I didn't expect that there really isn't any big problem on your side, just to let me get all these boxes down, that's actually enough.We'll put these in after dawn tomorrow.Ship all the boxes. ".

Chapter 521

  Chapter 519 Provocation

  The heavy snow continued to fall. When everyone opened their eyes the next morning, they found that a blizzard was still blowing outside.

  Murphy's heart was slowly sinking like this weather, and he really felt that if it continued like this at this time.

  That's really troublesome, and whether so many of them can transport the equipment down is another matter.

  If they can't go down on their own, all these dozens of lives are on this mountain, which is really not worth it.

  At this time, all the people had woken up. When they saw the snowstorm, they were also very worried in their hearts. Now it is not the problem of these instruments, but the problem of their entire lives.

  Everyone is a very famous scientist in the 510 time on weekdays, and they are also very famous and capable people, but this time.Facing the gifts of these treasures of nature.

  No one can know whether they can compete with these natural forces, and at the same time they are very worried, and now their situation is not particularly good.

  If it continues like this, these people will risk their lives to go out and collect all the wood in the other room that has exploded, so as to ensure that they will not freeze to death.

  Murphy thought the weather was too bad, and now he wanted to know where the Hulk was, if it was like this.

  It's just that I don't know if the Hulk can really survive, staying in his base, and I don't know if there are any natural conditions in his bases that can make them survive.

  Suddenly, a voice came from the loudspeaker outside.

  "Isn't it very uncomfortable for Murphy to go outside in the ice and snow? Let you guys stay like this. Chasing me tightly, and seeing how you all look, I think you must have been shivering from the cold. Bar.

  Now let you continue chasing me like this.You are frozen into dogs one by one, let's see if you dare to go on like this again, and at this time I tell you,

  We are very warm here, if you ask me, maybe I can tell you where I am now, so that I can also give you a little warmth, instead of being shivering like this . "

  After these words, Murphy still heard it. Her Hulk's arrogant laughter is really hateful, and the most important thing is that Murphy can't wait to hear such a laughter now. Kill it Hulk.

  Murphy really wanted to rush out to see where that Murphy was really hiding, and at the same time he really wanted to rush out to find the whereabouts of Hulk, and then beat him so hard that he was chasing him. So arrogant in front of himself.

  After all, the words that Hulk said were really hateful, and the words he said were really disturbing.It Murphy can be frozen in this ice and snow this time.

  In fact, most of them were given by her Hulk, and at this time he dared to speak so arrogantly, how could Murphy endure it silently? .

Chapter 522

  Chapter 520 Blocking

  Everyone knew that Murphy was angry at this time.The nostrils were smoking, but for these people, there was no need to pay attention to that person at all.

  And that person must also want to see Murphy angry now, and must want to use such a time to humiliate Murphy at this time.

  Major Kelly fast.Walking in front of Murphy, he stretched out his hand and gently pulled him, and said comfortingly.

  "Murphy, do you know that the more you are at this time, the more unable you are to do this, or else you will definitely fall into their tricks-.

  And do you know that in this situation, the more angry you are, the more you think about whether the Hulk will be very happy.

  And you have to know that we should stay calm now, otherwise we will really fall for him, the snow outside, if you really want to compete with him.

  You lost yourself in the snow, what should you do?What would you do if you were crushed under a snowy mountain?So this time.

  You should work hard to calm down your mood. We will talk about it in a while, not to mention that we can still live here in peace.

  When we can no longer live in this place, let's talk about it. You must endure it silently for so long? "

  Murphy knew that Majorelle was telling the truth, and at the same time he knew that Majorelle was doing it for her own good, but the current situation made Murphy continue to endure like this.

  Murphy felt that he was too wronged, and if Murphy continued to be wronged at this time, he didn't know what kind of things he could do.

  When Murphy was not paying attention, Major Kelly blinked at Tony, only to see a knife slashed into his neck, Murphy felt his head dizzy, and never again. Know what happened to you.

  Seeing that he has completely calmed down at this time.Murphy's hearts are also much more stable, you must know that they are also true in this situation.Don't dare to let Murphy go on like this again.

· · Flowers · ·

  If something happened to Murphy, they would really be very sad, and such a moment was for this one.For everyone, they were also completely relieved.

  "Let's help him aside first, let him calm down first, and let him deal with us as he wants to when he wakes up.


  Anyway, at this time, we really can't let him go crazy like this, otherwise we don't know what the situation on his side will look like.

  When he wakes up, I will apologize to him again.It would be best if he could forgive me, if not.

  I have to ask for her forgiveness even if I am on my knees. Don't worry, I will definitely do a good job in this matter. Don't worry, I will never let her suffer any grievances. "

  Looking at Tony's appearance at this time, Major Kelly didn't know what to say, after all, what happened just now was himself.Self-initiated, so if Murphy blamed him, he would try to speak his mind.Ding.

Chapter 523

  Chapter 521 Wake Up

  "Tony, don't think about it so much, this matter has nothing to do with you, I made you do it myself. It's when Murphy wakes up.

  If you can really forgive, then be nice to him.If I don't agree, then I can only slowly pray for her forgiveness.

  Besides, don't blame me for saying this kind of thing. Originally, this matter was his own problem. He was so excited, if we really couldn't control him.

  What do you do when you say it?What's more, all the things we do now are for his own good, can it be said that we can't do it yet?

  Now, if he is really so unreasonable, then don't blame me for being rude, I will talk to him well then. "

  Tony nodded, everyone was doing their own thing, silently waiting for the moment Murphy woke up.

  Murphy just remembered that he had fallen asleep in a daze, and now he touched the back of his head, and asked a few good friends next to him after waking up.

  "What the hell has happened to me, what's going on? Why do I feel like I'm in a daze now, what happened?

  Tell me what happened, I remember when I woke up, I felt someone was hacking me, what was it for? "

  Looking at Murphy at this time, Major Kelly really felt that she was speechless, obviously herself at this time.He has already lost his memory, how can he still find his memory now?This is also really annoying.

  "You may have been a little too impulsive when Murphy just now, so I let Tony knock you out, don't worry, if you want to do something at this moment, I will never do it. something.

  But I hope that when you do it, you must think about it carefully, or else you can tell what will happen when you see it, don't you know it yourself?

  And at this time, you should also be able to clearly know how dangerous our situation is now, if you are here at this time.If you want to be willful.

  We really have no friends, and you should be able to know that all of us are doing some positive efforts at this time, and you Murphy must not hold us back at this time. . . ”

  Murphy's mind is still in a daze, but when he heard the words of the laughing white rabbit, he understood.

  It turned out that the consequences of his impulse just now turned out to be so serious, and now it seems that he really shouldn't do this at this time.

  He reached out and touched the back of his head, then nodded and said.

  "I'm sorry, I really didn't know it would be such a result, I really didn't expect such an urge, it's really great that you did 1.2 because of you.

  That's why I avoided doing so many stupid things really thank you guys otherwise.Just relying on my impulsive appearance just now, I would have killed them long ago.

  It seems that it is really great to have you by my side. You can help me check and make me do less impulsive things. I am really grateful to you good friends. .

Chapter 524

  Chapter 522 Worrying about Hulk

  Hearing what Murphy said, everyone thought that Murphy was still saveable. He was really impulsive just now.

  "Well, now is not the time for us to talk about these things. We need to get out of here quickly. We have been trapped here for so long. If we don't go out, we will be trapped in this school forever."

  Tony's words resonated with everyone, and they all felt that they should dare to leave quickly.This school has been sleepy in this school for a long time, I really don't know when I will be able to leave.

  "This school is really evil. We have been in for so long, but we can't find the way out. What's going on?"

  Only at this time did Murphy feel the seriousness of the matter.

  "We already had this feeling when we entered here before, why did you feel that this school's evil sect has indeed come in for a long time!

  But we still can't find a way out and we can't give up!We still have to look hard and see how we can get out and not be trapped in this school forever! "

  From the words of Majorelle and Murphy habitually touched the back of their head!

  "We're fine here now, and we were all frozen when we were outside.

  Fortunately, here we can keep us warm and sit here, let's think of a way, and whether we should go to find the missing Hulk. "

  Thinking of the missing Hulk, Murphy felt that he was very angry and now he is still very angry. If it wasn't for him, how could these people be frozen like that outside!

  And where the Hulk went to at this time, they didn't know at all.

  I really want to leave him here alone, but some can't bear to wait until he finds this Hulk, and he must beat him to relieve his current hatred.

  "We all came out together, of course we have to find this Hulk, otherwise what do you think we are still here for!"

  After hearing Murphy's words, Tony said that he felt that this Murphy was really abnormal today, and he didn't know what was wrong. Could it be that he was really a little abnormal because of Xiaohao's anger.

  "I have told this Hulk before that he should not run around, but he is just disobedient. Now that he is gone, we are still worried about him."

  Murphy couldn't help complaining that he felt that he was really irritable right now. It was easy to think that someone was missing, but they couldn't do anything, and he felt that he was really incompetent.

  "Murphy, don't be so angry with 513. I don't think she was separated from us on purpose. He may be more anxious than us now, after all, she is alone, and we are together with so many people.

  At this time, he should be more anxious than us.I really don't know what he will look like now, will he be very hungry?We just had a full trip, and one person didn't know if he could find anything to eat or not. "

  After hearing Major Kelly's words, Murphy felt that what Major Kelly said really made sense. This Hulk disappeared alone, and now she will face such a thing more than them. Worry, more fear. .

Chapter 525

  Chapter 523 Murphy is going to find Hulk

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