Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 412 Sacrifice

Chapter 412 Sacrifice

"blood god!"

Sithorn's soul let out a mournful roar. He loves face the most in his life, and now he is humiliated by a mere duplication. How can he bear it?

"Am I wrong? Huh, there is no hero in the time, so that Zhuzi became famous. If I were born thousands of years earlier, you can't become a big Mephista at all."

Wang Burt became more and more disdainful, he was deliberately provoking Sithorne, Sithorne was Mage, the angrier he was, the less threatening he was.

"Blood god, I will definitely kill you."

Sithorn roared, and his soul suddenly escaped from the black mist. Then, he took out a bead containing the power of time from the storage space, and activated it with black magic: "Reverse the time of blood god duplication."

The beads disappeared in an instant, and then, a force of time fell on Wang Burt, and his time began to reverse.

This bead, called the Bead of Time, can reverse the time of the gods for one year. It has no effect on other people, but to Wang Burt, it is lore, because the bald duplication was born not long ago.

Although Sithorn was angry, he did not lose his mind.

Soon, the time came to the moment when the bald duplication was just born. Wang Burt smiled contemptuously and said, "I think, therefore I am."

The next moment, the power of time was destroyed by the power of the mind, Wang Burt did not disappear, he suddenly appeared in front of Sithorn, and punched him heavily, Sithorn flew backwards screaming, his soul was obviously darker than before One point.

The fist can't hurt Sithorn's soul, but the mind ability above can.

"As long as I don't want to do, no one can force me to agree."

Wang Burt walked towards Sithorn step by step, and said, "Sithorn, what last words do you have, you can tell them."

"Damn, the power of the mind is so powerful?"

Sithorn gritted his teeth for a while. In fact, it was not because of the power of the mind, but because Wang Burt was stronger. Even if he had the same ability, he would not be able to reach this level with a fighting sword.

Sithorn said angrily: "Do you think you are sure to win?"

"Why do you always like to say this sentence? What's the meaning of this sentence?"

Wang Burt flew up, and punched Sithorn densely with his fists. Sithorn used the power of his soul to form a barrier to resist Wang Burt's fist, but under Wang Burt's fierce attack, the soul barrier soon appeared spider web-like cracks.

Sithorn didn't dare to neglect, a large number of runes appeared on his soul, and then his soul suddenly shattered, turning into hundreds of black auras and rushing towards Wang Burt.

Seeing this, Wang Burt quickly attacked with both fists, turning into dense fist shadows and bombarding the hundreds of black auras.

Hundreds of black aura tried to get close to Wang Burt while dodging flexibly, but Wang Burt's punch was too fierce, and black aura couldn't get close at all.

Seeing this, the black aura simply sacrificed a few black auras to wrap around Wang Burt's fist, and then, a black aura took the opportunity to hit Wang Burt's chest, turning into a strange rune and branding it on his skin.


Wang Burt raised his eyebrows, he didn't care, and punched those black auras.

The other black aura saw that the method was effective, and continued to use sacrifice tactics to slam into Wang Burt. It didn't take long for Wang Burt to have nine more strange-looking runes.

During this process, more than 30 black auras were blown up by Wang Burt, and the remaining black auras were reintegrated after the task was completed, turning into a much weaker Sithorne.

"Blood god, you are dead."

Sithorn gritted his teeth and said that in order to complete this ultimate move, he sacrificed half of his soul power, and it would take at least thousands of years to make up for it.

Wang Burt proudly said: "I have a spiritual concept, no matter what method you use, you can't kill me, I am invincible."

"You have the concept of mind, and you are indeed invincible."

Sithorn sneered: "So, I sealed your mind concept, blood god, you can no longer use the concept."

"Seal my concept?"

Wang Burt was stunned. He clenched his fist and punched it, his strength obviously weakened significantly. He shouted in shock: "This is impossible, how can the power of concepts be sealed?"


Sithorn, who finally managed to win the round, laughed triumphantly: "Under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible, but don't forget, I am an ancient god."

Wang Burt said: "So what? Here, you only have the strength of the peak of the gods."

"Yes, I only have the strength of the peak of the gods, but the essence of my soul is still the ancient god."

Sithorn said: "The soul of the ancient god, combined with black magic, it is normal to seal your mind concept."

Wang Burt's face was a little ugly: "So that's it, a loophole in the fair space."

"Everything in this world has loopholes, and fair space is no exception."

Sithorn said: "Although this method will hurt my origin, but it can kill you, it's worth it, blood god, as I said before, you will die as badly as possible."

Wang Burt shouted sternly: "I'm afraid you won't succeed? Come here if you have the ability."

"I definitely will come over."

Sithorn grinned ferociously, and was about to condense his magic. At this moment, his heart suddenly moved. Was it a little too smooth? Could it be a fraud?

As an old yinbi, Sithorn has always been suspicious, not to mention, he was plotted by Wang Burt just before, and even his body was blown up.

"Find someone to explore the way first."

After hesitation, Sithorn took out another Amber with blood sealed from his soul, and then he sacrificed the soul again, and the blood lit up with black light, turning into a miniature version of the snake god Seth.

That's right, Sithorn was dumbfounded by the mini version of the snake god Seth. He said angrily, "Seth, what do you mean? Didn't you promise to help me fight once?"

Seth yelled in horror: "Sithorn, save me, I'm dying."

Sithorn asked in disbelief: "You are dying, how is this possible? You are a majestic ancient god, and you came with your real body."

Seth shouted: "Astor Ross betrayed us, just after you were taken away, he attacked me, I can't bear it anymore."

At this moment, in space, Astor Ross turned into a black hole, struggling to devour Seth who was pierced by the spear of God, Seth desperately resisted and supported.

If it was just Astor Ross, Seth wouldn't have no resistance at all. The problem is, there are two animals, Dr. Doom and Ivan, right, animals.

Dr. Doom kept throwing nuclear bombs on Seth, and even experimented with hydrogen bombs, while Ivan was studying black holes while increasing the power of black holes. Seth was completely unable to attack them because of Astor Ross' restraint, and could only be passively beaten.

With the joint efforts of the three, Seth was gradually sucked into the depths of the black hole, and if this continued, it would not take long for him to be completely swallowed by the black hole.

Because of this, Seth sensed that Sithorn was calling him, and hurriedly sent out a breath for help.

"Astor Ross betrayed? How is that possible?"

Sithorn was stunned, and Seth shouted: "Nothing is impossible, Sithorn, come and save me, I won't last long."

"You hold on, I will come out to save you as soon as possible."

Sithorn shouted, Seth is a good chess piece, and he cannot give up casually.

"As fast as possible, I want to swallow Doom, swallow Ivan, swallow Astor Ross, and swallow the main universe."

Seth roared, apparently extremely angry - if he was swallowed by the black hole, he would fall completely, which made him extremely fearful and angry.


Sithorn dissipated the magic, he thought for a while, and took out another Amber, Wang Burt was speechless, is this guy selling Amber?

This time, Sithorn summoned Shuma, the beholder. As a result, after swallowing the soul, Shuma didn't come at all. He just shouted: "Thank you for your soul, what's the matter, wait until I get Adam done."

Looking at the blank Amber, the corners of Sithorn's mouth twitched a little. Was he being bleached for nothing?

Sithorn threw away Amber angrily, and asked Wang Burt: "Use fair space to trap me, let Astor Ross sneak attack Seth, use Adam to restrain the beholder, blood god, all of these are calculated by you, right?"

"No way, who told you to come to the main universe to die?"

Wang Burt snorted coldly, and he said, "Today, I will make all three of you fall."

"Let all three ancient gods fall? I have a big appetite. I will destroy you first, and then I will deal with that traitor Astor Ross and that bastard Satan."

Sithorn stopped talking nonsense, and controlled black aura to turn into dense monsters to attack Wang Burt. Wang Burt was about to punch, at this moment, a magic circle appeared out of thin air under his feet, and countless resentful souls emerged from the formation, dying clinging to him.

Sithorn yelled ferociously: "I won't waste time, blood god, go to hell."

Wang Burt snorted coldly, stomped his big foot hard, and the magic circle and resentful souls wailed and dissipated at the same time. Then, Wang Burt flew up, and all the monsters along the way were smashed by him.

In the end, Wang Burt's fist hit Sithorn head-on with the belief that he would win. Sithorn couldn't dodge, was blown away by the punch, and slammed into the space barrier like a meteor.

Sithorn, whose body faded again, yelled in disbelief: "How could this be? Why is your mind concept still usable?"

Wang Burt didn't answer, and rushed to Sithorn like lightning, suppressing everything with a punch, a large number of magic scrolls emerged from Sithorn's body, and turned into countless shields in the air to resist Wang Burt.

Wang Burt kept attacking with his fists, and the magic shields were broken one after another at an alarming speed, but Sithorn had too many magic scrolls, and the shields were constantly regenerating, even Wang Burt couldn't destroy them all at once.

Sithorn breathed a sigh of relief, and then checked Wang Burt's body with his magic eyes, and found that the rune was still branded on the opponent's body. He shouted incomprehensibly: "The rune is still there, why hasn't your power of concept been suppressed?" ?”

That bastard blood god was really trying to lure him there before, it's really hateful, where did the trust between people go?

"Guess for yourself."

Wang Burt said lightly, why didn't the rune seal him? The reason is still the same, he guarded against this move in advance.

Before the battle, Wang Burt and Zombie Universe Sithorn had simulated this battle. Zombie Universe Sithorn not only told him all the methods that Sithorn would use, but also prepared a corresponding solution for him.

This rune seal is one of them - Wang Burt has a magic circle that can resist the rune seal.


Sithorn became more and more angry, he gritted his teeth, built an altar with the power of soul, and prepared to sacrifice.

Up to now, there are not many methods that Sithorn can use. After all, Wang Burt broke all spells with one punch. More importantly, his situation is very bad-his body was blown up, half of his soul power was lost, and his soul was beaten. hurt.

If he wanted to turn defeat into victory, Sithorn could only "seek help off the court".

"The supreme source of destruction, I will sacrifice a small world in exchange for you to destroy the enemies in front of you."

Sithorn chanted a mantra and sacrificed a small world with millions of people in his hands—this small world was prepared in advance and could be sacrificed at any time.

As soon as Sithorn's words fell, the small world began to collapse, and then, a giant hand full of destructive power emerged from the altar, and slapped Wang Burt like destroying the world.

Wang Burt smiled contemptuously, and punched him brazenly. The giant hand of destruction was blown away on the spot, turning into light spots and dissipating.

"This is a fair space, and there is an upper limit to power."

Wang Burt sneered: "Here, no matter what attack you use, I can blow it up."

"If you can blow up one, what about a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand? I, Sithorn, are full of worlds."

Sithorn roared and sacrificed again. The huge destructive power turned into ten giant palms and blasted towards Wang Burt one after another.

"You don't understand at all."

Wang Burt shook his head, and punched one after another, each punch smashed a giant palm of destruction, and after a few breaths, all ten giant palms were blown up.

"The upper limit is there. The power of destruction cannot send ten giant palms in at a time, but can only be sent one at a time. Since it is sent one at a time, there is a time interval. With my strength, no matter how short the time interval is, I can send them in. These giant palms were smashed one by one."

Wang Burt smashed a large number of magic shields with a backhanded elbow, and then said: "Sithorn, accept your fate honestly and kneel down to die. In this way, I can let your true spirit reincarnate, otherwise, you will die physically and mentally."

"Just because you are worthy of killing me physically and mentally?"

Sithorn was so angry that he sacrificed a large number of lives again, and shouted: "God of Shadows, I need your strength."

After the sacrifice was over, Wang Burt's shadow suddenly came alive, turning into a solid body and standing in front of Wang Burt.

Then, the shadow shouted loudly, and punched Wang Burt with a fierce and unparalleled punch. Wang Burt smiled contemptuously, and grabbed the shadow's fist: "I am powerful because of my belief. What's the use of controlling my shadow?"

As he spoke, Wang Burt kicked the shadow with a side kick, and then he and the shadow flew out at the same time.

Wang Burt's face turned dark: "Again?"

"The power of the shadow god can only control your shadow, but with my black magic concept, it's different."

Sithorn kept summoning the power of destruction, turning them into giant palms and floating beside him, and said, "He is connected with your breath, hitting him is hitting you, hitting you is hitting him."

"Black magic is really difficult."

Wang Burt cursed, grabbed the shadow's arm and threw it forcefully, then he turned and rushed towards Sithorne.

With a wave of Sithorn's hand, the giant palms of destruction were superimposed and slapped towards Wang Burt's shadow - the shadow is connected with Wang Burt's breath, once it dies, Wang Burt will die too.

The shadow didn't dodge, and stood there waiting to die. Seeing this, Wang Burt rushed back and threw the shadow down, avoiding the attack of the giant palm of destruction.

Before Wang Burt could heave a sigh of relief, the shadow suddenly entangled his body with his limbs, making him unable to move. Sithorn smiled ferociously, and the giant palm of destruction pressed down on the two of them like a sky crashing.

At this moment, Wang Burt and the shadow laughed at the same time, and then they let go, and rushed to the side of the giant hand of destruction together, and then they pushed the giant hand of destruction towards the shield wall with force at the same time.

Under the majestic strength of the two, the giant palm of destruction slammed into the shield wall like a meteorite. Then, the giant palm of destruction exploded, and all the magic shields were shattered and dissipated in the air.

(end of this chapter)

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