"This Hulk should have a little bit of food on his body. I remember that he put some ham and chocolate in his bag before, I don't know if he lost it.

  If it is not lost, then he can still fill his stomach. As for whether he has water to drink, then I don't know! "

  Hearing Tony's words, Murphy's hanging heart fell.

  "As long as he doesn't starve to death now, he should be able to live when we find him. As for whether he is cold or not, it is up to him. Maybe he is hiding somewhere to keep warm!"

  Although Murphy said that, there was still some drumming in his heart. He really didn't know if the Hulk had found a place to keep warm. He was really afraid that this little guy would be like himself just now, and he was so cold that he said I was speechless.

  "I just can't figure it out, didn't this Hulk follow us well before? Why did he disappear all of a sudden? Where did we find that he was missing? Will he fall into any trap? Do we have to go back and have a look and look for it again.¨?"

  Major Kelly felt that this incident was really very strange. This Hulk was not very courageous, how could he suddenly disappear?

  It would be impossible to say that he went somewhere alone.

  Because of what kind of character this Hulk is, they all know, and now only this Hulk is missing, which really makes him feel a little incredible.

  After hearing Major Kelly's words, Murphy frowned. He felt that what this little girl said was really reasonable. The Hulk was very timid before.

  If it is said that he is walking around casually, it is impossible. He has always followed closely behind them. This time, when they found out that the Hulk was missing, they didn't think so much.

  Thinking about it now, it is really full of loopholes, so I really have to go back and see if he has been transferred into some trap.

  "Majorelle, I think what you said makes a lot of sense, and now I'm here to warm up too.

  You guys are waiting for me here, and I'll go out and look to see if he's fallen into some kind of trap.

  I won't go out for too long. If I don't find it, I will come back quickly. You don't have to worry. "

  When she heard Murphy's words, Major Kelly felt that she couldn't let Murphy go alone, and he would be worried to death.

  It's better to accompany this Murphy by yourself, so that the two of them also have one to take care of, and one person can find someone to rescue if something goes wrong.

  "No, Murphy, it's really too dangerous for you to go alone, so we'll all be worried, so let's go like this, I'll go with you, and if something happens, we'll take care of each other.

  At least one person can stay and find someone to help. If you are the only one, if there is no one (Li Dezhao) to tip off about anything, we will be even more anxious.

  I've lost a Hulk now, and I don't want any more missing.So this time I have to go with you. "

  After Murphy heard the words of Major, she looked at Major, and she felt that this Xiaomei was really attentive. He didn't want Major Kelly to follow him. .

Chapter 526

  Chapter 524 It's Too Dangerous To Be Alone

  "Majorelle, I know you're doing it for my own good, but I think it's really too cold outside, don't go with me, it's really too dangerous outside, don't worry, I can do it alone. of.

  I'll be back soon if I can find the Hulk even better, if I can't find him, I won't put myself in that dangerous situation, you guys just stay here and wait follow me! "

  After hearing Murphy's words, Major Kelly and Tony really felt that Murphy was too impulsive.

  "You go alone, how can we rest assured?

  Let my little sister accompany you. I think this Major has a very delicate heart.

  You just need someone by your side to help you, otherwise you will be impulsive again, we are really worried! "

  At this time, Murphy scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly. He felt that what these people said to him was indeed like this, and sometimes he was willing to be impulsive.

  Since they are so worried, let Major Kelly go with him.

  "Okay, okay, I really can't say that you always talk about my impulsive things. If that's the case, then let Major Kelly go with me.

  But we have to talk about it first. If I do something right, you must listen to me, and I can't let me listen to you in everything! "

  After hearing Murphy's words, Major Kaley and the others breathed a sigh of relief.But Major Kelly felt that it was too early for Murphy to say such a thing now.

  When he was right when he didn't listen to him, isn't it all because of his impulsiveness that this side will refute him?

  "Look at what you said, it's as if I'm taking care of you in everything. If it wasn't for your impulsiveness, when would I interfere in your affairs? You should be clear about these things!"

  Hearing what Major Kelly said, this little girl from Murphy Point seems a little unhappy. Is what she just said really that serious?

  Why is he not happy all of a sudden?

  In fact, I have no other intentions, but I just want to remind him not to let him control me all the time, because I really don't like being restrained by others!

  "Why are you unhappy, Major, I didn't mean what you said, I just wanted to tell you that I don't like to be too restrained.

  If I'm really wrong, of course you can say it, but if there's nothing wrong with me, you don't have to restrain me! "

  At this time, Major Kelly was even more angry. She felt that this Murphy just felt that she restrained him, but when did she restrain him?

  It's not that what he has done is too much, so he will say it himself.

  "I'm a boy, don't you understand what I'm saying?

  Didn't I tell you, if you didn't do anything wrong, I was the one who never restrained you, and I didn't say anything.

  Why do you still say this, as if I take care of you in everything, as if no one wants to take care of you!

  Since you hate me so much, do you follow along?I won't follow you. Really good intentions are regarded as donkey liver and lungs! "

  Tony, they really didn't expect that because of this matter, this Major and Murphy actually quarreled. What happened to the two of them, why are they so angry?Has it been suppressed for too long? .

Chapter 527

  Chapter 525 Apologize to each other

  "I said what happened to the two of you, what time is it, the two of you are still in the mood to quarrel here, with such a weapon, the two of you really might as well go out and find Hulk!

  He's been missing for so long, don't you worry?Is it important for him or the two of you arguing here? "

  After Tony said this, the faces of Murphy and Major Kelly suddenly turned red.Both of them felt that they were a little too naive.

  For such a small matter, the two of them quarreled, and the important things have not yet been done.It was really wrong for the two of them to do this, but at this time they were still a little unhappy seeing each other.

  "I'm sorry that I had a bad attitude just now. I admit my mistake. Now we put everything aside. It's more important to go to the Hulk. I really don't know what he will be afraid of at this time."

  Hearing Murphy's apology, Major Kelly felt that she might have been a little more sincere just now. She knew what kind of character this Murphy was, so why would she be more sincere with him!

  "I can't blame you all for what happened just now. My attitude is not particularly good. I am really anxious. Now we will put this matter aside and turn it over, and don't bring it up again. Let's hurry up and find the Hulk.

  I don't know what happened to him. The rest of you are here waiting for us to come back. Don't walk around, don't let us~ can't find it.

  Now that a Hulk has disappeared, it is impossible to let other people disappear. -"

  Tony, after they heard the conversation between Murphy and Majorelle, their hanging-heart only let go.

  These two people are like this, they are always willing to quarrel, but they are still relatively soft-hearted.

  In this way, Murphy and Major Kelly left the basement, and the two of them walked towards the road they had just come.

  They think that Hulk should be lost on this road, maybe they can really find this Hulk.

  "Murphy, where do you think this Hulk will go? I really don't understand why there was no cry for help when he disappeared!"

  It didn't seem very strange. He felt that if Hulk really fell into some trap, he should scream for help, but they didn't hear any cry for help. Where did the Hulk go?

· · Flowers · ·

  At the same time, the Hulk felt that he was really unlucky.

  Just now, I just found a place to solve my personal physiological problems, but I couldn't find Murphy and the others after urinating.


  His voice was almost hoarse, but no one answered, what should I do now.

  I could still see their footprints just now, but at this time there were no footprints that I could follow.

  "Didn't Murphy and the others find out that I was gone? Why didn't they come to look for me? Really, am I not necessary for them, or am I just a burden!"

  Hulk began to think wildly, he felt that he was about to freeze, and now he felt that what really made him feel cold in this world was his cold heart, because no one cared about him at all!

  He felt that the temperature outside was not as cool as the feeling in his heart!Ding.

Chapter 528

  Chapter 526 Dazed

  When Murphy was in a daze, it was like a dream, thinking back to when he was in school with Hulk, Major Kelly and Tony.

  This friendship between them and when they went to the snow mountain once, also encountered such a scene.

  Looking back on the things that happened back then, I really feel that the friendship at that time was really unparalleled, and the friendship at that time had completely left me.

  The only thing that can be recalled now is the kind of friendship they had at the beginning, but he Murphy is a very affectionate person.

  But his Hulk didn't take into account the friendship between them at all, and all of this was just for a scientific research project at the beginning, and now I think it's particularly not worth it.

  At this time, Sister Mei Kelly looked at the blur in Murphy's eyes, stretched out her hand and pushed him, and asked.

  "Murphy, what are you doing? What are you thinking about? The snow is already so heavy outside, what are you thinking about?

  Can you think about how you should take us all out of this place, and you don't think about this place, see how we should be able to go out? "

  Murphy was a little apologetic. Looking at his good friend, he still thought about when they came to this snow-capped mountain together.

  The oaths they made in this snowy mountain at the time, Murphy suddenly thought of her, what kind of place the Hulk should be hiding, and grabbed Sister Mei Kelly's hand.

  "Sister Mei, I know where the Hulk is hiding, how can I be so stupid, and now I suddenly know where it is hiding."

  Several other people gathered around one after another. They really felt that Murphy at this time was under what circumstances did he think of this in the later stage?

  What's more, they came to this vast snow-capped mountain, and had been searching for so many days, but they kept teasing him as if they were playing hide-and-seek.

  And now the young man can suddenly know his hiding place, and he is really puzzled...

  "Sister Mei Kelly, do you still remember when we were studying in a school, that time we also came to this school and were trapped in a cave.

  A step forward at the foot of that place is a cliff, and it is a natural cave. At first, we went there to avoid the blizzard.

  Do you remember what the Hulk said at the time?He said that if one day he is capable, he must treat this place as a secret base of his own. "

  After Murphy's reminder, Sister Mei Kaili's mind was slowly recalling the things they had in those days.But Tony and the others were suddenly enlightened.

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