Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 476 Burning Man Making Trouble

Chapter 476 Burning Man Making Trouble

Hearing Wang Burt's words, Cable sighed and said blankly, "I want to be quiet."

"Who is Jingjing? Cough, I'll ask the housekeeper to open a room for you. You should rest for a few days first."

Wang Burt coughed and went to the backyard to check the situation of Silverfox. Seeing him coming, Mutant smiled and said, "Boss, good news, this lady is out of danger."

"That's good."

Wang Burt nodded, and Wolverine and White Queen at the side breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, both of them were very excited, Silverfox had really come back to life.

Wang Burt said to Wolverine and White Queen: "You two, I have fulfilled my promise to you."

"Boss, I will work for you until you die."

Wolverine patted her chest to assure her, and White Queen sneered and said, "You're also called a part-time job? You stay at Mutant Academy every day and don't go to work. When I become the general manager, the first thing I will do is stop your salary."

Wolverine said proudly: "You can't stop, I don't have a bank card, and all my salary is paid by the boss."

White Queen complained: "What's there to be proud of? Also, are you a modern person without a bank card?"

"I have lived for more than 150 years, and my identity has been revoked long ago. Let alone a bank card, I even bought my driver's license with money."

Wolverine spread her hands and said helplessly: "I am also very annoying, Boss, is there any way to help me get an official identity? Next, I will buy a house with Silverfox and have a baby."

"You are actually a black household over a hundred years old?"

White Queen was speechless, she gritted her teeth and said, "I will never let my sister marry you and suffer with you."

"I'll let Hank help you recover your identity, that's what Mutant Affairs does."

Wang Burt smiled and said: "Emma, ​​the matter of Logan and your sister is their private matter after all. You can suggest it, but you cannot control it."

White Queen sneered: "I will tell my sister all the good things this guy has done. For example, he pestered Cyclops' girlfriend at Mutant Academy."

Wolverine suddenly became embarrassed, and Wang Burt laughed, and he always had to pay it back when he came out to hang out.

Silverfox was seriously injured, and she couldn't see anyone until three days later. Lying on the hospital bed, she held Wolverine's hand and said affectionately, "I thought I would never see you again in this life."

"No, I will always be with you."

Wolverine said, "I'm sorry, I haven't remembered you all these years."

Silverfox said softly: "That's none of your business, you are also a victim, and I lied to you back then."

Wolverine smiled and said, "I don't even remember, I just remember that you are my goddess of the moon."

Silverfox laughed happily, and she said: "Next, we will create more and better memories."

The White Queen, who was sprinkled with dog food, felt uncomfortable all over, she said: "Sister, this guy is not a good thing, I will tell you in detail later."

"He's my Wolverine."

Silverfox turned his head to look at the White Queen and exclaimed: "Emma, ​​I never expected that you will be so beautiful when you grow up, even I am ashamed of myself."

"I spend at least tens of millions of dollars a year on beauty care, definitely different."

White Queen said, why does she make so much money? It's very simple, take care of yourself and keep yourself young and beautiful forever.

Wolverine was dumbfounded: "Tens of millions? Is your body made of gold?"

"No, it's made of diamonds."

White Queen snorted and said, "Sister, this era is much better than before, you should recover as soon as possible, and then I will take you to enjoy the new era."

"For me, just having Logan around is enough," Silverfox said.

Wolverine said: "Although I don't have much savings, I will spend all my money on you. At worst, I will smoke BOSS's cigars in the future. Anyway, he never smokes, and throws them in the office to treat guests."

"You're going to get fired sooner or later."

Silverfox couldn't laugh or cry, she said: "Thank you BOSS for me, without him, I would have died long ago."

"When you get well, I'll take you to see him. Speaking of which, he's been very busy recently, having meetings with the professor and Hank every day. They always have endless meetings for this kind of big shot."

Wolverine said: "It's better for me, I can do whatever I want, just help him eliminate some bad guys once in a while."

The White Queen snorted. In her opinion, Wang Burt and the professor are asking for trouble, just take care of themselves, and what do ordinary people do?

No matter how many times you save those ordinary people, those ordinary people will not be grateful. This is human nature.

Wolverine and Silverfox ignored White Queen, and continued to sprinkle dog food there, White Queen gritted her teeth secretly: "My sister and Logan have a deep relationship, and I'm afraid it won't be easy to break them up.

Hmph, no matter how difficult it is, I will demolish them too. Wolverine is a disaster star, and those who follow him never end well. "


The blue-haired Beast Hank in the headquarters of New York's Mutant Affairs Department said dissatisfiedly: "The president sent back my report again. It seems that he does not agree with my plan."

"It's not that I don't agree, it's that I don't want to bother. In three months, he will step down. Now he just wants to make money safely, and he doesn't want to make any troubles."

Wang Burt shrugged and said, "The Mutant Affairs Department formed a guard to protect America. He couldn't hide in time for such a thing. How could he agree?"

"The problem is that the threat of evil believers is close at hand. If you don't form a Mutant guard, many people will die."

Hank said: "In addition, the guards can manage the Mutants and prevent those Mutants from doing anything."

Wang Burt asked with a half-smile: "Gather a large number of Mutants with combat abilities, and set up branches in various cities. Hank McCoy, what do you want to do, bring Mutants to rebel?"

Hank was taken aback for a moment, and then said dissatisfiedly: "Rebellion? Why am I rebelling? I did this to protect America."

"With the ability to rebel, it means that there is a possibility of rebellion. Unless it is a last resort, those high-level officials will never agree to form the Mutant guard."

Wang Burt said: "The president knows this, he doesn't want to go into this muddy water, so he sent your report back."

"These bloody bureaucrats."

Hank cursed, and then he turned to Wang Burt and asked, "Burt, it's been almost half a month, why have those evil believers been inactive? In the case of America, there must be many evil believers who believe in the way of destroying the world." host."

"Because they are afraid of me, I will teleport, no matter where they commit crimes, I can go there immediately."

Wang Burt said lightly: "So, they don't dare to act rashly, if I'm not wrong, they are accumulating strength, after that, they have two ways to go.

The first is to concentrate on killing me. Once I die, America will let them run freely. The second is to launch multiple cities at the same time. No matter how powerful I am, there is only one person, and it is impossible to take care of so many cities. "

Hank said, "Hope they pick number one."


Wang Burt turned his head to look at Hank, Hank smiled awkwardly, and said: "With your strength, those evil believers can't do anything to you at all, they will die as many as they come.

If they choose the second option, more people will die. No, I will report again and form a Mutant guard. "

"It's useless. Unless America suffers heavy losses, the president will never agree to your report. If you want to form the Mutant Guard, you probably have to wait until Acton comes to power."

Wang Burt said that although Acton is a sinister villain, he has ideals and aspirations. For America, he will overcome all difficulties to form the Mutant Guard.

However, Acton will definitely mix sand, for example, let ordinary people lead the Mutant escort team.

Hank said with a headache: "Acton will not come to power so soon. The general election is in November, and he will not officially take office until January next year."

"Wait slowly."

Wang Burt shrugged. At this moment, he suddenly received a call from the invisible man, and his body disappeared instantly.

Hank shook his head and thought to himself, "So urgent? I hope nothing serious will happen."

Let's go back in time a little bit, in a bar in New York, Burning John led a group of hot girls to drink and play games.

John has been in a bad mood recently, so he found a group of beautiful fans to have fun together. As for why he is in a bad mood? Quite simply, the NYPD denied his application.

"Damn Bert Wong for stopping me from being a super cop time and time again."

After John got the news, he cursed loudly. It was not the New York Police Department who rejected him, but Burt Wang—the super-cop's approval power had always been in Wang Burt's hands, and the chief did not dare to violate it.

Without Bert Wang, New York would have been destroyed many times. In New York, Bert Wang's prestige is getting higher and higher. This can be seen from his peripheral products that are always out of stock.

John used to admire Iron Man quite a bit, but now, he hated Iron Man deeply. In his opinion, the reason why Wang Burt stopped him was because he was afraid that he would surpass him.

So depressed, John found a group of beautiful fans to play with him. Under the warm service of the beauties, his mood gradually improved. He didn't even dare to think about such a luxurious life before, but now, all of this, All come true.

"Fuck meow Iron Man, I'll pass him as New York's most popular superhero."

John drank a big gulp of beer and shouted drunkenly, and the beauties shouted excitedly: "Fireman, the strongest."

The invisible man hiding at the side snorted secretly, that is to say, the boss won't let him do it, otherwise he would definitely stuff this guy's head into the toilet. You are worthy of being compared with the boss?

BOSS is the savior of Mutant, without him, you don't even have the qualification to stand in the crowd openly.

"I'm definitely the strongest."

John laughed out loud, shook his hand, and the candles on the table burst into flames. The beauties were startled at first, and then cheered loudly.

Just when the group of people were having fun, the door of the bar was knocked open with a bang, and then more than a dozen strong men walked in. The bald man at the head saw his girlfriend who was sticking to John, and shouted angrily: "Brother Sarah, what are you doing?"

Bertha drank a lot of wine, and her mind was not clear. When she saw her boyfriend coming, not only was she not afraid, but she also shouted very excitedly: "Honey, I'm with Fireman, I like him very much."

"You come back with me."

The bald man glared at Pyro John bitterly, and walked over to pull Bersara away.

John is having a good time, how can he allow others to take his woman away? He slapped the bald man's hand off dissatisfied, and shouted: "What are you doing? Didn't you see that she didn't want to leave?"

"Fireman, you stole our jobs, and now you're going to snatch our women?"

A burly man behind the bald man roared angrily, and the others also looked at John resentfully—they were all firefighters in the past.

"Work? Oh, you're one of those losers."

John suddenly realized, and he said arrogantly: "Your job is robbed because of your incompetence, and your girlfriend is robbed is also because of your incompetence. This world belongs to a strong man like me."

"Go to hell with me."

The bald man flew into a rage, and punched John hard in the face, and John was sent flying and fell on the sofa.

The bald man didn't intend to continue the fight. He took Bertha's hand and shouted, "Let's go!"

"You stop for me."

John got up from the sofa and shouted with red eyes, "What are you that dare to hit me?"

The bald man snorted coldly: "What's wrong with beating you? People like you deserve to be beaten. You've never been a hero. You're just a bastard. The real superhero is Iron Man. He's been benefiting us all the time. Unlike you, It's just making trouble."

"That's right, you're not a superhero, Iron Man is the superhero."

The firefighters shouted, John was very dissatisfied with Wang Burt, and he was furious when he heard this. He raised his hands, and the candle on the table floated up, turning into a ball of flames and hitting the bald man.

The bald man was frightened and hurried to dodge, but the clothes on his arm were still ignited by the flames, burning blazingly. The firefighters were frightened and angry. Some helped their companions put out the fire, and some rushed towards John.

"Die, die for me."

John was a little mad, and controlled the flames to fight back. At this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air. He saw the situation in the bar, picked up the stool next to him and smashed it on John's head. John rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

Then, with a ring of Wang Burt's fingers, a space door appeared out of thin air, and a large amount of sea water fell from the sky, dousing the flame on the bald man's arm.

"Mr. Wang."

When the firefighters saw that it was Wang Burt, they all stopped to salute—they were employees of the Rebirth Group.

"Call the police and let the police come and deal with this."

Wang Burt said to the firefighters: "When the police come, you tell the police the truth. You don't need to worry about anything. You are employees of the Rebirth Group, and the legal department will help you."

"Thank you Mr. Wang."

The firefighters said gratefully that Wang Burt not only saved them, but also stood up for them. He really deserves to be Iron Man.

Wang Burt nodded. At this moment, the voice of an invisible man sounded next to his ears: "Boss, there is someone running away quietly over there. He was secretly videotaping."

Wang Burt snorted coldly: "It really is a trap, no wonder it happened so coincidentally."

The invisible man asked in a low voice: "Boss, do you want to take him down and ask the mastermind behind it?"

"Follow him and find out his contact person. As for the video, it's not important. I don't intend to cover up what happened tonight, although it's not difficult for me."

Wang Burt said: "Just use John to do something."

The invisible man was a little worried: "BOSS, the mastermind behind the scenes will definitely use this to make a big fuss."

Wang Burt said: "It's not a big problem, no matter how you say it, Deadman, the invisible man, thanks to you this time, if all these firefighters are burned to death, then it will be a big problem."

Stealing the fireman's job, occupying the fireman's wife, and finally burning the fireman to death, if this happens, Mutant's image will plummet, and the heart behind the scenes is not ordinary.

(end of this chapter)

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