""Sir," Taibai suddenly appeared beside Qi Jun on an all-metal planet with no signs of life at all."The experimental project you asked me to pay attention to, regarding Dr. Reed Richards and others, has officially started!"

"At this moment, the five of them have boarded the US Federal Space Agency's aircraft and are preparing to take off to the space station in Earth's orbit!"Tai Bai narrated respectfully.

To Tai Bai, Qi Jun is his creator, his heaven, and his God! At any time, he needs to be respectful to Qi Jun!

"Oh?" Qi Jun closed his eyes and turned off the more powerful super melting ray he was testing."So soon? What day is it today? Oh, by the way, the last time I saw Bruce Banner, he said it would be a week later. It seems that seven days have passed?"

In order to give himself a chance to be lazy, Qi Jun had spent a lot of energy to materialize Taibai as a real mechanical creature! Qi Jun's energy storage of 100 million points was not enough, and he even acted as a charging treasure many times before he finally materialized the Transformer next to him, Taibai, who was as powerful as the father-level!

While acting as a charging treasure many times, Qi Jun also found that after he materialized Doomsday's adaptive evolutionary physique and the restrictions were lifted, his physical strength had greatly increased! After acting as a charging treasure many times, Qi Jun's strength doubled again! Even more than that!

Qi Jun's body energy reserves alone have reached a huge amount of 30 million points! And the reserve energy stored in the [mutation gem] has reached a huge reserve of 300 million points!

Of course , these energies are still secondary. Qi Jun discovered that his strength has reached the true [Father-level] in the Marvel world!

Qi Jun discovered that he can now easily use the space collapse magic that forced back and seriously injured Ancient One when he was on Earth! It is no longer something that requires the assistance of [mutated gems]. Moreover

, Qi Jun's physical strength has also been greatly enhanced. Whether it is the super brain power that is more powerful or the super strength that can even push a metal planet? Even when Taibai came to find him before, Qi Jun was still testing whether his newly evolved super melting ray could directly penetrate a pure metal planet!

Moreover, Qi Jun discovered that the 'Dragon Ball Magic Modified Combat Power Detection Glasses' that he had previously materialized could no longer detect His own strength! As long as he detects himself, he will inevitably get a series of question marks, which means that Qi Jun's strength has exceeded the limit that the 'Dragon Ball Magic Combat Power Detection Glasses' can detect!

Of course, the most important thing is that Qi Jun found that the energy distribution ratio between him and the [Mutated Gem] has undergone a huge change!

Before, Qi Jun and the [Mutated Gem] shared the energy absorbed by the [Mutated Gem] 50-50!

But now! Qi Jun found that he could get 60%!

Qi Jun is very sure! This is definitely because his strength has grown to a certain extent!

Before, Qi Jun's strength was planetary level. Although he was equally powerful, his skills were almost still within the planet. But now, Qi Jun can even push a planet to hit another planet! This is completely the strength of the Father-in-the-Sky level! It has definitely exceeded the upper limit of the Planet level!

Qi Jun couldn't help but analyze this ratio, but in the end he found out helplessly that he had to reach the Almighty Universe level to be able to control the [Mutated Gem]?

Planet level, 50-50!

Father-in-the-Sky level, 64-65!

Single Universe level, 73-65!

Multiverse level, 82-65!

Super Universe level, 91-65!

Almighty Universe level, complete control of [Mutated Gem]!

Qi Jun was even not sure whether his calculation based on this level was really in line with the speculation of [Mutated Gem]? ? ?

Of course!

No matter what, at least, this 64-65 change finally gave Qi Jun the opportunity to completely master the [Mutated Gem]!

And all Qi Jun had to do was to keep getting stronger!......................

"Yes, sir!" Taibai bowed slightly."It has been one week of Earth time since you last saw Master Bruce Banner. In addition, the cosmic radiation project involving Dr. Reed Richards and others that you asked me to pay attention to has officially begun."

""Time flies so fast!" Qi Jun sighed. It really didn't feel like a week had passed.

"Samuel Stern, where is our Dr. Lan?"Qi Jun turned his head and asked Taibai,"Where is he now? What is he doing?"

Qi Jun only used dark soul magic to influence and subtly implant the rules that Qi Jun's interests are the first, instead of directly and roughly subduing these subordinates as his soul slaves. Therefore, Qi Jun can't always know the whereabouts of these people.

But all this is too simple for Taibai, the leader of the Transformers who is a super super mechanical creature. Although it has only been three days since he became a real life, Taibai has planted countless secret doors and seeds in the entire universe star network. It can be said that as long as there is a place that can be connected to the universe star network, Taibai can include it in his reconnaissance range.

Not to mention, Qi Jun equipped all of Qi Jun's subordinates with two or even more means of communication, so that no matter where in the universe, they can easily contact each other! With these communication equipment, it is very simple for Taibai to find out the whereabouts of Dr. Lan and others.

"Dr. Lan, Hulk, and Abomination are heading to the Sovereign’s home planet of Korra, sir!" Taibai replied.

""Huh?" Qi Jun was stunned."Not on Chaidar? What are they doing on Korra? Are they trying to get in touch with the arrogant Sovereigns?""

"Yes, sir!" Taibai nodded and replied,"Dr. Samuel Stern, using his top smart head���After conquering most of the scientists on Chaidar, he followed the recommendation of a Chaidar scientist and prepared to contact the Sovereigns."

"Hmm?" Qi Jun frowned."Why are they talking about this? Have you investigated the person who recommended this?"

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