Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 462 Angel Warren

Chapter 462 Angel Warren

"Ololo, what's the situation over there? I wanted to rush there, but Qin said that the Firebird was dead."

Seeing Storm flying over, Cyclops hurriedly asked, Storm nodded and said: "The Firebird is indeed dead, and things are a bit troublesome, we will talk about it when we get back."

Cyclops nodded: "Okay."

Then, Storm, Fireman, and Iceman teamed up to put out the fire. Their efficiency was very high, and the fire in the community disappeared in large areas.

The survivors were stunned by this, but unfortunately, the fire had been burning for too long, and even though Storm and their ability to put out the fire were super strong, they still couldn't restore those houses—those wooden houses, all of which were burned to ashes.

After checking the surroundings, Wang Burt flew back with Psylocke. He looked at the Fireman and Iceman who were putting out the fire, and said with a smile: "It's a pity, these two people are very suitable as firefighting superheroes."

Psylocke was stunned: "A firefighter can also be a superhero?"

"Why not? As long as it is beneficial to the people, it is a hero."

Wang Burt said with a smile, Chen Haoran, the firefighter in the Marvel world, has never been popular, but his popularity is very stable, and he has never dropped out of the top ten.

"You can do it if you say so."

Psylocke asked curiously: "Boss, why do you say it's a pity? With your relationship with the professor, he should agree with you to sign a contract with those two little guys, right?"

"Not because of this."

Wang Burt shook his head and said: "America's fire brigade is privately owned. Once a fire-fighting superhero appears, the fire brigade will be reduced. That is to say, some firefighters will lose their jobs. At that time, things will definitely happen.

In addition, the two little guys below are just high school students and have never seen the world, so they can't afford such a big deal. "

Iceman Bobby is okay, very calm, Pyro John is simply a small Human Torch, making him a superhero must be a lot of trouble.

"That's true."

Psylocke nodded, and she asked, "Boss, there are more and more things happening recently, do you plan to develop a new superhero?"

Wang Burt said with a smile: "Yes, I have been contacting a Mutant on the Internet. If he can join, the image of Mutant will be improved a lot."

Psylocke was puzzled: "Why do you want to contact on the Internet?"

"Because his father won't let him go out."

"His father thought his son was a freak," Wang Burt said.

Psylocke said unhappily, "It's like that again."

"Actually, it's pretty easy, at least you didn't drive out of the house, right?"

Wang Burt shrugged his shoulders and said, "The reporters are coming soon, I'll flash it first, there are a lot of things going on recently."


Psylocke nodded, unlike Wang Burt, she couldn't leave at will, because she needed popularity and exposure, only in this way could she become more and more famous.

As for Wang Burt, his popularity will never drop because he is always the focus of the world.


The efficiency of the reporter was very high. On that day, the details of the Firebird incident appeared on TV and newspapers. After watching the report, the public had only one thought, the American military, can you please stop causing trouble for us?

The whole incident was caused by the military, and Gerry the Firebird was a major of the military, that is, General Kathor had been burned to death, otherwise the people would have marched and demonstrated.

In addition, the people are very worried about the black hand behind the scenes. In this world, there are countless people full of resentment. If the black hand behind the scenes is not eliminated, monsters like Firebird will definitely emerge in endlessly.

The problem is, Iron Man and Ms. Psylocke, can't be so timely every time, and they are generally only active in New York.

Regarding the concerns of the people, the president repeatedly assured at the press conference that America has the ability to protect the people, and the military also took the opportunity to show their faces, saying that the military will do its best to protect the people.

It's a pity that no one believes in the military with a black history, and everyone is more willing to believe in superhero.

"Humans need Mutants. In this case, the living environment of Mutants will become better, but it is only better. The more Mutants are in the limelight, the more difficult it is for high-level human beings to sleep and eat."

Wang Burt shook his head secretly. At this moment, Yuriko called and said, "Boss, your appointment is here."

Wang Burt said, "Ask him to come in."

Soon, a handsome young man with blond hair and a hunchback in a large suit walked into Wang Burt's office. He was very reserved at first, but when he saw Wang Burt, he immediately became very excited: "Hello, Mr. Wang, I I have always admired you."

"Thanks, sit down, do you mind if I call you Warren?"

Wang Burt said with a smile, this blond young man is the Angel in "X-Men 3", Warren Worthington III - his father is Worthington who researched the 'Mutant Antidote'.

Warren waved his hands hastily: "definitely don't mind."

"Don't be so nervous, I'm not a tiger, I don't eat people."

Wang Burt smiled, and then he said straight to the point: "Warren, ever since I learned about your information, I have always wanted to train you to be a superhero."

Warren was a little surprised: "You want me to be a superhero?"


Wang Burt nodded and said: "Warren, your image is exactly the same as the Angel in the myth. Once you become a superhero, the image of our Mutant will be greatly improved.

You also know that ordinary people discriminate against Mutant, and even say that Mutant is a devil. Your appearance will expose those vicious lies and return our Mutant innocence. "

Warren said a little unconfidently, "Am I that important?"

"You have, Warren, you matter."

Wang Burt nodded very positively: "In addition, after becoming a superhero, you can help many people."

Whether it's improving Mutant's image or helping others, Warren is very excited. However, he has a concern in his heart, that is, his father will never agree to him being a superhero.

Just as Warren thought of his father, his father's roar came from outside: "Get out of the way, I'm going in to find my son."

Yuriko shouted: "Mr. Worthington, please respect yourself, this is Mr. Wang's office, you are not allowed to be presumptuous."

"Get her out of here."

Warren's father, Worthington, roared angrily. Then, there was the sound of fighting outside. Warren stood up quickly and shouted, "Mr. Wang, let's stop my father quickly, or your secretary might get hurt."

"I don't think she will be the one who gets hurt."

Wang Burt smiled. He stood up and led Warren out of the office. He saw poor Mr. Worthington being held up by Yuriko with one hand, while the bodyguards all fell to the ground and howled.

Warren was dumbfounded, he really didn't expect Miss Yuriko to be so powerful.

Seeing Wang Burt come out, Worthington roared angrily: "Burt Wang, do you know who I am? How dare you do this to me?"

"Yuriko, let him down."

Wang Burt waved his hand and said to Worthington: "Mr. Worthington, I am acting in self-defense. Also, don't emphasize your identity to me, I don't care."

Worthington owns the huge Worthington Pharmaceutical Group, with a net worth of tens of billions, and is a well-known super rich man in America.

Worthington, who was put down by Yuriko, gave Wang Burt a hard look, and then he yelled at Warren: "Warren, come home with me, you shouldn't have run outside."

Wang Burt sneered: "Excuse me, Mr. Worthington, how old is your son? Does he not even have the right to go out alone?"

"He is a patient and cannot walk around casually."

Worthington said angrily, in his opinion, all Mutants are patients, so he wants to research the antidote, save his son, and save other Mutants.

Hearing this, Warren clenched his fists secretly, obviously not agreeing with his father's statement - when he was a child, he really hated his wings, but now, he has long accepted his identity as a Mutant.

It's a pity that Warren has a cowardly character and dare not resist his father.

"Mutant has never been a disease, Yuriko, clean up here, Mr. Worthington, let's go into the office and talk about it."

Wang Burt snorted, turned and returned to the office, Worthington didn't want his son's affairs to be publicized, and followed Wang Burt into the office.

When the office door was closed, Worthington slapped Wang Burt's desk hard, threatening: "Burt Wang, I don't know what you want to do, but don't mess with my son, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Wang Burt smiled, he waved his hand, Worthington suddenly disappeared, Warren was shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "Mr. Wang, where is my father?"

"Rest in the sky, don't worry, he won't die, I'm just scaring him."

Wang Burt smiled and said, "Warren, have you ever tried to fly to your heart's content?"

Warren shook his head: "I haven't tried it, I just flew in the room secretly."

"You are wasting the ability that God gave you, Warren, go out and fly and let your father see how good you are."

Wang Burt said: "Warren, stop hiding your wings, you are not a freak, you are Mutant Warren."

Warren was a little silent. He turned his head to look at the floor-to-ceiling windows, and he couldn't help yearning for the sky in his heart - countless times, he wanted to soar in the sky to his heart's content, but every time, he flinched at the last step.

"I want to fly."

Warren said suddenly, and then he took off his suit and the straps that bound his wings, and then he stood up straight, and a pair of white Angel wings appeared behind him with a swipe.

Wang Burt clapped his hands, Warren was handsome and strong, and with these wings, he was exactly the same as Angel.

It's a pity that such a person does not become a superhero.

"I am coming."

Warren yelled and rushed towards the window quickly. Then, he jumped hard and jumped more than ten meters away.

Under the action of gravity, Warren fell down quickly. He took a deep breath, flapped his wings vigorously, and he flew up. A passerby just looked up and saw this scene, and couldn't help covering his mouth. God, Angel appeared .

"It turns out that this is the feeling of flying freely. I like it so much."

While cheering loudly, Warren flew into the sky with all his strength. At this moment, he finally knew that he belonged to the sky.

"I will never lose these wings, I am Angel Warren."

Warren yelled, from now on, he is Mutant, Angel.

"Bert Wang actually dared to kill me?"

Worthington, who was falling from the sky, his face muscles constantly sunken in the strong wind, shouted in disbelief, he is a billionaire with a net worth of tens of billions, killing him is no different from killing the president, Bert. How dare the king?

Just when Worthington thought he was about to finish playing this time, a snow-white figure flew towards him from below, and he couldn't help being taken aback. Could it be Angel?

When the figure got closer, Worthington realized that it wasn't Angel who came, but his son Warren—he was flying towards this direction with an expression of excitement, which Worthington had never seen on his face before. seen.


Warren flew over and hugged Worthington, and then he flew down with Worthington and landed on the roof of the building.

Worthington reacted, and hurriedly shouted: "Warren, quickly put your wings away, what do you look like now?"

"Like Angel, Dad, I feel better than ever now. I even feel that I have lived in vain for more than ten years. I was born to belong to the sky."

Warren was visibly over the top, he yelled as he flew around.

Worthington shouted: "No, you are just sick, I will cure you and make you back to normal."

"No, I'm not sick, Dad, I'm Angel Eren, I want to be a superhero, I want to save Mutant, save ordinary people."

Warren shouted: "This is the meaning of my birth in this world, this is the mission God gave me."

"Superhero? What kind of soup did Burt Wang feed you?"

Worthington said angrily: "Warren, come down for me, and I will cure you. At that time, you will inherit my net worth of tens of billions and become the ruler of this country."

"If you're not happy, what's the use of having more money? Dad, I won't give up flying, let alone my dream."

Warren shouted: "Superhero, I'm Angel."

Angel Warren is no longer the coward Warren he once was. Flying not only allowed him to be free, but also gave him courage.

Worthington was about to lose his temper. At this moment, Wang Burt appeared on the rooftop and said, "Warren, take a good flight first, and I will talk to your father."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, I will sign a contract with you as a superhero."

Warren nodded and rushed to the sky cheering, Worthington turned to Wang Burt and said angrily: "Burt Wang, do you want to kill my child?"

As a member of the ruling class, Worthington is well aware of the attitude of high-level humans towards Mutant. Wang Burt made Warren a superhero, which is no different from sending him to death.

"I'm unleashing his nature, Mr. Worthington, you only care about yourself, never think about what Warren wants."

Wang Burt said coldly: "Also, do you really think that the high-level human beings will let Warren go? How could they allow a Mutant to join them?"

Worthington did not explain that the 'antidote plan' was a secret among secrets, and he would not tell others until it was successful. He said: "Burt Wang, how much do you need to let Eren go? You just open it." I'll give you a price."

"Do I look like I'm short of money? Are you all using money to bribe me?"

Wang Burt was a little annoyed, what's the difference between using money to bribe him and insulting him?

Perhaps, the richest man's plan should be advanced, he is the god Wang Burt, who used to own the greatest wealth in the entire universe.

"A billion dollars, let me bring Warren back."

Worthington said harshly: "Bert Wang, don't force me, otherwise, your universe recycling company will go bankrupt tomorrow."

(end of this chapter)

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