Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 475 Traveling Through Time And Space

Chapter 475 Traveling Through Time and Space

The headquarters of the Hellfire Club is in Las Vegas. Today, Black King Sebastian Xiao is in a good mood, because America will soon be in chaos. He likes chaos, because chaos can make a lot of money.

Unfortunately, after the White Queen came back, this good mood disappeared, and the Black King asked the White Queen with a sullen face: "Emma, ​​are you sure you are not kidding me?"

"No kidding, I'm leaving the club and jumping ship to Iron Man's rebirth group."

"I came back to resign," White Queen said.

Black King and other members of Hellfire all looked at White Queen in astonishment. Did you make a mistake when you were asked to invite Burt King, but you were actually poached by the other party?

Black King stared at the White Queen, and said with a serious face: "Emma, ​​I don't like this joke, I ask you to take it back."

White Queen said: "Sorry, I don't plan to take it back. I will hand over the club's shares, but I want to take all the money that belongs to me."

Black King stood up, slammed the wine glass on the ground, and shouted: "I said, I don't like this joke."

Riptide, Fairy Angel Salvador, Mist and other Hellfire members all looked at White Queen unkindly, and some even put their hands on the handle of the knife.

"Do you like it or not, what does it matter to me?"

Facing the Black King's anger, the White Queen didn't have the slightest fear. She snorted coldly, "Xiao, we get together and part ways. I don't want any unhappy things to happen."

"Why? We've been together for so many years, aren't we very happy?"

Black King asked loudly, the king and the queen are naturally a couple.

White Queen said: "You are too old, I prefer small fresh meat, Bert Wang is very suitable."

Black King almost vomited blood, did he get green? "I don't know why you want to move, but I won't let you leave here," he said.


A cold light flashed in the White Queen's eyes, and Ji Liu and the others turned their heads to look at the Black King blankly at the same time. The Black King was startled, and then shouted: "You controlled them? This is impossible, your Ability is not that powerful .”

"In their consciousness, there is a back door left by me."

White Queen said with a smile: "Xiao, do you think you have something in your head?"

Black King's complexion was extremely ugly. He and White Queen lived together day and night, and the other party might have secretly tampered with his head.

White Queen said: "Xiao, it's easy to get together and get away. It's not difficult to get rid of the back door in your mind."

Black King said bitterly: "Okay, but, Emma, ​​you will regret it, and Bert King must pay the price."

"That's his business."

The White Queen said nonchalantly, if Wang Burt hangs up, he deserves it—if he doesn’t have the ability to poach people’s corners, who will hang up if he doesn’t?

Black King snorted and stopped talking, and then, the two began to divide the property, because the White Queen only took away money, so it was handled very quickly.

That afternoon, the White Queen left the Hellfire Club with the money she deserved, and the Black King smashed the desk angrily, then, he gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, go to the sensor to check your spirits, and remove the back door arranged by Emma .”

The Inductor is another spiritual Ability of the Hellfire Club. Although his Ability is not as powerful as the White Queen, it is not difficult to find the back door.

"Black King, is this the way to go? She is your queen."

Angel Salvador, who has a pair of fairy wings, adds fuel to the fire. She has always wanted to replace Emma and become the new queen.

"definitely won't let it go, I'll make Burt King and Emma pay."

Black King said coldly: "It won't be long before Emma will come back to me obediently."

Salvatore curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and then made a decision in his heart. If he had the chance, he must kill the White Queen. If she didn't die, he would never have the chance to be a queen.


Four days later, in Wang's Manor, the White Queen looked at Wang Burt's study, and asked with a look of astonishment, "Don't tell me, you plan to travel through time and space here? Even in the movie, at least there is a large shuttle, okay? "

In the past two days, Wang Burt told the White Queen something, so she knew that the way Wang Burt saved her sister was to travel through time and space.

Wolverine sneered: "I don't know much about it, the future technology is going in the direction of miniaturization and nanometerization."

Cable looked at Wolverine speechlessly, isn't that what I said before?

White Queen said coldly: "Logan, I will never let my sister be with you again, and those who are with you have never had a good end."


Wolverine was a little silent when she heard the words. He said: "I will let Silverfox choose for herself. If she is willing to follow me, I will do my best to protect her. I will never let her have an accident again."

White Queen said: "If she doesn't follow you, nothing will happen. I will take her away and find her a really reliable man."

"If she wants to go, I won't force her to stay, but if she doesn't want to, no one can take her from me."

Wolverine said loudly, and the White Queen was about to sneer, when Wang Burt said: "My own, don't make noise, cable, let's start, I have modified your time-space watch, so that it can take multiple people to act together."

"You are indeed the most powerful genius of this era."

Cable was amazed. In just seven days, he not only repaired the space-time watch, but also transformed it into a more powerful one. To be honest, if he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, Cable would never have believed such a thing. It was almost like a miracle.

Mortals really can't measure genius.

Then, Cable didn't waste any more time, he raised the time-space watch on his wrist, set the age, time and place, and then he started the watch, and the watch burst out with huge amounts of light, enveloping Wang Burt and others .

When the light disappeared, the four disappeared at the same time.

More than ten years ago, on a small island, Colonel Stryker stunned Wolverine with Adamantium bullets, and then he walked up to the seriously injured Silverfox, raised his gun, and was ready to shoot him.

Unexpectedly, Silverfox also has a certain action ability. She quietly grabs Stryker's calf and uses Ability to control Stryker to point the gun at herself--Silverfox's Ability is the contact Hypnotic Ability. Simply put, she can make the other party obey her through contact The command.

"I should have let you commit suicide, but in that case, what is the difference between me and you? Now, throw away the gun, turn around and go out, the farther you go, the better."

Silverfox ordered, Stryker gave Silverfox a deep look, dropped the gun, turned and walked away.

Silverfox closed her eyes and was about to die. At this moment, a sneer sounded in her ear: "So, the Holy Mother is the most annoying thing. It seems noble to let Stryker go, but in the next ten years or so, there will be a sneer." There are many people killed and tortured by Stryker, for example, Yuriko.

If there is a cause and effect in this world, Silverfox will have to recite at least half of what Stryker did in the future. "

Another voice said dissatisfiedly: "My sister is just too kind. What are you waiting for, why don't you treat my sister quickly? She is dying."

"Treat me immediately, a healing technique worth 100,000 yuan."

Along with this voice, a gentle energy enveloped Silverfox. Silverfox felt extremely comfortable, and his consciousness became more and more heavy. Finally, she fell into a deep sleep.

The White Queen grabbed Wang Burt's arm and shouted angrily, "What's going on? Why isn't my sister moving at all?"

Wang Burt said angrily: "Just fell asleep, don't be so excited, didn't you see Logan's calm face?"

Wolverine was a little embarrassed when he heard that, he didn't remember Silverfox for a long time, and seeing him again this time, how should I put it, he felt like he was in love again, uh, why did he say again?

White Queen snorted coldly: "He is not excited because he is a scumbag."

"Okay, let's hide, keep quiet, and there is one last scene."

Wang Burt said, everyone nodded, and hid behind a big rock aside, soon, Wolverine woke up in the past, he sat up, his face was full of confusion, where is this, why is he here?

At this time, the long-haired Gambit rushed over and shouted: "The children are safe, hey, what happened to you?"

In the past, Wolverine looked blank: "Who are you, and who am I?"

Gambit was taken aback. He dragged Wolverine to flee, and said, "We'll wait until we leave. The military is coming soon."

In the past, Wolverine subconsciously left with Gambit. When passing by Silverfox's body, he froze for a moment. Although he didn't remember this woman, he felt that she was very special.

Before Wolverine could see clearly, Gambit pulled him away quickly.

The White Queen said bitterly to Wolverine: "Let my sister expose her body in the wilderness, and say that she is not a scumbag? Do you know that I have spent more than ten years searching for my sister's body, but found nothing. If I guessed correctly, it should be Burned by the military."

Wolverine was silent. Although he lost his memory at the time, he was indeed responsible for this matter.

Cable urged: "Stop talking nonsense, let's quickly bring Silverfox back to modern times, the longer we stay in the past, the more dangerous it will be."


Wang Burt nodded, and then he walked to Silverfox, sealed her body with space energy, and then asked Wolverine to hug Silverfox.

"Let's go back."

Everything is done, Wang Burt said to Cable, Cable nodded happily, started the time-space watch, a light flashed, and everyone disappeared.


Wang Burt said to Wolverine: "The professional medical room has been prepared in the backyard, and the Life Mutant is also there, so hurry up and take Silverfox there."

"Great, Boss, thank you."

Wolverine nodded, and hurriedly ran towards the medical room with Silverfox in her arms, followed by the White Queen.

After the two left, Wang Burt said to Diancuo: "Diancuo, you can go back, by the way, have you said goodbye to Qin and Cyclops yet?"

"No, I'm embarrassed to be with them."

Cable shook his head, he said: "Mr. Wang, nice to meet you, I'm leaving."

Wang Burt said with a smile: "Okay, I hope we will see you in the future."

"Mr. Wang, you have to be careful. Without your information in the future, everything about you may be erased."

The cable hesitated, and said, Wang Burt laughed: "Maybe the future can't bear me."

The cables were unknown, so he stopped talking and started the space-time machine, and a ray of light enveloped him.

"Say hello to future Cyclops for me."

Wang Burt waved his hand, and at this moment, the light disappeared, and the cable reappeared in front of Wang Burt.

Wang Burt withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and then asked in astonishment: "Dian Suo, why don't you go?"

"I'm blocked by a wall and can't go back to the future."

Dian Suo said with an ugly face: "Mr. Wang, it's not like you repaired the time-space watch?"

"We just went back to the past, and if I'm not mistaken, the future has changed."

Wang Burt thought for a while, raised his hand, and the nanoparticles formed a brand new space-time watch, which was a little smaller and more cool than the electric cable.

"You copied my space-time watch?"

Dian Suo was dumbfounded, how dare you call yourself a good character like you?

"I wanted to use it after you left, but now it seems that you may not be able to leave."

Wang Burt shrugged, started the nano time and space watch, and a ray of light enveloped him into the time and space channel.

The backward path of the space-time channel was unimpeded, but the forward path was blocked by a crimson wall. Wang Burt hit the wall with a bang and was bounced back.

"Wanda and Scarlet Witch built this wall?"

Wang Burt used space energy to stop in the space-time channel, and then he shouted loudly: "Wanda, what happened to you?"

Wanda's voice came from the wall: "Bert, become the god of Mutant, I will wait for you in the future."

Wang Burt wanted to ask again, but the energy of the time-space watch was exhausted, and he was kicked out of the time-space channel.

Wang Burt snorted coldly, ignored the cable next to him, and started the time-space watch again. At the same time, he activated the banknote ability: "Add 100 million dollars worth of space-time energy."

Wang Burt returned to the space-time channel, but unfortunately, this time, no matter how much he asked, the wall did not respond.

Wang Burt hates to return to this world, no wonder he can't find Wanda and Scarlet Witch, they are in the future.

"They did have an accident, and they were waiting for me to find them."

Wang Burt thought to himself: "Becoming the God of Mutants? Does it mean commanding Mutants, becoming the strongest among Mutants, or completely controlling Mutant genes?"

Immediately, Wang Burt shook his head, there was no need to guess which one, because he would be satisfied with all of them, in fact, from the very beginning, he was doing these three things.

Cable hurriedly asked: "Mr. Wang, what happened?"

Wang Burt said: "The road to the future is blocked, but the past is not affected."

"That is to say, I can't go back?"

Cable shouted, "Then what about my daughter?"

Wang Burt said: "It's not a big problem. You live in this era first, and when you travel back to the past in the future, you can return to your daughter."

Cable said: "If I stay in this era, I will change the past. Also, my lifespan is limited."

"The past has long changed, Cable, you have long been a part of this era."

Wang Burt said: "As for the age, it's not a big problem. I will give you a hundred years of life, and you will not be charged."

Tie Suo acted like I don't read many books, so don't lie to me: "Can life be given away?"

"Definitely yes, stay at ease, maybe this era is more suitable for you."

Wang Burt shrugged. In the movie, Cable also stayed and became Wade's good friend.

(end of this chapter)

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