Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 463 Firefighter, Invisible Man

Chapter 463 Firefighter, Invisible Man

"Worthington, you know what? If your son wasn't Warren, you'd be dead by now."

Worthington's words made Wang Burt laugh back angrily, and he said: "For Warren's sake, I give you a size, but if you offend me, you have to pay the price."

After finishing speaking, Wang Burt took out a stack of banknotes and said in a cold voice: "Worthington, from now on, you will be in severe pain every three days until you get my forgiveness."

Worthington was taken aback for a moment, then remembered the rumors about Wang Burt's Ability, his expression changed, and he shouted, "How dare you?"

Wang Burt looked at the disappearing banknote and said with a smile, "Sorry, my banknote ability has already taken effect."

Worthington was still about to say something, but at this moment, a sharp pain gushed out from the depths of his soul and quickly spread throughout his body. He couldn't help but let out a miserable scream, and fell to the ground and kept rolling.

It's not that Worthington has no image, but that it hurts too much, and his willpower is not strong.

"Worthington, Warren, it's settled."

Wang Burt stood in front of Worthington and said coldly: "If you refuse to accept, just come to me, but next time, I will not hold back. Killing you is no different from killing a chicken to me.

Don't say anything about whether you dare or not. If I say a word, you will die in a car accident. "

After speaking, Wang Burt turned around and left, leaving Worthington on the ground wailing.

Five minutes later, Worthington's pain stopped, and he lay weakly on the roof, covered in sweat.

"Bert Wang, I will never let you go."

Worthington gritted his teeth and shouted, but he also knew that he couldn't do anything to the strongest Mutant for the time being.

For the current plan, we can only research the antidote first, and then deal with Wang Burt.

As for Warren, let him be a superhero for a few days, wait for the antidote to be developed, force him to return to a normal person, and then let him inherit his tens of billions of net worth.

After resting for a while, Worthington got up from the ground, then, he tidied his clothes a little bit, and walked towards the gate hobbled.

The war has begun, and he, Worthington, will give back to Wang Burt a thousand times the pain of today.

As for surrender, joke, even if he dies, he will not surrender to Wang Burt, he can stop the mere pain.

"This old guy has some backbone."

Sensing the situation on the rooftop, Wang Burt couldn't help shaking his head.

Although Wang Burt knew about the 'antidote plan', he didn't plan to do more, because he needed an antidote—not every Mutant is willing to be a Mutant, and the antidote is very important, even if it is only a temporary antidote.

Zuoy, Little Rascal, and thousands of Mutants who have failed to evolve all need antidote.

"Research it as soon as possible. When the research is done, I will be very happy to accept it."

Wang Burt sneered secretly, except for him, no one else would have the antidote, erasing memory or something, it couldn't be easier.


At the same time that Wang Burt signed Angel Warren, a big fat man came to Mutant College. He said to the professor: "Charles, I have known you for a long time. I am the chairman of Happy Entertainment Company. You can call me Wilhelm."

Sensing the thoughts in Wilhelm's mind, the professor asked in amazement: "Mr. Wilhelm, do you want to invite our students to be superheroes?"

Wilhelm was taken aback for a moment, and then cursed secretly: "This old guy has mind reading skills just like the legends."

The professor laughed: "Actually, that's not called mind reading."

Wilhelm hurriedly restrained himself: "Damn..., I can't think about it, I can't think about it."

"It's useless. In my eyes, you seem to have countless mouths talking, whether you want it or not."

The professor shook his head and said, "I already know the purpose of your coming, but I can't make decisions for the students. I will bring them here and let you talk to them in person."

"Know everything?"

Shocked and flustered, Wilhelm took a deep breath and said calmly, "Please Charles."

The professor nodded and called Jean to bring Fireman John and Iceman Bobby over.

Then, the professor put down the phone and watched Wilhelm remain silent. Wilhelm was terrified, feeling as if he had been watched.

"This Ability is too scary, this old guy..."

Wilhelm suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself. Facing the professor's puzzled gaze, he said, "Slap the mosquito, I'm hitting the mosquito."

"This is the first time I've seen a mosquito beating like this."

The professor laughed, and Wilhelm apologized. He swore that he would never appear in front of this old bald man again in his life. This feeling was too uncomfortable.

The professor snickered. He did this on purpose, to scare Wilhelm from bullying his students.

From the birth of Psylocke, the professor knew that there would definitely be students who would become superheroes. This cannot be stopped, and he does not want to stop it, because this is the freedom of the students.

Soon, John and Bobby arrived, and after hearing Wilhelm's intention, their expressions were completely different.

John was excited, he shouted: "Mr. Wilhelm, I've been ready for a long time, the people of New York will definitely like me."

Bobby looked hesitant. His parents didn't know he was a Mutant. If he went to be a superhero, his identity would definitely be leaked. At that time, would his parents accept him?

"The people of New York definitely love you, there are a lot of people on the Internet today asking who you are."

Wilhelm said with a smile: "The abilities of the two of you are very suitable for being firefighters. I want you to be firefighters."

"Fireman? You want me to be a firefighter?"

John is very dissatisfied, his dream is to be a super cop, a super cop like Iron Man and Psylocke.

"No way, if you want to be a super policeman, you must get the consent of the police station. I went to the police station to ask, and they only accept Bert Wang's application."

Wilhelm explained: "Fireman, you should be firefighters first, and when you become famous, I will find a way to transform you into super cops. I promise you, within three months, you will become super cops."

John nodded reluctantly: "Three months? Well, let me state in advance that if the time limit is exceeded, I will quit your company."

"No problem, I can add this to the contract."

Seeing that John agreed, Wilhelm was overjoyed. He turned to Bobby and asked, "Mr. Iceman, what about you?"

"I want to talk to the professor first, is that okay?"

Bobby said that he wanted to seek the advice of the professor, and Wilhelm nodded: "Definitely yes, we are a formal company, and whether to sign a contract is entirely up to you to decide."

Then, Wilhelm left temporarily, and Barbie asked the professor: "Professor, do you think we should be superheroes?"

The professor asked: "Do you know why Bert Wang chose Psylocke as a superhero?"

John immediately replied, "Because she's beautiful and has long legs?"

The professor and Bobby looked at John speechlessly, John smiled awkwardly, and the professor said: "That's just one aspect, more importantly, Psylocke has a wealth of life experience, she can handle everything well, she is the most suitable star Candidates.

John, Bobby, I won't interfere with your choices, but I want to say that it's a bit too early for you to become a star. "

John was very dissatisfied, but did not refute. Bobby exhaled and said, "Professor, I know what to do. I will continue to study in the college until I graduate."

John yelled, "Bobby, this is a big chance."

"If you climb too high, it will hurt if you fall down. I am very afraid of pain."

Bobby shook his head. He is an honest boy, and he prefers to go up one step at a time. John said dissatisfiedly: "Whatever you want, anyway, I want to be a superhero."

Bobby smiled and said, "Then you can sign a few for me first, and when you become popular, I'll sell them."

"Don't worry, I'll sign a dozen for you."

John smiled triumphantly. The professor watched all this quietly, without stopping it. The fate of the students should be decided by themselves, and the teacher should not interfere so much.

Just like the White Queen back then, the professor didn't stop her from leaving.

Although Bobby didn't sign the contract, Wilhelm was very satisfied with getting Pyro John. He solemnly assured the professor: "Charles, don't worry, I will never treat Pyro badly."

"I know."

The professor smiled and said, Wilhelm felt a chill in his heart, and silently deleted some clauses in the contract that were used to defraud the stars.

Then, John packed up his things and left with Wilhelm. The students knew that he was going to be a superhero, so they all ran over to watch.

Facing the envious eyes of his classmates, John said arrogantly: "I will come back, as a superhero, when the time comes, I will sign for you personally."

The students applauded loudly and sent blessings to their classmates.

Little Rascal asked Iceman puzzled: "Why don't you want to be a superhero?"

"Maybe it's because I'm too timid to try."

Bobby shrugged and said, Little Naughty smiled and said, "Don't hide in the quilt and cry in a few days."

Bobby smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you see it."

Little Rascal laughed too. She felt that Bobby was very interesting, and he looked very reliable, which was completely different from the flamboyant John.

"The sour stench of love."

Wolverine looked at Bobby and Rascal, and couldn't help laughing. Storm glanced at him and said, "I hope there won't be a third person among them."

Wolverine's face is a bit dark, how can he be considered a third party, Qin is obviously interested in him, okay? A few days ago, she just danced with herself by the lake.

Storm ignored Wolverine, she walked into the office and asked the professor, "Professor, is it really good for John to be a superhero?"

"This is his own choice. I can't stop it, and I won't stop it."

The professor said: "As for whether it's good or not, let's see first. I will always pay attention to him."

Storm sighs, "Hope he's okay."

"I won't let anything happen to him."

The professor shook his head. He thought of something, and asked, "By the way, has the Red Devil made arrangements?"

"Arranged in the basement of the church, there is an electric prison specially arranged by Hank. Unless outsiders help, the red devil will never escape."

Storm replied: "Kurt wants to use the Bible to influence the red devil. To be honest, he is a little naive."

The professor said: "Let him try, the Red Devil hides a big secret."


With Wolverine as the insider, Wang Burt soon found out about it, he shook his head and said, "Something will happen to Pyro, Psylocke, you have to be prepared for the shock."

Psylocke asked, "How did you know something was going to happen to Pyro?"

"The appearance of Pyroman will make many firefighters unemployed, and some people will definitely take the opportunity to make a big fuss and stir up ordinary people's jealousy and hostility towards Mutant."

Wang Burt said: "In addition, Pyro has an immature personality. After he succeeds, he will be in a high mood. At that time, those people will lure him to make mistakes and use him to attack our Mutant."

"Those bloody anti-Mutants would definitely do something like that."

Psylocke cursed, then, with a fierce look in her eyes, she asked, "Boss, should we do something?"

"No need, there would be other Mutants without Pyro."

Wang Burt shook his head: "What we have to do is to minimize the impact. It can have an impact, but it can't hurt the foundation. In fact, an appropriate impact is not a bad thing. Whether it is a human or a mutant, we need to calm down."

"How to do it?"

Asked Psylocke, she didn't want Burning Man to ruin her hard-fought stardom.

"Introduce someone to you first."

Pointing to the empty side, Wang Burt said, "He's a handsome guy."

Psylocke turned his head and glanced, and asked puzzledly, "Where is someone?"

A man's voice suddenly sounded: "Miss Psylocke, I admire you very much, can you sign it for me?"

Psylocke was stunned, she thought of something, and swept forward with the scabbard lightly, and soon hit an invisible object, she asked: "Invisible man?"

"Yes, the invisible man."

Wang Burt said with a smile, with his current reputation, there are often mutants who come to him, and the invisible man is one of them.

"This Ability is what you men dream of."

Psylocke laughed: "You don't need to be invisible in front of the boss, right?"

"Unfortunately, my invisibility is a passive skill. I have been invisible since I was Awakening. I have been hit by cars and people many times. I almost died several times because no one knew I was injured. Worse, , It’s useless for me to go to the hospital.”

The invisible man said bitterly, and Wang Burt laughed and said, "You are so handsome, so God made your invisible ability a passive ability."

The invisible man said: "Although I haven't looked in the mirror since I was eleven years old, I can assure you that I'm super handsome."

"Brad Pitt, can you not be handsome?"

Wang Burt secretly complained that the invisible man was the one who fell from the sky and was electrocuted in "Deadpool 2".

Psylocke spread his hands: "The problem is, what's the use of being handsome if you can't see it?"

The invisible man was hit, and he hid aside and drew circles. Wang Burt shook his head and said, "The invisible man, I have a task for you."

"Guaranteed to complete the task."

The Invisible Man immediately said that he liked the mission because it proved his existence.

"Get a video camera and film Pyro's every move."

Wang Burt said: "If something happens to him, let me know immediately, and I will go to find you immediately."

Psylocke's eyes lit up, and he said, "This method is good, everything is under control."

The invisible man immediately said: "This task is suitable for me. I promise to take pictures of him even going to the toilet."

Wang Burt and Psylocke looked disgusted when they heard the words, Wang Burt said: "You don't need this, go ahead, after completing the task, I will give you a bonus. At that time, you can use this bonus to spend time and wine, or you can use this The bonus allows me to cast my Ability.

My money Ability can do almost anything, for example, make you visible. "

(end of this chapter)

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