Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 477: Making Mutants

Chapter 477: Making Mutants

"What I should do, stop talking, Boss, I'll follow that guy and find out who is behind the scenes."

The invisible man nodded and left with the man who was secretly videotaping. At this moment, the beauties surrounded Wang Burt, their fiery eyes almost wanted to eat him. As for John the Burning Man, who is he?

How does Burning Man John compare to Iron Man?

"I finally know what Tang Seng feels like."

Wang Burt complained secretly, he signaled the beauties to back off, and then he said to the firefighters: "I still have things to deal with, go back to the company first, if there is anything, the company will make decisions for you, don't have any scruples and burdens .”

The firefighters nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Wang."

Wang Burt didn't say any more, and teleported away. The beauties were very disappointed. If they knew they would take the initiative, at least they could ask for an autograph.

After returning to the company, Wang Burt called Police Officer George and told him about the incident. Officer George was astonished and angry: "John the Fireman wanted to burn those firefighters to death? How dare he?"

"This is a trap designed by others."

Wang Burt said: "Officer George, you personally lead the team to bring all the people back to the police station. In addition, remember to bring back the wine that the burning man drank. I suspect there is something wrong with the wine."

Officer George was a little hesitant. In his opinion, Wang Burt was trying to deceive others.

"If I really want to deceive others, I won't call you at all. You can do whatever you want in this matter."

Wang Burt said angrily: "Also, keep an eye on Pyro and don't let him escape, otherwise things will become very troublesome."

"I know what to do."

Officer George nodded, then put down the phone and quickly summoned the police.

"The hearts of those anti-Mutants are really dark. Fortunately, they have prepared in advance, otherwise... otherwise, they can only go back through time and space to change this matter."

Wang Burt has a time-space watch, which is equivalent to having regret medicine. If something irreversible happens, he can travel back and change the future.

However, unless it is absolutely necessary, Wang Burt will not do this, modifying the time indiscriminately will lead to the collapse of the world - the teaching of Ancient One.

Then, Wang Burt called Yuriko and ordered: "Let those bought TV stations and newspapers go to the bar to report this matter, and the focus of the report should be on me."


Yuriko nodded, and using Wang Burt as the protagonist can minimize the public's aversion to Mutant.

"In addition, to speed up the acquisition of TV stations and newspapers, we must have our own channels."

Wang Burt said: "Also, increase investment in the Internet, and the next step is the world of the Internet."

Yuriko thought for a while and said, "Boss, I suggest that White Queen be in charge of this matter. Her charm is unstoppable."

Wang Burt nodded and said: "She is indeed suitable, I will talk to her."

Soon, Police Officer George rushed to the bar. At the same time, Wilhelm, the owner of Happy Entertainment Company, also rushed over. He found Officer George and said, "I hope you police will keep this matter secret, and I want to release Burning Man on bail."

Police officer George said coldly: "The Burning Man is suspected of a felony and will not be released on bail. In addition, the police will not keep this matter secret."

Wilhelm shouted: "He is Mutant, Mr. Wang will be very dissatisfied if he knows what you have done."

"Mr. Wang asked us to do business. Also, Mr. Wang was the one who stopped Burning Man before."

Officer George sneered, Wilhelm was stunned, how could this be possible? Mr. Wang doesn't care about Burning Man?

Police officer George ignored Wilhelm and took Pyro back to the police station himself. He prepared a special prison for Pyro, an empty prison without any flames around him, and he couldn't create any flames.

Pyro John, can't make fire, he can only manipulate fire.

"Damn it, John's gonna get in trouble."

Wilhelm cursed and called the professor for help. The professor was very concerned about his students. Hearing this, he immediately asked Hank to contact Wang Burt.

Hank asked Wang Burt through the phone: "Burt, you left in such a hurry before because of John's business?"

"Yeah, Hank, I know what you mean, but I won't come forward about this."

Wang Burt said: "You shouldn't come forward, John must pay for what he did."

Hank hurriedly said, "Bert, John may have been tricked."

"He was indeed being plotted by someone, and someone was secretly filming the video, but it is an indisputable fact that he wanted to burn the firefighters to death."

Wang Burt said: "Hank, you have not adapted to your identity. You are no longer a scientist of the Mutant illegal organization. You are the minister of the Mutant Affairs Department. When you do things, you must consider it from the perspective of an official."

"An official's point of view?"

Hank was taken aback for a moment, and then said dissatisfiedly: "The Mutant Academy is not an illegal organization."

Wang Burt sneered: "Isn't it an illegal organization? Excuse me, are the armed forces you own legal? Also, is your jet plane legal?"

Hank suddenly became embarrassed, whether it was an underground base or a jet plane, it had nothing to do with legality.

"Hank, you can ask a lawyer to help John, or you can ask a private investigator to help investigate, but you can't use power to protect him, let alone lead someone to rob him."

Wang Burt said: "Today is different, Hank, you are the minister now, if you want to save John, you can, but you must use legitimate means."

"I see."

Hank didn't object, because what Wang Burt said was right, he thought about it, went to the academy in person, and discussed the matter with the professor.

After hearing what Hank said, the professor sighed and said, "Bert is right, we should use legitimate means to help John, after all, we are no longer an illegal organization."

Storm said dissatisfiedly: "That kid, he will talk nonsense."

"It's not nonsense, we are now a formal organization, and Burning Man is indeed responsible for this incident."

The professor thought for a while, and confessed to Qin: "Qin, you remember to restrain the X-Men and the students so that they don't act impulsively. The situation is very complicated now, and we cannot actively provide ammunition for the enemy."

"Professor, don't worry, no one will save people. Burning Man's popularity is not good. Last time he went back to school, he had a very unpleasant fight with the students. Not to mention, he didn't take it seriously this time."

Qin smiled wryly and said, villains are rampant when they succeed, and Fireman is a typical villain.

The professor sighed: "Pyroman became too fast, maybe I should have been tougher at the beginning."

Hank advised, "Professor, that's none of your business."

The professor shook his head and said, "Hank, John will trouble you."

"Don't worry, I will try my best to help the fire people. In fact, this is my job scope."

Hank said, "Also, Pyro will never be treated unfairly, I can assure you of that."

"It's different now than before."

The professor nodded, he knew very well that all of this was brought by Burt Wang.


In a well-guarded office in Queens, the man who secretly filmed the video at the bar reported to his boss, a lean man with short hair and almost bald head: "Boss, the video is here. However, things failed. Iron Man appeared in time. , stopped the fire man."


The boss frowned, and he said, "Tell me the matter in detail."

"Okay, boss."

The man introduced in detail: "In the beginning, everything went well. The fire man drank the beer we added, and the firemen also came to the door..."

"Iron Man definitely has someone watching Pyro, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence."

The boss cursed, what did he think of, and asked nervously, "Is anyone following you?"

The man said: "definitely not, boss, you forgot, I am also a mutant, I can see things at night."

"Is he a Mutant too?"

The invisible man who had been following the man was stunned, and then became furious. This guy actually helped ordinary people deal with the Mutant. He really deserves to be damned.

"You're a failed Mutant, you can't sell for money, that's why I keep you by my side."

The boss snorted and said disdainfully, "Go out and wait for me, by the way, put down the video recorder."

"Okay, boss."

A flash of hatred flashed in the man's eyes, but it was more of fear. He nodded, put the video recorder on the table, and went to wait outside the door.

When the gate was closed, the boss took out his phone and called his superiors. The invisible man sneaked up to check the phone number and record it by the way.

After listening to the report, the boss' superior said slowly: "Although those firefighters didn't die, it is an indisputable fact that the fireman robbed the fireman's girlfriend and wanted to burn the fireman to death. You let those media report on this aspect and destroy Mutant's reputation." image."

"I know what to do."

The boss nodded, and he asked: "General, the rumors are a little tight recently, do you want to continue making Mutant?"

"General, make Mutant?"

The invisible man was stunned, what else could Mutant create? As for the other party being a general, to be honest, the invisible man didn't find it strange at all. It wasn't a day or two for the military to stare at them.

"Why not manufacture? Our products are very popular in various countries."

The general said: "Besides, we need more soldiers to deal with Bert Wang. Bert Wang must die, otherwise, Mutant might be united by him. In that case, we ordinary people will have no way out."

The boss shrugged his shoulders and said cynically: "General, you seem to have forgotten that I am also a Mutant. The mutant Ability is a high-speed response nerve plus no pain."

"Is he a Mutant too?"

The invisible man was dumbfounded, and then became more and more angry, these damned scum.

"No pain is a side effect, not a power."

The general said: "After finishing this matter, you can concentrate on cultivating mutants. If you can cultivate a space-type mutant, I will reward you with a large sum of money."

"It's not easy, all abilities are random."

The boss couldn't guarantee it, and the general didn't force it. He confessed a few words and interrupted the communication.

"Space system Mutant? These old fellows are more afraid of death than each other."

The boss snorted, and then he called the media to give orders.

Although the boss is also a Mutant, he doesn't like the fact that Mutant's status is getting higher, because it will affect his business, Mutant, it's better to be a slave - he is an acquired Mutant.

The invisible man quietly put the tape recorder behind the TV, and then he left the room to call Wang Burt.

"Mutants? Make Mutants?"

Wang Burt was stunned for a while, and he said, "Send me the photo of the boss."


The invisible man nodded and sent a not-so-clear photo. Wang Burt recognized the identity of the other party just by looking at it—the villain boss of "Deadpool", Francis.

Francis is the boss of a Mutant manufacturing organization. He uses special medicine and extreme pain to "force" ordinary people to Awakening into Mutants. Deadpool's Self-healing Ability is just like Awakening.

Francis is not a good guy. His purpose of creating Mutants is to sell them as weapons to warlords and gangs.

This person is a scum of the same level as Stryker.

Wang Burt ordered: "From now on, you will follow him and monitor him. If you encounter any danger, immediately activate the bracelet I left you to escape."

"Boss, why don't you kill him now?"

The invisible man said bitterly, the traitor is more hateful than the enemy.

"No hurry, we're going to wipe out his entire organization."

Wang Burt said: "Don't worry, they will definitely die miserably."

The invisible man said: "Boss, that boss, I want to do it myself."

Wang Burt smiled and said, "No problem, but he doesn't feel pain. If you want to torture him, you need to come up with some new tricks."

"No pain? This is troublesome."

The invisible man scratched his head, how can he torture a person who doesn't feel pain? Waiting online, urgent.

Wang Burt put down the phone and narrowed his eyes slightly: "This is another big news."


The next day, the story of Burning Man robbing someone's girlfriend and intending to burn her to death spread all over America, and the people were very angry. Isn't this too much? Not only snatching someone's job and girlfriend, but also burning them to death? Is that human being?

Newspapers, TV, the Internet, everyone is cursing Pyro, thankfully, most of them are just Pyro and not Mutant.

The reason is simple. Iron Man stopped Pyro in time without causing any casualties. Moreover, Iron Man sent Pyro to the police station impartially.

Although the media bought by Francis has been intentionally or unintentionally promoting the Mutant threat theory, but without Deadman after all, their propaganda has not had much effect.

Wang Burt was one of the parties involved, and he was the most famous in Mutant, so he was surrounded by a group of reporters as soon as he walked out of the Rebirth Building.

New York TV reporters squeezed to the front with the murder weapon and asked Wang Burt: "Mr. Wang, what do you think about what happened last night?"

Wang Burt said lightly: "No opinion, it's just a bar fight that can be seen everywhere."

"Mr. Wang, can't you say that? If you didn't arrive just in time, those firefighters would all be burned to death by the fireman."

A reporter said: "Things are indeed simple, but the party involved is not simple at all."

"In other countries, this kind of thing may not be simple, but in America, what is it? Bar fights, one party suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots, isn't that all too common?"

Wang Burt shrugged: "Pyroman's Ability is no different from a firearm."

(end of this chapter)

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