

Through the Mage's Eye, Qi Jun clearly saw that Odin's Eternal Spear was attacking the dimensional barrier of the dark dimension again and again.

And every strike of the Eternal Spear could poke a crack on the barrier of the dark dimension!

Although these cracks disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared, the vibration of the entire dark dimension space was real!

Dormammu's anger was naturally real!

"Odin! I, Dormammu, swear that I will devour your Asgard!"

Dormammu roared while mobilizing the power of the entire dark dimension to confront the Spear of Eternity! He even launched a counterattack!

If the Spear of Eternity could create 10,000 cracks in the dimensional barrier of the dark dimension in the previous attack, then after each counterattack by Dormammu, the number of cracks that appeared after the Spear of Eternity attacked the dimensional barrier of the dark dimension would be reduced.

"Is this the power of the big guys? The newbies are trembling~~~"Disguising himself as an extremely weak scum, Qi Jun hid in the dark dimension and frantically performed marginal OB!......................

Asgard, Odin remotely sensed the location of Kungunir while sitting back on his throne, commanding the Asgardians to clean up the battlefield.

As for Thor? Odin even just took a look and ignored him after finding that his life was not in danger!

From beginning to end, Odin never looked at the second prince Loki again, and naturally did not notice that the second prince of Asgard had disappeared without a trace.~

"Did you go to Muspelheim after leaving Vanaheim?" Odin sat on the throne, thinking silently, and the Asgard guards around him did not dare to disturb him at all.

"This powerful man, who had no idea where he came from, was obviously very accomplished in the way of space. However, he also seemed to be very familiar with the nine kingdoms?"

"Hiss, he appeared in Asgard before, could he really be lost?"

"I don’t know whether it is right or wrong to offend such a strong man?"

"Are there other powerful people behind such a powerful person? Or some other powerful forces?"

"Well, after Kungunir comes back, I still have to take it to Nidavellir to rebuild it."

"I have never discovered before that Kungunir has such an uncontrollable side?"

Odin never thought that Kungunir had such a huge bug! The spear will never turn back until it hits the target? Even though Odin has imprinted a spiritual mark in the Eternal Spear, the existence of this bug makes the Eternal Spear completely disobey Odin's orders at this time!

Hiss!!! If this unknown strong man keeps running around like this, won't Kungunir never return to his hands? Odin suddenly felt a toothache!!!

"Hmm?" Odin, who was frowning and thinking, was suddenly stunned, and then suddenly confused"Gungnir went to attack the dark dimension?"

"That powerful person, in addition to being able to travel through space everywhere in the main plane, can also run to another dimensional space at will?"

"No!"Odin stood up suddenly,"We can't let Kungunir attack the dark dimension again!"


With one punch, just one punch, Odin smashed the space in front of him and blasted out a space channel!

At this time, Odin was the strongest god king. Even if Kungunir was not in his hand, he would not lack any combat power!

Without any hesitation, Odin stepped in and disappeared from Asgard in an instant!......................

Outside the dark dimension barrier, a space channel suddenly appeared, and a white-bearded old man came out.

"Odin!"The dark dimension space shook again, Dormammu's roar could be heard not only throughout the dark dimension, but even Odin outside the dark dimension barrier could hear it,"You bastard! Not only did you throw the Spear of Eternity to attack me, but now you actually dare to show up in front of me?!!!"

"I think you must be lacking in education!"Suddenly hearing Dormammu calling him a bastard? Odin was immediately furious. How many years has it been? How many years has no one dared to be so presumptuous in front of him? He didn't even care about the Spear of Eternity. Odin directly punched the dimensional barrier of the dark dimension!

"Ahhhh!!!" Dormammu suddenly screamed, the scream was so tragic that it was simply sad to hear! At the same time, dense cracks appeared on the dimensional barrier, and even tiny cracks appeared?

Ding ding ding!!!

When these cracks appeared, the Eternal Spear, which had been poking in vain for a long time, suddenly poked fiercely at the cracks! Although it was clearly in the void, bursts of metal and stone sounds were heard!

""Shit!" Qi Jun was shocked."So powerful? Damn, I have to run away!"

With a thought, Qi Jun disappeared from the dark dimension. At the same time, the Spear of Eternity, which had been attacking the cracks in the dimensional barrier, suddenly disappeared.

The disappearance of the Spear of Eternity stunned Odin, who was about to reach out and grab it. What happened to the Spear of Eternity?...Do you dislike yourself?

"Hahahaha!!! Compared to Odin at this moment, Dormammu, seeing Odin's confused look, laughed even louder. He was not angry at all about Odin's punch before.

"You Odin actually have come to this day!"You are kidding, you bastard Odin, if you can really kill me, Dormammu, I might be afraid of you, but you can't kill me, at most I, Dormammu, will just feel a little pain, I just like to see your ugly expression!

"No!"Odin ignored Dormammu, but felt that something seemed to be wrong.......................

On the other side, in the dimension of hell!

Mephisto was also stunned when he saw the person who suddenly appeared in front of him!

What the hell? A living person actually appeared in hell?

"Who are you?" The cunning Mephisto was not as irritable as the others. Even though Qi Jun did appear in front of him without him knowing it, he did not get angry. Instead, he greeted him with a smile, as if he wanted to get to know him better."Forgive me, Mephisto, for my poor eyesight. I don't think I have seen you before?"

"This is indeed the first time we meet!" Qi Jun smiled,"But, the guy who will come later, I believe you will be very familiar with him?"

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