Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 495 Injured

Chapter 495 Injured

At this moment, a tongue fell from the tree, rolled up Quicksilver and shrank towards the tree, the red devil's expression changed, and he quickly stretched out his hand to grab Quicksilver's left foot.

Just when the Red Devil was about to grab Quicksilver's left foot, he suddenly felt severe pain in his head, and couldn't help screaming, but it was the mental shock Mutant who shot.

In the tree, Toad hugged Quicksilver and nimbly jumped behind Astra before the various attacks came.

"well done."

Astra was overjoyed, in this way, Pyro's side completely lost the bargaining chip, hum, dare to provoke Magneto, really reckless.

The freed Quicksilver laughed and said, "Thanks, Toad, although your tongue is disgusting, you still saved me."

Toad rolled his eyes: "I kind of regret saving you now."


Seeing that Quicksilver was free again, the Red Devil cursed and shouted, "Do it, take Quicksilver back."

Everyone was about to make a move, at this moment, with a bang, a big rock hit the open space in front of them, kicking up a lot of dust.

This is Magneto's warning. While controlling the mech to step on Pyro, he said to the Red Devils, "Don't force me to kill Mutant."

"Magneto, we throw in the towel."

The Red Devil gritted his teeth and said, "We will leave Brotherhood, but you want us to take Pyro away."

Magneto flew out of the mech and landed beside Quicksilver, and asked with a sneer, "Red Devil, don't you think too beautifully?"

"Magneto, you are indeed strong, but you can't stop all of us, let alone, I can teleport."

The Red Devil said: "Maybe you can kill us all, but Quicksilver and the others will definitely be buried with us."

"I'm afraid you won't make it?"

Quicksilver, who recovered a little strength, took a step forward and shouted loudly: "Old man, you can't let them go. They are all evil believers. Once they leave, they will definitely kill people everywhere. At that time, the people will suffer heavy casualties."

"What does ordinary people matter to me?"

Magneto snorted and said to the Red Devil, "You can leave, but Burning Man can't. Don't worry, I won't kill him. I'll just hand him over to the professor. He's a student of the professor anyway."

The Red Devil scratched his head hesitantly. At this moment, the Pyro on the ground suddenly turned into a flame and rolled to the side.

Magneto Wang Li immediately controlled the mech to step on Fireman. At this moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his waist. He turned his head in shock, and saw Quicksilver turning the dagger in his hand expressionlessly——his dagger , piercing deeply into Magneto's side.


Magneto looked at Quicksilver in disbelief, he actually attacked himself? Why?

Magneto was full of grief and indignation, and even had a feeling of despair. All he cared about in his life was his relatives. As a result, his relatives kept leaving him. After finally finding a son, he stabbed himself.

Everyone was also stunned, completely unexpected that such a thing would happen, Toad reacted immediately and kicked Quicksilver to the ground.

After Quicksilver fell to the ground, he suddenly woke up. Looking at the blood on his hands, he shouted in horror: "God, what did I just do?"

Seeing Quicksilver's reaction, Magneto, who was clutching his stomach, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He said, "You are being controlled, Red Devil, you are so despicable."

"Not mean, how to defeat the famous Magneto?"

The Red Devil said proudly: "Quicksilver is still the same Quicksilver, but before, I asked the Hypnotic Ability Master to give him a Hypnotic Ability. Once I receive my order, I will attack you immediately."

The Red Devil's instructions were very simple, and he scratched his head. In fact, he just wanted to add insurance at first, but he didn't expect to use it.

There's no way, that Pyro man is only bragging, but when it comes to fighting, he's nothing.

Quicksilver was full of guilt, his eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Red Devil, I will definitely kill you."

"Wait until you survive today."

The Red Devil smiled disdainfully, and he shouted: "Magneto has been abolished, do it, kill them."

"Kill Magneto."

The Mutants are very excited to kill Magneto, which is a huge amounts of glory.

"Only by you?"

Magneto was about to raise his hand to control the mech, but found that his strength was draining rapidly, and he couldn't even stand still, and fell to one knee on the ground.

"Excuse me, Magneto, my poison is on the dagger."

A Mutant raised its hands and turned into two pythons to swallow Magneto. Astra immediately blocked Magneto, holding the python's neck firmly with both hands to prevent it from biting Magneto.

Seeing that Magneto was really crippled, the Mutants launched an attack one after another, and Pyro was no exception. He struggled to get up from the ground, and said with a proud face: "Magneto, your time of death has come, Mutant Brotherhood, it's mine."

Astra and the others gritted their teeth. They stood by Magneto, ready to fight Burning Man and the others to the death.

No matter what other people think of Magneto, for Astra and the others, Magneto is their leader and the hope of Mutant.

Just when the war was about to break out, a voice suddenly sounded in the Red Devil's mind: "Use the teleportation ability with all your strength, and I will take you away."

The red devil was puzzled: "Who are you? Also, why are we leaving, we are about to win a big victory?"

Yuan Sin said: "I am the Lord of World Destruction, Iron Man is coming soon, I am interfering with his teleportation, but it won't last long, he is the Lord of Space."

"What, Iron Man is coming soon? I'll teleport right away."

The Red Devil was horrified, without saying a word, he immediately launched the teleportation, and with a wave of the original sin hand, the wave of the Red Devil's teleportation was greatly amplified, and all the traitor Mutants disappeared at the same time, including Pyro and Domino.

As soon as the Red Devil disappeared, Wang Burt brought the professor, Qin, and Wolverine to appear at the same time. Wang Burt's complexion was a bit ugly, and his teleportation was a few seconds late. If you guessed right, it was the original sin.

The question is, why would Original Sin do this? What does Brotherhood have to do with him?

"Eric, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Magneto kneeling on the ground, the professor turned pale with fright, and hurriedly asked Jean to push him over.

Magneto breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the professor and the others, and then asked dissatisfiedly, "Charles, did you play tricks on my mind? Otherwise, you wouldn't have come by such a coincidence."

The professor said, "Just a warning sign, Eric, I won't interfere with your thoughts."

Magneto said coldly: "A warning signal is not enough, Charles, if there is such a thing again, I will not let you go."

"You guys are really good friends."

Wang Burt smiled and said, "Although I don't know what happened, Magneto, it seems that I came at the right time."

Astra was startled when she heard the words, and shouted loudly: "Dignified Iron Man, do you want to take advantage of others' danger?"

Quicksilver also yelled: "Iron Man, you're not cool like this."


The professor hesitated a little, not knowing whether to dissuade him.

"If I really wanted to deal with you, you would have finished playing, Magneto, you owe me a big favor, and you have to pay it back."

Wang Burt said that he didn't plan to catch Magneto now, because if he was caught, the Mutant Brotherhood would definitely mess up.

Don't worry, let's deal with the evil believers first.

Magneto stood up with Toad's support, and said, "Don't worry, I will pay back this favor, but, again, I don't approve of your line."

"I never expected approval from you stubborn old man."

Wang Burt asked: "What happened just now? Is it related to the Lord of Destruction?"

"how do you know?"

Magneto was a little startled, and then he told the story in detail, and Toad bandaged his wound beside him.

"Fireman, the Red Devils and the others have taken refuge in the Lord of Destruction?"

Wang Burt frowned, this is not good news, Mutant cultists are much more dangerous than simple cultists.


The professor sighed, this student has completely gone astray, he really regrets it now, if he knew earlier, he shouldn't have given Pyro so much freedom back then.

I should help him reject Wilhelm.

"Isn't this change too big?"

Qin Da frowned. Although Burning Man was a bit flamboyant at school, he was still a good student, but after only a few months out of society, he became the most wanted devil in the world.

"Yes, the Lord of Destroyer also helped them improve their strength."

Quicksilver nodded and said, "Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise, the Mutant Brotherhood will fall into the hands of evil believers, and by then, both ordinary people and Mutants will be in great trouble."

"Thanks to the professor's insurance this time."

Wang Burt said, how did Domino do it, there is no news? Almost broke something big.

Magneto snorted unhappily when he heard the words, the professor spread his hands and explained to him in a low voice.

At this time, Wang Burt's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Hank calling, and he shouted very anxiously: "Burt, it's not good, the red devil just led people into the Mutant affairs department and forcibly took the blue devil away."

"What? They didn't escape, but went to the Mutant Affairs Department? I'll go there right away."

Wang Burt frowned greatly. He put down his cell phone and said to Magneto: "Magneto, you can settle your affairs yourself, professor, something happened to the Mutant Affairs Department, we'll be there right away."


The professor nodded hastily, and Wang Burt didn't waste any time, leading the three professors and disappearing.

"The Red Devil."

Magneto cursed bitterly, and said to Astra: "Astra, pack your things, let's get out of here, and also, let all the branches abandon their strongholds and go to the safe house."

"Okay." Astra nodded and took people to pack things.

Quicksilver walked up to Magneto and asked, "Old man, you are so badly injured, are you afraid that something will happen during the transfer?"

"What is this little injury? I have suffered more serious injuries. When I recover from my injuries, I will immediately kill Pyro and the Red Devil."

Magneto said hard: "No one can betray Brotherhood, they must die."

Quicksilver gritted his teeth and said, "The Red Devil is mine, and I will kill him with my own hands."

"Finally, you're not so foolish."

Magneto nodded in satisfaction. If his son could mature because of this, his knife would not be in vain.

The Mutant Affairs Department and Wang Burt appeared out of nowhere, and found that the hall was in chaos, with broken instruments everywhere. Cyclops was also injured, and Jean rushed over to check.

Wang Burt asked Hank who was walking over: "Hank, what happened?"

"Just now, a large group of Mutants suddenly appeared out of thin air. They didn't say anything, and directly attacked us. We were caught off guard."

Hank introduced: "They took advantage of the chaos to snatch the Blue Devil, and then disappeared. The whole process only took tens of seconds. Obviously, they came for the Blue Devil."

"Professor, why does the red devil have to get the blue devil?"

Wang Burt asked, the red devil's IQ is not that high, this matter should be planned by the original sin himself, that is to say, the red devil's plan can bring a lot of benefits to the original sin, otherwise he would not be so concerned.

The professor said: "I'm not too sure, maybe we can contact Raven, Kurt is her son, she should know something."

"I'll find Magneto to contact Mystique right away, I'm afraid it won't be easy about the Red Devil."

Wang Burt nodded, teleported back to the Brotherhood New York branch, and found that Magneto and others were moving.

Seeing the reappearance of Wang Burt, Magneto and the others were quite vigilant. Does this guy want to kill them secretly?

"It's fast."

Wang Burt flew over the large mecha and said, "Magneto, is this mecha used to deal with me?"

Magneto snorted coldly: "So what if it is? So what if it's not?"

Wang Burt said: "If it's not, I didn't ask. If it is, you'd better stop working, this thing is useless to me."

"Try to know if it works."

Magneto asked, "Iron Man, what are you doing back here?"

Wang Burt said: "Give me Mystique's contact number. The blue devil was snatched by the red devil. I want to ask her if she has any clues."

"The blue devil was snatched by the red devil?"

Magneto hesitated for a while, read a phone number to Wang Burt, and said: "If you want to deal with the red devil, I can join forces with you."

Quicksilver gritted his teeth beside him and said, "The red devil must die."

"Leave a call and talk about it when the time comes. The Red Devil is probably going to make a big news."

Wang Burt shook his head, he flew aside, picked up his cell phone and dialed Mystique.

After the call was connected, Mystique asked coldly, "Who are you and why do you have my phone number?"

"It's me, the man you'll never have."

Wang Burt told the story again, and Mystique asked angrily: "Aren't you too incompetent? Let the red devil snatch Kurt away?"

"Without me, your Magneto, your Mutant Brotherhood, are history."

Wang Burt snorted coldly: "Mystique, how much do you know about the Red Devil?"

Mystique was silent for a while, and replied: "The red devil has lived for many years, I don't know exactly how many years, but at least several hundred years.

During these hundreds of years, he produced many descendants, and these descendants were quietly locked up by him. The reason why I stole Kurt back then was not only to avenge the Red Devil, but also to save Kurt. "

After a pause, Mystique added: "The Red Devil seems to want to sacrifice his descendants. As for the purpose, I'm not sure, he has a very strict mouth."

(end of this chapter)

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