Qi Jun was also very upset when he heard the footsteps and curses following closely behind him.

Could it be that he had to shoot people today?

Qi Jun was a little entangled as he stared at the HK416 in his hand, which he had forgotten where he had picked up.

Although Qi Jun also knew that on the battlefield, it was either you die or I live.

But once he really shot at a real person.

That means:

I! Qi Jun! No longer pure!

Qi Jun was very scared when he thought that he was about to become no longer pure.

Will he become dirty if he is no longer pure?

Will he become an old driver?

Will he become an old driver who whines?

When he thought about becoming an old driver who can drive any car, Qi Jun felt a wave of fear in his heart.

Me! Qi Jun! I only want to drive a young! Beautiful car!



Me! Qi Jun! I only drive a brand new car from the factory! With complete procedures! Exuding a strong sense of humor! A new car that has not been repaired!

New car! New car! New car!

Important things must be said three times!......................

"Thanks for your help!"

"But who are you?"


"Didn’t I tell you to retreat?"

"How dare you disobey your father?!"

"Come here quickly!"

"Who is he?"Using the same method, he beat back a group of North Bear Gang members who were about to attack the big daddy's small building.

Then, he took the little loli and turned a corner and ran to the back of the small building to meet the big daddy who jumped down. He immediately stepped on the horse and ran out of the dock.

On the way, the big daddy thanked Qi Jun while also being wary of him.

Qi Jun rolled his eyes speechlessly, but didn't say much.

After all, this scene was expected, wasn't it?

As for the little loli Mindy, she just giggled and didn't answer.......................

Why don't you go upstairs and join Big Daddy?

You're looking for death!

Are you waiting for a large number of people from the North Bear Gang to completely surround the small building?

There's no need to attack the building, just throw a bunch of grenades up in a split second, and they'll all die!

What's more, from such a distance, Qi Jun heard a huge explosion near the dock berth.

I don't know if the mercenary guy used rockets and explosives, or if the North Bear Gang brought more powerful weapons?

What's more, a group of people fought wildly, but they didn't notice that some of the detonators and explosives buried by Qi Jun were blown up?

As for why not all of them?

What a joke!

After knowing that there were full containers of crude oil in this dock, how could Qi Jun dare to connect those detonators and explosives in series?!

Anyway, no matter what it was, it meant that the people inside were already killing each other.

After all, even the explosives with huge lethality appeared!

Even if this was actually planted by Qi Jun, it was obviously impossible for this group of people to verify whether it was done by the people they were fighting.

If you use it, I can use it too!

After all, this is not an exclusive patent, who can't do it?

It can even be said that because of the addition of powerful firepower, this battle will soon be over!......................


"You can't escape if you run like this!"

Qi Jun suddenly stopped and hid himself in a corner, stopped moving forward, and shouted to the Big Daddy and Hit-Girl.

After carefully walking around the entire dock twice, Qi Jun was very familiar with the terrain of the dock. He also knew that outside the dock, there were only a few long asphalt roads that intersected each other, and there was not even a small bungalow around. The nearest building was almost one kilometer away.

With the speed of the Northern Bear Gang members chasing behind, Qi Jun didn't think that he and his men could run out of the effective range of their guns in such a short time, let alone run one kilometer and hide behind those distant buildings!

The containers and bungalow warehouses everywhere in the dock caused great trouble and obstacles to the pursuing Northern Bear Gang members.

But once they left the dock and came outside, there was a shooting range of a full kilometer!

Even if these guys were not good at shooting, so many people combined, a random shooting would be enough to stop them........


"We must get rid of the pursuers first!"

"Otherwise, we can't escape!"

"What's more, they have more than a dozen vehicles ready to go at any time!"

"We must kill these pursuers and build some barriers at the entrance and exit of the dock."

Big Daddy and Hit-Girl sneaked in from outside the dock, so they naturally knew how unfavorable it was outside the dock for them.

It can even be said that anyone who didn't come here by boat from the sea would definitely know that the excellent"shooting range" outside the dock!

This is the real world, there is no halo for you to perform 100% bullet-dodging skills..........

"Then let's fight!"

With a sigh, Qi Jun held his gun, listened attentively to the sound of the pursuers, and determined the distance.

"Get ready for battle!"

Big Daddy and Hit-Girl didn't hesitate, and also dispersed, pointing their guns in the direction of the pursuers behind them.

Asking Qi Jun about his identity, is this what they should do now?......................

"Here they come!"

After all, the elder father was more experienced and quickly determined the distance

"Start fighting!"

Da da da!!!

Tu tu tu tu tu tu!!!!"

Qi Jun pulled the trigger subconsciously.

This time, he did not avoid the body, and the distance was very close.

He saw with his own eyes that a group of northern bear men who rushed out were beaten into a sieve.

Puff puff puff~~~

The sound of the bullet hitting the flesh clearly entered Qi Jun's ears....................... a long time


"I am not pure anymore!"

Looking at the bodies of the Beixiong Gang members he had killed, and throwing away the HK416 that had run out of bullets, Qi Jun sighed softly.

At the same time, he was a little speechless. Did he recycle too many bodies?

He didn't feel anything when he saw these"sieves" he had killed with his own hands?



"Are you going to turn evil?"

Because she was close, little Loli Mindy still heard Qi Jun's whisper.

But the little Loli didn't understand, how could she be impure if she killed a few gangsters?

If she was impure if she killed gangsters, wouldn't she be able to become the Lord of Hell?

The little Loli blinked curiously..JPG

"Three years no..."

"Ahem, nothing."

"I just sighed suddenly."

Seeing the innocent look on the little girl's face, Qi Jun quickly drove away the evil thoughts in his heart.

A good young man drives a new car produced by a regular manufacturer and has legal qualifications to be on the road! He will never drive a cart that has not yet left the factory or even been painted because of curiosity!

I! Qi Jun! Obey the traffic rules!

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