Chapter 541

  Chapter 539 The doctor's warning

  The attending doctor watched Murphy pondering there at this time, and he also knew that this was a major question related to Murphy, so he didn't want to urge Murphy any more, but waited silently there.

  At this time, Murphy was already thinking about a lot in his mind. He knew that if his leg continued to be delayed like this, no matter what kind of follow-up operation, his leg would definitely be useless.

  But if you do the surgery on the spot, your leg will be abolished, and even your own life will be abolished.

  After all, the conditions here are too difficult, and it is too remote. Even if you want to fly to the capital, it will be useless to return to your own home.

  Murphy's mind is now in a very chaotic state, and at this time, he doesn't know how to deal with it.

  Silent for a long time.The attending doctor really couldn't stand it anymore. If he continued to delay like this, his Murphy's leg would be useless even if he went to a big city, let alone.The current situation is not optimistic, so he Murphy must make a choice.

  "Sir, please don't hesitate any longer at this time, no matter what choice you have, you must make a choice now.

  Because time waits for no one, your injury cannot wait for your hesitation.So now I hope you take the doctrine as soon as possible. Only in this way can your injury recover better, and now is not the time for you to hesitate. "

  Murphy glanced at it, and the attending doctor at this time also knew that he was doing it for his own good, but now he was really hesitant.

  Although he can know that the doctor's craftsmanship should be good, after all, he can still know about his injuries.

  But if he really asked him to perform surgery on himself, he would feel really uneasy.

  "Doctor, I want to ask if you have an airport here? Is there a helicopter? If so, I hope you can help me, after all, you have seen my current situation for me.

  I hope to be able to return home as soon as possible, and then I will contact the other side now. What do you think, they will be able to prepare me for surgery as soon as they arrive there. "

  The doctor did not expect that Murphy at this time had such energy and it really was.I didn't expect Murphy's identity to be so special.

  The doctor said after the shock in his heart was suppressed.

  "Sir, we have an airport, and our airports are divided into military airports and civilian airports, and they all have helicopter rentals.

  If you really have the ability, it is the best thing to use the military airport, because the planes in the military airport are not controlled anytime, anywhere.

  You can take off at any time, but if it is a civil airport, your injury may be true if it is approved again.There will be some impact, so see for yourself. "

  Murphy nodded, took out his communicator, and called Tony directly.

  "Tony Tony hear please answer, hear please answer."

  After a shrill sound came.Tony's voice came through the communicator. .

Chapter 542

  Chapter 540 Requisition of Military Airport

  "I'm here, what's up with Murphy?"

  "Tony will contact the military airport right now, we want a helicopter to take me back to the capital."


  Murphy took a look and was very shocked ~ this doctor.

  "This gentleman really appreciates being able to examine me and also thank you very much for treating me like this, now I'm in very-bad condition.

  You can also see this, there is no way I have to use some privileges, it really makes you laugh, and at this time I hope you don't talk about it.

  If possible, I would like you to come with me, and then I will send you back, of course, I will pay all the expenses. "

  The attending doctor knew that Murphy's current situation was really critical, so he just nodded silently to what Murphy said now, not to mention that he didn't know that Murphy was going back.Ugly made an appointment, and then I don't know which hospital he went to over there.

  What's more, his Murphy's current situation is also very dangerous. If the operation is not performed in time, it will really make his leg.

  "Mr. Jia, I know that your current situation is very critical, and I also know whether you have contacted the hospital or not.

  I don't know which hospital you will go to if you go to Chouyue. I have a teacher who is the attending doctor at St. Edinburgh Hospital. His ability is very strong, otherwise you should go there.

  I will contact you. After arriving, you will be able to perform surgery immediately, and his medical skills are also very good. At the same time, his medical ethics are also very good, so you can rest assured. "

  Murphy of St Edinburgh's Hospital is also very familiar, and his place is also a hospital Murphy specializing in the treatment of orthopedics.

  I didn't expect that I would be able to go to this hospital, and just now Murphy was still thinking about asking the company to come forward to find a better doctor for him.

  Now it seems.I am still very lucky to have met such a doctor and at the same time such a person, which helped me in this way.

  "That's too much trouble for you. I don't know which hospital to go to. Since you have your own teacher, his ability should be very strong, so please help me get in touch. ."

· · Flowers · ·

  With Murphy's approval, the attending doctor was also very happy. He hadn't seen his teacher for a long time, and he just took advantage of Murphy's demonic opportunity to chat with the teacher.

  At the same time, he happened to be able to have a closer contact with his teacher, which also made him extremely excited. After all, his teacher was a very well-known professor.

...... 0

  And in this field, he is also a well-known figure. He is fortunate to be able to worship the teacher's door, which is also the greatest luck in this life.

  Murphy looked at the tape in a hurry.left here.

  It was useless. After a while, he came over excitedly and said to Murphy.

  "Mr. Murphy, I have already contacted my teacher, and he is ready. As long as you pass by, they will arrange an operation for you immediately, and I will also follow you there. Don't worry. , I will try my best to ensure your safety along the way. Ding.

Chapter 543

  Chapter 541 Ready to go

  At this time, Tony also walked in quickly, looking at Murphy's appearance at this time, the tears of Tuoyou have flowed out all of a sudden.

  He really didn't want to see his good friend suffer such pain, and he was still enduring it.Such a pain.

  At the same time, he really felt that his good friend was really aggrieved. Well, he has already suffered such a serious injury, but now he still has to endure what he was negotiating with those people in the company just now. At that time, what those people said really made him feel particularly angry.

  Murphy saw that Tony walked in with red eyes and knew that he must have been wronged. Otherwise, how could a big man be like this. After reaching out and patted the shoulder of the detachment, he smiled. said.

  "Don't know them in general, don't you know who they are? Like them, it will only make you more angry.

  And none of them are good people. You are just like them, that is, you are lowering your own level, and at the same time making yourself very angry.

  Why do you have to let them.I used your mood. Have you all come here now? Arrange for a helicopter right away. How long will it take over there?

  I have already made contact here. The hospital is an old doctor from St. Petersburg Hospital who is also a very good person, and is a very famous professor in the world.

  In this case, he will be able to operate on me immediately after I pass. You don't have to worry about my leg. "

  Seeing that Murphy was still comforting himself at this time, he felt that he was really incompetent, and it could be seen that Murphy at this time was actually very calm and covered up Tony Nack's restless heart slowly. quiet up.

  In the past, people used to say that they should learn from what kind of person they are, but now that they are separated, they can instantly understand their own feelings and the meaning of this sentence.

  Major Kaley walked in in a hurry and glanced at it. At this time, Murphy asked Tony next to him.

  "How is the situation on your side? Has the airport been contacted? I have already contacted the car, and we can leave now. When can the airport arrange a plane for us?"

  Tony looked at his watch...

  "The airport will be able to arrange a plane for us in half an hour, and now we can make it in time, and Xiaobao has already contacted the hospital.

  So let's go now, Murphy, didn't you just say you were going to take that doctor over there?Where is he now?We are about to leave now, there is no time to wait for him.

  The attending doctor hurriedly came to this room with his suitcase on his back. He knew that several people were in a hurry, but he did not expect that a few 1.2 people would be in such a hurry.

  But it doesn't matter to him anymore, he has everything ready anyway, just follow them to set off, and the car is honking constantly outside urging them.

  "Murphy, I have to give it to you, and then let's hurry up and go, I hope God can let us get back to the ugly date sooner.".

Chapter 544

  Chapter 542 Persuasion

  Tony carried.After Murphy left the clinic, he got into the car that was parked outside.

  Several people drove their cars and ran quickly to the military airport.

  After they arrived at the military airport, a helicopter was already parked there.

  After the pilots checked their documents.

  Arrange for a few people to get on the plane.

  At this moment Murphy's communicator rang.

  "How's the situation on your side, Murphy? When can you come back? I'm ready for 12 on my side."

  "We are about to take off now and have arrived at the airport to get on the plane."

  "Okay, take care all the way, see you at the airport."

  The voice in the communicator made Murphy feel very at ease, and at the same time let him know that Murphy was really there.worried about his body.

  The plane flew into the sky quickly, and the sky was cloudless at this time.

  In such a season.

  It is really not easy to have such weather.

  "Tony, look at how good the sky is outside, we must be fine after we go back this time, but nothing can happen again, and you must keep an eye on the company.

  Now is a dangerous time, we can go to have a good plan, and this time my foot hurt so badly.

  When can.It's okay, so the company's affairs are all thanks to you, and you must give me all this time last year.

  We'll continue when I'm done.Do your research, and a few of you will tell you well, take a few days off. "

  Tony glanced at Murphy's leg, and a sad expression appeared on his face.

  Murphy has been rich since he was a child. His children have never suffered this kind of pain for so many years, and now it is uncomfortable. Such a big grievance is really true.

  It made them all feel bad, and since childhood, Murphy has never suffered such grievances. After seeing this time back, those people will definitely not have any good results.

  "Murphy, don't worry about so many messy things, the most important thing for us now is to quickly operate on you, have you told your father?

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