Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 413: Dead End

Chapter 413: Dead End

"how so?"

The shield wall was shattered, and Sithorn's face changed dramatically, and he hurriedly prepared to escape. At this moment, Wang Burt rushed out from the violent wave of destruction, grabbed Sithorn's neck and pressed him against the barrier. Then, his right fist was like It rained non-stop on Sithorn's head.

Bang, bang, bang... Wang Burt's fist was fast and fierce, and Sithorn's soul dimmed with each blow.

Sithorn hurriedly controlled the altar to offer sacrifices. At this moment, Wang Burt's shadow kicked on the altar, and the altar exploded with a bang.

Sithorn's complexion was extremely ugly. He couldn't understand all this. Why did the shadow rebel?

Definitely because of the mind concept, although Wang Burt mainly uses the mind concept to strengthen himself, but controlling others is the most basic application of the mind ability.

With Wang Burt's spiritual ability, it is not difficult to control his own shadow - although he is very low-key, in fact, he is a master in the spiritual field.

After the shadow destroyed the altar, it flew to Wang Burt's side. Then, his eyes lit up red, and two heat rays slammed on Sithorn, and Sithorn's soul quickly dimmed.

Sithorn was extremely ashamed and angry. He was a majestic Mephista, but he was pressed against the wall by two bastards and beat him?

Bang, Sithorn's soul exploded and turned into dozens of black aura to escape. Wang Burt and Shadow had been prepared for a long time, and at the same time breathed out a cold breath. A large number of black aura were frozen, and only half escaped.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Burt punched Ice, and Ice exploded together with the black aura inside, dissipating invisible.

Sithorn re-integrated in the distance. His soul was very solid, no different from ordinary people, but now, it has become somewhat transparent.

"Sithorn, do you want to continue dying?"

Wang Burt strode towards Sithorn and said at the same time: "No matter what means you have, you are dead today."

While communicating with the Shadow God to cancel the shadow, Sithorn gritted his teeth and said to Wang Burt: "Blood god, no one has ever been able to push me to this extent."

"That means that you have encountered weak chickens before, because you are also a weak chicken."

Wang Burt said lightly: "A weak chicken defeated by duplication."

Sithorn was so angry that he almost exploded. If he was defeated by Wang Burt himself, he would not be so angry. The problem is, the bald Wang Burt is just a duplication, and he is a big Mephista, but he was beaten like this by a duplication?

To be honest, Sithorn even wondered if he was having a nightmare, otherwise how could it be so outrageous?

Sithorn opened his mouth and was about to speak, Wang Burt said in advance: "Don't say: Do you think you won?"

Sithorn was a little embarrassed, what he wanted to say just now was this sentence, he shouted: "blood god, you don't understand the power of black magic at all."

After finishing speaking, a huge amounts of rune emerged from Sithorn's body, enveloping him completely. Immediately afterwards, the rune turned into a black flame, burning blazingly on Sithorn's soul.

At the same time, a large number of black flames emerged from Wang Burt's body out of thin air, enveloping him.

black magic——to die together.

To put it simply, it is to ignite the souls of both parties at the same time. If it is used by other magic mage, its own burning speed will be twice as fast as that of the other party, while Sithorn has the concept of black magic, and the burning speed of both sides is the same.

This move was purely aimed at hurting people, and Xithorn didn't believe it. He was an ancient god, and he couldn't fight a god duplication.

Even if you really can't fight, Sithorn can cheat-sacrifice the soul.

"The power of black magic is to hurt people with its own roots? Sithorne, you are a big Mephista, use this method to deal with a small duplication of me, isn't it good?"

Wang Burt sneered while suppressing the black fire on his body with the mind concept, but the effect was not good. Simply put, it could be delayed, but it could not be extinguished.

"The essence of black magic is exchange."

Sithorn argued shamefully and angrily. The one who is ashamed is that he is a big Mephista, who actually wants to use "together to die" to deal with a small duplication, and the one who is angry is that the bastard blood god has always despised him before, but now he keeps saying "big Mephista" , really shameless.

Wang Burt sneered: "Are you sure it's an exchange? Not shameless?"

"It doesn't matter what it is, what matters is that you will die today."

Sithorn gritted his teeth and said: "Your body will also die. At that time, I will erase all traces of your existence, and no one will remember who you are."


Wang Burt gave a disdainful smile and stood still, letting the black flames burn.

Sithorn felt something was wrong, and he asked, "Aren't you struggling to your death? For example, rush to beat me?"

Wang Burt laughed and said, "If I hit you, it will only make the flames on me burn faster, won't it?"

"You know this black magic?"

Sithorn was taken aback, then exclaimed in surprise: "No, you not only know this black magic, you also know all the black magic I cast just now, right?"

"Sithorn, you are indeed a difficult opponent. It takes more effort to beat you than Astor Ross."

Wang Burt did not answer directly, he said: "Unfortunately, it was me you met. Today, you are doomed to die, because I am invincible."

Sithorn shouted loudly: "Blood god, tell me, why do you know everything? Also, did you give Adam's trump card?"

Wang Burt still didn't answer, he said mysteriously: "Did you know? The effect of force is mutual."

The next moment, the flames on Sithorn's body soared, causing him to scream, while the flames on Wang Burt's body disappeared.

Sithorn shouted in shock: "How could this be, how could this be?"

"Stand-in black magic, not only you can know it, but I can too."

Wang Burt said lightly: "Before you used the double black magic to control me several times, each time, I quietly left a mark in your soul, and when you used the magic of mutual destruction, I activated all these marks.

The effect is very simple, all the attacks I receive will bounce back to you, Sithorne, it's a good journey. "

After all, Sithorn has the essence of the ancient god. Wang Burt wants to kill him, and it will take many years to obliterate him, but if he 'suicide', then everything will be simple.

In fact, Wang Burt has been forcing Sithorn to "suicide", everything is in his calculations.

In addition, Sithorn can't unilaterally stop the "death together", that is to say, the black flame will not be extinguished until Wang Burt agrees.

As an old Yinbi, Sithorn quickly realized that he was being calculated. In the raging fire, he yelled out of composure: "blood god, tell me, why do you know everything?"

Wang Burt still didn't answer, unless the other party was dead, he would not reveal his hole cards, he said: "After you die, I will inherit everything from you, including your concept of black magic, main plane, wife, uh ,do you have a wife?"

"blood god!"

Sithorn gritted his teeth angrily. Damn it, the blood god is too cautious. Even at this point, he still refuses to tell the truth.

This truth is very important, Sithorn doesn't want to be counted again - what, Sithorn and the future? Definitely yes, He still has the last trump card that is useless.

"Blood god, I admit defeat, I will withdraw from the main universe."

Sithorn took a deep breath and said, "Extinguish the flame on my body and let me go, otherwise, don't blame me for really dying with you. When I say you, I mean your body."

Wang Burt knew what Sithorn's cards were, and he said cooperatively, "I want to see, what cards do you have?"

"The Book of Sithorne."

Sithorn took a deep look at Wang Burt, stretched out his hand, and a book that looked very simple and evil appeared in his hands. It was the book of the origin of black magic, the book of Sithorn.

The book of Sithorn was written by Sithorn, and even the material is his body. He cannot summon it outside the main universe, but when he enters the main universe, he can recall the book at any time, just like now.

"Vampires were created by the book of Sithorne, so there is a spell in the book of Sithorne that can destroy all vampires."

Sithorn said: "The name of this spell is the Montes formula. As long as I recite it, all vampires will be erased."

Wang Burt said seriously: "I seem to have seen someone use this trick before, and it's called a card."

"Blood god, although you are the God of Creation now, the Montes formula is also effective for you. At the very least, it can injure you severely. You are now fighting Galactus. Once you are severely injured, you will definitely die."

Sithorn shouted: "Let me go, you are fine, I am fine, I can promise that within ten thousand years, the main universe will not be counted."

"That's because you need at least 10,000 years to recuperate."

Wang Burt sneered and said, "If you miss it, remember it. Today, you will definitely die here."

Sithorn said angrily: "Do you think I dare not?"

Wang Burt shouted: "I let you read, don't talk nonsense."

Sithorn gritted his teeth, and couldn't help feeling a little suspicious in his heart. Could it be that the blood god has another plan?

Immediately, Sithorne shook his head, opened Sithorne's book and began to chant the mantra. No matter what schemes the blood god had, he had to read it, because if he didn't read it, he would surely die.

"I can create you, and I can destroy you..."

Accompanied by Sithorn's incantation, all the vampires felt the catastrophe at the same time. Dracula touched his arm and muttered to himself, "Why do I feel like I'm about to die? I'm an immortal Dracula."

At the same time, the sea of ​​blood transformed by Wang Burt turned into a stormy sea, but the blood felt threatened.

"Hey, it seems that there is a force obliterating Blood Clan? Could it be Sithorn?"

Swallowing Xingjian was overjoyed, speeding up the attack speed, and the sea of ​​blood disappeared in large areas.

"These cosmic gods are less martial arts than the other."

Wang Burt rolled his eyes, took out the Reality Gem from his arms, and prepared to activate it.

Don't get me wrong, Wang Burt doesn't want to use Reality Gem against Galactus, Reality Gem has another purpose - against Galactus, Wang Burt doesn't need Reality Gem.

In the fair space, Sithorn read faster and faster, and at the same time, his spirit shouted to Wang Burt: "blood god, are you really going to stop me?"

"Keep reading, don't stop."

Wang Burt said coldly, Sithorn gritted his teeth, he didn't know what Wang Burt was going to do, but up to now, he couldn't stop, even if he died, he would make the blood god pay the price.

"...All vampires, all disappear."

Sithorn uttered the last spell, and all vampires were wiped out, including Dracula. Only Wang Burt survived, but the sea of ​​blood shrank rapidly, and at the same time, Wang Burt's aura weakened greatly.

Galactus immediately withdrew his punches and carefully sensed Wang Burt's body, ready to kill him completely.

"Blood god, we die together."

Sithorn laughed heartily in Fire, Wang Burt smiled and said, "Sithorn, thank you."

Sithorn asked in amazement: "What do you mean?"

Wang Burt said: "Thank you for helping me unshackle my body, thank you for helping Blood Clan rebirth, thank you for helping me defeat Galactus, Sithorne, you are such a good man."

"Blood Clan is wiped out."

In the sea of ​​blood, Wang Burt activates Reality Gem, and Reality Gem is a brilliant masterpiece, modifying Blood Clan according to Wang Burt's idea, and helping Blood Clan get promoted.

What, why isn't Wang Burt weak? Please, he is the lord of blood, he has a complete concept of blood, and the mere Montes formula, how could it be possible to injure him?

All that before was just for Galactus to see, Wang Burt is no longer what it used to be.

However, the Montes formula is not completely ineffective against Wang Burt. It will completely erase Wang Burt's Blood Clan bloodline. From now on, Wang Burt will no longer be a Blood Clan.

At the same time, on the earth, all the employees of the Osborn Group shouted in unison: "Dracula, the ancestor of vampires, Dracula."

"Who is calling my name?"

Dracula, whose consciousness fell into darkness, suddenly woke up, and then he was resurrected again and reappeared in space.

Dracula's Concept Ability: As long as there are people in the world who remember me, I will not die.

Seeing that Dracula was resurrected, Tony hurriedly shouted: "Hey, Dracula, what's the matter, why did you all disappear all of a sudden?"

The disappearance of Blade and the others put Tony in danger, and he was almost killed by the Mephistas - he was too cheap, and the Mephistas chased him and beat him.

"I don't know what's going on, but I feel pretty good."

Dracula said excitedly, he felt that his body had changed, how should I put it, like a different person, or a ghost.

Immediately afterwards, Blade, Lilith, Quicksilver and other Blood Clans were resurrected one after another. Their expressions were full of doubts, not only wondering what had just happened, but also wondering about their own changes.

Their bodies are obviously different.

At the same time, Sithorn uttered a scream in the fair space, and his entire soul became as transparent as a phantom—he was backlashed by the Montes formula.

If Sithorn was in its heyday, this backlash would be nothing at all. The problem is that he is not only seriously injured, but also burned by Fire. In this case, the backlash of the Montes formula is very fatal.

Sithorne is not going to live long.

"blood god, why is this happening, tell me, why is this happening?"

Sithorn begged: "Don't let me die with regret, tell me everything."

Wang Burt couldn't help shaking his head, this old Yinbi really knows how to act, he said: "Sithorn, don't worry, I will make you fall completely."

"Falling completely?"

Sithorn wondered, could it be that the blood god knew about his arrangements? Immediately, he shook his head, it was impossible, no one knew about his arrangements except himself.

(end of this chapter)

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