The newly-released"Rorschach's Forgotten Mask" is more like a hood that covers the entire head.

When worn on the head, it looks tight, but in fact, Qi Jun doesn't feel that he is wearing a mask at all.

Qi Jun found that his vision was not different from when he was not wearing the mask.

If he hadn't touched it with his hand and felt a very obvious touch, Qi Jun would have doubted whether he was wearing a mask at all? He wasted 0.1 points of energy and materialized a mirror. In the mirror, the appearance of the"Rorschach's Forgotten Mask" really flowed with black ink color irregularly with his breathing.

But after looking at the bald head after putting on the mask, Qi Jun thought about it and simply wasted 0.9 energy points again to materialize a cowboy hat that suits his aesthetic taste.

As for why it is not a peaked cap or something like that?

We should also adapt to the local customs. When we arrive in the United States, we should pretend to be more like a cowboy!

What's more, with a set of black night clothes,"Rorschach's Forgotten Mask", and a low-key but luxurious cowboy hat, it really has a unique temperament.

It's a pity that with"Rorschach's Forgotten Mask" here, this unforgettable unique temperament may not be remembered.

However, fortunately, the fantasy attribute of"Rorschach's Forgotten Mask" will not work on Qi Jun, the creator, and it can even be set to have no effect on the target.

Otherwise, Qi Jun might want to kill himself.~......................

Everything was ready. When Qi Jun came out of his hiding place with a gun in hand, without the special effect of the 'lurker sunglasses', he was immediately discovered by the members of the Northern Bear Gang who were always paying attention to the battlefield.

Qi Jun was not surprised by this. He already knew this and made changes.

After all, if he took the initiative, the effect of the 'lurker sunglasses' would naturally disappear.

He ignored the shouting gang members.

Qi Jun immediately aimed the gun in his hand at the already red-hot barrel of the squad machine gun on top of the pickup truck.

Yes, in order to ensure the safety of the rear, the members of the Northern Bear Gang were ready to use the squad machine that was placed aside to cool down again.

After all, a scrapped gun is better than a scrapped person!


Why not aim at someone?

It was just Qi Jun's subconscious reaction!

After all, as a person who grew up under the red flag and has never touched a real gun. Even if the body and soul have been branded with the firearms proficiency skill, it doesn't mean that you can hit people, right?

Unless you are born with the evil camp attribute, otherwise, people like Qi Jun, who are in the neutral camp, or even other good camps, can aim the muzzle of the gun at a living person for the first time?

Qi Jun doesn't believe it anyway!

Although it was the first time to fire a real gun, because of the branded firearms proficiency, Qi Jun actually behaved very calmly.

Subconsciously, he used a force that was not too small to press down the jumping muzzle of the gun, and fired two short and rapid shots. Except for the numbness of his shoulders caused by the butt of the gun, Qi Jun's first shooting was perfect like a battlefield elite!

Sure enough, with the branded firearms proficiency, Qi Jun successfully used his own ideas to break the muzzles of the two squad machine guns on the top of the two large pickup trucks!

Then, imitating Hit-Girl's movements, he shrunk his body and ran along the previously planned route.

At the same time, Qi Jun did not forget to remove the HK416 magazine, which had only a few bullets left, and replaced it with a new full magazine.

"Fakre Kante!"

"Why the hell is there another one here?"

"Kill him!"

""Kill him!"

There was a random shout, followed by a chaotic burst of gunfire.

Da da da!!!

Chi chi chi~~~

Bang bang bang~~~

As expected, Qi Jun had just run around the corner for less than two meters when a hail of bullets hit the spot where Qi Jun had just been.

There were a lot of crackling noises, but not even a shadow of a person was hit.......................

"Whoosh! Whoosh!!"

"That’s the feeling!"

"It's fucking exciting!"

While running wildly, feeling the blood boiling in his body and his heart pounding vigorously, Qi Jun felt like he was going to die of pleasure!

"This kind of feeling can never be felt in peacetime or in a peaceful country!"

"Praise you, my motherland!"

"I love you so much! My time travel!"

With the first exciting experience of real shooting, Qi Jun seemed to be inspired to have some adventurous attributes?......................

Bang Bang Bang~~~



"This way! Follow me!"

After walking around carefully twice, Qi Jun found that neither Hit-Girl nor the Northern Bear Gang were as familiar with the terrain of the dock as Qi Jun.

Qi Jun quickly shook off the Northern Bear Gang members who were chasing him, and caught up with the little Loli Mindy who was running for her life.

He fired a shot to scare off the Northern Bear Gang members who were chasing the little Lolita, and ran at full speed. It was not that Qi Jun didn't want to aim and shoot, but he didn't have the strength to do so. 0.0

Regardless of whether the little Lolita listened to him or not, Qi Jun ran away along his own route.

Fortunately, this direction was towards Big Daddy. Mindy hesitated for a moment, but still chose to follow.......................


"Who are you?"


"Why are you helping me?"


"Are you here to rob as well?"

The little girl followed quickly with her short legs, holding a gun, approaching Qi Jun cautiously, panting and asking curiously.

Qi Jun rolled his eyes at the little girl and told her to experience it herself!

My God, do you think everyone is like you, robbing for fun?

I! Qi Jun! I don't play the game of robbery!......................

Qi Jun: Rob! Collect! Hand over the flowers! Hand over the full score evaluation vote!

Qi Jun: It smells really good!

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