Xiao Hai breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the portal with Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Polaris, and Gambit. This time, a few of them went first! This envy the others, Mad 077 Lin waved: "Remember to bring The present is back!"

When the portal closed, Xiao Ai said, "The air here is breathable!"

Everyone else took off their masks, and the black widow said in surprise: "It's amazing that you can even breathe the air of aliens!"

Xiao Hai said with a smile: "Many races in this universe are of the same origin. It is said that the Kree, Skrulls, the Eternal Race, etc. are all of the same origin as humans!"

Polaris was shocked and said: "There is such a thing, didn't the boss say that the Kree created the Inhumans? We and the Kree have the same origin, and the technology gap is so big"

She has been working in the laboratory for two years, and she has learned a lot of things. She already has a very scientific mind! Xiao Hai sighed: "You know, although I know a lot of things, in fact, I am not omniscient and not omnipotent.... ..there's always something I don't understand!"

Then he stretched out his hand and released several small drones. First, he went to scout the terrain to see where there were intact buildings! The Scarlet Witch looked around, and with a sudden move of her hand, a small colored lizard flew up and fell. into her hands.

The Scarlet Witch pinched and said, "Sure enough, it's similar to the creatures on Earth...Is there a civilization on this planet? I'm really curious about what the aliens on this planet look like!"

"You're going to be disappointed, it's a deserted planet!"

Xiao Hai still knew this.

Gambit was surprised: "Who would give up a planet 1 why would they do that?"

Polaris thought for a while: "Could it be that the resources are exhausted?"

Xiao Hai shook his head and said, "Technology has reached a certain level, and there is no such thing as exhaustion of resources!"

"Take the earth as an example, the resources of the earth are not precious in the universe. After mastering the technology of space jumping, many resources can be mined on other planets!"

"Look how many... precious minerals Magneto has mined on the planets of Earth"

Scarlet Witch is a little puzzled: "That planet"

Xiao Hai smiled and said: "Isn't there still stars? The sun has created the civilization of the earth on the earth. Think about how the resources can be exhausted if we can use too much of it perfectly."

Black Widow nodded and said: "This is the Dyson sphere, I heard Tony mention it! And if you master the air jumping technology at the same time, there are so many stars in the universe, most of which have no planets, no life, and it is impossible to mine them all. …”

Polaris suddenly said: "Besides, it can also convert empty energy and convert space into energy. Sure enough, as long as the technology is achieved, there is no such thing as exhaustion of energy! Technology is the primary productive force!"

At this time, Xiao Ai said: "The ruins of a city... are found ahead!"

Xiao Ai popped up a light curtain, and a large piece of ruins appeared on the light curtain.

Judging from this ruin, the prosperity of this city is no worse than that of the metropolis on earth.

But now there are only a few scattered ruins.

Xiao Hai opened the portal, and they arrived at this ruin! Xiao Hai opened another portal and took out a few small dogs like dogs. These... little robots had no combat power, and were loaded with small robots. Love subroutines, explore robots.

They can search for clues everywhere! But at this moment, Xiao Hai found that something was wrong with the Scarlet Witch, and he said in surprise, "Wanda, what's wrong?"

The Scarlet Witch covered her head and said, "Wail, I heard countless wailing, I saw countless dead souls..."

The dead soul Xiao Hai didn't see a dead soul, he was a mage, so he couldn't even see the dead soul.

Could it be mental interference, illusion has enemies! Xiao Hai's mage eyes opened, his body's strength has been adjusted, and he also let Xiao Ai scan around, but found nothing.

"I can't find it so strong"

Xiao Hai's vigilance skyrocketed again.

At this time, the Scarlet Witch put down her hand: "I was wrong, boss, this is not a ghost! It's just the resentment before death..."

Red light emanated from her hands, "purifying" those resentments

She took a long breath and said, "Boss, I saw it, I saw the destruction of this planet's civilization..."

"A burst of purple energy instantly spread to the entire planet, and everyone died..."

"I heard a word in their resentment, anyway... I understand, the cosmic ball..."

"Boss, that cosmic ball ruined the world...is this what you're looking for!"

Xiao Hai's face was strange, and he felt more and more that Scarlet Witch's abilities were mysterious and unpredictable.

Her power can be used as an energy source for magic, controlled by magic, and has various magical abilities.

Resentment after a person's death, what the hell is this, resentment Xiao Hai... I understand, it's just that resentment has no carrier. After an unknown number of years, you can actually sense what kind of power you are. Anyway...not Chaos Magic at all.

Xiao Hai nodded! Scarlet Witch's face changed: "Boss, why do you collect such dangerous things?"

Xiao Hai said with a smile: "To be honest, there are things on earth that are more dangerous than this.

And it is precisely because it is so dangerous that it must be collected so that it cannot fall into the hands of the bad guys!"

The Scarlet Witch showed an understanding look, the boss is the archmage who protects the world, this kind of thing must be protected by the boss! She said: "I saw a place, like a palace, that is the people of this planet Where the cosmic spirit ball was worshipped in the past, the cosmic spirit ball may be there!"

Xiao Hai was stunned: "Someone used the cosmic spirit ball to destroy this world, and put it back where it was."

The Scarlet Witch opened a portal in front of the palace. She shook her head and said, "No, it's not necessarily someone who did it on purpose. It might just unintentionally stimulate its power, causing the destruction of this civilization!"

"Boss, you have to put away such a dangerous thing!"

The one hundred and twenty-ninth Xandar star (for subscription)

Xiao Hai and the others passed through the portal and came to the gate of the palace.

The gate of the palace is wide open, there is a pillar in the middle, and there is a strange energy device on the pillar, as if it used to contain something, but now it is empty! And on the ground there are several rotting Kree corpses, those...colored The lizards were biting at the carrion on the ground, and there was a hole opposite the gate of the palace, apparently there was a big battle here before.

Xiao Ai scanned the corpses and said, "I don't know much about the body of the Cree people, and it is estimated that they died for about half a month:!"

"A step too late!"

Xiao Hai covered his nose, "Okay, the next stop, we'll go to the real alien city! Not happy..."

Seeing that Xiao Hai seemed to know the whereabouts of this cosmic spirit ball, several people didn't mind.

Although Xiao Hai said that he was neither omniscient nor omnipotent, in their opinion, the boss was almost... an omniscient being.

Open the star map and locate the Xandar star again! A portal opened, and Xiao Hai and the others came out of the portal again.

There are cities there, with different architectural styles from the earth, but at first glance... a city with a high degree of civilization! Polaris opened his eyes wide and asked, "Boss, the Asgard here looks good over there"

Xiao Hai smiled and said, "The styles are different, it's hard to compare!"

Black Widow shook her head and laughed: "This really doesn't feel like interstellar travel. It's like opening the door to go to the street. If we drive our own spaceship, it must feel more..."

But at this moment, Xiao Hai's expression suddenly changed, and a voice sounded in the sky: "I found unregistered space teleportation, according to the [-]th regulation of Nova Corps, you teleport to Sanda Star without authorization, it is a smuggling act. …”

Four four-pointed four-pointed star-like aircraft appeared in the sky, surrounding Xiao Hai and five people! The voice from the aircraft continued: "You will be detained by the Nova Corps for one month, pay a fine of 44 yuan, and send them back. Origin..."

Gan! How could such a thing still be able to discover my portal! The Nova Corps in the movie is not so powerful! Then the flying machine doesn't care if Xiao Hai and the others have it... In response, a few beams of brilliance fall with a strong suction force that will smash it out. Several people were imprisoned and adsorbed into the air! Xiao Hai was surprised: "My previous guess is good, unified field theory, at least the transformation of electromagnetic force and universal gravitation, these aliens have mastered..."

Isn't this the way to turn electromagnetic force into gravitational force and use it to grab people? Xiao Hai grabbed with his hand, and immediately several magic whip-like things grew out of the ground, entangling the four 44 aircraft, and then dragged to the ground.

Those... Nova Corps were shocked! "What kind of attack is this"

"Damn it's magic..."

"Activate energy countermeasures!"

"I'm sorry, the system is paralyzed, the powerful electromagnetic paralyzes the system, and all data is lost!"

"People are gone!"

Xiao Hai's four 44s have already appeared in the distance, but this time they were not discovered.

Polaris is really curious: "It is clear that this time Xiao Hai is also spreading the word.

Xiao Hai said: "I guess, entering this place from the outside is considered an invasion, so they can monitor it, but it may not be inside..."

Of course, if the guess is wrong, then use other methods to avoid the pursuit of the Nova Corps! He did not come to fight the Nova Corps.

An envious look appeared on Black Widow's face: "If the earth also has technology, it would be great to have this kind of defense system!"

Xiao Hai smiled and said, "It's almost time, let's change clothes!"

Their dress style is totally different from here.

Xiao Hai grabbed it casually, grabbed a few sets of local clothes from a clothing store and put them on, and then the five of them walked down the street.

Xiao Hai took the lead, wearing a leather coat and sunglasses, looking imposing! Gambit followed behind him, like his bodyguards, and the girls looked like his secretaries! Scarlet Witch's eyes swept around: "I thought Earthlings are enough skin tones, Cree skins are weird enough, I can't think of more here!"

They actually saw people with red skin, green skin, and people with yellow skin like oranges.

Fortunately, most of them are humanoids, and there are only a few small places that are different from humans. They don't look weird when they walk here! Of course, there are also many non-humanoid creatures. At least Xiao Hai saw a whole body of leather like a stone. The alien from Mido! Black Widow said: "Boss, I'll go ask for news."

They all have translation software, and it is not difficult to communicate with these aliens. With the intelligence ability of Black Widow, they quickly inquired about the news.

Xiao Hai's five people came to a storefront.

That... The owner of the shop is also a humanoid creature, but his face is full of folds and there are three strands of hair on his head! Xiao Hai looked at this and said, "Broker!"

A broker is a profession, that is... all kinds of intermediaries, this person has replaced his name with his profession, but he knows how good he is in this respect! The broker rubbed his nails and said, "They are all fresh faces. , I don't know what you want to buy or sell."

Xiao Hai said: "I heard that you are the most well-informed. I am looking for the universe spirit ball. Do you know its whereabouts?"

The broker said lightly: "I haven't heard of it..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Hai's pistol had already been pointed to his head.

Obviously the broker has never seen a gun like this: but he still guessed what it is, there are many bounty hunters and all kinds of desperadoes on Xandar, he doesn't think Xiao Hai dares to start! ... "You know of!"

Xiao Hai also cheated him.

The broker was so frightened that his whole body began to tremble: "I...I don't want to cause trouble! Someone is buying the universe spirit ball, but now Ronan is also looking for this, I don't want to mess with Ronan!"

Black Widow showed a sweet smile, greatly reducing the broker's fear: "Who is this Ronan?"

The broker said: "He is the supreme accuser of the Kree, he is a lunatic, he is bent on destroying our planet Xandar, and I do not wish to have any connection with him!"

Black Widow was surprised: "Is he strong?"

"Are you serious?"

There was a look of despair on the broker's face.

In his opinion, Xiao Hai and the others are just... a few fledgling bounty hunters, and they dare to join the universe without even knowing Ronan, they are simply courting death! Everyone knows the High Accuser is...the leader of the Kree! His private army is one of the most powerful fleets in the universe, even without the orders of the Highest Intelligence..."

", I said it, I said it! Peter Quill came to me the other day with the cosmic sphere, then I drove him away, and later he was sent to Kling Prison, that's all I know! "

"I don't care about my business, you go!"

At this time, another voice sounded from outside: "Stowaways, I have found you! You are limited to surrender within ten seconds, or you will be at your own risk!"

Chapter [-] Nova Corps (Third)

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