Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 626 Fierce Battle

Chapter 626 Fierce Battle

At this moment, the replica Tony turned around suddenly, and kicked the professor aside with a side kick. Tony seized the opportunity and flew up, hitting the professor's chin hard with a Muay Thai knee, and the professor's chin shattered on the spot , even the head is twisting shapeshifting.

"Break it for me."

While the professor was seriously injured, the replica Tony shot two red lasers from his eyes, and as his neck turned, the space, or the world of snow, was quickly ignited and turned into a world of flames.

A moment later, the world collapsed, and Tony's vision blurred, and he returned to his body.

Tony sneered at the mad attack on the opposite side: "Professor, your spiritual ability is nothing more than that. No wonder you have failed in education, and the students you teach are not as good as one."

Kuang Gong shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible, you are a mortal, how can you escape from my spiritual world?"

"I'm not a mortal, I'm Tony Stark, the strongest Iron Man."

Tony is different from Wang Burt, he likes to show off, he said: "You think that clone is yours, but in fact, he is not, he is an anti-Iron Man battle suit, and the battle suit and I have a symbiotic relationship, even if it is an illusion Can't stop us."

"A symbiotic battle suit?"

Kuang Gong was stunned. In his world, Iron Man had never created such a high-end battle suit.

"You don't need to know that much because you'll be a prisoner in no time."

Tony didn't waste any more time, his eyes lit up red, and two lasers roared towards the mad attack.

These two lasers both transcended time. Just after they appeared, they arrived in front of Kuang Gong. Although Kuang Gong launched the teleport at the first time, it was useless at all, because the space had been destroyed by the lasers.

The next second, the laser bombarded Kuang Gong, and the Sentry armor on Kuang Gong was instantly ignited, and Kuang Gong jumped out of the armor in a hurry.

Kuang Gong had just popped out, and before he could do anything else, a metal ring composed of nanoparticles traveled through the space and firmly surrounded his neck. Then, six thin needles popped out from the inside of the metal ring and pierced Kuang Gong's neck. Gong froze there for an instant, not daring to move.

"Don't move around, this is the imprisonment ring I just developed, as long as I have a thought, you will be reduced to ashes."

Looking at Kuang Gong, Tony said triumphantly: "Your Ability is useless to it, because it can block space."

"How can you be so strong?"

Kuang Gong asked with an ugly face, he has not seen Iron Man before, or he is a funny character, how could he be so strong?

Tony pretended to be Wang Burt, and asked indifferently: "If I say, I haven't even released a tenth of my strength, would you believe it?"

Kuang Gong glanced at Tony and said, "I surrender, but don't think this is the end. In my universe, there are many people stronger than me."

Tony said: "I know, Omega-level Mutant, don't worry, in our universe, although not everyone is as strong as me, there are still some superheroes who are slightly weaker than me."

Kuang Gong sneered and said, "You deserve a beating, you really are the real Iron Man, not someone else pretending to be you."

"You actually judge whether I'm really Iron Man by needing a beating? Kuang Gong, you're the one who really needs a beating, right?"

Tony rolled his eyes, time was limited, he didn't say anything more, and sent Kuang Gong to a special prison, where his Ability would not be able to be used.

After solving the mad attack, Tony looked at the surrounding ruins and couldn't help but sighed. Although he came early enough, the destruction ability of the mad attack was too terrifying. At least hundreds of people died in his hands.

"Perhaps Burt's method is the most correct, kill everyone and then resurrect them."

Tony shook his head, and went to other cities to deal with those 'big villains', repel this wave of attacks first, and then talk about other things.


In San Francisco, countless venom-like symbionts are wreaking havoc. The scariest thing about them is not that they like to gnaw human heads, but that they can keep multiplying, splitting, and creating more symbiont monsters.

Black widow grabbed the head of a symbiote, and a fire burst out in his hand. The symbiote was burned to ashes in an instant, but the host was fine, and fell to the ground and passed out in a blissful coma.

The control ability of Black widow is obviously very high.

"It's too slow. The speed of my killing is far less than the speed of their division. If this continues, this city will become a city of symbiosis sooner or later."

Black Widow frowned greatly. Her strength was higher than that of the symbiotes. Even if more than a dozen symbiotes besieged her, she would not fall behind. The problem was that there were too many symbiotes, and her speed of killing monsters was too slow.

"Fortunately, there is not only one Black widow."

Thinking of something, Black Widow turned on the communicator to contact the rear, and a moment later, a portal appeared, and then, a large number of heroic beauties came out of the portal, led by Yelena who had the same pair of short legs as Natasha Romanoff.

"Black Widow Legion, it's time to act."

Black Widow laughed and said that a few years ago, she rescued a large number of female agents like her, and afterwards, she arranged these female agents to recuperate in a secret place to remove the toxins from their bodies.

Later, Black Widow got the perfect version of Extremis from Black Widow of the main universe. She was not stingy, and gave the virus to those female agents, so that they could be restored to integrity just like herself.

In other words, these Black widows are all very hot.

"We owe you two lives and are willing to work for you."

Yelena said that the other Black widows, including the master of imitation, nodded in unison.

"Not for me, but for yourselves."

Black Widow smiled, and said: "Only by fighting this battle well, can I apply for the establishment of Avengers for you, and clean up everything in the past. You finally got your freedom, and you can no longer be mice."

Yelena and the others were a little excited when they heard the news. If they had a choice, who would want to be a black household?

"Let's go, let those symbiotes know that the Black Widow Legion is coming."

Black widow said with a smile on his face, please note that in San Francisco, Black widow haunts.


In London, Dark Phoenix, dressed in a crimson dress, walked slowly on the street like a walk. Wherever she passed, whether it was buildings or people, they were all wiped out, which looked very realistic.

The citizens of London screamed in fright and fled frantically. This is a veritable race against Death God.

The citizens were very bitter, why did they come to London? Logically speaking, shouldn't the big villain go to that ghostly place in New York?

America's captain Steve stood in front of Dark Phoenix with a Vibranium shield in hand, and shouted, "Ma'am, stop, you've done too much evil."

Dark Phoenix ignored Steve and continued walking forward, just a unit of measurement, what right did she have to stop?

Seeing this, Steve smashed the shield in his hand towards Dark Phoenix. Dark Phoenix didn't dodge and continued to move forward. What about the Vibranium shield? One thought can be broken down.

Bang, the Vibranium shield was not disassembled, it hit Dark Phoenix directly, Dark Phoenix screamed and flew upside down, rolling on the ground again and again.

Dark Phoenix, who fell on the ground, was a little unresponsive. She blinked and asked in amazement: "This is impossible, why hasn't your shield been disassembled?"

Steve reached out to catch the Vibranium shield that bounced back, and said, "Because I don't want it to be broken down, I'm going to use it to protect the earth."


Dark Phoenix floated into the air from the ground, and then, the flames of the phoenix formed a burning phoenix phantom behind her, and the buildings in the distance, the ground below, and some citizens who didn't escape far enough quickly disappeared.

Seeing this, Steve rushed towards Dark Phoenix immediately. Dark Phoenix pushed forward with both hands, and the flames of the Phoenix turned into more than ten lifelike little phoenixes and blasted towards Steve.

The temperature of the little phoenix was extremely high, and even the void it passed was burned. Steve took a deep breath, raised his right hand, and Mjolnir fell from the sky, crashing directly towards Dark Phoenix with crackling lightning.


Dark Phoenix was a little surprised. The phoenix shadow behind him flapped its wings and smashed towards Mjolnir. At this moment, another Mjolnir rushed out from the ground and hit Dark Phoenix with a hammer. Dark Phoenix was thrown out again.

Steve was so powerful that he used the shield to resist more than a dozen little phoenixes, and at the same time controlled two Mjolnirs to hit Dark Phoenix one after another—two Mjolnirs, one from Loki and the other from Thor from another universe.

"you wanna die."

Dark Phoenix, whose body was scorched black, was completely enraged. The phoenix phantom behind him stretched out its claws and grabbed the two Mjolnirs firmly. Then, the fire of the Phoenix spread to the two Mjolnirs. The two Mjolnirs vibrated continuously, and the lightning on the hammer quickly disappear.

Although Mjolnir is an artifact, it can also be destroyed. At the beginning, Hela crushed Mjolnir.

Steve knew this, and threw the shield in his hand towards Dark Phoenix. Dark Phoenix stared, and the three little phoenixes turned into three fireballs that kept growing and hit the Vibranium shield.

At this moment, Steve's feet hit Dark Phoenix's side with great speed, and he kicked Dark Phoenix's chest hard.

While dodging, Dark Phoenix controlled the Phoenix phantom to attack Steve. Steve took the opportunity to recall two Mjolnirs. Then, he ignored the attacking Phoenix phantom and swung two hammers at Dark Phoenix.

This Dark Phoenix has more than enough attack, but not enough defense. If you want to defeat her, the best way is to attack, not the kind that doesn't care about defense at all.

Dark Phoenix considered himself noble, so naturally he didn't want to die with Steve, so he immediately controlled the phoenix phantom to resist Steve's hammer.

Now, the initiative completely fell to Steve, he transformed himself into a double-hammer Warrior, and attacked crazily. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunderbolts continued to fall with Mjolnir's waving.

Steve's signature Ability is shield, but that doesn't mean he's not good at attacking.

Dark Phoenix lost the opportunity and could only defend passively. However, she didn't panic, because this kind of strong attack wouldn't last long. As long as she blocked the opponent's attack, the opponent would die in her hands sooner or later.

It's just that, contrary to Dark Phoenix's expectations, Steve has no intention of stopping at all, and what's even more amazing is that as time goes by, his strength and speed keep improving.

Spiritual concept - 50-50.

Steve is full of confidence: "She is not an ancient god, I can win this battle."


In Egypt, Captain Marvel blasted Apocalypse onto the Pyramids with one punch, huge amounts of Pyramids exploded, and countless sands flew into the sky.

"It's really disappointing, you are not an ancient god, but a half-step ancient god."

Captain Marvel sighed, she originally wanted to use the pressure of the ancient gods to make herself a step further, but unfortunately, the Apocalypse of this universe is only half a step of the ancient gods, and failed to take that step.

"A mere woman dares to offend this god?"

Apocalypse got up from the mound and roared angrily, "Do you know who I am?"

"Just a woman?"

Captain Marvel laughed back angrily, and she said, "I don't know who you are, all I know is that you will die a miserable death."

After finishing speaking, phantoms of two planets suddenly appeared behind Captain Marvel, and her momentum increased infinitely. This is her double star form.

As we all know, Captain Marvel hates men who look down on women the most. Today, she will let Apocalypse know how terrifying women are.

Apocalypse felt the power of Captain Marvel, and was a little shocked. Then he snorted coldly, controlled the soil to attach to himself, and turned into a 100-meter-high soil titan.

"No one can kill me, because I am a god. When you see a god, you should kneel down to express your surrender."

Apocalypse yelled, while waving his big hand and slapped Captain Marvel vigorously, the entire sky was covered by his big hand.

"God? In my heart, there is only one god in this world, and that is my master. You are not even qualified to carry my master's shoes."

Captain Marvel smiled disdainfully, she didn't bother to use any moves, and directly sprinted forward with all her arms in front, bang, the solid body of the soil titan was directly smashed by her.

And this was just the beginning, Captain Marvel pierced the earth titan with a dazzling light, the earth titan moved slowly, and couldn't attack Captain Marvel at all, in a short time, there were big holes all over the earth titan.

Apocalypse became more and more angry, his eyes turned white, and when Captain Marvel entered the earth titan's body, he activated the gravity ability, and the earth titan instantly turned into a Pyramids full of gravity, and Captain Marvel was trapped inside and could not get out.

"You don't even know how powerful God is?"

Apocalypse smiled grimly, and controlled the Pyramids to shrink rapidly——every time the Pyramids shrunk a little, the gravity inside would become larger, and when the Pyramids became small enough, Captain Marvel would be crushed to death by gravity.

Captain Marvel didn't answer, and seemed to be unable to speak. Apocalypse became more and more excited, desperately compressing the Pyramids. When the Pyramids was only two people tall, the gravity inside reached a very terrifying level, and even time and space were a little unbearable.

Just when Apocalypse thought that Captain Marvel was certain to die, Captain Marvel's loud roar came from the Pyramids. Then, the Pyramids exploded with a bang, and countless sands shot around like bullets.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably bright figure appeared in Apocalypse's line of sight. Before Apocalypse could say anything, Captain Marvel clasped his hands together, and an extremely dazzling light wave as thick as a water tank blasted out.


Apocalypse didn't have time to dodge, and was hit straight. When the light wave disappeared, Apocalypse completely disappeared.

This light wave not only has the power of Captain Marvel, but also the power of Apocalypse itself, it is normal that Apocalypse cannot stop it.

"Only you are worthy of being called a god? Only my master is worthy of this title."

Captain Marvel smiled dismissively, and she asked through the communicator: "Command Center, Apocalypse is dead, are there any enemies that I need to deal with?"

(end of this chapter)

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