No one knew what deal Qi Jun and Nova Supreme had reached or what they talked about.

However, in the end, Qi Jun left with a smile on his face, and Nova Supreme sent Qi Jun out with a happy face, which was clearly seen by everyone outside. Those who followed Nova Supreme to meet Qi Jun were all Nova Supreme's diehard fans. Without Nova Supreme's order, they would naturally not leak any information about the meeting between the two parties.

But Qi Jun would not leak any information about the conversation between the two parties. For Qi Jun, whether Nova Supreme wanted to announce the alliance after his super-powered legion was formed or announce the alliance now, Qi Jun didn't care.

Qi Jun cared about the real benefits he got! For example, this time Nova Supreme bought a large number of Uru metals, and Qi Jun also had more than a dozen top-level but extremely scarce materials in the universe, as well as more high-end but not too common advanced materials!

These are all things that can bring value to Qi Jun, so Qi Jun is naturally very happy. As for materials that are a little bit more valuable than these, Qi Jun has no interest at all, and he asked Nova Supreme to convert all of them into universal currency for settlement.

In this way, Qi Jun almost emptied the entire Nova Empire's old foundation.

If he wants to have such a refreshing transaction in the future, the Nova Empire doesn't know how long it will take to develop silently.

In other words, from now on, Qi Jun has directly promoted to become a cosmic god!

Although he can't compare with the universe elders like Di Fan who have lived for an unknown period of time, it is also easy to take out 4 billion to buy a universe spirit ball.

After all, the Nova Empire is a universe empire that has existed for ten thousand years, and its heritage is unimaginable!

Qi Jun has never thought of throwing away the Dream"tourist-level" space battleship after use. This is a space battleship that Qi Jun has slowly pieced together by himself. It is of great significance. It can be said that as long as it is not blown up one day, Qi Jun will not abandon it!

Everyone has a first time, and Qi Jun seems to care more about this first time of the Dream.......................

After sending the"negotiation mascot" Hulk to cooperate with Abomination to protect Dr. Samuel Stern, Qi Jun teleported directly back to the Dream.

"Taibai, according to the three locations I selected before, distinguish the distance, plan the route, and we will jump over one after another to check it out!"Qi Jun issued a new order in the driving control room.

Dr. Lan and the other two were left by Qi Jun on Chaidal Star to continue to seduce, ahem, and communicate with talented scientists. Qi Jun found three places suitable for the development of a cosmic force from the cosmic intelligence data traded from the Nova Supreme, and prepared to go to the site for a field investigation first.

Places suitable for the development of cosmic forces must first meet the basic condition that the planet can be inhabited by people. Of course, this one is not too much in the entire universe! But most of the good places have been occupied by major forces in the universe.

Secondly, if a force wants to grow and develop, it must stay away from dangerous areas in the universe, such as black holes, cosmic tides, cosmic beasts, and so on.

Then, see what is in the territory. What kind of resources, whether they are rich or not, whether they are numerous or not, etc.

Finally, it depends on whether there are any forces that like to attack near the territory. After all, being fought every other day is not conducive to the growth of forces, at least, it is not conducive to the growth of forces in the early stages.

Combining these factors, Qi Jun selected three places.

First, it is relatively mediocre in all aspects, whether it is the number of habitable planets, the complete lack of dangerous threats, the ordinary variety of common resources, and a star field surrounded by almost mediocre forces.

Well, Qi Jun’s goal is naturally a complete star field! Planet? Playing house?!

Although this place seems mediocre in all aspects, it is not a problem for Qi Jun, who can materialize the top scarce materials of the universe.

Under consideration······

2. A star field that is superior in all aspects, but it is a lawless place! A famous gathering place for interstellar pirates in the universe! A gathering place for lawless people who are more hated than plunderers! Plunderers rob supplies, energy, spaceships, etc., but as long as they do not resist and do not hurt lives, they still have some bottom line in doing things.

But interstellar pirates are completely different. This group of guys have no bottom line at all. Everyone who encounters interstellar pirates will fight to the death, because they know that surrender will only lead to death! Such lawless people who have no bottom line at all will not be allowed to approach even neutral areas such as the Nova Empire. Once they get close, they will inevitably be attacked fiercely by the Nova Corps.

But Qi Jun carefully analyzed all the information and found that there are many shadows of cosmic forces in it, even the Kree Empire, the Skrull Empire, the Shi'ar Empire, etc.!

The territory is a good territory, but the situation inside is too complicated. Qi Jun does not want to wade into the muddy water unless it is necessary.

Under consideration······

3. A star field that is simply the best in terms of both the size of the territory and the richness of resources!

Obviously, such a star field that is so excellent but has not been taken into the pocket of any force is also extremely dangerous!

The Star Field of Destiny!

This is the name of this star field that is uniformly called by all forces in the universe!

People who can come back safely from this star field, even if they just walk around the periphery, are almost all called people of destiny! An extremely dangerous area with various irregular space tearing forces, space collapse from time to time, and irregular space-time cracks.

In this place, a large number of planets are swallowed, annihilated, and disappeared at all times, but the strange thing is that not long after these planets are annihilated, new planets will emerge, which are completely different from the planets that were crushed, swallowed, and annihilated before. The key is that the major cosmic forces can't even do anything about it.

But if it were just like this, it would not be called the Star Field of Destiny, but would be called a place of death.

The reason why it is called the Destiny Star Domain is that anyone who dares to break in and walks out alive will make a fortune!

Because, in this extremely special and dangerous place, there are all kinds of top-level resources everywhere, the kind that the Kree Empire would be jealous of!

But unfortunately, the number of people is completely useless in this star domain. It can be said that the more people there are, the faster they will die after entering this star domain! Even if all of them enter only by intelligent machines, it is exactly the same!

It is so unreasonable!

But Qi Jun is very curious about this place!


【Oh, I caught a cold from using the air conditioner. I'm speechless.······】

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