.................. Hissing came out of the wormhole【】, Loki took a deep breath.

The icy air of Jotunheim easily calmed Loki, who was a little flustered in his heart.

Although he looked a little embarrassed, Loki's eyes shone brightly, "No matter who stole the box of ice."

"But since I didn't shoot at me, I can easily go back to Jotunheim."

"Then obviously, I'm not their target!"

"Perhaps, those 'big men' who are high above... don't even give me a second look"

I don't know if I thought of some bad picture, while Loki muttered, his face became hideous.


"I really didn't expect it!"

"I, Loki, are not Asgardians, but the Frost Clan of Jotunheim!"

"Even, because of the baptism of Asgard magic all the year round, even if I change back to the identity of the Frost family, I will never grow up!"

"You can only maintain the current appearance!"

"In the eyes of the Frost Clan, this is a deformed child!"

"It made me unable to integrate into the Frost family at all!"

"Especially after I showed Lau Fei the Box of Frost and got Lau Fei's approval, the Frost clan actually rejected me even more!"



"Everyone dislikes me"




"I want to make you look good!"

Loki cursed fiercely.


After a long while, Loki sighed again in a low voice.

"The idea is good, but how to make these people look good"

"If you want strength without strength, you want subordinates!"

"Only with my incomparable strength"

"Yeah, even that muscular man Saul can't beat him, so how can you make Lau Fei....the Lord of the World look good"

"Even, with the strength of Odin wearing the armor of the destroyer, punching these things with one punch.... The Lord of the World can do it, how can he make him look good?"

Loki suddenly slumped to the ground like a poor man who had been severely beaten ten thousand times.


"It's all because of that muscular man Sol!"

"And Odin... the sly old ghost!"

"If it wasn't for the sake of competing with that muscular man of Sol who is more capable of taking the throne, why would I choose between the long and the short to fight against Sol?"

"Even, I feel resentment because other people are optimistic about Saul, and I have spoofed everyone more than once"

"As expected of the old fox Odin, he allowed me to offend all Asgardians again and again!"

"I'm a mage! To actually go to the battlefield and rush to the front line like a soldier, my brain is absolutely watted!"

"No! Behind this, there is probably Odin in the dark to influence me! How can I be a mage on the front line?"

"This is definitely something that... an old bastard can do!"

"It's for, isn't it that Saul can justifiably be the next God King!"

Suddenly, Loki violently kicked the ice cube in front of him.


"Can't stay in Jotunheim anymore!"

"Without the Box of Ice, Laufey won't trust me anymore"

"Well, he didn't trust me in the first place"

"However, without the Icebox, Jotunheim will no longer be my help."

"Even, there is a high possibility that Lau Fei will be captured and tortured!"

"But, where should we go?"

I wanted to rebel and be the king, but had no choice but to find that he was only a bare commander, how hard it forced Loki to fall into deep thought.

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