Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 628 Disaster

Chapter 628 Disaster

"Master is here to fulfill my wish."

Hela smiled and asked Odin, "Father, are you satisfied with my gift?"

"Hela? Why are you here?"

Odin asked incredulously while using divine power to suppress the death mark on his chest.

In fact, not only Odin, but even Loki were dumbfounded, Hela is here? Also, Torna Huskies are actually playing dumb?

Thor has played stupid before, but this time is different, this time, it is very insidious playing stupid, this kind of thing, only he Loki can do this kind of thing before.

"I failed to kill Odin in the main universe. Now that I have a chance, I want to make up for it. If Hela doesn't kill Odin, I always feel that something is missing."

Hela said with a smile: "Killing you, my resentment towards the old man will almost disappear. Although I will still fight around in the future, I probably won't want to kill him again. The old man is getting old, so I will see him off for the last time."

Odin blinked, and there were ten thousand words in his mind that I just flashed. Odin in this universe was forgiven by Hela, and even willing to send him for the last time?

Forget it, why is it reasonable for the one who is being stabbed to become himself?

Odin wanted Hela's forgiveness very much, but unfortunately, Hela in his universe would rather die than forgive him. He was extremely jealous and distorted.

"Odin of this universe, what luck."

Odin sighed, turned his gaze to Thor, and asked with a displeased face: "I didn't expect you to use tricks, or such despicable tricks."

"Father, you said that a king should protect his people at all costs."

Thor said with some guilt: "I know, I'm sorry for the sneak attack just now, but I have no choice. There are not many people in Asgard, and I can't let them have any more accidents."

Odin roared to the sky, he has two major hatreds in his life, one is that he is sorry for his daughter Hela, and the other is that his son is a husky, and sooner or later his family property will be ruined.

As a result, Odin in this universe not only got his daughter's forgiveness, but also had such an excellent heir, Odin really wanted to kill him and replace him.

Odin jumped off the six-legged horse and shouted: "Let me see, can you kill me?"

"Definitely can, brothers unite, and their profits can cut through gold. We three brothers and sisters will definitely defeat you."

Loki, who walked out of the shield at some point, held two daggers and shouted loudly, Loki has always been interested in beating Odin, and more importantly, the chances of winning this time are great, after all, Odin is seriously injured, and Hela has always been awesome.

Hela gave Loki a disgusted look, this guy will take advantage of him.

Black Panther's head was full of black lines: "Why did it open again, Su Rui, didn't you say that you have changed the program?"

"Brother, there will never be a next time." Su Rui gritted his teeth and said.

"Female Loki? You are so brave? I really want to meet the Odin of this universe. His educational ability is much better than mine."

Odin sighed endlessly, and the three of Hela rolled their eyes secretly. No matter which universe Odin is in, his education ability is a mess. They are so good, in fact, it is the blood god's credit.

"Father, let's fight, our three siblings will prove to you that we have grown up."

Thor yelled and flew into the sky again, Hela clapped his hands together, the domain of death enveloped the surroundings, and countless black swords emerged from the void, pointing densely at Odin.

As for Loki, she took a deep breath, and countless Asgard buildings appeared in the realm of death. This is the old Loki's housekeeping skill, which she secretly learned.

"Asgard! I love this battlefield."

Odin laughed out loud, a battle between the old father and the three filial sons officially broke out.


The Avengers Base, S2 Tony brought Avengers and a group of unmanned battle suits to The Avengers Base, and they were greeted by Sentinel and unmanned battle suits.

"God helps me too. Their main force is not here. Hurry up and break through here. I want to use the super intelligence here to launch a nuclear bomb. This is the fastest way to destroy the earth."

S2 Tony said excitedly, and S2 Captain Marvel sighed and said, "I never thought that I would destroy the earth."

"I don't want to either, but we have to destroy other Earths for our own Earth."

S2 Tony didn't talk nonsense, he raised his hand and fired a pulse cannon at Sentinel. Although the opponent's shape was a bit weird, S2 Tony was sure to destroy the opponent. After all, his battle suit was the strongest battle suit.

Facing the attack, Sentinel's arm turned into a shield to block the pulse gun. Then, its eyes lit up red, and two laser beams bombarded S2 Tony. S2 Tony was blasted out on the spot, gliding on the ground non-stop.

In the command center, Nick Fury laughed: "Hahaha, it seems that Tony in other universes also has the attribute of being slapped in the face."

Spider-man said weakly: "Mr. Stark will be angry."


S2 Captain Marvel snorted coldly, rushed forward with a bright light and punched Sentinel, Sentinel teleported behind S2 Captain Marvel, a lot of cold air came out from his hands, freezing S2 Captain Marvel.

"What kind of robot is this, and it can teleport?"

S2 Thor was very surprised, and rushed up with a hammer. The other superheroes were not behind, and a big battle broke out in an instant.

More than ten minutes later, S2 Tony and others fell to the ground with suspicious expressions on their faces. How could it be that they were superheroes defeated by a group of robots? Didn't even see the opponent's superhero face?

"Although the previous words were bragging, we are really strong."

Nick Fury proudly said: "Put them in prison, don't be careless, this time the disaster will not end so easily."


Spider-man and Dr. Banner nodded, and went out to capture those superheroes. Some battle suits and Sentinels were on guard, and some were helping.

S2 Tony shouted at Dr. Banner who came over: "Why are you so powerful? Uh, you are Banner? Why are you so ugly?"

"No matter which universe you are in, you are so indebted."

Dr. Banner rolled his eyes, dragged S2 Tony out of the battle suit, and put on energy handcuffs.

When the superheroes were imprisoned, Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the light curtain in front of him and said, "Although the situation is a bit bad, we should be able to stop it."

"Don't be careless, there are a total of four universes invading us this time."

Strange's voice sounded on the communication channel: "Now is just the beginning, as time goes by, there will be more and more enemies."

"Four universes?"

Many people exclaimed, and Tony scolded: "It must be Nemesis and Kang the Conqueror."

"Four universes?"

Nick Fury was taken aback. He thought for a while and said, "I suggest using the method mentioned by the blood god to kill all the people on Earth and keep their souls for resurrection."

Tony asked: "It's not that far, is it? Although the four universes are difficult to handle, we may not be unable to handle them."

"Let's not talk about whether it can be done or not. Even if it can be done, do you still have the energy to solve the problem of integrating parallel time and space?"

Nick Fury asked: "In fact, we don't know how to prevent parallel space-time integration at all."

Everyone was silent, Nick Fury continued: "In addition, in a short period of time, tens of thousands of lives have died all over the world. If this continues, more people will die, and these people cannot be resurrected."

In fact, the souls of these people have been taken away by Wang Burt and can be resurrected, but the superheroes don't know it.

Captain Marvel sighed: "There are indeed a lot of people who died."

"In order to prevent other people from dying again, I think we should immediately implement the blood god's plan and completely destroy the earth."

Nick Fury said: "In this way, on the one hand, everyone can be kept, on the other hand, the earth is destroyed, and people from other universes will not come to trouble us again."

"Not necessarily, don't forget, you are also the target, unless you die together, otherwise, they will not give up."

Tony shook his head and said, he was talking about you, because he and blood god are not from this universe.

Nick Fury said: "It should work to explain to them that we are protected by the blood god and will not integrate."

"It's quite troublesome, rely on me."

Tony was talking, and suddenly cursed, because a dazzling sun suddenly rose in New York City, and the whole New York was instantly engulfed in flames, countless people screamed, and countless buildings collapsed in the flames.

Tony's eyes turned red immediately, he rushed towards the sun in the sky recklessly, and found that there was actually a person in that sun, a person who radiated infinite light and heat all over his body.

Different Universe Sentry, a superhero who claims to have the power of a million Fixed Stars.

"Go to hell."

Tony roared, and hundreds of lasers roared towards Sentry at the same time. Sentry looked indifferent, and slammed into Tony like a meteor. All the lasers were swallowed up as soon as they touched the flames in front of him.

Tony didn't run away, his whole body lit up with dazzling red light, and turned into a red sun to meet Sentry. The next moment, the two suns collided, and the space between the sky and the earth was completely white, and the terrifying flames swept across New York along with the collapsed space. New York was completely reduced to nothing like a nuclear explosion.

That's right, New York, which has suffered many disasters and is still standing, has completely melted into nothingness at this moment.

At the same time, in London, Steve was about to defeat Dark Phoenix. At this moment, a huge phoenix phantom appeared in the sky above London, and then London was directly disintegrated.

That's right, the whole of London was decomposed, whether it was buildings, people, or concrete floors, all were decomposed, leaving only a huge pit in place.

Even Steve and Dark Phoenix were hit hard, Dark Phoenix was a little better, Steve was almost a skeleton, barely staying afloat with his psychic power.

"how so?"

Looking at the empty surroundings, Steve was extremely desperate. At this moment, a figure slowly walked down from the void, but it was another Phoenix, the Phoenix at the peak of the ancient gods.

Phoenix glanced at Dark Phoenix, and said with disdain: "Trash, you really embarrass me."

Dark Phoenix was furious: "What did you say?"

Phoenix didn't bother to say much, opened his mouth, Dark Phoenix turned into a flame and was swallowed by her, and then she said to Steve: "Although you are the strongest Captain America I have ever seen, you are still a piece of trash."

"Do you know how many people you killed?"

Steve shouted angrily, these people cannot be resurrected, he was full of remorse, if he knew it earlier, he would have done what the blood god said earlier, they overestimated themselves.

"Do you care how many ants you trample to death?"

Phoenix was very disdainful, she raised her hand, ready to kill Steve completely, at this moment, she sensed something, looked up to the sky, and found that two figures were descending from the sky, but they were Tina and Ginger from the Eternal Race.

"Kill him and avenge the citizens of London."

Steve roared, Tina and Ginger didn't talk nonsense, countless spears and golden lights whizzed towards Phoenix like meteors.

Phoenix looked contemptuous, she is not the trash she was before, she is a complete Phoenix, only one step away from the Creator God, these people are not her opponents at all.

In San Francisco, a large number of symbiotes died tragically under the flames of Black widows. Natasha Romanoff said: "This kind of creature is really disgusting. I heard that the main universe uses them to make clothes. I don't know if those agents will feel disgusting."

Yelena sneered: "Sister, as an agent, do you care about being disgusting?"

"Yes, the blood god taught that to be a human being, you must know how to enjoy yourself. After this battle is over, I will take you to meet the blood god. Maybe you will be taken in by him. That is extremely lucky."

Natasha Romanoff said, and Yelena said with contempt: "Sister, when did you become a pimp?"

Just as Natasha Romanoff was about to answer, at this moment, a terrifying coercion descended on San Francisco. Except for the special humans like Black Widow, other ordinary humans and symbiotes all fell to the ground trembling.

Natasha Romanoff looked up and saw a figure full of lifeless energy descending from the sky. He was none other than the god of the S2 symbiont.

The god of the symbiote in this universe has been swallowed by the god of the S2 symbiote. He originally wanted to leave, but sensed that someone was slaughtering the symbiote, so he came here to support the scene.

The level of life is different, and the S2 symbiote god is not interested in talking nonsense with Black widows. He single-handedly split a space crack that almost divides the sky into two halves, and then, a symbiote planet slowly descended to the earth through the space crack.

That's right, the planet of symbiosis is the planet that seals the god of symbiosis.


Natasha Romanoff couldn't help swallowing, and hurriedly shouted: "We need support, please send the Eternal Army."

In Egypt, Circe and Captain Marvel fought against two Apocalypse. Although Apocalypse claimed to be a god, under the attack of two tough women, they still retreated steadily, and were even blasted to the ground one after another.

"In terms of endurance, you are really god-level."

Captain Marvel sneered, the two Apocalypse blushed with anger, they are gods, when have they been humiliated like this?

The problem is, they really can't beat these two women. These two women are more fierce than the other.

"Carol, there are more and more enemies, let's solve them as soon as possible to help others."

Circe yelled at Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel nodded, and was about to make a move. At this moment, the surrounding time stopped, and then four children came out of the void.

"Apocalypse, you are such a loser."

The four children said in unison that they were none other than Franklin, the son of Dr. Fantastic Reed.

Apocalypse scolded: "Shut up, this earth is weird, destroy this earth first, let's talk about other things."

The four Franklins nodded at the same time and said, "We know that if it wasn't for this, the four of us would have killed each other long ago."

(end of this chapter)

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