Life should have a sense of ritual!

The first deep space trip should also have a sense of ritual!

Of course, the propeller that Qi Jun pushed to the bottom is not just a decoration, it also has the function of starting the Dream.

Since the goal has been set long ago, under Taibai's control, the Dream started quickly, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

"The Dream has reached the planned speed! Turn on the artificial wormhole system to increase the energy supply tenfold!"

The Dream's increasing speed had no effect on Qi Jun and the others, and they didn't even feel it at all.

"Open the wormhole!"As the four of them were bored, the Dream finally reached the predetermined speed. Taibai seized the opportunity and controlled the artificial wormhole system to open a huge wormhole in front of the Dream!

Under Taibai's control, a huge artificial wormhole appeared in front of the Dream, and just"swallowed" the entire Dream!

""Yeah! That's the feeling!" Feeling the twisting force in the wormhole, Samuel Stern became excited and ran to the side to pull out a few projection screens and started operating them quickly.

""How beautiful!" Looking at the colorful wormhole channel, Emil Brunsky murmured to himself,"General Ross, I'm afraid you will never have the chance to see such a wonderful sight in your life.~"

"Haha! Haha! It's fun!" Hulk was as happy as a child, jumping and jumping, and stretched out his hands to grab those colorful and beautiful things.~

"What a rich spatial force!"Unlike the scientific madman Dr. Lan, the junior high school student Hulk, and the complex mind of Abomination, Qi Jun was also amazed at the beauty of the wormhole, but he was even more amazed at the incomparably rich spatial force in the wormhole!

"It seems that there are countless wormholes connected in the wormhole?"Qi Jun released his mental power and sensed it with all his heart.

Qi Jun found that behind this magnificent scenery, it seemed to be connected to the entire universe and starry sky, as if every ray of light was connected to a different wormhole?

However, before Qi Jun could comprehend more, the Dream spacecraft suddenly rushed out of the wormhole exit and arrived at the other side of the starry sky!

"Dream starts automatic self-check......"

"Self-inspection completed, everything is normal on Dream!"

"Capturing gravity! Analyzing···"

"Pulsar discovered!"

"Discover the Universe Star Network! Connect to the Universe Star Network! Connect successfully! Find information! Downloading information!"

"Comparing data......"

"Comparison completed, arrived at the destination, near the MLY-1024 wormhole"

"Safe area, disarm all gear, remain invisible, and the Dream begins to slow down!"

"Slowing down······"

"Deceleration completed, Dream is stationary······"

"Sir, please give the next instructions!"

Tai Bai's series of words woke everyone up.

"Project the star map of our location!"

Although the cockpit has a porthole to view the outside scenery, it is only a single side after all. If you want to understand the whole picture, you still need Taibai to project the surrounding environment.

"Yes, sir!"


The light in the control room suddenly dimmed a lot, and then the star map of the Dream's current location was immediately projected by Taibai.

"Oh my god! There are actually three stars here?"

Samuel Stern, who had just come out of his scientific research state after seeing the projection, immediately exclaimed

"And there are no planets around here?" Hulk also came over. Although he was only as smart as a junior high school student, he was also as knowledgeable as a university monk. Seeing a strange star system with only three stars and no planets, he was naturally very surprised.

"Well, there are many strange things in the universe. We have now officially entered the developed area of the Milky Way, and we will definitely be able to learn more knowledge! Let's go to the destination first!"Qi Jun was not very curious about this.

No matter how strange it is, can it be as strange as the Ten Thousand Dimensions?

Let's not talk about anything else.

When Qi Jun led Odin to offend the Ten Thousand Dimensions, he went to a very strange dimension, a huge planet surrounded by densely packed satellites!

Note that the satellites mentioned here are not the kind of satellites launched into orbit by humans, but the satellites of the earth similar to the moon.

Satellites of all sizes are densely packed around the huge planet.

Standing on the planet and looking up at the sky, you can't see even a trace of starry sky.

There are only countless satellites in sight!

Of course, Odin's attack didn't know how many satellites were blown up. Presumably, the lord of this dimension hates Odin more than the lords of other dimensions!

"Taibai, prepare to activate the space jump and go to Chaidar Star!" Qi Jun gave the order

"Yes sir!"

"Downloading the real-time location information of Qaidam Satellite on StarNet. Download completed and data is being corrected!"

"Downloading the Nova Empire Space Transportation Management Policy, data correction is in progress!"

"Activate the space jump system! Start injecting energy!"

"Please be prepared, the space jump countdown is ten seconds!"







"Space jump activated!"


As Taibai spoke, Qi Jun clearly sensed a powerful energy spreading along the energy shield of the Dream, enveloping the entire Dream, and then suddenly bursting out with a strong spatial force.

Then, the picture projected by Taibai changed, and a beautiful star system appeared in the projection screen, with a huge star, more than 20 planets, and a beautiful habitable planet on the habitable star path of the star system.

Through the porthole, Qi Jun and others could clearly see the Chaidar star, so big! So beautiful!......So prosperous!

The spaceport in outer space of the Chaidar Star, with all the spacecrafts of all sizes coming in and out, doesn’t that represent the prosperity of this place?

"Space jump system is on standby···"

"We have arrived at Chaidar Star. Please give us your instructions, sir."

Taibai's words made everyone realize that the space jump was completed?

"Compared to long-distance travel through wormholes, space folding is more suitable for short-distance jumps."Looking at the surprise in Hulk and Abomination's eyes, Qi Jun smiled slightly and explained.

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