Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 411 Power Of Mind

Chapter 411 Power of Mind

"Interesting, blood god, you are so interesting."

The crimson Mephista, who fell into the wind, laughed loudly, his body glowed red, and his power suddenly surged, suppressing Wang Burt again.

"Crimson Mephista is strong when he encounters a strong one. How dare you teach him with a mere duplication?"

Sithorn said disdainfully, and at the same time, the black mist kept turning into runes, obviously preparing some kind of magic.

"No matter how strong he is, I will never lose to him."

Wang Burt drank loudly, and his strength quickly increased, not inferior to Crimson Mephista at all.

As soon as his strength improved, Wang Burt gained the upper hand again. His skills were much stronger than Crimson Mephista's. For example, he could integrate part of the impact force into his next punch, and his unloading skills were far better than Cytorak's. Can race Torak to recover faster every time.

These little skills are actually not difficult to learn, but Cytorak is born with great power and does not need these skills belonging to the 'weak' at all, so he didn't learn them, and he doesn't need to learn them. He has his own fighting style.

That is to continuously improve strength, attack wildly, and completely crush the opponent-a typical reckless man, and so is Hulk.

Crimson Mephista became more and more excited as he fought, and his strength became stronger and stronger, as if there was no upper limit.

The same is true for Wang Burt, no matter how much Crimson Mephista increases his strength, he can immediately keep up, and then use his own skills to suppress the opponent.

The two fought more and more fiercely, the whole space was filled with the sound of their collision, which was more shocking and terrifying than the thunder in the sky.

"There is a problem with the duplication of blood god."

Sithorn frowned greatly. He thought for a while, and condensed the runes into a magic circle. Then, he pushed forward, and the magic circle turned into an invisible black aura rushing towards Wang Burt.

This black aura is to weaken magic. With the increase of the concept, it can at least weaken Wang Burt's strength by half. Since Saitorak can't suppress the blood god, then he will help a group of Saitorak.

Wang Burt found the black aura at the first time, snorted coldly, and punched the void with a fist, and the fist force burst out, breaking the black aura abruptly.

"Use your fist to break the curse? It's not magic!"

Sithorn was dumbfounded. Breaking the curse with his fist is not something that no one can do. The problem is that the concept of power must be attached to destroy everything with the power of the concept, and Wang Burt obviously has no concept of power.

Sithorn did not believe in evil, and cast various curses one after another, weakening, blinding, and suffering... But all of them were smashed by Wang Burt with his fist.

Sithorn was very troubled. Not only could Wang Burt smash everything with his fists, what was more troublesome was that he was extremely sensitive to curses. No matter what kind of curses could be hidden from him, his eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

Sithorn finally understands what it means to break everything with one punch, and this is called breaking everything with one punch.

However, Sithorn's magic was not completely useless. At the very least, it restrained part of Wang Burt's energy, and Crimson Mephista took the opportunity to attack again and again, and the situation gradually became evenly matched.

"This guy, Shendu doesn't have any martial arts skills."

Wang Burt complained secretly, Cytorak is a combat lunatic, he doesn't care about fairness, he just wants to defeat his opponent, that's all.

Wang Burt was not in a hurry, he played steadily, and he believed that he would win, even if Cytorak and Sithorn joined forces.

"Since the curse magic is invalid, there is only one way to change it."

Sithorn thought for a while, and began to condense magic again. After all, Cytorak was just a summoned projection, and his power had an upper limit. If he didn't help, Cytorak would lose to Wang Burt sooner or later.

Soon, Sithorn's black magic was condensed, he pointed a finger, and the magic circle merged into his left hand. Soon, his left hand lost consciousness and could not be controlled.

At the same time, Wang Burt's left hand also lost consciousness, and he could only defend with one hand. Seeing this, Saitorak knew that the opportunity was coming, his arms doubled, and his fists attacked like a tide.

"Stand-in black magic?"

Wang Burt frowned a little, his right hand guarded himself tightly, but in the end he lost one hand, and was beaten back by Cytorak.

"very good."

Sithorn nodded in satisfaction, cast a spell with one hand, and a magic circle in front of him quickly formed.

Boom, Wang Burt hit the space barrier and couldn't retreat any more, Saitorak let out a roar, all his strength gathered his hands, and violently blasted towards Wang Burt like two high-speed moving meteorites.

At the same time, Sithorn pushed his right hand, and the magic circle suddenly appeared in the space barrier behind Wang Burt. Immediately afterwards, a large number of dead hands emerged from the magic circle, firmly grasping Wang Burt, preventing him from moving. Don't let him attack.

What's more frightening is that these dead hands will absorb the strength of Wang Burt's body, making him weaker and weaker.

black magic, the hand of death.

"Are you still alive this time?"

Sithorn shouted with a ferocious face, as a big Mephista, he would not have lost his composure. The problem is, Wang Burt is just a small duplication, and his majestic big Mephista has been deflated one after another on a small duplication, how could he not gas?

Sithorn is actually very face-saving.


Facing the desperate situation, Wang Burt didn't show any fear on his face, but grinned instead. The next moment, all the hands of death on his body were shattered by a powerful force.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Burt's fist blasted out with the belief that he would win, and the time was twisted. The first thing behind the fist was that it hit Saitorak's chest fiercely. Saitorak flew backwards with a scream, and his body collapsed rapidly from his chest. solution disappears.

I believe I can win, I can win, it's that simple.

"Happy, blood god, let's fight again next time, with our real bodies."

Cytorak laughed loudly and completely disappeared into the fair space.

Sithorn's complexion was extremely ugly, and he asked, "Mind concept?"

Wang Burt's outburst made Sithorn finally understand his ability. Wang Burt smiled and said: "That's right, the concept of mind, as long as I believe that I can win, I can win."

The concept that Wang Burt threw to the bald duplication is exactly the concept of the mind. In order to let him better understand this concept, Wang Burt also specially fights for the duplication integrate blood.

Sword fighting blood, the more confident, the stronger the strength, the bald duplication through this blood, coupled with Mind Gem, quickly grasp the concept of the mind, and develop a mind Ability.

Mind Concept - As long as I believe I can win, I can win.

To put it simply, using the power of the mind to influence reality, how confident the mind is is how powerful a person is.

"I really didn't expect that the concept of mind can be used in this way."

Even Sithorn couldn't help sighing, generally speaking, the ability of the mind is either used to control others, or to launch an attack directly, but Wang Burt actually uses the Alter Reality of the mind to turn the false into the real, which is simply unbelievable.

"Speaking of which, thank you for sealing my space magic, otherwise I wouldn't grow so fast."

Wang Burt annihilated his left hand, urged Gu Gu to grow a new arm, and said: "I don't need other abilities, I just need to believe in myself."

After Wang Burt lost his left hand, Sithorn's substitute magic immediately failed. He endured the backlash to cancel the magic, and said: "blood god, you are indeed beyond my expectations, but you can't kill me based on the concept of the mind, I am not Projection, I am the real body."

"I don't think so."

Wang Burt rushed in front of Sithorn like a cannonball, and blasted out with a shocking punch, Sithorn disappeared suddenly. Then, a black shadow appeared behind Wang Burt and rushed into Wang Burt's body.

black magic, Ghost erosion.

Wang Burt snorted coldly, and crushed Ghost with the power of his mind. Then, he closed his eyes to sense, and a moment later, his fist blasted into the void next to him with the belief that he would win. Sithorn was directly blasted out, with a The phantom of the body guard shattered.

Sithorn didn't dare to neglect, black fireballs, poisonous rockets, poisonous ice cones, death skeletons and other black magics blasted towards Wang Burt one after another. Under the influence of the concept, these magics converged into a magical torrent, which blasted towards Wang Burt mightily .

"Small tricks, but also dare to play tricks."

Wang Burt smiled disdainfully, and blasted out with a big and skillful punch. The entire torrent exploded from the place where the fist hit. With just one breath, all the magic was blown up.

One breath time is enough for Sithorn. He slapped down hard, and an endless black mist emerged, covering the entire fair space.

This black mist is very strange, not only can't see things, even the induction will be blocked by it, Wang Burt snorted coldly, and rushed forward, and then he slammed his right fist violently, hitting Sithorn with a punch.

Then, Wang Burt screamed and flew backwards.

That's right, it wasn't Sithorne who flew upside down, but Wang Burt. Because the momentum was too strong, he didn't stop until he hit the space barrier.

At this time, the black mist suddenly subsided, Sithorn reappeared in front of Wang Burt, and said with a sneer, "You think these black mist are used to cover your sight? No, these black mist are used to corrode your body. "

Wang Burt fell from the barrier and asked in a cold voice, "Is there something wrong with that Ghost before?"

"There is definitely a problem, how can I do useless things?"

Sithorn sneered: "With your strength, coupled with fair space, it is not difficult to defeat other ancient gods, but I am not other ancient gods, I am the big Mephista Sithorn, no one can defeat me, let alone you It's just a duplication."


Wang Burt was too lazy to talk nonsense, and rushed in front of Sithorn again, and punched him in the head. Sithorn didn't even try to hide. The next moment, Wang Burt was punched heavily in the head, spinning backwards, and landed on the ring superior.

Wang Burt got up from the ground, shook his head, and said coldly: "All my attacks on you will be reflected on myself?"

"Yes, this is the concept of black magic, damage transfer."

Sithorn said proudly: "That is to say, from now on, I can only hit you, or you can hit yourself, hmph, reckless."

As a master of magic, Sithorn, what he despises the most in his life is this kind of reckless man who has no technical content at all.

"You are really difficult to deal with, first Crimson Mephista, and now it is damage transfer."

Wang Burt spit unhappily, Sithorne is much more difficult to deal with than Astor Ross - he is proficient in black magic, has a variety of methods, and has almost no weaknesses.

"You think that's all there is? I have a lot of killer moves, and I even prepared a big killer move for the blood god."

Sithorn said: "I'm talking about your body. If he really beats Galactus, then I will use this big move to send him on the road."

"Just because you are worthy to fight with me? You can't even kill me."

Wang Burt sneered, and he said, "So what if I can't beat you? I'll delay you here. When the fighting outside is over, many people will come in and beat you together."

"I forgot to tell you something just now."

Sithorn condensed an explosion magic circle and blasted himself, and then said: "If I hit myself, the damage will be transferred to you, and you can't resist this kind of damage."

While Sithorn was speaking, Wang Burt was thrown into the air by the explosion and almost vomited blood.

"Blood god duplication, I will make you die so miserable, how dare a mere duplication dare to be arrogant in front of me?"

Sithorn grinned ferociously, and dense magic circles appeared around him. Immediately afterwards, these magic circles blasted towards him, and he was immediately enveloped by various magic lights.


Wang Burt let out a miserable scream, his body was bombarded by countless spells, and he almost collapsed.

Sithorne became more and more proud, and continued to use magic to bombard himself. Wang Burt let out a roar, and his broken body rushed towards Sithorne like a shell.

"It really is a fool."

Sithorn smiled dismissively and opened a way to let Wang Burt in. The harder he attacked, the worse his death would be.

"I don't believe it, I can't kill you."

Wang Burt concentrated all his strength on his right fist, and then he let out a roar like a lone wolf, his fist surpassed time, and slammed on Sithorn like a meteorite hitting the earth.


Sithorn's face was full of smiles, and the next moment, His smile turned into astonishment, and then from astonishment to fear.

Boom, Sithorn was directly blasted by Wang Burt, blood spattered everywhere.


Wang Burt smiled contemptuously, and his body recovered at an astonishing speed. Before that, he was just acting.

Sithorn has many means, and he must be killed with one blow, otherwise it will only become more troublesome. In contrast, the beholder and the crimson Mephista are much easier to deal with, because their means are very single.

"This is impossible, why can you crack my concept Ability?"

Sithorn's soul roared fiercely in the air, and at the same time, a large amount of black mist shrouded his soul, reorganizing his body.

Seeing this, Wang Burt immediately rushed over and punched the black mist without saying a word, so that Sithorn could not be revived.

As for why Wang Burt can crack the damage transfer? The reason is very simple, Wang Burt not only knows all the black magic, but also knows the method of cracking most of the black magic.

To put it simply, Sithorn will do it, and Wang Burt will, because he has the zombie universe Sithorn in his hand.

Wang Burt is so confident, not because he is arrogant, but because he has made complete preparations in advance, knows himself and the enemy, and wins every battle. He knows Sithorn well, and Sithorn knows nothing about him, so he is invincible. Who wins?

Wang Burt's confidence is real confidence, that's why his fist strength is so terrifying.

"Sithorn, weren't you very proud just now? Give me more pride now, let me tell you, today, you are dead."

While attacking, Wang Burt shouted loudly: "Also, to kill you, one duplication is enough for me, you don't deserve to let me shoot with the body, because you are too weak."

(end of this chapter)

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