"Uru ore?!"Seeing the strange metal in Qi Jun's hand, Nova Supreme was shocked again.

As a Nova Empire that has secretly studied Asgard for a thousand years, how could it not know the magic of Uru metal?

If vibranium has become a top scarce material in the universe because of the cosmic elder.

Then, Asgard's Uru metal is only a little worse than vibranium!

Uru, like vibranium, is a specialty in the universe, and there are not many of them circulating in the universe.

But the major forces' research on Uru is not necessarily less than that of vibranium!

After research by major cosmic forces, it was found that Uru, like vibranium, has its own advantages and disadvantages, and is slightly inferior to vibranium. This gap is like the gap between adamantium and secondary adamantium. Of course, this is from the perspective of refining alloys with various proportions.

But! From another perspective From this aspect, Uru is better than Vibranium!

Uru is much stronger than Vibranium in terms of energy utilization rate, enhancement rate, etc.!

A super-powered force of the Nova Empire uses weapons that are almost all made of Uru metal alloys, which can all exert their own strength several times, or even more, and greater power!

In order to cultivate such a super-powered force, the Nova Empire has dug out a treasure mountain, and the cost is huge! And the biggest part of it is the acquisition of Uru metal!

Because this thing is also a scarce resource in the universe!

Like Vibranium, the Kree Empire was also defeated by Asgard, and no force went to trouble Asgard, let alone wanting their rear to be pierced by a ray of light from the sky, and war was everywhere! Asgard's God King-Odin, almost among all the major cosmic forces, is a dangerous element that ranks extremely high.

As far as Nova Supreme knows, Asgardians, when walking in the universe, hardly carry money, and basically use face recognition!

Why? Because they are Asgardians! Because they have Uru metal!......................

""King Qi Jun, have you robbed all the warehouses in Asgard?" Nova Supreme swallowed hard, looking at Qi Jun with an expression of disbelief.

No wonder King Qi Jun said that the people of Asgard wanted to skin him alive. Not only did they rob Odin of his magic and Kungunir, the symbol of Asgard's royal power, but they also emptied their Uru stockpile? Just based on the way this piece of Uru ore appeared just now, Nova Supreme didn't believe that Qi Jun would just stare at the warehouse in Asgard filled with Uru metal?!

"You can't blame me for that!" Qi Jun looked at him with a look of"How could you do that?""If Odin hadn't attacked me, would I have done such a thing?"

Qi Jun didn't explain, but instead followed the words of Nova Supreme and deliberately distorted the facts.

"A sneak attack? Odin?" As expected, Nova Supreme had a confused expression on his face, and by the way, he also had some disdain for Odin's character!

Although Odin did sneak attack Qi Jun, Qi Jun's words directly led Nova Supreme into a ditch, so that Nova Supreme would no longer doubt where Qi Jun got so much Uru metal from.

What's so strange about selling more Uru metal after emptying Asgard of thousands or even tens of thousands of years of mining?

"Of course, some general things, or things that are not difficult and require our help, etc., can also be traded with universal coins and energy blocks, as well as a large number of ordinary materials."

The neutral policy of the Nova Empire has caused countless cosmic threats to come here to pan for gold and enjoy themselves.

If they abide by the laws of the Nova Empire, there will be no problem, but the key is that these dangerous elements who are used to being wanton and unrestrained, can they really abide by the laws of the Nova Empire with peace of mind? Of course not, so the Nova Corps handles countless disputes every year.

When they are too busy to handle it themselves, they will naturally hire a group of forces to do these things.......................

Although only a tiny bit of each scarce material is needed, Qi Jun can materialize it infinitely after understanding it. But to build a super power, you can't rely on Qi Jun to materialize everything! How many years will Qi Jun have to be a charging treasure before he can build a super cosmic power of his own?

Qi Jun believes that as his subordinates, not only must the strength be strong, but the status must also be improved.

The Kree Empire has a small spaceship for each person, and Qi Jun's subordinates must at least have such a status!

A small spaceship for each person should be equipped! (Similar to the Kree people in Captain Marvel, each person has a small spaceship)

A regiment, a small space battleship, should be equipped?!

A division brigade, a small space battleship fleet, should be equipped?!

A group army, a medium-sized space battleship fleet, should be equipped?!

A large military region, a large space battleship fleet, should be equipped?!

A war zone, at least several large space battleship fleets, should be needed?!

Three million superpowered troops, divided into three war zones, each of which must be equipped with cosmic-level war fortresses, cosmic-level battleships, cosmic-level frigates, cosmic-level defense weapons, etc.!

If Qi Jun were to materialize these things, how long would it take?

I'm afraid that by then, Xi Yang Zi Shu would have snapped his fingers countless times, and Qi Jun still wouldn't have materialized the most basic battleships of a cosmic superpower.

"Well, forget it, it's too scary!" As soon as this thought came out, Qi Jun was so scared that he quickly drove this nonsensical idea out of his mind.......................

"Of course!" A smile spread across Nova Supreme's face."The more advanced the things are, the more they need things of the same level to exchange for them. Otherwise, how can they highlight their status as scarce resources in the universe!"

"I wonder what kind of cooperation King Qi Jun wants to reach with our Nova Empire?"Intelligence transactions and the like will naturally be handled by someone in charge.

After confirming that he could obtain countless scarce resources in the universe from Qi Jun, Nova Supreme was more concerned about the cooperation Qi Jun mentioned.

Nominal alliance? Or strategic alliance? Or life-and-death alliance?

Nova Supreme also thought secretly.

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