Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 469 Rage

Chapter 469 Rage

"Dare to come to our recycling plant to make trouble, I really want to die, brothers, kill them."

Wade raised his submachine gun and fired at the rest of the jeeps. The other guards were not polite and tried to vent their bullets. Among them, Multiple Man fired the most bullets, because he sent a full thirty duplications to fight on the fence.


Greed led the believers to hide behind the jeep. He cursed and looked up at Rage in the pickup truck: "Rage, rush up and crush them all."

"No problem, no one can stop me."

Rage, who was shirtless, jumped out of the back seat of the pickup truck, and then he strode towards the gate of the recycling plant ignoring the bullets. The bullets landed on him, unable to penetrate even the skin, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Then, Rage began to accelerate, rushing towards the gate fiercely like a bull, shaking the ground with every step.

"Wow, this is Juggernaut Enhanced? Grenade, rocket, blast that guy to death."

Wade took out a grenade from behind and threw it at Rage. At the same time, two rockets with light tails slammed at Rage.

Rage still didn't dodge, the grenade and bazooka hit him at the same time, sending out huge amounts of flames and air waves.

Before Wade and the others were happy, Rage rushed out of the flames unscathed, and then he slammed into the gate, and the two iron gates flew out at the same time, smashing heavily on the square, making huge amounts of roar.

Tie Bi let out a scream, vomited blood and fell to the ground, everyone gasped, this guy is so scary.

"No one is better at charging than I, Juggernaut."

Juggernaut's eyes were red, he roared, his muscles puffed up, and he rushed towards Rage, Rage smiled contemptuously, and rushed towards Juggernaut.

Boom, the two slammed into each other like two ferocious beasts, and then, with a scream, Juggernaut flew out backwards, crashing through the Warehouse wall and disappearing.

And Rage, didn't take a step back, just stopped.

"Juggernaut can't, get a real tank."

Wade was shocked. Although he looked down on Juggernaut, he was very aware of the opponent's strength. In the end, he was crushed by Rage.

The tank that had already been prepared by the side immediately turned its muzzle, and then, a huge amount of shell blasted out, hit Rage and exploded, even Rage was blown out and fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing that Rage had retreated, everyone couldn't help cheering. Storm exclaimed, "You guys even have tanks? By the way, is this legal?"

"Absolutely legal, this is a scrapped tank, we just repaired it."

Wade said: "It's a pity that the procedures for the gunship haven't been done yet, otherwise it would be easy to deal with those bastards outside."

"How does this look like a scrapped tank?"

Storm couldn't help complaining, isn't the integrity of the American military too low? Dare to sell anything?

At this moment, Rage got up from the ground, and to everyone's shock, there were almost no injuries on his body.

"Die to me."

With a roar, Rage roared towards the tank, and at the same time, Greed controlled more than a dozen eyes and flew into the sky, firing tiny rays at the guards on the wall.

The guards evaded in a hurry, and taking advantage of this opportunity, believers armed with AKs rushed out from behind the jeep, and the war officially broke out.

While shooting at the believers outside, Wade yelled, "One-eyed, open your eyes and shoot that big guy, Storm, and strike him with lightning."

"Open your eyes?"

Cyclops was a little speechless, he pressed his hand on his glasses, and a huge amount of laser blasted towards Rage, Rage didn't dare to neglect, a black aura emerged from his right hand, resisting the laser like a shield.

Bang, Rage was pushed back again and again by the laser, he roared and stopped abruptly, and then, facing the laser, he rushed forward step by step.

Cyclops was terrified, it was the first time he had seen someone able to hold his laser, and hurriedly increased the firepower.

Storm flew into the sky, her eyes turned white for a while, and then she pulled the thunderbolt, ready to bombard, at this moment, an electric shock bullet hit her waist from a distance, her body went numb, and she fell from the sky.

Wolverine hurried forward to catch the other party, he complained: "I said earlier, you are a living target flying in the sky."

Storm twitched and glared at Wolverine, is this the time to say this, why don't you help the old lady take the shock bullets off?

It was Cable who attacked Storm, hiding in the distance with a sniper rifle as a sniper.

As for why electric shock bullets are used? Simple, he knows Storm is the X-Men and he doesn't want to hurt the X-Men.

"Why is he here?"

Cable looked at Cyclops, which was firing lasers, and felt doubts in his heart. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "I found you, are you really my son?"

"This voice..."

Dian Suo was taken aback for a moment, then said, "To be precise, no."

Qin was a little disappointed: "Well, it seems that Bert is playing with us, you are not Scott and I's son at all."

Cable said, "I am not your son, but I am the son of Cyclops."


Qin was stunned for a moment, then furious, Cyclops, you scumbag, you actually had a baby with another woman behind my back?

The cable hesitated, and explained: "The matter is a bit complicated. My mother is your copy. As for the details, I can't say more, and it will affect the future."

"My duplicate?"

Qin was astonished, the son of the duplicate body, is it her own son? Wait, why would anyone copy themselves?

Qin thought for a while and said, "I'll talk about this later, why did you attack the recycling plant? Burt Wang is a good man, my son, and shouldn't be a bad man."

"I'm going to kill Firefist. He will burn my daughter to death in the future. I have to kill him."

Cable said: "Phoenix, don't stop me, otherwise, even if it's you, I won't show mercy."

After finishing speaking, Cable used his Ability to interrupt Qin's mind communication, and Qin was shocked: "Phoenix, are you talking about me?"

Thinking of something, Qin suddenly laughed: "What a bad boy, it seems that he has to be taught a lesson first."

While Cable was communicating with Qin, the battle in the recycling plant became more intense, with bullets flying everywhere. At the same time, Rage was approaching Cyclops with the laser on his head.

At this moment, the vomiting boy cast Ability towards Rage. Even Rage couldn't bear the force of vomiting, bent over and vomited heavily. Cyclops seized the opportunity and blasted Rage into the air.

Rage's defense is strong, but Cyclops' lasers are not vegetarian. Rage's waist was burned with a big wound, and he rolled on the ground again and again.

When Rage stopped, Wolverine flew over, stabbing six sharp blades into Rage's chest.

Rage let out a roar of pain, hugged Wolverine with both arms, and then contracted forcefully, Wolverine let out a scream, and her ribs broke one after another.

"Wow, is this the killing of a sister in the arms that BOSS once said?"

Wade turned his head to see this scene, exclaimed, Storm is not in such a good mood as Wade, she barely got up from the ground, opened her hands, two lightning bolts hit Rage, Rage was blasted out, Wolverine was out of his hands He fell to the ground, breathless.

Moments later, Wolverine, who seemed to be dead, suddenly opened her mouth to breathe heavily. Just now, he died once.

"I've never seen this kind of death."

Wolverine got up from the ground while correcting the position of the ribs. At the same time, Rage also got up from the ground. Desperately, all the wounds on his chest and waist healed.

His recovery ability is no less than Wolverine's.

Storm shouted in shock: "Stronger than Juggernaut, more terrifying recovery than Wolverine, how can this be fought?"

"Together, we may not be able to beat him, Logan, next time, try to cut off his head."

Cyclops yelled and fired laser at Rage again, Rage raised his hand to block it, then he grabbed the stone next to him and threw it at Cyclops as fast as a shooting star.

Cyclops was shocked, but he had no time to dodge. At this moment, a figure rushed over and threw him to the ground, but it was Juggernaut covered in blood.

"I must kill him."

Juggernaut got up from the ground, gritted his teeth and shouted, he had never suffered such a big loss.

"You all deserve to die."

Seeing that Juggernaut and Cyclops were not dead, Rage became even more angry, and rushed towards the two of them. At this moment, the soil in front of him suddenly softened, his big feet fell into it, and he fell to the ground with a bang Lots of dust.

But it was the ground guard who shot.

Wolverine swooped down on Rage again, but this time, Rage was prepared and sent Wolverine flying with a punch back.

Cyclops didn't waste the opportunity, the laser slammed into Rage's head, and Storm slashed lightning again.

Rage howled from the beating. He grabbed two lumps of dirt from the ground and threw them hard at Storm and Cyclops. The two hurriedly dodged. Rage took the opportunity to get up. Seeing this, the vomiting boy immediately launched his Ability at him.

Although Rage is strong, Cyclops is not weak either. The two sides come and go, and the fight becomes more and more fierce. The garbage factory was almost demolished by them.

"I kind of underestimated Mutant's strength."

Seeing that Rage failed to break through, Greed was a little startled, he thought for a while, then gouged out his left eye and threw it into the sky.

The eyes on Greedy's body each have a special function. The ability of his left eye is to create hallucinations. When all the guards saw the left eye, their sanity immediately became dizzy.

When they regained their sanity, they found that densely packed demons appeared in the distance, rushing towards the recycling plant like a tide.

"God, is this hell invaded?"

The guards were desperate and shot into the distance. Unfortunately, it was all an illusion, and there was nothing in the distance.

The believers lost their suppression and immediately shot at the guards on the wall, and the guards fell down one after another. Fortunately, Life Mutant was struggling to keep everyone alive, and no guard died.

Life Mutant, Ability is the connection of life, unless all the connected people die at the same time, otherwise, everyone will not die, at most dying.

"Under the power of my god, you are destined to die."

Greed laughed loudly, at this moment, a bullet hit his forehead, leaving a bloody hole.

Surprisingly, Greed didn't fall down. He turned to look at Wade who shot, and said, "The aim is good, but unfortunately, you can't kill me. Hey, wait, why didn't you hit my illusion?"

While talking greedily, the blood hole on his forehead healed at an astonishing speed, Wade couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, it's Self-healing Ability again, isn't this Ability too rotten?"

In fact, Greed does not use Self-healing Ability, but replaces the dead eye. The damage caused by the bullet was borne by one eye.

Definitely, greed can't explain anything, he controlled more than a dozen eyes to shoot rays at Wade, Wade quickly retracted his head back to the wall, he sat down, and put his hand on the bracelet.

"I am Deadpool, and I punish you on behalf of the moon!"

Wade shouted in a low voice, who knows, nothing happened, Wade was taken aback, then gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "I am Deadpool, and I will punish you on behalf of the moon!"

Everyone looked at Deadpool in astonishment, isn't it a bit disgusting for you, a big man, to say this line?

At this moment, a black light lit up on Wade, and when the black light disappeared, Deadpool, bald and browless, appeared. It is worth mentioning that his mouth has been unsealed, that is to say, Wade, who is talkative, can speak.

"Boss is too mean. This time, we must ask him to raise his salary."

Wade cursed, stood up, his eyes lit up red and shot towards the phantom eye in the sky, the phantom eye was instantly blown up, and all the guards returned to normal.

"Actually make a dirty trick? Kill them."

Multiple Man was very angry. He conjured up a hundred duplications and rushed to the defense line with a submachine gun. Not to mention the enemy, even his own people were dumbfounded. The Ability of Multiple Man is really amazing. One person is like an army.

"This Multiple Man is very troublesome. He must be eliminated, otherwise those weirdos won't be able to take down the recycling plant."

After hesitation of the cable, he put away his sniper rifle and rushed towards the recycling plant—he wanted to sneak into the recycling plant and deal with Multiple Man and that damned Firefist.

"Multiple Man, well done, I will set you free immediately after this battle is over."

Wade was very satisfied with Multiple Man's performance, he suddenly appeared behind a believer, pierced his back with a sword, and punished him.

Before the others could react, Wade teleported behind another believer and chopped off his head with his sword.

Greedy's expression was a little ugly. He took off his right eye and threw it into the air. The right eye suddenly disappeared. Then, the surrounding space was blocked, and Deadpool could no longer teleport. He snorted, his eyes glowed red, and shot fiercely at Greedy. go.

Greedy threw out two eyes, and all the red light was absorbed by the eyes. Seeing this, Wade stopped attacking, Greedy pointed his finger, and the two eyes shot red lasers at Wade at the same time.

"Fuck, energy-absorbing?"

Wade hurriedly raised his two swords to block the red light, and the Adamantium sword quickly turned red under the action of the laser light. When the laser light disappeared, Wade shouted and rushed towards Greed quickly.

Seeing this, Greedy threw a bunch of eyes at Wade. These are parasitic eyes, which can parasitize others to absorb life force.

Wade activated his high-speed reaction nerves, quickly swung his two swords, and cut all eyes open without missing a single one.

"You can even cut bullets, so what are your eyes?"

Wade smiled disdainfully, and continued to rush towards Greed, Greed cursed, and controlled more than a dozen eyes to shoot rays at Wade.

Wade dodged extremely nimbly, and soon, he rushed in front of Greed, and the red long sword slashed obliquely towards Greed, Greed was split in two instantly.

Wade didn't like to be surprised, the next moment, the two halves of the greedy body disappeared, and then, a huge amount of eyes appeared on the ground, and then, the eyes turned into a space cage, locking Wade inside.

(end of this chapter)

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