Chapter 627

"There are also two Apocalypse in Egypt, one of which is most likely an ancient god."

Friday said: "Ms. Carroll, please go over there and destroy them. Ms. Searcy will go with you."

"Two Apocalypses? That is, at least three universes attacking us?"

Captain Marvel's eyes were fixed. This battle is not easy to fight. Fortunately, there are many strong people on Earth and the Eternal Race. If you work hard, you should be able to survive it.

"Even if you can't bear it, the master is still there, so it's not a big problem."

Captain Marvel smiled, and quickly flew towards the location of the other two Apocalypse.


In Los Angeles, Ghost Rider's explosive Johnny is raging on the streets. Wherever he passes, there are flames and wailing everywhere. If this continues, Los Angeles will become a city of flames in a short time.

It is worth mentioning that although it is daytime, Ghost Rider can still transform, because he is a blue fire Ghost Rider and is not restricted by sunlight.

"Stop it."

Strange, wearing a red cloak, slowly fell from the sky, and said to the skull Ghost Rider, "Johnny Blast, according to the data, you are not a bad person."

Ghost Rider controlled the motorcycle to stop and asked, "Your universe also has me?"

"No, but the main universe has you, and you are a very popular policeman in the main universe."

Strange said: "You are the policeman protecting the people by day and the Ghost Rider judging criminals by night. You are the guardian knight of New York."

"You wait first."

Ghost Rider raised his skeleton hand full of flames, and asked: "Being a policeman during the day and a Ghost Rider at night, that is to say, I work 24 hours a day? I still don't get paid at night?"

Strange said: "It's written like this in the information, so I say you are great."

"It doesn't matter if it's great or not, I don't want to be Zero Zero Seven like this."

Ghost Rider looked contemptuous, and he said: "Supreme Mage, I don't talk nonsense with you, I want to protect my earth, so your earth must be destroyed."

"Then there is nothing to say, let's go to war."

Strange said: "You have the Regenerative Healing Factor, I can't kill you, so I will banish you from this universe."

"Didn't I never kill the Supreme Mage?"

Ghost Rider snorted coldly, and the chain swept towards Strange with the blazing blue Fire.

Strange cast a spell with both hands, a green magic circle suddenly appeared, and the surrounding time suddenly froze. Then, Strange released Cytorak's crimson chains to bind Ghost Rider tightly.

Cytorak's crimson chain is not only strong, but also can suppress the opponent's Ability. The flame on Ghost Rider's body is quickly extinguished. When the flame completely disappears, Ghost Rider will return to an ordinary person.

"It's a pity that we have to arrange the means first, otherwise, direct exile is the best choice."

Strange thought to himself, now that the parallel time and space are connected together, it is not difficult at all for the Supreme Mage to exile a person to a different universe.

At this moment, Ghost Rider's consciousness got rid of the control of time, and the blue flame on his body was ignited again.

Seeing this, Strange injected all his magic power into the crimson chain and time magic circle. Ghost Rider was not as powerful as him, the flames on his body dimmed again, and even his consciousness became intermittent.

The Supreme Mage of this universe is very powerful.

Seeing that everything was about to succeed, at this moment, a figure appeared behind Strange out of thin air, and a space blade pierced towards Strange's back.

Strange seemed to have been prepared for a long time. A portal suddenly appeared under his feet. The next moment, he fell into the portal and fell from above, kicking at the black shadow's head.

The black shadow immediately controlled the cloak to fly backwards, dodging Strange's descending attack.

Strange fell to the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "You bastard is finally here."

Black Shadow asked, "You know I'm coming?"

"Definitely know, with so many cosmic connections, how could you not come? Black Doctor Strange."

Strange said bitterly: "If you don't come, how can I take revenge? You bastard, can you be more outrageous? How dare you even steal the power of the Creator God?"

"You are really unreasonable."

Hei Qiyi waved his hand exaggeratedly, and said, "You begged me to help you, okay? Without me, you would have been defeated by the Celestial Team long ago. How could you be as famous as you are now?"

"Are you sure you are famous? I don't even dare to leave the earth now."

Strange cursed and said, "I'm going to catch you and let you taste what I'm going through now."

"You want to hand me over to those Mephistas? Good idea, but unfortunately, you can't."

Hei Qibi stomped hard, the time magic circle on Ghost Rider suddenly shattered, Ghost Rider roared, and the blue fire on his body surged again.

Strange had to increase the output of magic power to prevent Ghost Rider from getting out of trouble. Hei Qi sneered and stole the power of the beholder. Hundreds of eyeballs suddenly appeared around and released rays at Strange.

Strange distorted time, and then, he cast a spell with one hand, a huge amounts of portal appeared out of thin air, the ray flew into the portal, flew out from behind the black singularity, and shot straight at the black singularity.

Black Strange turned into a black mist and dissipated, and then, the black mist reunited in front of Strange. Black Strange held a space blade and attacked Strange again and again. Divine power.

"There is a saying in the East that it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. This is my current state."

While attacking, Hei Qiyi said: "In the past, I felt very happy when I stole a little bit of divine power, but the last time I snatched it face to face was so cool that I don't feel like stealing divine power at all now.

Last time it was a faucet, but now it's a water drop, there's no comparison at all, so I want to swallow you, only in this way can I taste the feeling of being so refreshing that I can tremble all over again. "

"You are very sick."

Strange sneered while resisting the attack with difficulty. It is worth mentioning that he did not let go of Ghost Rider——with Ghost Rider's ability, it would be very troublesome to let go.

"Yes, I am indeed seriously ill and need to take medicine. My medicine is you."

Hei Qiyi laughed out loud, Strange sighed secretly in his heart, what Modu said was right, there would be sequelae if he didn't follow the rules.

Ancient One cheated to absorb the power of the dark dimension, which led to Kaecilius' betrayal, and Strange borrowed the power of Black Strange, which caused Black Strange to stare at this universe.

"But I don't regret it, and I won't lose."

Strange's eyes were full of determination, and he immediately contacted Weissandi, wanting to borrow his power.

Black Strange was originally the Supreme Mage, and he saw Strange's thoughts at once, he sneered and said: "There is no need to pray, Emperor Weishan has no time to talk to you now, because other Emperor Weishan is attacking him.

Not only Weissandi is like this, Sithorn, Set, Beholder, and the Satan of hell, Faith, are all at war with themselves, and no one wants to be replaced, and those Mephistas are no exception.

Now, both the material universe and the magical universe are at war, and the entire universe is in chaos. "

"Sorry, you seem to be wrong."

Strange blinked and cast the shape of Isaac. Thousands of figures flew out of his body, surrounded by black strangeness.

"How can it be?"

Hei Qi was stunned. Even if Wei Shandi hadn't been attacked, it was impossible for Strange to bestow so much divine power, unless, unless...

Hei Qiqi shouted in disbelief: "Not only did Emperor Weishan not kill each other, but he also cooperated? How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible, we are positive people."

Five white tigers appeared in the sky, and said in unison, and then, the five white tigers laughed at the same time.

The five Weissandi did not start a fight, but lived in peace and provided strength to Strange together. This is why he was able to divide thousands of duplications.

Hei Qiqi shouted: "This is impossible, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Scared, but we have better options."

The white tiger said: "Supreme Mage, get rid of him quickly, we will provide you with unlimited power, and when everything subsides, we want to meet the blood god."

"I'll introduce you."

Strange said respectfully, and then, with a smile on his face, he said strangely, "You are right, the feeling of the faucet is indeed very refreshing."

After finishing speaking, thousands of Strange released purple thunder at the same time, and Black Strange only had time to shout "No" before being completely blasted to death.

Then, thousands of Strange all turned their gazes to Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider quickly extinguished the flames on his body, changed back into a human form, and said to Strange with a simple and honest face, "I surrender."

"You are acquainted."

Strange snorted, and sealed and imprisoned Ghost Rider. Then, he withdrew the duplication and asked the white tiger, "Dear Weishandi, why do you want to see the blood god?"

"To go further."

The white tiger said: "We want the blood god to help us integrate, and by then, we might be able to become gods of creation."

"I see."

Strange suddenly realized that Sithorn and those Mephistas only thought about themselves, and Weissandi and the others wanted to take this opportunity to break through the Creator God.

In fact, the chances of Emperor Weishan becoming the God of Creation are not great, but for beings like them, they will seize any chance, because they have lived for too long.

In addition, once he breaks through the God of Creation, he will not be wiped out randomly, because other Weishan Emperors are weaker than him.

Thinking of something, Strange asked with some hope: "Can we use this method to win other ancient gods to our side? If we can, the earth will be as solid as gold."

"If you think too much, good people will unite, and bad people will only intrigue. This is why bad people can't always beat good people."

Weissandi shook his head: "Sithorn and the others will only kill each other, they won't cooperate, and they won't pin their hopes on the blood god, they can't even trust themselves."

Strange sighed: "That's true. It's a pity. Now that you win one, it's equivalent to winning five."

"Don't waste time, Strange, this is just the beginning. Next, more powerful people will enter the earth."

The white tiger said: "This time, there are a total of four universes connected to your universe. What's worse, all of these four universes are from bad people."

"Four universes?"

Strange took a deep breath and said, "No matter how many come, we will stop them."

Wei Shandi said: "We will fully support you behind the scenes."

"Thank you."

Strange wasted no more time and headed to another city, where there were also Ghost Riders, and not just one - there were other Ghost Riders besides Johnny the Blaster.


Wakanda, wearing a golden battle armor and holding the spear of eternity, the god king Odin rode on a six-legged horse, and shouted at Black Panther in the defensive cover: "Warriors of Midgard, get out of the way, this is our Asgard business. "

"Dear God-King Odin, Wakanda has no tradition of abandoning its allies."

Black Panther yelled: "Even if the whole family of Wakanda dies in battle, the Asgardians will not be betrayed."

Dora's Guardians and other Wakanda members simultaneously shouted: "Wakanda4ever!"

"Courage is commendable, but unfortunately I am a little overwhelmed."

Odin said: "Since you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude."

After finishing speaking, Odin raised the Eternal Gun to break through Wakanda's defenses. At this moment, a space portal appeared, and then Thor and Loki walked out of the portal.

Why did Loki follow? Definitely watching the drama, the battle between Odin and Thor and his son, she has wanted to watch it for a long time.

Thor was not rude, and saluted Odin: "Father."

"You're the real Thor, no wonder I haven't heard from my stupid son until now."

Odin looked Thor up and down, and sighed: "It would be great if you were really my son, but unfortunately, you are not, that idiot is, so I must kill you."

Thor said: "Father, there is really no room for negotiation, do we have to kill each other?"

Odin said very seriously: "As a king, you must protect your people at all costs."

"This is really... great, I have long wanted to have a good fight with you."

Thor grinned, his whole body soared into the sky, and then, with an ax in both hands, he slashed towards Odin on horseback with a thunderous thunder.

"What a filial son."

Loki controlled the defense cover to open, and then he walked into the defense area, conjured up a chair and sat down to watch the show, Black Panther was a little confused, why did his own defense cover suddenly open?

Black Panther said in a low voice: "Suri, quickly close the shield, and modify the program. This is our Wakanda shield, not Loki's."

Su Rui said: "Big brother, don't worry, I'll modify it right away."

"Thor, you are such a good son."

Facing Thor's attack, Odin laughed out loud. He blocked Thor's Stormbreaker with the Gun of Eternity. Hexapod did not retreat a single step. Then, he shouted loudly, and countless thunderbolts bloomed from the Gun of Eternity, like a thunder dragon. Like blasting Thor.

Just as Odin was attacking, Thor's shadow suddenly turned into a dark figure, and a sword pierced Odin's chest, who was caught off guard, beyond time and space.

Odin was shocked, shouted angrily, and thunder erupted all over his body. Thor and the shadow were all blown away. The shadow let go of his hand immediately, and the black sword turned into a mark full of death and imprinted on Odin.

"It's a pity I didn't bring the Night-sky sword, otherwise, this old guy should be dead."

The black shadow, the goddess of death, Hela said regretfully, and Thor said: "You are just a consciousness, if it weren't for the help of the blood god, you wouldn't be able to appear in this universe at all."

(end of this chapter)

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