Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 496 Gathering

Chapter 496 Gathering

"Sacrificing one's own descendants? Is this still a human being?"

Mystique's words made Wang Burt very astonished, gave birth to a group of offspring, and then sacrificed them, what kind of operation is this?

Mystique snorted coldly, "He's not a human, he's a devil."

"This kind of behavior is indeed no different from the devil."

Wang Burt nodded in agreement, and he asked, "Mystique, where does the Red Devil keep his offspring? If nothing else happens, the Blue Devil should be there too."

"The Red Devil's lair should be in Las Vegas, but I don't know the exact location."

Mystique said: "Iron Man, why don't you use Ability to lock the location of the Red Devil? It shouldn't cost much, right?"

"She knows my money ability? That is to say, she has mixed into the high-level human beings?"

Wang Burt's eyes flickered slightly, and he said: "The Lord of Destruction of Worlds is protecting the Red Devil. If you want to know where he is, it will cost at least hundreds of millions of dollars. What's worse, the Lord of Destruction of Worlds will be aware of it."

"Hundreds of millions of dollars?"

Mystique frowned greatly, she hesitated, and said, "Iron Man, help me rescue Kurt, I owe you a favor."

"No need, the blue devil is my ally, I will try my best to save him."

Wang Burt shook his head and said, "I'll go to the casino to search, maybe I can find the cobweb horse trail."

Mystique said: "It must be done as soon as possible, the Red Devil will start the sacrifice immediately."

"Don't worry, Blue Devil will be fine."

Wang Burt put down the phone, he thought for a while, walked up to Magneto, and asked, "How is your injury?"

"Poisoned, plus a knife in the abdomen, it will take at least half a month to recover."

Magneto said a little depressed, he didn't know what kind of bad luck he had recently, he was always injured.

Wang Burt said: "Not so much time, Magneto, Quicksilver, I'll help you recover, and you help me deal with the red devil and evil believers."

Before Magneto could speak, Quicksilver immediately said, "No problem, I'm going to tear the Red Devil into pieces."

Magneto glanced at Quicksilver and said, "Iron Man, with your hands, you don't need our help, do you?"

"In order for the Red Devil to proceed smoothly, next, the Lord of Destruction of Worlds will definitely send out a large number of evil believers to drag down the Mutant guards and security companies."

Wang Burt said: "So, I need foreign aid."

"So that's it, okay, we'll help you."

Magneto nodded in agreement, Pyro and the Red Devil had done them so badly, they must have revenge.


Wang Burt nodded in satisfaction, he took out a stack of banknotes, and said, "Magneto, Quicksilver, back to normal."

In the next second, the banknote disappeared, and Magneto and Quicksilver returned to normal at the same time, no matter whether it was poison or injury, all were resolved.

Although Magneto knew that Wang Burt had the Ability, it was the first time he saw it with his own eyes, and he was quite shocked. As for Quicksilver, he ran a few steps and shouted in disbelief: "Iron Man, what kind of Ability do you have, it's too powerful Bar?"

Wang Burt said with a smile: "It's very good for me, but it's not good for you at all, because you have no money."

Quicksilver felt his heart hurt so much, he looked at Wang Burt resentfully, although it was true, why did you say it?

"Money is just an external possession."

Magneto snorted and said, "Iron Man, what's next?"

Wang Burt said: "Others wait for a while, Quicksilver, you come with me to Las Vegas, and we'll see if we can find the Red Devil's lair."

"No problem, I'm the best at finding people."

Quicksilver nodded, but Magneto didn't stop him, he said: "Okay, Pietro, be careful yourself, they not only have mutants, but also evil believers."

"Don't worry, I want to leave, no one can keep me."

Quicksilver thought of what happened before, and cursed: "That damned Domino, don't let me find her, or I'll beat her into a pig's head."


Wang Burt was stunned. Domino wouldn't surrender to the enemy, would he?


On the side of a hill outside the casino, the Red Devil carried the Blue Devil to the depths, and said excitedly, "Kurt, I finally caught you."

"Red Devil, what exactly do you want to do to me?"

The blue devil couldn't help asking, what's worth mentioning is that he is now completely paralyzed and unable to move at all.

It was the red devil who injected the blue devil with the potion, and he said: "You will soon know, Kurt, you are luckier than your big brother sisters, because your pain will soon be over."

"I still have big brother sister?"

The blue devil was stunned. At this time, the red devil arrived at the destination, a room full of cold jars, looking at the figures in those jars, the blue devil couldn't help but open his eyes wide: "Don't tell me, they are my big brother elder sister?"

"Yes, they are. In order to prevent them from escaping and dying, I froze them."

The red devil carried the blue devil to an empty jar and said, "This jar is specially prepared for you. Don't worry, the sacrificial ceremony will begin soon. I won't freeze you. In fact, other people will too." Start thawing."

After speaking, the red devil put the blue devil into the jar, and the blue devil asked in horror: "Sacrifice? What are you going to do to me? We are your descendants."

The Red Devil said: "You are my descendants, so your life belongs to me, what's the problem?"

The blue devil looked at the red devil with a disappointed look on his face: "I was wrong, you are not an Angel, you are a real devil, you cannot be educated."

"Only an idiot like you would believe that Mutant is an Angel."

The Red Devil smiled disdainfully. He closed the door of the jar, walked to the front of the main controller to operate the instrument, and soon, the other jars began to thaw slowly.

"Thousands of years of dreams will come true tomorrow."

The red devil looked excited, and then he teleported back to the hall, where Pyro and the others were all there.

The Red Devil said, "Fire Man, thank you for helping me."

Burning Man was obviously in a bad mood. He glanced at the Red Devil and said, "We will help you complete the ceremony. Then, all you devil-type mutants must believe in the great Lord of Destruction."

"No problem, I have already felt the greatness of the Lord of Destruction."

The red devil looks respectful on the surface, but secretly sneers in his heart. When he rescues his fellows, this world will belong to their demonic mutants.

The Red Devil never intended to believe in the Lord of Destruction of the World. His dream was very simple, to rule the world with his own clan, and possess boundless power, wealth, and beauties.

Annihilation? Only lunatics will destroy the world, and they are a family of demons, just careerists.

"The Lord of Destroyer is definitely the greatest."

Pyro said bitterly: "Red Devil, wait for your kindred to return, let's kill Iron Man together, if it wasn't for him, I would be the master of Mutant Brotherhood now."

"Without me, you're a fucking Brotherhood master?"

The Red Devil secretly disdainful, he said: "Once Iron Man dies, not to mention Brotherhood, even America will become your territory."

"That's definitely."

Pyro completely forgot about the fiasco before, and said arrogantly. Seeing this, the Mutants secretly shook their heads, their approval of Pyro greatly reduced in their hearts.

Not only can't beat Magneto, but he is also arrogant. Who wants to recognize this kind of person as the boss?

"I was just being an undercover agent, why did I get into such a big trouble?"

Domino secretly complained that before, she wanted to call secretly for help several times, but her intuition kept warning her, and she always believed in intuition, so she didn't do anything - with her luck, her intuition was almost 100% accurate.

At this moment, a group of figures appeared out of thin air, and everyone looked at them vigilantly.

"Don't worry, it's my own."

Greed said that besides him, there was Rage and a group of elite cultists, each with a special ability.

"Greed, Rage, what are you doing here?"

Burning Man asked very dissatisfied: "This is my territory."

"God sent us here."

Greedy glanced at Pyro and said, "God attaches great importance to this matter, and nothing can go wrong."

The Red Devil frowned a little. How could the Lord of Destroyer be so concerned about this matter that he even sent two other envoys?

The Fireman didn't dare to oppose the Lord of Destroying Worlds, he said: "You can come, but this is my place, you must obey my orders."

Rage sneered at the same time as all the evil believers. Before Greedy said that Pyro was an idiot, he still didn't believe it. Now he is very sure that Pyro is not only an idiot, but also a very stupid kind.

"This matter is up to God himself to decide."

Greed didn't bother to pay attention to Pyro, he asked the Red Devil, "Red Devil, when will the sacrificial ceremony start?"

The Red Devil replied: "I have to make some preparations, and I can start tomorrow."

Greedy shook his head and said, "Tomorrow? It's too late, Red Devil, when will it be ready?"

"Fastest? I have made all other preparations, but my descendants will take a lot of time to thaw and recover."

The Red Devil said: "As soon as they recover, I can start offering sacrifices right away."

Greed asked: "It's easy, I will help them recover, Red Devil, sacrifice in half an hour, is there any problem?"

"Half an hour? Is there a need to be in such a hurry? I'm safe here, and Iron Man won't come looking for me."

The Red Devil frowned. Half an hour is indeed enough, but for such a big event, at least it has a sense of ritual, how can it be so rough?

"Iron Man won't come here?"

Greedy smiled, and he said: "You have no idea how terrifying Iron Man is, don't talk nonsense, sacrifice in half an hour, Red Devil, prepare your offspring immediately, and I will treat them.

Also, give me the terrain map here, and we'll get ready for Iron Man to come. "

Having said that, Greed added: "This time, we must succeed, God is watching us, understand?"

"I want to succeed more than you do."

The Red Devil said: "I'm going to prepare now. The topographic map is on the computer in my bedroom. You can get it yourself."

After finishing speaking, the Red Devil turned into red smoke and disappeared. He nodded greedily and asked people to find a topographic map.

Then, Greedy said to the original sin in his mind: "My god, the red devil will start the ceremony in half an hour, and the matter of sending evil believers out to make trouble can begin."

"I will create a large number of evil believers in a short period of time."

Original Sin said: "This is a good opportunity to kill Iron Man, we must seize it."

That's right, to kill Iron Man, the original sin didn't care about the demonic Mutant at all, he just wanted to take this opportunity to kill Iron Man.

"I will do my best."

Greed said: "Once Iron Man dies, no one can stop us from destroying the world, and we don't need to hide it anymore. Speaking of it, the arrangements in the City of God are a pity, most of them have been completed."

"It's nothing to regret. If you fail this time, you go back and continue to destroy the City of God."

The original sin said that he did not think that this plan would definitely kill Iron Man, the reason is very simple, the other party is a creator god.

No matter how arrogant and arrogant the original sin is, he also knows that killing the Creator God is not an easy matter, even if the other party is just a duplication of the Creator God.

"The Destroyer is afraid of Iron Man."

Greedy heart moved slightly, he said: "Also, if I fail this time, I will destroy the city of God on the American election day, and welcome the coming of God."

Original Sin said: "Very good, greedy, if you can successfully kill Iron Man this time, you will be the head of the seven deadly sins in the future, and I will be my spokesperson in the world."

"Thank you my God, I will not let you down."

Greedy was overjoyed, he thought for a while, and went to chat with Burning Man, lest this idiot ruin the event.

While the two messengers were communicating, Domino's eyes flashed, and he hid in the bathroom in the name of the toilet.

Then, Domino called Wade—there was a signal and a network here, and the Red Devil would occasionally stay here to rest.

Wade received a call from Domino and said, "You know what? The BOSS told me that you might have betrayed."

"I didn't rebel, it was because you didn't give me good equipment."

Domino said dissatisfiedly: "I didn't have a chance to make a phone call at all before. You should get me some professional spy equipment."

"I didn't think about it that much at the time. After all, no one knew that this matter would be so serious."

Wade said: "Domino, where are you now? The boss is looking for you."

"I'm in a secret base, but I don't know the exact location."

Domino said: "I was teleported here, Wade, you tell the boss that the Red Devil is going to hold a sacrificial ceremony in half an hour, and Greed and Rage are also here."

Wade said, "Half an hour? Domino, I'll go find the boss right away, don't hang up."

Domino nodded: "Okay, as soon as possible, I can't stay in the bathroom for too long."


Wade didn't talk nonsense, and directly teleported to the side of Wang Burt who was in the casino, and said the matter again.

"Half an hour? The World Destroyer is really in a hurry."

Wang Burt took Wade's call and said: "Leave this matter to me, Wade, you go to the Mutant Affairs Department, there will be a large number of evil believers, the blue devils are not here, they need you."

"Leave it to me, Boss, I am full of energy now, and I can solve any number of evil believers."

Wade was confident, and then he teleported to the Mutant Affairs Department. As soon as he entered, he heard Hank's roar: "Damn, where are there so many evil believers, and this is the time?"

In just a few minutes, hundreds of evil believers appeared in America, and the phone of the Mutant Affairs Department almost exploded.

Cyclops, with straps on his arms, said, "Without the Blue Devils and the Iron battle suit, we couldn't get to the scene quickly, and this is in trouble."

Wade shouted: "Don't worry, although the blue devil is not here, but your dear, Wade who wants double salary is here."

(end of this chapter)

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