Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 422 Harvest, Ready To Go

Chapter 422 Harvest, ready to go

The celebration ceremony was finally chosen to be held on Xandar, and Nova Supreme announced that Xandar will have a carnival for one month.

The beings in the universe received the news and rushed to participate in this celebration. Tony was very excited and vowed to make this gathering the strongest in the universe, the kind that will go down in history.

He wants the whole universe to know that he, Tony Stark, is the little prince of the party.

A few days later, Duke Buri of the Skrull Empire and Grand Duke Sarah of the Shi'ar Empire arrived at Xandar at the same time, and then they visited Skye together.

After a brief greeting, Duke Bree asked, "Queen Skye, what are you going to do with Hela, the culprit?"

"My master has turned her into a mortal. She is now selling stinky tofu on Earth. Although she has a bad temper and a bad attitude, the business is good because the superheroes come to buy it every day."

"Everyone wants to see Hela make a fool of himself," Skye said.

"Just become a mortal?"

Grand Duke Sarah was very dissatisfied: "Queen Skye, she killed at least hundreds of millions of people. All living beings in the universe will not be satisfied with such a punishment."

"This is my master's decision. Listen carefully, it's a decision, not a discussion."

Skye said coldly, "He's not asking for your opinion."

"The blood god's decision!"

The expressions of the Duke of Brie and the Grand Duke of Sarah changed at the same time, blood god, that is the creation god who can easily destroy the empire.

The Duke of Bree and the Grand Duke Sarah looked at each other, and said at the same time: "Since it is the blood god's decision, then we have no objection."

Skye said lightly: "It's best to have no opinion. My master has integrated Galactus, and I'm hungry recently."

"Integrate Galactus, are you hungry?"

Duke Brie and Grand Duke Sarah looked a bit ugly. This was obviously a threat. Duke Brie reacted and asked in shock: "The blood god integrated Galactus? That is to say, he is now a double creation god?"

Grand Duke Sarah was also shocked, they couldn't stop one blood god, let alone two.

"Yes, he is now the strongest creation god."

Skye smiled and said, "By the way, my master hopes to turn the Pest Control Alliance into the Universal Population Control Association. What do you think?"

After a pause, Skye added: "The balance of the universe must be restored, otherwise Thanos and Hela will appear again."

"Universal Population Control Association? You can have this."

The eyes of the Duke of Brie and the Grand Duke of Sarah lit up at the same time, and they nodded and said - the Universal Population Control Association can help them control the universe, which contains huge benefits.

"Okay, let's discuss the specific regulations."

Skye was very satisfied, and said: "First of all, the association must have the power to enforce the law, otherwise, the association will have no effect."

"Not only must there be law enforcement powers, but also the direct army."

The Duke of Brie nodded and said: "In addition, in order to ensure a smooth transition of the alliance, I suggest that the positions of our five elders remain unchanged."


Both Skye and Grand Duke Sarah nodded, and then the three called the other two elders to discuss the regulations carefully.

This discussion lasted for a full day. Although the five people were a little tired, they looked very excited. The Universal Population Control Association had a bright future and could bring them a lot of benefits.

In addition, the Universal Population Control Association will be the predecessor of the Universal Alliance.

"With me here, the earth will definitely benefit a lot."

Skye thought to himself: "However, the Universal Population Control Association can only guarantee that the population growth rate will slow down. If we want to completely solve this problem, Master must find another way.

I don't know what Master is going to do. Restoring the balance of the universe is not an easy task. "

While Skye was contemplating, the Duke of Bree approached Skye again and asked, "Queen Skye, does the engagement between the Skrull Empire and you still count?"

"It counts, definitely counts."

Skye smiled all over his face, looking as if he wanted to marry right away - the male direct line of the Skrull royal family is about to become extinct.

While the others were celebrating, Wang Burt came to the base camp of the Zerg. The Zerg were panicking because of the annihilation of the Zerg Emperor. Seeing Wang Burt suddenly appearing in their 'palace', they immediately surrounded him fiercely.

Seeing that the Zerg was about to launch an attack, at this moment, a Zerg general flew up to Wang Burt and said in a low voice: "We Zerg admit defeat, and we will retreat to the negative space immediately."

Wang Burt sneered: "Killing tens of billions of people in the universe, why do you think I will let you go back?"

The Zerg was furious when they heard the words, and kept yelling at Wang Burt. The general shouted: "We are sent by death, and everything we do is to maintain the balance of the universe."

"Scare me with death?"

Wang Burt smiled disdainfully, and said: "I pronounce the sentence in the name of blood god, annihilate the Zerg race, and exterminate the race."

"Are you a blood god?"

The general almost died of fright, it hurriedly knelt down, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "blood god, please let us go, we will never set foot in the main universe again."

The other Zergs also knelt down on the ground, trembling, that was the blood god, the invincible creator god.


Wang Burt said in a cold voice, and then he took out the small universe, and with a light shake, all the Zerg races on the entire planet were included in it.

This is not over yet. After solving the Zerg in the main universe, Wang Burt tore the space and entered the negative space, completely annihilating the Zerg.

To be a human being, you must be honest, and if you say exterminate the clan, you will exterminate the clan.

Death didn't say anything about it. To her, annihilating the Zerg was just a tool, or a useless tool.

"Now I have enough power to protect the main universe."

Wang Burt nodded in satisfaction, and then he returned to the main universe and came to a dead planet destroyed by the Zerg.

"The energy here is obtained from the Zerg, and it happens to be returned to you."

Wang Burt waved his hand lightly, and the planet began to rain heavily—this is the rain of life, and the planet is about to recover its vitality and give birth to life again.

Create concepts - I can create anything.

"The end of the matter is almost settled, and the rest will be handled by the Exterminator Alliance."

Wang Burt thought for a while, and began to count the gains this time.

There are only two gains this time, the strength of the Creator God and the body of Galactus.

As for other achievements, there is no need to list them again, because it is meaningless. After all, Wang Burt is already the real creator god.

"When the celebration party is over, go to the planet Mutant and solve this trouble completely,"

Wang Burt set his sights on Xandar, wondering if the beauties have come——as a creator god, he cannot separate himself from the crowd, he must be close to the people, and mingle with the beauties.


In a blink of an eye, one month later, the aftermath of the war gradually disappeared, and the universe returned to its original state.

In order to avoid such a disaster from happening again, the five elders proposed to form the Universal Population Control Association, which is currently in the process of discussing (quarrelling).

An Earth Federation has been negotiating for several years, not to mention the Space Population Control Association. According to Trish, full-scale martial arts are often staged in the conference room.

"Take your time, don't rush."

Wang Burt is not in a hurry, he has already figured out how to maintain the balance of the universe, and he will implement it when he returns from the planet Mutant.

Wang Burt asked Adam: "In other words, you want to wander in the universe?"

Adam is no longer Satan, he is now an 'average' cosmic prodigal son, and besides, his strength is at the pinnacle of god level.

"Yes, the universe is so big, I want to see it."

Adam laughed and said, "Maybe I can meet a woman who is worthy of me. Besides, I want to find Eve."

"Why do you sound so weird?"

Wang Burt complained, threw the Reality Gem to him, and said, "Be careful, call me if something happens."

"Don't worry, I won't have any backers."

Adam laughed, took the Reality Gem out of the villa, and went to the battleship base of the Osborn Group-he had a battleship there.

The most handsome guy in the universe, officially entered the universe.

"It's nice to be young."

The bald Wang Burt sighed, Wang Burt rolled his eyes, and said: "You are younger than him, okay? The main universe does not need you for the time being. You go to travel in the outer space. I was born too short and lack in experience. , you just helped me make it up."

"No problem, reading thousands of books is worse than traveling thousands of miles."

The bald Wang Burt nodded. He thought of something, and reported: "By the way, Astor Ross has left the main universe and is currently controlling Seth's main plane. She wants me to help."

"You can go if you want."

Wang Burt waved his hand indifferently: "As long as you don't linger."

"I am your duplication, with your advantages."

The bald Wang Burt said with a smile: "Great for the new and forget the old."

"Are you sure this is an advantage? No, when did I have this advantage? I am Burt Wang, and I am famous for my infatuated long sword."

Wang Burt said angrily: "Don't talk about this, you can go, or the same sentence, be careful, and call me if you have something to do."

"No need, in this universe, I am invincible king, invincible."

The bald Wang Burt smiled proudly, shattered the space with a punch, and went to the outer void.

"Can't you teleport there? What did the space do wrong, you want to hit it?"

Wang Burt rolled his eyes, this guy is better at pretending than himself.

After dealing with the two duplications, Wang Burt turned his head and looked at the earth, and found that the earth was peaceful and peaceful, er, except for New York.

Daily life is happening in New York—super criminals are robbing banks, superheroes are chasing after them, pedestrians on the street are very calm about this, and even have time to take out their mobile phones to take pictures and comment.

"The earth is very lively."

Galactus held a Big Mac family bucket and said while eating, Lina smiled and said: "New York is very lively, dad, don't eat too much, there is a big eater competition today, you can eat for free."

"I love free food."

Galactus' eyes brightened. In just one month, he already understood the beauty of whoring for nothing—it was much better than buying it with money.

Lina giggled and said, "I like it too."

"It seems that Galactus has gradually become accustomed to life on Earth."

Wang Burt shook his head, turned his gaze to Hela, and found that she was adding some kind of black unknown substance into stinky tofu, preparing to sell it to those bastard superheroes.

Watching old lady jokes? Hehe, I want you to never find a girlfriend in your life-this unknown substance can make the breath of the eater become like eating that.

"It really is Hela, never lacking in fighting spirit."

Wang Burt couldn't help laughing. Unlike the decadent last time, this time, Hela was calmer and didn't become a home girl anymore.

Last time, Hela was filled with endless unwillingness and anger, but this time, she felt peaceful because she lost completely, and she no longer hated Odin so much—Odin was old.

"I will never eat Hela's fried stinky tofu in the future."

Wang Burt smiled, took a step forward, and came to the void of Chaos. Then, he asked the projection: "Has there been any changes on the planet Mutant this month?"

"Nothing has changed, still shrouded in fog."

The projection said: "In addition, I tried, but I couldn't enter the Mutant planet. If you want to enter, I'm afraid it will not be so easy."

"In this universe, is there a place that my Space Lord cannot enter?"

Wang Burt smiled dismissively, and probed his consciousness into the planet Mutant, and after a while, he frowned.

The planet Mutant is surrounded by a mysterious force. Although with Wang Burt's strength, it can be squeezed out by force, but doing so will cause the planet Mutant to shatter.

Wang Burt thought for a while and said, "Although I can't get in with my body, I can send a drop of blood without much energy in."

The projection asked, "Is this Wanda's design?"

"I don't know, Wanda hasn't been in touch with me, maybe something went wrong."

Wang Burt shook his head and said, "You'll know when you get in."

The projection asked, "When do you plan to go in?"

Wang Burt said: "Let's wait for people to come together."

"Waiting for others to come?"

The projection was a little puzzled, and at this moment, accompanied by a black and white light, a figure with a bright head appeared in front of Wang Burt and the projection.

Wang Burt looked at the opponent's head for the first time. It had been a long time since he saw it, but it was still so bright.

Ancient One looked at Wang Burt and said blankly: "I feel like you are thinking about something that is very rude to me."

"Master was joking."

Wang Burt smiled and said, "Congratulations, Master, for becoming the Lord of Light and Darkness."

Ten days ago, Ancient One successfully integrated the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness and became a super ancient god.

Ancient One was not very happy, but sighed, and said: "There is nothing to congratulate, I will soon abandon the light and dark godhead."

Wang Burt was a little surprised: "Abandon the godhead, why?"

"The reason why I became the Lord of Light and Darkness is to protect the earth. I knew about Galactus' coming many years ago."

Ancient One said: "It's just that people are not as good as heaven, you don't need me to do anything, you solved Galactus, and even his body was occupied by you."

Ancient One looked at Wang Burt with complicated eyes. This apprentice is indeed outstanding. The problem is, he is so outstanding—he worked so hard to become the Lord of Light and Darkness. He wanted to come back to save the apprentice and save the world, but when he looked back, ha, the world is peaceful.

Not only that, but the apprentice has also become a creation god, and the Megatron universe, what kind of practice is this? Wash and sleep.

Wang Burt said with a smile: "Master, I don't want to be so outstanding."

"After becoming the God of Creation, your skin has become thicker."

Ancient One said angrily, and then she turned her head to look at the planet Mutant, and sighed: "I don't seem to need me for the matter of the planet Mutant."

The word 'also' expressed the sadness and tears of Ancient One.

Wang Burt said: "If Master is willing, you can enter the planet Mutant with me."

(end of this chapter)

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