The Cosmic Cube has been in the hands of SHIELD for decades, and it has only produced a batch of energy blocks with energy values ranging from 500,000 to 800,000 points?

Even if there are some powerful energy weapons, compared to the current"Dr. Lan", they are nothing but garbage?

Damn, if the Cosmic Cube is given to Dr. Lan for research, will it create a real black hole in a minute?

What if, like Hua Ye? ? ?

Damn! Suddenly I was panicking, what should I do?......................

"Oh, boss, the previous vibranium ore has been used up in the experiment. You'd better make another batch. I found that adding some vibranium elements to the existing antimatter storage materials can actually better preserve antimatter!"Speaking of vibranium, Dr. Lan finally turned around and took a look at his boss--Qi Jun!

"Huh? Don't lie to me! I remember your boss, antimatter is confined by force field, what does it have to do with vibranium?"Qi Jun was suddenly confused, what the hell, is the vibranium in the Marvel Universe so awesome?

"Of course, vibranium cannot directly store antimatter!"Dr. Lan rolled his eyes."It is a force field material for storing antimatter. Different proportions of vibranium elements are mixed in, and they have different binding forces on antimatter."

"Tell me, how much do you want?"Qi Jun rolled his eyes and silently lay back on the recliner in his old position.

For the space city of his dreams, come on, recharger!......................

As time goes by, Qi Jun's dream space city is no longer just an empty shell. With the joint efforts of Qi Jun and Dr. Lan, its interior is gradually enriched.

Leisure living area, game entertainment area, ecological leisure area, power energy area, weapons and equipment area, scientific research and experimental area, intelligent production area, internal functional circulation area......Wait, the entire space city was divided into different areas by Qi Jun. As the name implies, they naturally have different functions.

On this day, after Qi Jun finally installed the last space jump engine of the"Dream" spaceship, er, no, the"Dream City" space city.

Even after this period of experience with the charging treasure, Qi Jun's own energy content has reached a huge amount of 500,000, and the energy content in the [mutated gem] has reached a huge amount of 5 million points, but Qi Jun doesn't want to live this kind of life anymore! Qi Jun, who couldn't hold back his excitement any longer, thought about it, and disappeared from in front of Dr. Lan without a trace.

Of course, Dr. Lan didn't show the slightest surprise at this. After all, he had long been accustomed to his boss's elusiveness. Even Dr. Lan had long been accustomed to it.......................

Asgard, in the Palace of the God King, a stranger suddenly appeared.

I never expected it!

At this time, the Palace of the God King was crowded with people, and there were all kinds of Asgardians everywhere!


"If I say that I came here because I was lost, would you believe me?"Looking at the countless pairs of eyes staring at him, Qi Jun asked awkwardly.


Swallowing the saliva that was unconsciously secreted from his mouth, Qi Jun was dumbfounded. It seemed that the time when he teleported here was a little wrong?

Look at the Asgardian warriors standing upright on both sides, and then look at the countless Asgardians who participated in the event in their best clothes behind the warriors.

The most important thing is that in front of Qi Jun, at the end of a passage reserved for the warriors standing on both sides, on a golden throne, there is a one-eyed old man who is also wearing shining golden armor and holding a steel drill!

The most important thing is that behind Qi Jun, also at the end of the passage, at the entrance of the Palace of the God King, there is a blond man wearing a red cloak, black armor, a black helmet, but holding a hammer in his hand!

What the hell!

Could it be the opening of Thor 1, where Thor, the God of Thunder, was about to be promoted to the King of Asgard with glory, but was messed up by the evil god Loki and eventually lost the throne!

"Outsider!" The crowd that was cheering suddenly became quiet because of Qi Jun's sudden appearance, but there was one person who couldn't stop his anger and yelled at Qi Jun,"Who are you?!" The huge roar shook the entire Palace of the God King.

Of course, no one showed any discomfort because of this. After all, even the most ordinary Asgardian has a physique that is far beyond the reach of Earthlings!

"......"Looking at the furious Thor, Qi Jun suddenly didn't know what to say.

He even glanced at the evil god Loki under the throne, and he saw excitement in his eyes.

Damn it!

The original plot was messed up by Loki, but it won't be messed up by me!

Damn it, if that's the case, won't you be hated to death by the big-bellied Thor who"stuck his arm into your anus"?

Ancient One, Ancient One, why are your memories in Asgard in the palace of the God King? Qi Jun was so depressed!......................

""Speak!" Thor roared, with crackling lightning flashing on his body, and he walked towards Qi Jun step by step with Thor's hammer in hand."Outsider who invaded Asgard, if you don't have a reasonable explanation, then today will be the day of your death!"

This is not the Thor who was sealed by his old father and thrown to the earth to grow up. At this time, Thor is arrogant and conceited. Except for Odin, he ignores everything!

Qi Jun happened to appear at the ceremony of his coronation as king. How could Thor, the God of Thunder, bear the raging anger in his heart?

Although Thor gave Qi Jun an opportunity to explain, in fact, before Qi Jun could speak, Thor's hammer carrying huge lightning power had already smashed towards Qi Jun!

"never mind"

"Fortunately, I had no intention of making friends with Asgard."

"Then, I will inform Asgard of my power through this arrogant Thor!" Looking at Thor's hammer Mjolnir that flew in front of him in the blink of an eye, Qi Jun shook his head and reached out to grab it.

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