Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 423 Mutant, Ability

Chapter 423 Mutant, Ability

"It's meaningless not to go. With your strength and wisdom, it will definitely be no problem to solve the Mutant planet."

Ancient One waved his hand and said, "I'll go back and concentrate on cutting down the light and dark godhead, and transform back into the original Ancient One."

Whether it is the Lord of Light or the Lord of Darkness, they are all gods. The reason why Ancient One integrated them before was to enhance their strength and protect the earth.

Since she is no longer needed, she will naturally change back. She, Ancient One, has always been a person, a person from Earth.

Wang Burt heard the words and asked: "Master, do you need me to help you prepare a new body?"

"No, I'm ready for a new body."

Ancient One shook her head. At this moment, she thought of something, looked at Wang Burt, and said approvingly: "Burt, well done, you are my best disciple."

Wang Burt said respectfully: "Thank you, Master, for your approval. Without Master, the disciples would not be where they are today."

"This is your own business."

Ancient One didn't say any more, turned into black and white light and disappeared.

Projection asked: "Why do you feel that Master's back is a bit lonely?"

Wang Burt said with a smile: "Because she didn't have the chance to play, according to the script, I should be in a desperate situation, and then she turned out to help me, and finally sacrificed herself to fulfill me."

Projection Tucao: "And then your small universe exploded and hacked Galactus to death? Ontology, isn't your script a bit too old-fashioned?"

"It's a little bit, but the master is an old school guy."

Wang Burt laughed, and at this moment, a white fist appeared behind him and the projection, hitting them hard.

"Master, are you actually eavesdropping?"

Wang Burt complained, Ancient One didn't bother to answer, and her consciousness completely left—she was lonely because she had been busy in vain for the past few years.

"It's a sin to be too good."

Wang Burt shrugged and sighed: "However, it's great to have such a master."

Projection asked: "Stop being narcissistic, I've seen you, when are you leaving?"

"It's just a drop of blood, you can start at any time."

Wang Burt ejected a drop of original blood and floated in the air, then he took most of the power away so that the blood would not be able to pass through the barrier.

After preparing, Wang Burt waved his hand, and the blood flew straight to the planet Mutant.

The defensive barrier of the Mutant planet did not stop the drop of blood, Wang Burt squinted slightly, it was really designed.

After a while, Wang Burt frowned, and the projection asked, "Ontology, what happened?"

"The induction between me and that drop of blood has become very weak. I can only sense its existence, but cannot sense what happened to it."

Wang Burt muttered to himself: "Wanda, what exactly do you want to do?"


Mutants are special humans with genetic mutations. Before Awakening, they are no different from ordinary humans. Once Awakened, they will have special abilities, or their bodies will mutate.

Most of the Mutants are Awakening when they are teenagers. When they are Awakening, they will cause huge amounts of damage because of their uncontrollable power. In addition, some Mutants often use super Ability to do bad things. Over time, ordinary people hate Mutants very much.

To what extent do you hate it? If the son is a Mutant, the parents will kick him out of the house and call him a demon.

Why is Wang Burt so clear? Because he was kicked out of the house half a month ago.

"There are still character settings? Wanda, what do you want to do?"

Wang Burt, who just turned eighteen, complained that after he entered this world, he not only had a new body, but also had a background setting, which was almost indistinguishable from that of an 'indigenous'.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Burt's new body is created based on his blood, that is to say, he is still him, not time-traveling, nor Possessing other's body.

At this moment, a message popped up in Wang Burt's mind.

Burt King, Omega Mutant, Lord of Space, Lord of Blood.

Master of Space Ability: teleportation, storage space, space exile.

Lord of Blood Ability: As long as there is a drop of blood left, I will never die.

Mutant Ability: Money Ability—Give me enough money, and I can destroy the universe.

Blessing of the Goddess: ? ? ?

"Money Ability? I like this variant Ability."

Wang Burt couldn't help laughing, if it wasn't for the mutant Ability specially arranged for him by Wanda, he would buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

That said, Wanda shouldn't be a big deal, which is undeniably good news.

"Wait, what is the goddess' blessing? Why is it a question mark?"

Wang Burt thought for a while, put the matter behind him for the time being, turned and walked towards the side alley, where a white homeless man was sitting on the ground folding newspapers.

"Uncle, can you give me today's newspaper?"

Wang Burt asked, he would like to know what year it is now and what step the plot is in.

This time, Wang Burt has two purposes for entering the planet Mutant. One is to get his wife back. The wife he has raised for several years must not be lost.

The other is to completely solve the problem of the Mutant planet. If you want to do this, you must first become the leader of the Mutants. Only in this way, those Mutants will listen to him.

The white tramp raised his head, and a face covered with scales appeared in Wang Burt's sight. Naturally, Wang Burt would not be frightened. He said, "Ipsilon-class Mutant."

The division of Mutant is different from the rough division in the movie. There are eight levels in total, the strongest of which is the Omega level, and the representatives are Phoenix and Iceman in their heyday.

Professor X and Magneto are the next level of Alpha level, and the details will be explained in detail later.

As for the Ipsilon-level Mutants, they are Mutants that have failed to evolve, and generally have major defects, such as the white homeless man in front of them. In addition, about 20% of Mutants are of this level.

"Epsilon-class Mutant?"

The white homeless man didn't understand the division of Mutants. He asked in surprise, "Young man, are you a Mutant too? No wonder you've been wandering around the neighborhood for the past few days. Was it driven out by your family?"

"Yes, after they knew I was a Mutant, they kicked me out of the house and didn't even give me a chance to pack my clothes."

Wang Burt sat down next to the homeless man, and said indifferently. At this moment, a pedestrian next to him saw the appearance of the homeless man, cursed in disgust, quickened his pace, and left here quickly.

Ordinary people are very hostile to Mutant.

The tramp lowered his head again bitterly, and said, "You are better than me. At least, your appearance is no different from ordinary people. Here, here is the newspaper you want."

Wang Burt took the newspaper and asked casually, "Uncle, how long have you been Awakening?"

"For several years, I was a vice president of a large company with a wonderful family, but with Awakening, I lost everything, including my job and my family."

The homeless cursed in pain: "Why did God create Mutant? Why did he make us suffer?"

Most of the Ypsilon-class Mutants are homeless, and their lives are extremely difficult.

"Someday when I see God, I'll help you ask."

Wang Burt said, there is a God in this world.

"Then you must ask me clearly."

The tramp said, and at the same time looked at Wang Burt curiously. This young man is completely different from a few days ago. A few days ago, he was preoccupied and full of confusion. Now, he is relaxed and happy, just like playing a game.

Wang Burt didn't say any more, picked up the newspaper and read it carefully.

The headline of this "New York Times" is: Two months later, the United Nations will hold a summit on Ellis Island to discuss economic, military, and Mutant issues. Representatives from more than 200 countries will participate.

"Isn't this the plot of the first part of "X-Men"? Could it be..."

Wang Burt looked at the time in the newspaper and found that it was 2000. He suddenly realized that the time on the planet Mutant had restarted and everything started from scratch. No wonder Deadpool and the others suddenly disappeared.

The restart of the Mutant world time is normal, but I don’t know how many times it has been restarted in the comics, and it has been restarted once in the movie.

"Did Wanda restart? Or did something happen?"

Wang Burt continued to read the news while meditating: "Senator Kelly called on the White House to agree to the Mutant Registration Act. Mutants are very dangerous. We cannot let our citizens live in danger."

"Mutant Registration Act?"

Wang Burt snorted. Ordinary people are full of discrimination and hatred towards Mutant. Once this bill is passed, Mutant will be reduced to a second-class citizen.

Soon after Wang Burt finished reading the newspaper, he turned to the homeless man and asked, "Uncle, do you know Charles and his Mutant school?"

The homeless man nodded: "Yes, the professor is a great man. He has helped me a lot. Every winter, he will send people to deliver food and clothes to us."

Wang Burt asked again: "Why don't you stay at the professor's school? Is he unwilling to take you in?"

"Mutant School is often visited by parents of students. We defective Mutants are not suitable to be there."

The homeless man said: "Many parents don't know that it is a Mutant school. By the way, you can go to the Mutant Academy. The professor will help you. He is very good to every Mutant."

"I don't fit in with the school."

Wang Burt smiled, no wonder none of the students in the movie is an Ipsilon class.

"Are you grateful to the professor?"

Wang Burt asked, he wants to be the leader of Mutant, the professor and Magneto are two mountains in front of him, which must be toppled.

Professor X, whose full name is Charles Xavier, is a famous rich second-generation prodigal son and an alpha-level Mutant. His spiritual ability is very powerful. With special equipment, he can kill all human beings in an instant.

Definitely, Professor X will not do this, he is a moderate in Mutant, he has always wanted to coexist peacefully with humans, and has led X-Men to protect humans many times.

In Wang Burt's view, Professor X is a naive idealist—he wants to live in peace with humans, but he doesn't know that humans have always wanted to destroy Mutant.

Attacking Mutant Academy, developing Mutant 'antidote', and manufacturing Sentry, the high-level human beings are full of hostility to Mutant, and the gentle attitude shown is just delaying time and using X-Men.

This is normal. Mutant can kill those high-level human beings at any time. If they are not eliminated, how can the high-level human beings feel at ease?

As for Magneto, he is the leader of the Mutant radicals, who has always wanted to eliminate all humans and let Mutants occupy the world.

Magneto's behavior made ordinary people resent Mutant even more. Mutant's life is so difficult, and Magneto has contributed a lot.

Also, it's worth mentioning that Magneto is the old dad to Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

Regarding Wang Burt's question, the homeless man said definitely: "I am definitely grateful to the professor, and all the Mutants in New York City are very grateful to him. Without him, we would not be able to live today."

"It seems that it is not so easy to shake the professor's position as the leader."

Wang Burt returned the newspaper to Mutant, and said with a smile: "Understood, thank you for the newspaper, I will come to you after a while, please go to work."

The homeless man laughed dumbly, and said, "Ask me to work? Young man, you should think about how to survive first. This world is cruel to us Mutants."

"Being cruel to you is not cruel to me, and it has no right to be cruel to me."

Wang Burt didn't say much, waved his hand, turned and left.

"Young people don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

The homeless man shook his head, and decided to tell the professor about the young man so that the young man would not suffer any harm.

"The first thing is to make money, let's start with a small goal."

Wang Burt thought about it, and headed to Hell's Kitchen, which is the messiest place in New York with the most gangs.

That night, the bank where the Hell’s Kitchen gangs saved their money was stolen, and more than 50 million dollars disappeared. There was only one Joker playing card left on the spot. The gangs were very angry. explain.

That's right, there are gold banks on this planet, and the bank was opened by gold banks.

Jin expressed his anger at someone who dared to steal his money, and offered a reward of 10 million US dollars to find the 'Joker'. All of a sudden, New York became tense, and the underground forces may start a war at any time.

"It's only over 50 million. Why are these gangs so poor?"

The instigator, Wang Burt, looked contemptuous. He originally wanted to achieve a small goal, but in the end, it was only half.

In America, it is difficult to use large amounts of cash. Generally, only gangs will use large amounts of cash for transactions. Wang Burt wants to turn this cash into real money, and there is a procedure, which is money laundering.

The problem is that the money laundering companies are basically related to gangs. If Wang Burt launders money in the normal way, he will definitely be caught and found.

Fortunately, Wang Burt has a special method of money laundering.

"Turn all this money into legal money."

Wang Burt took out a box of banknotes and threw them into the sky, and the banknotes disappeared quickly. Immediately afterwards, the mountain of money below disappeared suddenly. In Wang Burt's account, there was an increase of more than 40 million legal funds—a few million less It's taxes. In America, death and taxes are inevitable.

Money laundering is as simple as that.

"It only costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to launder 50 million dollars. It seems that my money ability is very strong. Hey, it means that I keep myself clean. Otherwise, I can become the richest man just by laundering money."

Wang Burt nodded in satisfaction. It is worth mentioning that the money in the account can also activate super abilities.

In America, money can do whatever it wants. In just seven days, newly minted multimillionaire Wang Burt owns a villa and a garbage recycling company.

The Garbage Recycling Company was bought by Wang Burt on purpose, and he renamed it Universe Recycling Company.

On the eighth day, Wang Burt drove a Rolls-Royce to the homeless man and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Zoe Bulla, I wonder if you are interested in working for me? My garbage collection company lacks an executive president." .”

Zoe Bulla's Ability is not the top. There are two reasons why Wang Burt chose him.

One is fate, and the other is because the other party is Mutant, a garbage collection company that needs Mutant.

Zuo Yi stared dumbfounded at the completely new Wang Burt. The suit on the other side cost at least hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the Rolls Royce next to him was even more valuable. The question is, how is this possible? Seven days ago, he was a ready bum.

(end of this chapter)

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