You definitely didn't say what the situation on his side was. You father and son are like this, and you never want to tell each other how much wronged you have suffered.

  And your child has always been like this since he was a child. You are too worrying. I should tell your father in a while, otherwise he will go crazy, but even you Can't stand it. "

  Murphy glanced at his leg. He also knew that there was really no way to hide this matter, but he knew that father better than anyone else.

  He treats himself very harshly on weekdays, but he is absolutely unambiguous when something happens, and he has suffered so much grievance, how can he not know?

  What's more, although I came here quietly this time, there were many times when my father didn't know, but was unwilling to go.Just ignore himself, but if he is really injured, how can he bear it?

  Now even if he doesn't say it, he himself understands it very well. .

Chapter 545

  Chapter 543

  "Let's talk about these things after I go back. If I really can't bear it anymore, I will talk about it at that time. If I really let him know, it will be counterproductive.

  God, you don't have to figure out how to explain this kind of thing to him.Even if you explain it, he doesn't want to listen. "

  Tony and Major Kelly have stopped talking, because they all know the temper of the father and son, and they also know the father and son, so they can talk well.

  But every time they hate each other, so now the relationship between the two people at this time is separated from them.

  There is no way to solve it, not to mention that this is a matter between the father and son, and what does it have to do with them.

  And a few of them are not in this situation now.There are so many ways to understand the love and killing between their father and son.

  There was no more on the whole plane.The voice came over, and Murphy looked at them at this time, and everyone knew that everyone was worried about themselves.

  But this relationship between himself and his father, even he Murphy himself is not willing to explain anything more.

  Silently, Murphy felt that his leg was really hurting, and at this time Murphy's face had already appeared.Lots of sweat.

  The attending doctor couldn't help but feel a little worried when he saw Murphy's appearance at this time, because he knew too much about Murphy's leg injury.

  Looking at the location of Murphy's leg injury now, it really made him dare not look at it. It has turned black and red, if only the operation is not done immediately at this time.

  When I go back to New York and go to St. Petersburg Hospital, I may not have any good results, but my ability on this plane is limited.There is really no way to help Murphy relieve his pain now.

  "Mr. Murphy, your current leg. There is no way to delay it any longer. You quickly go and ask when the pilot of this plane will be able to arrive in New York?

  Otherwise, your leg would have a big problem even in New York, and you see that?There are already some signs of necrosis in the current part. If it continues like this, I am really very worried. ¨. "

  After hearing what the doctor said, all the people looked at Murphy's legs, which really surprised them all.

  I didn't expect Murphy's endurance to be so strong.It is really not easy for him to be able to endure silently in one situation.

  And this time is really too serious, he is.They couldn't bear it anymore, and looking at such a leg, everyone's hearts were lifted, and Tony quickly walked to the driver's side.

  "Mr. (Li Hao), I would like to ask how long it will take to reach New York? We are here. There is no way to wait any longer. What should you do on your side?

  When will it arrive?Can your helicopter land directly on the tarmac of St. Petersburg Hospital?

  Otherwise, his Murphy's legs really have nothing to do, you should tie with the tower on the ground now, and we will also contact the hospital here. ".

Chapter 546

  Chapter 544

  The driver did not expect that Murphy and the others would have such an ability at this time, and also did not expect that Murphy and the others would be able to do so.

  Thinking so much to know that his course has changed, that's what it takes.It was reported in advance, and now they are going to change the route casually, that is also true, impossible.

  "Sir, I'm really sorry, I don't have such a permission, and if you want to change the route casually. I need to apply in advance, and the most important thing is that the 533 St. Petersburg Hospital is not at this time. We must accept you, so you should contact us first, and I will try to report to our base leader to see if it works."

  Tony went to the back warehouse, and after talking to Murphy, looked at Murphy.

  "You call my father now and tell him what's going on with the Air Force. I don't think he can. Seeing this leg of mine is crippled.

  So hurry up and contact him now, and then contact the St. Petersburg side too, and tell him the situation here. "

  Tony nodded and started to contact quickly.Murphy's father was also surprised after hearing about Murphy's situation.

  for.He knows this son of his own better than anyone else. If this son of his own really doesn't have any big things, he will never tell him this. Now it seems that he really has no way to solve this matter. .

  "Okay, don't worry about me over there. I'll contact you, you can rest assured. You don't have to worry about the Air Force side now.

  directly.Just drive to St. Petersburg Hospital, I will handle all the rest for you, and you will give it to me honestly.

  Hurry up and send my son over there. If there is really any problem with my son, then I will try not to ask for you.Blame me for being really rude at that time. "

  Tony hung up the communicator, and then came to the cockpit. After conveying a message to the pilot, he returned to Murphy's side again.

  At this time, Murphy felt dizzy, as if he could not see everything in front of him in a daze.

  "Doctor, come and see him.

  What the hell is going on now, how did he become what he is now, let's take a look at him quickly. "

  Tony and the others are really grateful that they brought such a doctor here at this time, otherwise they would be even more in a hurry.

  This doctor, who looked at Murphy's appearance at this time, couldn't help his life. He really didn't think that Murphy's situation was so serious now.

  Fortunately, they are already on the plane, and it will take a few minutes to reach the St. Petersburg Hospital. Otherwise, it will be really difficult to handle. After carefully examining Murphy, the doctor said with great regret.

  "I don't know what to say about his current situation. Anyway, it's a shock caused by excessive blood loss, if he can't arrive at 1 o'clock sooner.

  Then his Murphy will be in danger of life, and if he doesn't get it right, his leg will be completely unconscious even if he is rescued. When he thinks about it, his life will be worse than death. ".

Chapter 547

  Chapter 545 Falling into a coma

  No one thought that Murphy would fall into such a crisis, and no one thought that Murphy's current situation turned out to be such a crisis.

  Even more did not expect, Murphy actually endured such pain and left the snowy mountain with them, if only knew.

  How could they not let Murphy fall into such a situation, fortunately, there was help to escape along the way, otherwise they don't know how much Murphy would suffer.

  "Doctor, then I can ask what to do with Murphy's situation now, we can't watch her lose too much blood like this, and we don't dare to touch his place at all, what do we have? How?"

  Everyone wants to know about this question of Majorelle, but they are really powerless, because at this time Murphy is completely enduring on his own.

  Even giving her an injection would be of no use, not to mention that if a hemostatic injection was given, there would be some diagnosis of Murphy's condition at that time.

  Delay The only thing they can do now is to stand by and watch, and there is really no way to help Murphy at this time.

  When all the people looked at the doctor and shook his head, they all felt inexplicable pain in their hearts. They really didn't expect Murphy to be like this at such a time~ There was no way.

  And now they feel that, if compared with injuries, even taking care of themselves, how much wealth they have in their hands is useless.

  Major Kelly's tears flowed down all of a sudden. He really had a hard time imagining that Murphy was in such pain and fell into a semi-conscious state.

  There's no way to help him yet, and it's really heart-wrenching to make him stand up like this.

  "Is there really nothing the doctor can do? We really can't help them, can't we just help him relieve some pain?

  Why do you want to be like this?His Murphy's current situation is really too pitiful, we really have nothing to do, we can only watch them like this. "

· · Flowers · ·

  After the doctor nodded affirmatively, everyone's heart collapsed.

  Major Kelly's tears had flowed involuntarily. Looking at Murphy at this time, no one could clearly know how helpless she was in her heart. At the same time, everyone was secretly there for Murphy in their hearts. kept praying.

  "We can land at the airport of St. Petersburg Hospital in three minutes. Let's see how the situation is over there."


  The voice of the pilot was like a sound of nature, which shocked everyone. Murphy could be rescued after only three minutes, and Murphy could be rescued after only three minutes.

  Tony quickly picked up his communicator and contacted Murphy's father.

  "Sir, we have to arrive at St. Petersburg Hospital in three minutes. Has the situation been arranged for you? Now Mr. Murphy is very weak and has fallen into a state of mid-air."

  After the other side of the communicator heard such a message, the communicator directly.fell to the ground.Ding.

Chapter 548

  Chapter 546

  Tony just heard a thud.There was no more sound, he hurriedly shouted loudly.

  "Sir, sir."

  After a long time, I could feel that someone had picked it up.

  "No problem, you can fly to St. Petersburg right now, I have already contacted there."

  Murphy heard his father's voice and knew that the old man would definitely be very worried. After all, he had never done anything to reassure him for so long.

  Worrying about me since I was a child really made Murphy feel very helpless.

  After listening to the sound of closing the communicator, Murphy's tears flowed involuntarily.

  For Murphy at this time, he really felt that he was very sorry for his father, and it also made him continue to worry about himself at such an old age.

  "Tony has a minute or two now. You can quickly get the pilot to fly to St. Petersburg Hospital, so that you can reduce the delay a little more.

  "In this case, we can all not have to worry so much, and Murphy's current situation is really very bad. Let's try to allow him to perform surgery as quickly as possible in a while."

  After listening to Major Kelly nodded, Tony quickly entered the cockpit.

  "Mr. Pilot, we are all ready. Please fly to St. Petersburg Hospital. We are all ready for rescue. Thank you."

  The pilot knew that Murphy's situation was not particularly good at this time, and he could see that their family had a lot of energy.

  Otherwise, it is impossible to contact all of this in such a short period of time.And they can feel that they are very anxious.

  After the plane turned a corner in the sky, it quickly flew to the apron of the St. Petersburg Hospital.

  At this time, all preparations have been made on the tarmac, and even the first aid facilities have been placed there.

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