curious about a question, why were Tony and Major Kelly discovered by them?Before, they were all wearing invisible battle clothes.

  This invisible battle suit is very meticulously done, and its own technology is the most advanced, how can it be seen, this point Murphy is deeply doubtful.

  In addition, the two of them will not reveal themselves at all. In this place, they are already close to the little bright spot that shines. How can they reveal themselves?

  It is already very close to their destination, as long as they pass through this mountain range, they can reach that place, but how can they find it?

  "These weapons are pretty good. They are all very advanced. I am quite optimistic about these weapons."

  After Escherett entered here, unlike Murphy, Murphy saw the surveillance equipment at first sight, and Escherlet was concerned about the issue of these weapons as soon as he heard their gunshots. Know that their weapons are also very advanced.

  The first thing I saw after I came in was to focus on the issue of this weapon. I looked at it, and although it was comparable to my own weapon, I felt that my own was much more perfect than his.

  Murphy turned around and saw that Aschret was fiddling with the gun in his hand. Murphy could see that gun at a glance, and it was really good.

  This design is quite perfect, but according to himself, it is still a little bit worse. Murphy is still relatively modest, and feels that you are really comparable to yourself. It seems that the people in the Hulk team are also quite elite. Well.

  Or how can I regard Hulk as their opponent, those people before have never regarded him as an opponent, because Hulk is really comparable to his own personality.

  But now I still feel that Sheng Hulk has destroyed one of his locations because of himself. The Hulk still hasn't found his location because the place where he hides is the same place.

· · Flowers · ·

  It's just that one place, but there are many more places to find than the places he set up. Hulk probably doesn't dare to find where his place is now. He is afraid that he will be injured if he finds it.

  Hulk's heart is still weaker than himself, and he dares to try, but this Hulk will only hide from himself and dare not try. He is much stronger than Hulk.


  Still laughing at myself here, this is really too self-sufficient, and everyone has it.

  "Don't say it's you, I also think these weapons are pretty good."

  Esquire looked at the hole he had just opened, which was enough to prove how good their bulletproof measures were. If he didn't have a rocket, he really couldn't open it.

  Looking at the situation inside, it was only the fur on the outside that was injured. Inside, it was just that they came out on their own. They didn't hide inside. All were executed.Ding.

Chapter 473

  Chapter 476 Automatic Deletion System

  It seems that the design of Hulk and the others can be said to be very perfect. What they didn't expect was that a few of them would destroy the place.

  "Murphy, what are you looking at over there?"

  Escheret turned around and looked at Murphy, looking at this monitor, what can I see on this monitor?The pictures above are all the entrances to this place.

  Aschret suddenly realized that seeing this entrance means that they can see the vehicles they are going in and out of, isn't it possible to find their base by following this vehicle?This is also a place for breakthroughs.

  Just now, I only focused on finding other things, and I was able to find their route here, but I really ignored the monitoring equipment, because I wondered if all the monitoring equipment was the same as them.

  If threatened or threatened, the monitoring device will immediately delete all the previous data.

  Esquilette's idea is not impossible.

  Because there are many people like them, it doesn't mean that only one of them thinks that Hulk's team is also a special elite. How could this be unexpected?

  Unless you just want to show your stubbornness, it is because you want to leave some evidence for them to follow in the footsteps of Hulk, which is also a provocative behavior.

  Murphy looked at the dynamic above, and there was nothing on it. What the monitoring instrument showed was not recording at all, but was constantly monitoring, and there was no function of recording memory at all.

  Murphy laughed inwardly. This Hulk is really smart. There is no recording function. This really won't leave any loopholes. It's not like when he set it by himself. There is a recording function.

  As long as it is in danger, it will be automatically deleted, but automatic deletion also has drawbacks. Although it is automatically deleted, you can also find traces yourself.

  Find all these automatically deleted data to Murphy, and feel that you should do the same when you go back.

  This is really a good idea. There is nothing to learn or not to learn about these things, only the problem of borrowing. My own system is also very perfect, but there will be updates at any time...  

  Because people's thoughts are different, it's not wrong to watch their updates and update them yourself.

  "This Hulk really has a hand. There is no recording function in it. It seems that this is just a surveillance function."

  "What did you say? There is no recording function in this monitor, only the monitoring function. Then how can I find their traces? This Hulk is really smart, he actually thought of this."

  Escherett also thinks it is very incredible. According to common sense, this can only be 1.2. According to common sense, all monitoring equipment needs to have a memory function every time, because sometimes it is It needs to be called back.

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