.................I thought that if I came here, I would see a scene like a fish entering the sea, but as a result, I saw Loki who was complaining about himself, Qi. Jun couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

This Nima, I thought this guy would be a ruthless and sinister character, but he didn't think that this guy was just a poor spoiled child.

It's just that, compared to Thor's orthodox prince who has parental care no matter what, Loki is just a poor guy who has grievances and can't find anyone to complain about.

Qi Jun originally thought that Loki, who stole the Box of Frost Ice, would be able to be on an equal footing with Laura even if he didn't kill Laura himself as king.

But obviously, in fact, Qi Jun overestimated him! This is just a poor guy who is helpless without strong support.

Without the Ice Box, under such circumstances, if Loki dared to find Laufey, he would definitely be arrested immediately and tortured to extract a confession.

Although Laufey knew that this 'Frost Shorty' was his son, Laufey would never trust him! Who made Loki grow up in Asgard...  ........... But when he saw Loki was distressed and didn't know where to go, Qi Jun suddenly had an idea.

"Send this guy to Hela"

Looking at Loki, who did not sense that someone was malicious behind him, Qi Jun also smiled sullenly.

Chapter two hundred and thirty seventh sister and brother first meeting


In the underworld of Heim, Hela, who was preparing her army, suddenly heard a miserable cry, coming from the sky above her head.

"That is..."

"one person"

Looking up at the sky, Hela frowned and muttered uncertainly.

"I'll tear him apart!"

The giant wolf Fenrir on the side also raised his head, his eyes were red, staring at the 'people' who fell from the sky, and spit out human words.

"No need!"

Hela stopped the giant wolf Fenrir from moving, and she didn't feel any threat from the 'humanoid' that fell from the sky.

Hela, who has mastered the soul gem, is confident that even Odin, who is in the armor of the Destroyer, can be invincible, not to mention... this 'person' who doesn't know where to come from is! Owner."

Hearing Hela's order, the giant wolf Fenrir fell back again obediently.

However, while lying down, the giant wolf Fenrir was also tense, ready to fight at any time.


Hela cast a glance and smiled, but didn't say anything more.

After all, that humanoid object was already in sight.



Bang! With a trembling roar, the 'man' instantly fell from the sky, smashed to the ground with a slap, smashing the ground into a distorted human-shaped pothole, and even a burst of smoke.

"It's really a person"

Looking at the 'person' that flashed past her eyes in an instant, and smashed a human-shaped pothole into the ground, Hela's eyes were full of confusion.

With Hela's eyesight, although this person is only for a moment, Hela still sees clearly, this is a person! Eh, moreover, why does it look a bit like the Frost clan? Oh, when will Heim Underworld be apart from himself and his own? The subordinates, and other living people, and the Frost family, how did they come to the underworld of Heim? They also offended Odin and were exiled here...... ....."四嘤"

Just when Hela was puzzled, he smashed out the 'person' in the distorted human-shaped pothole and woke up, "Here..."

"where is it"

Just woke up, this guy's head is still not sober, he wants to shake his head to wake up all of a sudden, but found that the head movement is very limited.

"It's in a pit"

The fragrance of the soil came from the tip of the nose, which finally made this guy sober, and he also remembered that he fell from a high altitude. Since he didn't respond, he directly smashed into the ground, although his strong racial attributes made him fall from a high altitude. He didn't fall to his death, but the strong impact made him faint for a while.

If it weren't for the fear of some conspiracy, this guy would have been able to faint forever "No!"

"Am I in Jotunheim?"


"A portal that suddenly appeared, sucked myself in, and when I came back to my senses, it was already [-] meters high in another land!"


"It's the big guy who's messing with me"

Loki finally came to his senses completely, but the two obviously deformed arms suddenly shook twice, all right.

And, with a strong hold of both hands, Loki jumped out of the human-shaped pothole.

Yes, this guy is... Loki who was trapped by Qi Jun from Jotunheim............"Roar"


Loki, who had just jumped out of the pit, was surrounded by the roar of a giant wolf and dozens of warriors armed with magic spears before he had time to breathe.

Gu Dong subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and Loki was not feeling well.

What's the situation Taijun, I am a good citizen! Loki almost knelt down! This Nima, just out of the tiger's mouth, has entered the wolf's den again...... ......."Who are you"

Hela, who was wearing a sci-fi black armor, walked over with a whip in hand, looked down at the trembling Loki condescendingly, and asked.

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