For the development of mankind, fall in love with me, for the future of mankind, follow me on CHUANG!

Gu Tian never thought that chasing a girl could use such a righteous reason!

Holding Cathy’s hand, Gu Tian turned his head sideways, ready to kiss Cathy, the two were getting closer and closer, but when they were about to kiss, Cathy suddenly let go of Gu Tian’s hand, and ruffled his hair with a shy face: “Very… It’s late. ”

Sure enough, the girl who has not been in love is still relatively shy, after all, she has only known Gu Tian for less than half an hour, and kissing is indeed faster for her.

Gu Tian was not in a hurry, after all, Scott would not come back for a while and a half, he had time.

After separating, Gu Tian and Cathy made an appointment to go to the Golden Gate Bridge the next day to play, and early the next morning, Gu Tian appeared at Cathy’s door with a large bouquet of roses.

Cathy also paid special attention to today’s date, wearing a Chanel red dress, luxury is luxury, the earthlings are half less, the price is still so expensive, Cathy saved a long time to buy it, today is the first time to wear.

The two drove the car left behind by Cathy’s police dad to the Golden Gate Bridge, to the Fishermen’s Wharf, and to San Francisco’s Chinatown, playing all day and not returning until 10 p.m.

However, unexpectedly, someone has been waiting in front of Cathy’s door for a long time.

Gu Tian and Cathy got out of the car, holding hands and talking and laughing, when they suddenly saw Cooper and the little minions from yesterday appear again.

“Looks like you guys had a good time today, Cathy, even if there are half as many men on Earth, you won’t be reduced to choosing a yellowskinned man, right?” Cooper was arrogant, as if yesterday’s events had never happened.

Gu Tian chuckled, he didn’t expect that this guy would dare to come looking for something, “Boy, have you forgotten what I said yesterday?” ”

Cooper took out a SIG226 pistol that was broken in half from his pocket, which was exactly the one that Gu Tian broke yesterday, and said: “Of course, remember, you said that if we come to Cathy again, you will break us like breaking this pistol, but our boss said, your ability is simply not enough to see ah!” ”

“Boss?” Gu Tian learned from Cathy’s mouth that Cooper’s boss did not seem to be an ordinary person.

Looking around again, I found a brand new Mercedes-Benz sedan parked on the side of the road, at this time, the window of the back seat of the car began to slowly fall, and on the back seat sat a white man, who did not look very old, but because it was night, he could not see his appearance clearly.

“Boss! It’s time for this hillbilly to see your power! ”

Cooper smiled proudly, and suddenly, he took out another intact SIG226 pistol, but instead of shooting Gu Tian with it, he threw the pistol into the air!

“What is this for!” Gu Tian was slightly startled, this pistol was not thrown into the Mercedes-Benz car, but straight up and down, that is, Cooper was not going to give the pistol to the Mercedes man in the back seat, it seemed to be just doing a show….

At this time, the white man in the back seat was playing a game with his mobile phone, his eyes did not look at the pistol flying in the air, and as soon as he stretched out his hand at will, a fierce shining strong light actually burst out of his hand and shot directly at the pistol, this SIG226 pistol, instantly turned into powder!

“Oh my God… It’s so powerful…” Cathy was very alarmed when she saw it, just accompanied by that strong light, she obviously heard the sound of electricity, this person, can actually control the current!

Gu Tian also realized that a person could not generate electricity from his hands out of thin air, that is, the charge existed in the person’s body, and every cell in his body carried a different charge.

In addition, with the bright light just now, Gu Tian had already seen the appearance of the white man clearly.

This man, he knows!

“It’s Lincoln!”

This white man, Lincoln Campbell, is an Inhuman who exists in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the ex-boyfriend of “Shockwave Woman” Daisy John.

The characters of “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D” appear in this Marvel world, and Gu Tian is not surprised, because this drama, including “Agent Carter”, follows the timeline of the MCU, and actors, including Carty, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Jarvis, etc. are all the same people as the actors in the MCU.

What surprised Gu Tian was that Lincoln wasn’t dead?

In the finale of the third season of “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”, Lincoln and the founder of Hydra, Hive, ascended into space to self-detonate together, can it be said that they did not die in space?

Just when Gu Tian was curious, Lincoln, who was sitting in the back seat of the Mercedes, slowly spoke: “That yellow man, I heard that you have a lot of strength, now kneel for me, worship me as the boss, I can let you join me and be my subordinate.” ”

“Get on your knees! Yellow-skinned guy! ”

“Hahaha, don’t you dare to be arrogant anymore, right? The United States is not your wild territory! ”

Gu Tian calmly walked to the Mercedes-Benz and asked, “What if I say no?” ”

Lincoln stared into Gu Tian’s eyes and said threateningly: “Die! ”

At the moment when Lincoln said the word death, Gu Tianyi grabbed the door handle of the back seat, pulled the door of the back seat down abruptly, and then raised the door high above his head and slammed it the car!

The whole car immediately collapsed, the tire burst instantly, and Lincoln also fell from the car due to the unstable center of gravity and fell in front of Gu Tian.

Impartial, just in a kneeling position.

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