He has already driven the fighter jet towards Xiao Hai! Xiao Hai slammed a punch, hitting the nose of the fighter jet... Boom... The Nakri fighter was smashed by his punch and exploded into A bunch of fireworks.

He lost his wrist: "But that's it!"

The next moment, he appeared at the end of the passage, and the next moment, he appeared in the fighter's hangar! Countless Cree people were about to board the warship... Xiao Hai threw a 1-gravity bomb, then Gravity bomb is a weapon developed according to the unified field theory. Now only Xiao Hai and Iron Man have it.... It can convert its powerful electromagnetic force into universal gravitation, producing an abnormal gravity ten times that of the earth, and can last for ten times. Second 1! Boom... The explosion sounded, and the fighter jets in the hangar all slid toward the gravity bomb and collided! Ten, nine, eight, seven... Ten seconds 1 soon At the end, all the fighters in this hangar are crowded together, and then the gravity bomb explodes! The gravity explosion creates an extremely uneven gravitational force, which although the gravity does not completely destroy those... fighters, but most of the Kree Because of this abnormal gravity, the internal organs of the fighter pilots were torn! A small number of them did not die, and for a while... they also lost their combat effectiveness.

These... Ordinary Kree's physical fitness is twice that of Earth people, otherwise no one can live! Just like this, hundreds of fighter jets in this hangar have lost their combat power.

At this time, Xiao Ai said: "The energy index of the main gun is getting higher and higher, I guess it will be fired in two minutes..."

Xiao Hai's expression changed slightly: "Where is the main gun!"

"Below! 100 meters away!"

But at this moment, a figure instantly appeared in front of Xiao Hai, it was Yong Roger.

Like a battleship, his saber uses the technology of omnipotent wave emission, which can manipulate cosmic energy, launch shock waves, absorb energy, control gravity, create force fields, and carry out hyperspace thought transmission.

And the technical content is higher than the spacecraft's omnipotent wave transmitter 2.

5 is higher! In terms of power, it is only weaker than Ronan's universal warhammer! "Damn earthlings!"

Yong Roger said with a grim expression, "Don't think you can stop this time..."

Before his words were finished, Xiao Hai had already opened a small portal, his hands stretched out from the void and pinched Yong Roger's neck.

This is really beyond Yong Rog's expectations, he has never encountered such an attack.

However, his physical quality was transformed by the supreme wisdom too strong and his strength was too great, Xiao Hai was unable to twist his neck in the first place.

At the same time, there was a force field above Yong Rog's trembling sword, and Xiao Hai's portal began to fluctuate, as if it might disappear at any time! Xiao Hai's eyes narrowed, and he instantly unleashed a new fighting technique, Explosive Seed.

His power has risen, fivefold, and he has taken off Yong Rog's head!

Chapter [-] Crazy Mage tearing up the Star Destroyer (fourth more)

"Lord Yong Rog was killed"

"Lord Yong Rog was killed by Earthlings"

A group of Kree still alive screamed.

Although Yong Rog is only the newest accuser of the lowest level, he has only received the enhancement of supreme wisdom, possessing divine powers and artifacts unimaginable by ordinary Kree people.

But in front of Xiao Hai, they didn't last a second! Earth is only a barren land, are they so strong? "Trash!"

Xiao Hai dropped Yong Roger's head.

Yong Rog's strength is very strong, I'm afraid it's not much worse than the Hulk, and the sword in his hand is also amazing, it can actually interfere with his portal.

But his response was really bad.

Xiao Hai's first attack was just a test. Although this kind of attack was unexpected, even if he attacked Black Widow and Captain America, the two of them could react and would not be restrained by one move.

And after being caught by himself, he actually thought of closing his portal instead of fighting back with the weapon in his hand. This reaction is too stupid, it really doesn't look like a battle-hardened warrior. Actually Xiao Hai doesn't know, It's because Yong Roger has a serious psychological shadow on the earth! Last time at 20, he was frightened by the power of Captain Marvel and had diarrhea, so this time he encountered obstacles on Earth again, and he was afraid in his heart that he would meet someone like Captain Marvel. Human! Fear made his emotions out of control, ten percent of his strength, only [-] percent of his strength, and even one move would kill him! Xiao Hai pinned Yong Rog's long sword to his body, he didn't have time to care about other things, he exploded. , His power is now only twenty-eight seconds! If he can't deal with the battleship's main gun at this time, he will leave first.

A space blade appeared in his hand, and the whole person spun frantically, like a drill, instantly cutting through the floor and falling down.

After five floors were dropped, there was a huge space below.

He saw the roaring main gun, the engine that seemed to be spraying tail flames, and the turret base with a diameter of nearly a thousand meters! The space blade in his hand immediately slashed at something like an energy pipe that he couldn't understand.

Zi... His space blade collapsed instantly, the energy of the main gun was too strong, and his space blade was disturbed! Xiao Hai's eyes moved, he started to run around the main gun frantically, he fought He tried his best to extend the space blade in his hand, and when it grew to four or five meters long, he drew a circle around the main gun! The main gun is loose, but the firing of the main gun is not interrupted! Xiao Hai is shocked: "This thing is an independent energy source"

There are still six seconds left for the seed to explode! Xiao Hai roared and used all his strength to punch the incision! Appearing on the other side, it was a punch, which opened four 44 transfer gates in one second, four punches in a row! Boom... A heavy muffled sound resounded in the main gun bay, the main incision was blocked by Xiao Hai He punched and flew out! At that moment, all the air in the Kree battleship was lost like crazy! Xiao Hai caught up with the blasted main gun, grabbed it and rushed into the universe! He was fighting the Kree people. Seeing this scene, Black Bolt, who was entangled in the head machine, felt that he was about to explode: "Xiao Hai, dismantled the main gun of the nemesis spaceship with bare hands"

He is so strong that the Kree spaceship can't even blast through its own sound waves! How could it be that when he first met him, he was far from having such power! Iron Man only felt numb in his scalp and felt Every time he met Xiao Hai, he would shock himself: "Xiao Hai's strength is so strong that he dismantles the spaceship with his bare hands"

Thor also opened his mouth wide: "He is getting stronger and stronger! What kind of power is called a Crafty Mage, it's better to call it a Crazy Mage, it really looks like a Berserker!"

Magneto couldn't believe his eyes. When he saw Xiao Hai for the first time, Xiao Hai was far from being so strong! At that time, if he hadn't had a professor to help control Tian Qi, he would have been pinched to death by Tian Qi. .

But now, he can definitely crush Tianqi to death! At this moment, Xiao Hai flipped the main cannon in the starry sky and aimed the main cannon at Yong Roger's flagship! A strong light appeared, like a Cut the sharp blade, the Kree battleship in half! The next moment, Xiao Hai disappeared, and at the last second, he opened a portal and returned to Earth! The Kree battleship was shattered, and then, It's all small issues.

And he would fall into a period of weakness for two days. In these two days, his strength was at most only a quarter of his usual strength, and it was extremely difficult to use spells.

It's best not to let anyone know about this!  … On the streets of New York, Daisy and Doctor Strange are dealing with a Kerry advance robot.

After discovering these... advance robots, Daisy instructed Gordon, who originally belonged to Aurora and possessed the ability to teleport, and let him teleport with many people to places where there were Kerry advance robots everywhere. .

Kerry sent a lot of robots in advance, and they were so nervous that Daisy had to team up with the rookie Doctor Strange! "Damn! They can even absorb my shock!"

After Daisy has super powers, this is the first time she has encountered such a difficult enemy! The Kerry advance robot is also based on the Kree's omnipotent wave transmitter technology and the well-known compound beam technology of the whole universe. Before Xiao Hai faced the advance Robots can't kill quickly either...that's it.

It's a pity that even if the decoding controls the... Kerry advance robot, but Xiao Hai didn't get this technology from it.

Probably because this is a top secret of the Kree, before it can be controlled, it activates the self-destruction program of these 960 devices! This robot can absorb the enemy's attack and launch all kinds of terrible attacks.

After Daisy's Shockwave missed, she had no way to deal with it! It was impossible for her to fight with this kind of robot! Doctor Strange calmly led the robot to the side of the Supreme Sanctuary! He had already received it from Xiao Haikou. You know, this place is the mage's territory.

Here, he got the help of the mage stationed here, and unexpectedly got a red suspension cloak to recognize the master, and successfully killed the Kerry advance robot.

The performances of others were also outstanding.

One day later, all the Kree advance robots on the ground were destroyed! After the Kree and Kree robots in the universe lost their battleships, most of them were destroyed. Tens of thousands of fighters and tens of thousands of robots have not yet flown out. The spaceship was destroyed by the explosion of the battleship! The rest of the people are not at all the opponents of Thor! Often, Black Bolt can smash dozens of fighters with a roar.

Thor can kill dozens of them with a single hammer.

Magneto is even more capable of controlling these fighters.

In the end, the Kree who were still alive escaped by fighter jets. They fled to the strategic base built by the Kree on Uranus in ancient times, and asked the empire for help! This time the Kree invaded, and the human race was victorious!

Chapter [-] Planetary Defense Circle (Fifth)

in the boundless universe.

Ronan received the report of the defeat of the Kree hidden in the abandoned base of Uranus, and his forehead burst with blue veins, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Yong Rog is dead! The flagship was turned into two sections by his own main gun. Two-thirds of the people died. I clearly only asked him to incorporate the Inhumans. Why did he go to provoke the earth? Mind, only to promote him to accuser, to die so easily, and to take a flagship! You must know that such a flagship, even with the national strength of the Cree people, will take nearly hundreds of years to build, That is one of the strengths of the Cree people in the universe. It is so easy to be destroyed! It is too much, the earth is too much, and they dare to kill so many people of the Cree people! It's just that the earth has so many possessions. Whether the person with superpower is a mutant or an alien is no wonder that the Chitauris will be planted before!! It seems that the analysis of the previous intelligence collectors is good, and if the Earthlings continue to grow, it will threaten the Kree Empire.

Just wait for yourself to find the cosmic spirit ball, first destroy the Xandar star, and then destroy the earth! The cosmic spirit ball is the ultimate artifact of this universe!......Earth.

New York, which was smashed again, has almost recovered! Xiao Hai's home.

Xiao Hai is bragging, chatting, and celebrating with the people from the Avengers! Iron Man happily said: "This time, we have obtained a lot of precious information. I didn't know before that there are so many civilizations and races in the universe!"

"The decoding has deciphered the language of the Cree people, and we have obtained a lot of new technologies, but unfortunately, we have not obtained the core technology of the Cree people, the omnipotent wave emission technology!"

As long as the creations equipped with this technology seem to automatically judge, if the situation is bad, they will self-destruct, including the sword that Xiao Hai obtained from Yong Rog earlier.

It's just an ordinary sword now! It's normal, if it were so easy to get, the Skrulls and the Shi'ar Empire would already have them.

Xiao Hai ignored Thor and asked, "Do you know the situation of the Kree people, do you have a star map, do you have the coordinates of other civilizations?"

While drinking a beer, Thor said: "You can ask me about the intelligence of the universe, we still have a lot of intelligence in Asgard!"

Iron Man ignored Thor and said, "Yes!"

Xiao Haidao: "Give me one!"

Everyone was stunned, and the black widow looked at Xiao Hai: "What do you want? Xiao Hai said: "I'm going to go to other places in the universe!"

Xiao Hai wants to go to the universe to collect his gems, and now he has three 3 Infinity Gems in his hands... no, two 2s! Before, Doctor Strange defeated the bet he made with Xiao Hai and accepted Vishanti's After being empowered, he became a holy mage, and Xiao Hai gave him the Eye of Agamotto.

This time the earth is guarded by Doctor Strange, he is more relieved, and he can be considered to have completed the entrustment of the ancient one! Moreover, the Infinity Stones are much safer if they are not placed in one place.

Anyway... His time magic is one step closer, and he can use time magic without a time gem.

Xiao Hai didn't have the ambition to collect all Infinity Gems, and he didn't have the desire to have six Infinity Gems to fulfill.

He doesn't want to rule the world and destroy the universe.

But Thanos wants to collect, so Xiao Hai can't let him collect all six Infinity Gems! Now that he already has two in his hands anyway, so don't worry about these, you can let go of your hands and feet to collect.

Even if he encounters Thanos and can't beat him, he can't keep himself.

Collecting Infinity Stones, Xiao Hai has an advantage that others do not have, and he roughly knows the whereabouts of other Infinity Stones.

This Marvel parallel universe is close to the world view of the movie universe! Therefore, the reality gem has a high probability of appearing on the earth, and it will be attached to Thor's girlfriend. He has already made his subordinates pay attention to it.

There is also a power gem, which is also very likely to appear on Xandar.

Ronan, Thanos, Nebula, Gamora, Star Lord, these people are all looking for the Power Gem.

You can also get your hands on it! As for the soul gem, forget it. I don’t have anyone I love, and I won’t exchange it for gems. Even if Thanos gets it, only one 1 Infinity Gem is nothing! Xiao Hai just I got a star map from Iron Man, some information about various civilizations in the universe, these... After getting it done, Xiao Hai has nothing to prepare, and can set off at any time! Coordinates, or if you know the details of that place, you can open the portal to any place regardless of distance.

He can go home anytime.

At this time, Iron Man said to him: "This time, although we won, it was still quite a fluke!"

"If there is no timely transmission from Xiao Hai, the earth may have been blasted into slag!"

"I have an idea. Now the earth's space defense is too weak. I want to build a space defense system."

"Xiao Hai, I haven't been able to find Dr. Banner lately. Can you find him? I need his help! Also, I contacted the mutant beast!"

"I also invited Shu Rui. After all, Wakanda is also on Earth, so they should do something about it!"

"Nick Fury also referred me to a guy named Hank Pym, but when he heard my name, he kicked me out!"

"Xiao Hai, do you want to participate... Your level is a little worse, but magic can do something that science can't..."

Xiao Hai pointed his middle finger to him, looked at the US captain who had been silent, and said to the black widow: "What's wrong with the captain, I think he has been sullen as a money-maker!"

Black Widow pursed her lips: "Didn't we encircle the Hydra before? We met the Winter Soldier and together we caught him!"

"But that's actually Bucky, a comrade-in-arms who once captained World War II... You can imagine that he has always been alive, and he is still the ace killer in the hands of Hydra!"

"He's been brainwashed, so the captain is very depressed!"

"Boss, your spells are so strong, can you solve the problem of brainwashing!"

Black Widow is now both in Fulian and working under Xiao Hai, so she is called Xiao Hai's boss Wei.

Xiao Hai shook his head and said, "I'm not good at this kind of thing, but this kind of thing should be taught, he is an expert in spiritual problems!"

"By the way, I'm going to go around the universe, are you interested?"

Last time Xiao Hai didn't bring Black Widow to Asgard, she also complained about Xiao Hai for a long time.

Black Widow's eyes lit up: "Okay!"

Chapter [-] Badlands - Morag (Good Morning)

After Xiao Hai got the star map of the Kree people, he began to prepare his own expedition plan! When he got the information that Xiao Hai was going on an extraterrestrial adventure, not only the black widow, but all the girls under him were clamoring to go, even Gambit wants to join in the fun together! But there can't be no one at home, so Xiao Hai promised them to take them in batches, and the door will be opened anyway! In the movie, the power gem first appeared on an abandoned planet called Morag. It's just that Xiao Hai doesn't know the exact location of the Power Gem. A planet is too big to find! But it's okay to try it first. If you can't find it, go to Xandar Planet. That's because the Power Gem will definitely appear, and it will cause a sensation. place.

Xiao Hai prepared battle uniforms for everyone to survive in space, and then began to prepare to open the portal. He was still a little nervous, because it was the first time he had opened the portal so far! Then the portal opened, and the portal's On the other side, it was a dark and barren planet, and there were lightning flashes in the sky from time to time, and it was no different from opening the door before.

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