Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 461 Explosion

Chapter 461 Explosion

"Don't pay 100 million U.S. dollars?"

The Blue Devil looked at Wang Burt excitedly and in disbelief. He really didn't expect that in Mr. Wang's heart, he was more important than 100 million US dollars.

The Blue Devil, who was born in a circus, knows exactly what 100 million dollars means—as long as 500 dollars, anyone in the circus can accompany you.

"Bert Wang, let's wait and see."

The Red Devil left a sentence bitterly, turned around and prepared to escape from here, but to his shock, he lost his sense of space, just like last time.

The Red Devil shouted in panic: "This is impossible, Bert Wang, when did you tamper with me?"

Wang Burt shrugged and said: "You said the space seal, when I beat you just now, I sealed it by the way, no thanks, I should do it."

Wang Burt's main body is the master of space. Using the space ability is as simple as drinking water for him. However, his duplication energy is limited. Unless it is enhanced with money ability, it can only seal the red devil for about a day.

"Bert Wang, I will never let you go."

The red devil roared, turned and ran away, the blue devil Guiwu said, can you be more cowardly?

"The matter of you two fathers and sons, you can solve it yourself, is it okay?"

Wang Burt turned to the Blue Devil and asked, the Blue Devil nodded and said, "No problem, I will take him back and lock him up in the academy, and then I will read the Bible with him every day until he understands his mission."

Wang Burt was puzzled: "Mission?"

The blue devil said with a holy face: "Our Mutant is an Angel sent by God to save the world. I believe that he was only temporarily tempted by the devil. As long as I work hard, he will definitely be reborn."

Wang Burt was a little dumbfounded, and a little embarrassed, isn't it, is there really someone who really believes in Angel's words?

"How do you feel that I am sinful?"

Wang Burt rolled his eyes secretly, and said, "I'll leave the Red Devil to you, and I'll deal with the Firebird."

After finishing speaking, Wang Burt disappeared without waiting for the blue devil to answer. The blue devil nodded fiercely, teleported to the side of the red devil, and shouted: "Red devil, stop, I forgive you for being malicious to me, After all, you were only bewitched by the devil."

"The devil is your head."

A short knife appeared in the red devil's hand, and stabbed at the blue devil with one knife. The blue devil immediately moved behind the red devil and kicked his back. The red devil sensed the movement behind him and wrapped his tail around the blue devil's right foot. , Throwing him into the sky forcefully.

The blue devil disappeared in the air, and when he reappeared, he had reached the right side of the red devil. Then, he wrapped his tail around the red devil's right leg and knocked him to the ground.

Just like that, the two fathers and sons fought, and in terms of skill, the blue devil was far inferior to the red devil. Fortunately, he could teleport and saved himself from danger many times.

At the same time, in the sky, while controlling the Green Goblin skateboard to dodge flexibly, Psylocke quickly waved the purple long whip in his hand, and the surrounding fireballs were blasted by the long whip one after another, making bang bang bang explosions in the air.

"Damn it, why hasn't the boss come back?"

Psylocke, who was sweating profusely, was a little anxious. There were too many fireballs, and the surrounding temperature kept rising, and she couldn't stand it anymore.

"Die, die for me."

The two firebirds attacked frantically, trying to kill Psylocke before Wang Burt came back, and then concentrated on killing that bastard Wang Burt.

Without Wang Burt, he would never have come to this point.

On the other side, Storm's five men besieged Huo Niao. Huo Niao lost sight of others and was injured one after another. Unfortunately, he has an immortal body. No matter what the injury is, as long as the fire flashes, it will heal immediately.

Storm and the others have nothing to do about it, they can only suppress each other first.

At this time, the sound of the propeller turning suddenly came from the sky. Everyone turned their heads and saw the helicopter of the New York TV station flying towards this side, but it was the reporter who received the news and came to live broadcast.

Journalists are famous for running fast and not afraid of death.

"We saw that Ms. Psylocke was fighting the firebirds, but she seemed to be in a bad situation, being crushed by two firebirds."

The reporter explained loudly: "In addition to Ms. Psylocke, the Mutants called X-Men also came, their abilities are very powerful, and Firebird was injured by them one after another.

In addition, we noticed that the community below has turned into a sea of ​​flames. I wonder if the people inside have escaped? "

The audience in front of the TV watched the live broadcast, their brows were furrowed. Could it be that the latest disaster was too much? Just after killing a member of Kabo, another firebird ran out?

in a bar. A viewer commented: "Ms. Psylocke is still strong, and one person can contain two firebirds. What about X-Men, five people work together to deal with one."

"Ms. Psylocke is definitely powerful. I don't know if Iron Man is here? If he comes, those firebirds will be dead."

Another viewer said, everyone nodded, Iron Man is the strongest.

"The strongest thing about Iron Man is not his combat power, but his ability to make money. The star of Mutant is really a genius-like idea."

A pot-bellied alcoholic stared at Mutant on TV, and murmured to himself, "Fortunately, it's not against the law to follow suit. If he can get a Mutant star, so can I."

At this time, the firebirds who were beaten by Storm and the others ran away. He roared, and the flames below were controlled, and they all flew towards him.

Storm yelled, "Fireman, Iceman, destroy the flames if you can."


Fireman John nodded and tried his best to control the extinguishment of the flames. Iceman Bobby also fired icy air frantically, and the icy flames kept falling to the ground and smashed into pieces.

The eyes of the pregnant drinkers in the bar lit up when they saw this scene: "These two Mutants are rich."

Although Storm and the others tried their best, most of the flames still flew to the Firebird and were absorbed by him. Immediately afterwards, the Firebird screamed, its body swelled wildly, and Storm and Cyclops retreated hastily.

The firebird's body swelled to a certain extent, and suddenly exploded, turning into five firebirds flapping their wings in the air.

The hearts of Storm and the others were sinking, they couldn't even take one, and now there are five, how can they fight?

"Give me all to die."

The five firebirds shouted at the same time. Immediately afterwards, fireballs rained down on Storm and the others. Because there were too many fireballs, everyone couldn't resist them. They could only run around in panic.

"So many firebirds?"

The audience exclaimed, the X-Men are dangerous, in fact, not only the X-Men are dangerous, but Psylocke's situation is getting worse and worse.

"Where did the boss go?"

Psylocke couldn't help cursing, the main player disappeared at a critical moment, is there anything worse than this?

"Where is Bert Wang? Only he can solve the Firebird."

Storm and the others kept looking for Wang Burt, but they couldn't find Wang Burt at all, as if he had never been here.

"Hahaha, Bert Wang was afraid of my Ability and ran away."

Firebird shouted proudly: "You are dead, I will burn you to ashes, and then I will burn the whole of New York."

The Firebird's voice was so loud that the audience in front of the TV heard it. They were shocked. Burt Wang actually ran away? Also, that guy is going to burn New York?

The citizens panicked, and some even prepared to flee the city.

One Iron Man fan yelled: "Iron Man won't escape, that bastard Firebird is dead."

"Sorry, boy, he has escaped."

Another person said that the two sides immediately quarreled, and this kind of situation happened in many places, everyone was wondering, where did Iron Man go?

At this moment, the seven firebirds suddenly sensed something, their complexions changed drastically, and they all flew to the left. Psylocke and Storm were stunned, and immediately chased after them.

"Things seem to have changed. My intuition tells me that it has something to do with Iron Man. Let's catch up and see."

The reporter excitedly asked the flight crew to chase after him, and Cyclops also wanted to chase him, but he couldn't fly, so he could only turn his head and shouted at Qin: "Qin, watch out for Iceman and Burning Man, I'll help the blue devil deal with the red devil."


Qin nodded. She looked at Psylocke's Green Goblin skateboard and thought to herself: "I wonder if Professor Hank can develop a similar flight device? Without a flight device, it is very inconvenient in battle."

After chasing for a while, they saw Wang Burt wearing a battle suit fighting a man with Fire all over his body. The Fire man was no match for Iron Man at all. He was beaten so fat that even his body was shapeshifted.

"I just said, Iron Man won't run away."

Iron Man fans cheered, others were left speechless as the truth was right in front of them.

The Fireman yelled at Wang Burt in disbelief: "This is impossible, why do you know that I am hiding here?"

This Fireman is exactly the main body of Major Gerry. As for those Firebirds, they are just duplications that he evolved with his Ability, which is why the Firebirds have Regenerative Healing Factor.

It is worth mentioning that the main body was hidden after seeing Magneto. He knew very well how terrifying Magneto was.

Wang Burt grabbed the Fire man by the neck, lifted him up high, and then sneered, "You think your strategy is very clever? I found something wrong with you from the very beginning."

The flames on the major's body exploded, and he broke free from Wang Burt's big hand. Then, he kicked his feet, trying to fly into the sky to join the firebirds.

Wang Burt smiled disdainfully, opened his palms, and a dragon-shaped thunderbolt hit the major. The major screamed and fell to the ground. The flames on his body quickly dissipated, revealing his original body.

Then, Wang Burt put the black hole cannon on the major's head and said, "Dismiss those firebirds, otherwise, I will kill you immediately."

The reason why Wang Burt made such trouble is because he wanted to capture the major alive and obtain information related to 'God' from the major.

If not, Wang Burt would have killed this guy long ago.

Facing the cold muzzle, the major hesitated, and he shouted: "I surrender, but, Bert Wang, don't think this is the end, this is just the beginning, with the character of the military, we will meet again soon .”

Wang Burt sneered disdainfully: "Do you think I will hand you over to the military?"

"definitely will..."

The major was about to speak, but the energy in his body suddenly ran away, his whole body turned red, and immediately after, his body swelled wildly.

Not only the major, but also all the other firebirds, the major shouted in shock: "No, master, let me go, don't..."

Wang Burt cursed, waved his hand, and Psylocke and Storm who were chasing after him disappeared at the same time. Immediately afterwards, he teleported into the helicopter and shouted: "Catch me."

The reporter, cameraman and flight crew did not dare to neglect, they grabbed Wang Burt together, Wang Burt activated the Ability, and disappeared with the three of them.

As soon as Wang Burt teleported away, the major and the Firebird exploded with a bang, the whole world shook, and several small mushroom clouds rose up.

In the community, Wang Burt appeared out of thin air with reporters and Flight attendants. The reporter was still in shock, and he said gratefully to Wang Burt: "Iron Man, thank you for saving us."

"Don't get too close next time, this monster is very dangerous."

Wang Burt said that the mastermind behind the scenes was so ruthless that he directly controlled the major to blew himself up. Now, the clues were cut off again.

"Monster? Mr. Wang, how much do you know about the Firebird before? Also, the Fireman just now looks familiar to me, who is he?"

The reporter immediately asked, the helicopter blew up, he must get enough information, otherwise the TV station would not let him go.

The videographer pointed the camera at Wang Burt neatly. It is worth mentioning that because there is no equipment, it is just a video, not a live broadcast.

"That person is Major Gerry who went to my recycling plant to tell the truth a few days ago."

Wang Burt briefly introduced: "His boss, General Card Thor, wanted to kill him to calm public opinion. He was full of resentment, and was lured by the mastermind behind the scenes to become a demon, which is the fire bird we saw before."

The reporter was surprised and excited when he heard the words: "General Kathor wants to kill Major Gerry to calm public opinion? Isn't this too inhumane? I must expose his ugly face to the public."

Wang Burt said: "No need, because he has been killed by Major Gerry, there is a secret base over there, you can visit it."

"Good to die."

The reporter cursed and continued to ask: "Mr. Wang, who is behind the scenes? Also, do demons really exist?"

"Devil is just a modifier. As for who is behind the scenes, I don't know. I only know that he can lure resentful humans into demons."

Wang Burt said: "Senator Carbo and Major Gerry are tools under his control."

The reporter exclaimed: "Tempting resentful humans to become demons? Isn't that world very dangerous, resentful people are everywhere."


Wang Burt shook his head and said, "I originally wanted to capture Major Gerry alive to ask for information, but in the end, you saw it too."

What else did the reporter want to ask? Wang Burt waved his hand and said, "This is enough for you to deal with. I'm going to deal with the scene."

The reporter knew that Wang Burt was helping him, and he was full of gratitude: "Thank you, Mr. Wang."

"You are welcome."

Wang Burt didn't say any more, he flew up to Storm and Psylocke, and asked, "Aren't you hurt?"

Psylocke shook his head and said, "No, BOSS, thank you very much."

Storm hesitated for a moment and asked, "Mr. Wang, do such monsters really appear often?"

"Basically, I will. Next, some are busy."

Wang Burt shook his head, flew into the sky, and said, "Stop talking, I'll go and see if there are any survivors around?"

"I'm here to help you."

Psylocke immediately followed, Storm sighed and went back to find the other Mutants, only to find that they had taken the Red Devil down and were fighting the fire with the survivors.

Storm thought to himself: "Although the process was a bit unexpected, everything went smoothly."

(end of this chapter)

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