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Creating a race is not something that can be done simply by talking about it.

Even Qi Jun, who possesses the [Mutation Gem], has made careful preparations.

After adjusting the state to the best and replenishing the energy, Qi Jun began to materialize the Transformers.

In order to facilitate easy management, Qi Jun prepared to materialize a Transformer leader-Taibai!

Yes! Qi Jun was going to materialize Taibai as a mighty and invincible super Transformer!

In fact, Qi Jun was going to transform the entire Dream into a Transformer at the beginning.

But then he thought, it’s not necessary!

Just like Thanos’s Temple II, its positioning is not for combat!

It is a symbol! Whether it is strength or power!

When others see Temple II, they will know that this is Thanos’s vehicle! This is Thanos’s mobile palace in the universe! Even if this Temple II contains countless fighters and warships, others will not regard it as a weapon of war, but as a king’s pomp! Even if Temple II’s own military strike capability is not weak at all!

Qi Jun is the same!

Qi Jun also wants that one day, when people in the entire universe see the Dream, they will immediately think that this is Qi Jun's throne! Instead of a space battleship with powerful attack capabilities!

Qi Jun has never thought about changing the name. Even if the Emperor sounds better than the Dream, so what?! Does

Sunset Purple Potato's Temple II sound better? Most people in the universe are still afraid of it!......................

The new body that Qi Jun prepared for Taibai was a battleship body that was a mixture of all kinds of advanced and top-level materials that Qi Jun had!

In fact, the space battleship that was taken away by Hela was just Taibai's first sample battleship. Its ability was far from reaching the peak of Taibai's design!

Qi Jun easily simplified this process.

With the [Mutation Gem], materials, and design, Qi Jun easily materialized the space battleship he named"Taibai"! With just a thought, the whole thing was formed in an instant!

Taibai is not big, or not as big as Dream!

Dream can easily berth dozens of Taibai space battleships!

But Taibai's combat power is not fake! It can even be said that Taibai's combat power completely beats Dream! In order to arm Taibai to the strongest at one time, Qi Jun integrated all his current abilities into Taibai.

Vibranium, Uru, various rare but top-grade and advanced materials in the universe, small antimatter manufacturing field, small black hole-like energy concentration device, small dark energy absorption device, space generation device, space control device, antimatter engine, curvature engine, dark energy engine, nuclear energy reaction chamber, energy force field shield, energy weapon system, kinetic weapon systemWait, wait!

It can be said that in order to materialize the Taibai, Qi Jun directly drained all the energy reserves at once.

That's a full 100 million points of energy!......................

"Sir, Taibai reports to you!"In the Dream's control cabin, a metal robot as tall as Qi Jun bowed slightly to Qi Jun.

"Not bad! Really good!"Qi Jun walked around Taibai and found that, except for the shiny metal shell, Taibai was almost the same as a human! Qi Jun believed that if Taibai put on a bionic human skin coat, no one would be able to tell that this guy was not a human at all!

Although all the energy was used up, Qi Jun would never lack energy on the Dream. After replenishing the energy, Qi Jun asked Taibai to transfer his main program to Taibai, and immediately used the [Mutation Gem] to materialize Taibai into the full metal robot in front of him!

Of course, a body as tall as Qi Jun is definitely abnormal, but Transformers can even transform, become smaller and bigger, how could they not be able to do that!

""How do you feel now?" Qi Jun asked curiously, looking at the respectful 'Taibai' Transformer in front of him.

Super artificial intelligence, no matter how super, is just artificial intelligence, not intelligent life, let alone the Transformer in front of Qi Jun!

"It feels wonderful. I seem to have truly understood the meaning of life?!"Taibai rolled his eyes, thought for a while, and said.

As a Transformer Taibai"transformed" by Qi Jun himself, he is naturally different from Optimus Prime, Megatron and other coquettish bitches.

Taibai is more like a person from the outside, not a Transformer in the conventional sense! Especially, as a space battleship. Taibai does not have the fire in the chest of Optimus Prime, Megatron and other guys, not even a trace!

Taibai, who is materialized by the [Mutation Gem], has a real soul, not the consciousness given by the fire source!

Of course, Taibai, who is materialized by the [Mutation Gem], is absolutely loyal to Qi Jun!

However, Qi Jun still did not feel completely at ease to brush more of the dark soul magic that was unique to Qi Jun, even if it was harmless.

In any case, in Qi Jun's view, it is always good to do more control! It is best not to put all your eggs in one basket. Qi Jun understands this principle better than anyone else! And understands it more deeply!......................

"Take these, go to Iron Star, and create a real Transformers race!"Pattening Taibai's shoulder, Qi Jun pointed to several cubes in a corner outside, as well as a bunch of special missiles, and said.

Those things were naturally several fire sources waiting to be charged after Qi Jun recovered his energy! And a bunch of special transforming missiles that can turn a huge steel mountain into transforming elemental materials!

For Qi Jun, asking him to materialize Transformers one by one?

Are you kidding? Then what's the point of Qi Jun going to such great lengths to materialize the 'Transformers Leader - Taibai'?

Didn't Qi Jun materialize the 'Transformer - Taibai' first just to liberate himself!

"Yes, sir!" Transformer-Taibai looked at Qi Jun, with a firm face,"Taibai will definitely live up to the leader's expectations!"

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