"By the way, you just moved in yesterday, how did you manage to get here in just one night?"

"Just built a specially renovated and reinforced underground passage that can connect to the sea?"

"I am very sure that I checked it carefully when I bought this manor for you. There is absolutely no way there is a passage underground!"

Listening to Tony Stark's crazy complaints, Qi Jun smiled slightly and said nothing.

To be honest, in Venus, a place without any human habitation and acid rain like a storm.

Even if he only stayed for two days, Qi Jun felt that if he didn't return to Earth, he would go crazy!

However, Qi Jun did not respond to Tony Stark's complaints.

Could he tell him that this underground passage that only looked very sci-fi and could allow him to fly at high speed was actually created by Qi Jun with a snap of his fingers? All he spent was a few points of energy that was restored in one breath?

Besides, maybe Tony Stark was just complaining and didn't really want to know?......................

"My second request"

"Where is my company?"

Qi Jun revealed a lot of information to Tony Stark before and asked for three things in return.

The first one, of course, was the luxurious private estate on Long Island.

The second one, of course, was to let Tony Stark use his completely private power to set up a company for himself.

There was no special purpose, just to be the richest man in the world for fun and see if he could compete with Black Panther in wealth.

That's all!

Otherwise? What power could opening a company bring to Qi Jun?

Do what you like!

"Don’t worry!"

"Don't worry about me doing the job!"

"If the company hadn't already started, I wouldn't have the nerve to come to you.~"

"All management and employees, on the surface, even in the information of those intelligence agencies, will not have any connection with our Stark family."

"This kind of privately hidden power is a must for almost every conglomerate family, so that they can rise again if an unexpected event occurs in the future!"

"So, on the surface, you will not have any contact with me, Tony Stark, and the Stark family!"

Tony Stark rolled his eyes wildly, as if you actually despise me.(ˇ^ˇ)Expression

"In this world, whoever has money is the boss!"

"Uncle Tony, it only took one day to complete all the procedures for you!"

"But why use S?.C.P.The name?"

"You haven't explained this S to me yet..C.P.What does it mean!"

"Isn't it also an abbreviation like S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Is this the organization behind you?"

Tony Stark looked at Qi Jun with suspicion, as if he wanted to see a flower on Qi Jun's face.

Of course, in fact, Tony Stark also guessed a little bit.

Because, S.C.P.It is indeed the abbreviation of an organization.

But obviously, this is just an unknown Internet organization on the Earth before Qi Jun traveled through time!

The reason why Qi Jun used this name was, firstly, to commemorate, and secondly, because the company that Qi Jun was going to open would need some S.C.P.Before crossing over

, Qi Jun was also a pseudo-member of this foundation.

The reason why he was called a pseudo-member was because he was just interested, learned a little, and wanted to register as a member, but found that he couldn't register?

What the hell? S.C.P.Must I register with a Google email?


Is it that Penguin is no longer fun? Or is it that being a groom is no longer easy?

I have to say, S.C.P.Some things are very imaginative.

At least, Qi Jun knows that there is a kind of containment here that can cure all diseases!


It is all diseases!

It can be as short as half an hour and no longer than two hours!

In such a short time, all diseases can be completely cured!

I just want to ask you if it is amazing!

This kind of thing, in the world before Qi Jun crossed over, it was naturally just a magical idea.

However, with Qi Jun, all magical ideas are possible!

At least, this brain hole containment that can cure all diseases can be easily materialized by Qi Jun! He can also materialize relevant information and give it to the newly established S.C.P.The company will produce it!

Qi Jun believes that with this magical containment, he is just the richest man in the world, simple!

Of course, such a huge wealth will naturally attract others to covet, or even rob, no, they will definitely rob!

This involves the need for private armed forces. Without sufficient force, how can we ensure that our own interests are not violated? Shaking your tail and begging for mercy like someone wants?

In fact, this is actually easy to solve!

Especially for Qi Jun who owns the [mutated gem].

So, S.C.P.In addition to producing high-tech healing potions, this newly established group company will also take over Tony Stark's closed weapons manufacturing department!

In the original series, this weapons department was taken over by Hammer Industries after Obadiah's death and there was no other resistance.

But now, with Qi Jun's intervention, Hammer Industries will naturally have nothing to do.

Qi Jun even doubted whether Hammer Industries, which had not taken over Stark's weapons manufacturing department, could still trigger the plot of"Iron Man 2"?

It shouldn't be possible, right?


After copying Tony's physics knowledge, it seems that Ivan Vanko is useless?......................

"Didn't I tell you?"

Qi Jun glanced at Tony Stark.


"When did you say that?"

Tony Stark paused as he gently shook the glass. He immediately became furious and questioned. Did you ever say that? Don't you have any idea of AC?


Seeing Tony's expression, Qi Jun was happy and pretended to be confused.��

"Well, maybe I didn't say that~"

Qi Jun looked indifferent, which made Tony Stark hate him.

He looked at the Mark IV standing next to him, thought about it, and finally sighed and fell on the sofa.

MMP! I can't beat him.~~~

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