“It looks like you’re the one kneeling.” Gu Tian was condescending, looking at Lincoln kneeling in front of him.

Lincoln raised his head and looked hideous: “You are looking for death!” ”

Just about to raise his hand to discharge Gu Tian, he was attacked by Gu Tian first, Gu Tian punched Lincoln in the face, and the Bay Area boss was pressed to the ground by Gu Tian and rubbed.

“Boss!” Cooper and the others on the side were all panicked, in their eyes, Lincoln should have a fight even against the Avengers.

Lincoln actually underestimated the opponent a little, and thought that he was just an ordinary person, but he didn’t expect that before he could make a move, he was beaten by fat, and his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

At this time, Lincoln slowly stepped back and distanced himself from Gu Tian: “Very good, you successfully provoked me!” Go to hell! ”

Lincoln stretched out his hands and attacked Gu Tian with electricity!

Moisture, moisture….

The strong and dazzling electricity hit Gu Tian’s body, and Gu Tian resisted it with his arm, because now his body is still very weak, and he can’t hold it in the face of this electric attack.

However, in the eyes of Lincoln and others, Gu Tian’s ability to resist the current with his arm without any injuries was already very powerful.

“He can actually withstand the boss’s current attack! Is this guy also an Inhuman? Cooper looked horrified, because if it was an ordinary person, he would definitely not be able to withstand such a powerful electric attack.

“Damn, why is his body so strong! It can withstand my attack! Could it be that he is also an alien? Lincoln was also very surprised and continued to increase the force of the current.

“Lean!” Although Gu Tian can resist Lincoln’s attack with his arm, his current physical condition is limited to defense, he originally wanted to resist the electric attack while walking forward and killing Lincoln at close range, but found that under Lincoln’s attack, Gu Tian was unable to move an inch!

Cooper and others also found that Lincoln and Gu Tian, one is good at long-distance attacks, the other is good at close combat, as long as the two distance is widened, Lincoln does not let Gu Tian get close, then Gu Tian can’t help Lincoln!

“Good boss! He can’t get close to you, and the boss continues to attack him! Cooper was cheering for the boss on the side, but he did not dare to participate in this immortal fight.

“Who the hell are you?” Lincoln questioned Gu Tian while attacking.

While resisting, Gu Tian replied, “I am not a human, I am a god!” Instead, I want to ask you, is it Lincoln or the Hive! ”

Lincoln and the hive flew into space together, since Lincoln survived, the hive may not be dead, and the hive is good at the body of a sojourner, although he said that he only resides in the body of ordinary people, not aliens, but as a last resort, no one knows what he will do.

Hearing Gu Tian’s words, Lincoln stopped attacking: “You know me? Of course I’m Lincoln! ”

Gu Tian also put his arm down, and now his left arm is constantly bubbling with electric light, fortunately, Thanos also has a certain self-healing ability, these pains are slowly eliminating, but Thanos’ self-healing ability does not have the slightest effect on the injuries caused by the destruction of gems.

Gu Tiandao: “As far as I know, Lincoln is a good person and doesn’t think about doing what the Bay Area boss is, why do you do these bad things when the earth is in the most chaotic time?” ”

Lincoln snorted coldly: “Want to educate me? You beat me first! ”

Saying that, Lincoln waved his hands again and fired at Gu Tian.

“Uncle Draft, this Pikachu is not finished!” Gu Tian had to stretch out his arm again to resist.

Lincoln saw that Gu Tian could only defend and could not attack, and couldn’t help laughing: “Hahaha, how is it?” You know how good I am, right? Can you take a step forward, come and hit me, can you come over? ”

Gu Tiantian, indignant, endured the attack of electricity, and took a difficult step, but if he wanted to take the second step, he was a little powerless.

“Damn, if I can recover some of Thanos’ strength, I can face the attack of electricity!” Gu Tian was secretly a little distressed, the strength of this group of Inhumans should not be underestimated, and the “Shock Wave Woman” can also destroy the earth.

“Stop! Don’t fight anymore! Seeing this, Cathy shouted.

Lincoln was also a little tired and temporarily stopped attacking: “How is it?” Not convinced? ”

Gu Tian clenched his fists and wanted to beat Lincoln violently, but he knew that once he took a step, Lincoln would continue to attack immediately, and at that time, Gu Tian still couldn’t approach him under the attack of electricity.

“As long as I recover a little, even a little strength, I can defeat Lincoln!”

Gu Tian suddenly thought that he could get 3,000 points on Cathy, and 3,000 points was enough to buy some recovery medicine from the system!

“Gu Tian, are you all right? I’m sorry, but I hurt you. Cathy put her hands on Gu Tian’s lightning left arm, looking very distressed and guilty.

Gu Tianyi grabbed Cathy’s hands and said, “Do you want to help me?” ”

Cathy nodded: “What can I do for you?” ”

Gu Tiandao: “Kiss me!” ”

Cathy was stunned for a moment, thinking she had misheard.

“Perhaps, he wants me to give him strength…”

Cathy bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and then took the initiative to kiss Gu Tian….

(How is it all scolding, there are big guys who support this book to give some flowers ~thank you ~~)

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