Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 470 Trial

Chapter 470 Trial

"You are very strong, but you are only a mortal after all, and I am the messenger of God."

A greedy figure appeared not far away, and said proudly, Wade tried his best to chop the transparent space barrier, but the barrier did not move at all, and it was so strong that it made people despair.

This was not over yet, and then, the space cage began to shrink, trying to crush Wade inside to death, Wade's expression changed, and he tried his best to attack the barrier, but it could only slow down its shrinking speed.

"Mortal, don't struggle anymore, destruction is inevitable for you, only we can escape."

Greed laughed, and then, he threw an eye into the sky. Everyone had learned the lesson before, turned their heads away from that eye, and shot at the eye from memory at the same time.

It's a pity that these bullets were all shot in the air. Immediately afterwards, waves of Hypnotic Ability were emitted from the eyes, and the guards became drowsy.

"Can't sleep, can't sleep."

The guards tried their best to stay awake, but in this state, how could they stop the attack of those believers? The defense line became shaky.

At the same time, Cable came to the backyard where the Mutant prisoners were held. He was disappointed to see that Fire Fist was not in the playground, and then he shouted at the prisoners inside: "If you want to be free, go in and kill Fire Fist and Multiple Man .”

Cable didn't dare to enter the backyard, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to get out.

"Why did Freedom kill Multiple Man, Firefist?"

A coquettish blond woman in green clothes asked, she is a Mutant poisonous snake, immune to all toxins, and can also produce highly poisonous——she was imprisoned for poisoning dozens of men, and she is a felon among felons.

Behind the poisonous snake, stood a few burly men, who were the men she subdued.

"If you don't kill Multiple Man, outsiders won't be able to get in. His duplication ability is terrifying."

Cable looked at the poisonous snake and said, "As for Fire Fist, he has something to do with that security chief, so he must die."

In the dormitory building, Firefist stood by the window and shouted loudly: "I have nothing to do with that security director, I can help you kill Multiple Man."

Seeing Huo Quan, Dian Suo was furious, and directly raised his gun to shoot at him. Huo Quan was taken aback and hurriedly dodged, and the bullet shot a big hole in the door frame with a bang.

"What a man who can't lie, Fire Fist is your goal, isn't it?"

The Viper laughed, and she said, "I'll kill Multiple Man, but Firefist, I'll have to wait until we're free."

Dian Suo thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, you guys hurry up, you can only get out if people from outside come in."

"Don't worry, it will be soon."

The poisonous snake smiled, and shouted to the prisoners: "Did you hear that? If you want to be free, go in with me to kill Multiple Man, grab the Fire Fist."

Many prisoners' eyes lit up, and they walked behind the poisonous snake, but there were also many prisoners standing at the door of the dormitory, preparing to prevent the poisonous snake from entering the dormitory.

This was a bit unexpected for Viper, she frowned, and asked the big black bull with a height of two meters: "Barbarian, what do you mean, you don't want to be free?"

"I want to be free, but I don't want to be a fugitive."

Man Niu said: "Mr. Wang is a good person. He did the right thing. Moreover, I am very satisfied with my current life. I have a stable job and a non-discriminatory environment. For me, this place is simply heaven."

"That's right."

The Mutants behind the Bull nodded their heads one after another. If it wasn't for society's discrimination against them, they would never have embarked on the path of crime.

Now that Wang Burt gives them a sunny road, they don't want to go back to the old way at all.

The poisonous snake shouted in dissatisfaction: "Brute bull, your requirements are too low, right? We are gods, how can we work part-time?"

Man Niu smiled and said, "God? Excuse me, can you go to the toilet?"

The poisonous snake said angrily: "Nonsense, I definitely want to go to the bathroom."

"I've never heard of God going to the bathroom."

Man Niu said disdainfully: "We are humans, people with super abilities, poisonous snakes, or the same sentence, if you want to enter the dormitory, you must pass our level first."

The Mutant behind the bull raised his shovel and other weapons, and shouted loudly: "We will never let you enter the dormitory."

The poisonous snake's face was a bit ugly. She estimated that there were more than 50 mutants willing to follow her, and there were more than 70 mutants on the side of the bull, and the remaining hundreds were all neutrals. Watching a play in the dormitory.

"There are so many mutants supporting Bert Wang?"

Cable was a little surprised. He raised his gun and was about to shoot at the bull. At this moment, there was a sudden strong wind behind him, and he hurriedly raised his metal left arm to block it behind him.

To Cable's shock, his metal arm was pierced by the opponent's nails, and then the opponent kicked him at the knee, and he couldn't help but kneel down on one knee.

"I heard that you are from the future? It's not too bad."

Koyama Yuriko said contemptuously that she was specially sent by Wang Burt to watch over the Mutant prisoners.

"You shouldn't have touched my arm."

Deng Suo grinned ferociously, and the metal arm shone with dazzling lightning. Yuriko's hair fluttered from the shock, and smoke came out of her body. She quickly retracted her nails and stepped back, and Deng Suo took the opportunity to shoot at her.

Yuriko turned around to avoid it, and his nails pierced towards the cable like a sharp blade. The cable rolled over to avoid Yuriko's nails, and then he took out a bomb from his back waist and threw it at Yuriko.

At this moment, a wave of Psychokinesis enveloped the bomb. The bomb flew obliquely and exploded beside it, but it was Qin who shot.

Qin said: "I will give you an explanation about the cable and the fire fist, stop now."

"Sorry, I can't stop."

Deng Suo raised his hand and shot at Qin, Qin hurriedly dodged, Yuriko rushed in front of Deng Suo, grabbed his neck with a claw, and Deng Suo summoned a defensive shield to block the opponent's attack, then his left eye lit up red, and a The laser shot towards Yuriko.

That's right, Cable's left eye can also emit laser light, Yuriko couldn't dodge it, the shoulder was pierced by the laser light, and she took several steps back.

The cable was about to make a shot, Qin controlled the surrounding rocks to hit him, and he could only knock those stones into the air first, at this moment, Yuriko shoveled the cable down with a sliding shovel, and stabbed his claws hard at his neck.

As for the wound on Yuriko's shoulder, I'm sorry, it has already healed, and her Self-healing power is at the same level as Wolverine's.

Deng Suo roared, and the metal arm lighted up again, Yuriko was paralyzed by the electricity, and Deng Suo kicked her flying.

While Deng Suo and Yuriko were fighting, Viper shouted to the crowd behind him: "For freedom, kill them."

"for freedom."

The Mutant prisoners roared, and rushed towards the bulls with wrenches and other weapons.

"For life."

Man Niu shouted loudly, and intercepted the prisoners together with the crowd, and a big scuffle broke out immediately.

Huoquan felt uncomfortable in the dormitory building. It stands to reason that he should help the poisonous snake. After all, he has always wanted to escape from prison. The problem is that the poisonous snake wants to catch him as a bargaining chip. That is to say, if he helps the poisonous snake, he will die.

"I was under pressure that I shouldn't have at my age."

Fire Fist cursed, turned around and walked towards the deluxe single room where Multiple Man was located. As a result, after walking a few steps, he saw a group of people fighting in the corridor.

The reason is simple, some people want to protect Multiple Man, while others want to kill Multiple Man.

Huoquan carefully bypassed these people, and when he came to the door of Multiple Man's room, he was shocked to see several duplications guarding there with AKs.

"You actually have an AK?"

Huoquan was stunned. Although Mutant has many abilities, there are not many who can block AK.

"Boss gave me self-defense."

A Multiple Man shrugged and asked, "Fatty, are you here to kill me, or to protect me?"

"I don't know either."

Huoquan said irritably, he really didn't know what to do, Multiple Man was speechless, he opened the door and said, "Go in."

Huoquan was very shocked: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill your body?"

Multiple Man smiled without saying a word, just signaled Fire Fist to go in, and Fire Fist walked into the room suspiciously, and found that Multiple Man and a battle suit were watching TV - the live broadcast of the frontline battle.

"Iron Man!"

Huoquan looked at the battle suit and shouted in surprise, he finally knew why Multiple Man dared to let him in, it turned out that the boss is here.

The battle suit turned his head and said to Huoquan, "Huoquan, that guy outside is called Cable, a man from the future, you will burn his daughter to death in the future, so he travels through time and space to kill you."

Huoquan looked dazed, as if I didn't read much, so don't lie to me.

Fire Fist couldn't help asking: "Iron Man, is what you said true or false?"

"This is what Cable told Qin, it really can't be true."

Wang Burt said: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, because your old father Wade will definitely not agree."

"Wade is not my father."

Huoquan said angrily: "I don't care what the future holds, I will definitely burn those bastards in the church to death."

Wang Burt smiled, and with a wave of his hand, the Fire Fist suddenly disappeared. Multiple Man asked in surprise, "Boss, where did the Fire Fist go?"

"On the front line, let's see what he does with Wade."

Wang Burt walked to the window, looked at the scuffle below, and said coldly: "The fight was really fierce."

Multiple Man was very puzzled: "Boss, since you are here, why don't you take action to deal with them? Instead, stay here and watch TV with me?"

Wang Burt said: "This is a test. Those who are willing to protect you are those who have sincerely reformed. Afterwards, I will release them to freedom."

"I see."

The Multiple Man suddenly realized, he hesitated for a moment, and asked again: "Boss, those prisoners are cruel, are they afraid that someone will be beaten to death?"

"Don't worry, with my blessing to them, they won't die, at most they will be seriously injured."

Wang Burt said that he had used money Ability to make a wish before, and his people would basically not die unless their bodies were severely damaged.

Multiple Man said: "That's good, BOSS, what are you going to do with the poisonous snakes?"

"If they are lucky enough not to die, I will transfer them to another place and reform them. I guarantee that when they come back, they will become civilized and polite."

Wang Burt didn't say much, he walked back to the TV and said, "Let's take a look at the choice of Fire Fist."

At the gate of the front line, Fire Fist appeared out of thin air. He looked at the scuffle around him, and Wade, who was locked in a space cage, whose situation was getting worse and worse, and he was shocked for a while.

Wade, who was attacking the space cage, saw the Fire Fist, his expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly asked, "Fire Fist, why did you come here?"

Greedy heard the sound and turned his head to look at the Fire Fist. He hesitated and didn't make a move immediately. On the one hand, the other party was wearing a prison uniform (modified work clothes), so he might be an ally. act rashly.

Fire Fist looked at Wade and mocked, "Wade, you look so ugly."

Wade was stunned: "This is not my body, wait, you actually recognize me?"

Fire Fist said contemptuously: "It's not your body? Who are you lying to? Your appearance is exactly the same as before."

Wade shouted dissatisfied: "Nonsense, how does this ugly body compare to my original body? I, Wade, am a well-known handsome guy in New York City."

"It is estimated that you are the only one in the world who thinks so."

Fire Fist snorted and said, "Wade, I'm leaving. As I said, you can't stop me."

After finishing speaking, Fire Fist turned and strode outside, Wade hesitated, and shouted: "Son, it's okay for you to leave, but you can't burn the church. I'm not saying this for those bastards, but for you. Once you burn down the church, there is no other way to go."

"I know that in the future, I will become a big devil, but I don't care, because I must burn those bastards to death."

Fire Fist shouted without answering, Wade sighed, and didn't say anything more, even though he was about to be crushed to death now—he didn't want Fire Fist to be in danger, and with the strength of Fire Fist, he couldn't defeat greed at all.

Seeing Huoquan leave, he nodded greedily and satisfied. It seemed that his choice was not wrong.

Huoquan took a few steps forward, suddenly thought of something, turned his head suddenly, and saw that the space cage was getting smaller and smaller, and Wade was trying his best to resist.

"Wade will be crushed to death by the cage? Huh, it's none of my business, it's best for that guy to die. Besides, Iron Man is here, he will definitely save Wade."

Fire Fist snorted, turned back and continued walking, but his pace became slower and slower: "What if Iron Man is stopped by others? What if Iron Man doesn't notice this way?"

As the saying goes, concern leads to chaos. Because of concern, Fire Fist's rationality gradually went offline. After a while, he stopped, hesitation in place for a while, turned around sharply, and rushed towards Wade.

"Idiot, don't come back."

Seeing that Fire Fist returned, Wade roared angrily. Fire Fist gritted his teeth and said, "You are the idiot, you have hung me on the flagpole so many times, I will roast you on a cross."

"Idiot." Wade cursed, blasting the space cage with all his might.

In the room, Wang Burt laughed: "It's really a loving father and a filial son."

Multiple Man was also laughing: "Indeed, I recorded this scene, let's see how they still deny that they are father and son?"

"This kid is not bad in nature and is worth saving."

Wang Burt nodded, and the voice rang in Wade's ear: "Wade, I bless you."

Wade was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. He knew exactly how powerful Wang Burt's blessing was.

"What a hassle."

Seeing that Fire Fist came back, he cursed greedily, and controlled more than a dozen eyes to shoot rays at Fire Fist. With a roar, Fire Fist blasted out a ball of Fire and burned all the rays.

Then, the fire fist waved with both hands, one after another Fire shot at the space cage and greed. This kid's Ability is very powerful, otherwise he would not become a big devil in the future.

Greed snorted coldly, threw out two energy-absorbing eyes, and all the flames were sucked into them. Then, he controlled the energy-absorbing eyes to release flames, forming two big fireballs and shooting them towards the fire fist.

Fire Fist was shocked and hurried to dodge, but it was too late. Seeing that the fireball was about to hit him, at this moment, Wade appeared out of thin air and disappeared with him.

(end of this chapter)

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