"Ha ha~~"

"Don't ask about these."

"Some things are best left unknowing."

Qi Jun naturally wouldn't tell Tony that he was from another world.

However, Qi Jun was too lazy to make up an inexplicable organization.

If you make up a story, you have to keep making it up around it. Either the story is smooth and logical, or it collapses and people can see at a glance that it is a lie.

Qi Jun was too lazy to spend that effort. It would kill a lot of brain cells!

Don't look at Qi Jun now having a perfect superhuman bloodline.

But Qi Jun's current strength is probably not enough to beat Aunt Marvel.

After all, bloodline only opens up a higher level of evolution, and does not mean that powerful strength is immediately obtained.

Naturally, Qi Jun's super brain power and development level are not high enough.

Although even so, it can be comparable to or even surpass Tony Stark.

But since there are places where you can be lazy, why force yourself to add drama?

Besides, I'll tell you if I'm happy.

If I'm not happy, who can force me?

Not to mention Aunt Marvel, the Devouring Beast, even if Ancient One and Odin come in person, don't think of taking advantage of me!......................


"Stop talking nonsense!"

"I'm going to ask you, the third requirement, vibranium, have you got it?"

He waved his hand, interrupting Tony Stark's move to ask more questions, and asked.

Hearing Qi Jun talking about this issue, Tony Stark immediately became serious.

"Three days ago, when I heard you say that there is a super hidden country in Africa whose technology is more advanced than that of any country in the world, I didn’t believe it!"

"After careful investigation, I found that what you said might be true.

Qi Jun rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"It’s really good!~~"

Damn, I knew he wouldn't believe it.

Fortunately, he left with a shocked look on his face. I thought he believed it on the spot.

But it's true. If anyone knew that a third-world chiefdom that was considered poor and backward by everyone in the world suddenly turned into the most technologically powerful country on the entire planet, no one would believe it!

It makes sense for Tony Stark to use his secret power to investigate these things.


"Just a simple investigation."

"Because we are afraid of being discovered, we have not yet checked the outer energy barrier of Wakanda that you mentioned."

"But even if it was just a simple peripheral investigation, it was enough to determine that Wakanda was unusual!"

"According to the data obtained by Jarvis from invading various intelligence organizations and even major famous schools, in the past fifty years, nearly a thousand people from Wakanda have gone to famous universities in various countries for further studies, and some have even changed their names and interned or worked in various technology companies!"

Tony Stark is not a person who follows the rules. When necessary, even invading major intelligence organizations is as common as shopping.

"But in the end, these nearly a thousand people all returned to Wakanda!"

"And their reasons are all to return to their hometown and build a better and stronger Wakanda!"

"But after these people returned to Wakanda, there was no news of them again. It was as if they wanted to change the status quo, but were killed by the royal family of the interest class!"

"In addition, Wakanda still behaves like a poor and backward third world chiefdom to the outside world, and even intelligence agencies of various countries no longer pay attention to them!"

"If you hadn't told me about Wakanda"

"Even if they see this information one day, they will probably think like these intelligence organizations that this small kingdom poses no threat at all!"

Tony Stark looked at Qi Jun with a serious expression.

He felt the threat of Wakanda to the United States Federation! If what Qi Jun said is true!

Tony Stark at this time did not experience as much as he did later.

Moreover, he was led astray by Qi Jun right after becoming Iron Man.

Even S.H.I.E.L.D. is on Tony Stark's blacklist.

This Wakanda that suddenly appeared and may have powerful strength will naturally make Tony Stark subconsciously worried.

Will this kingdom have an impact on the United States Federation's status as the world's boss? Wait.

Even if Qi Jun said a few more words and said that Wakanda had a dream of becoming the king,~~~I'm afraid Tony Stark will contact the military directly.

In other words, Tony Stark at this time is more like a patriotic young man, no, a patriotic middle-aged man!

He has not experienced much, and even if he becomes Iron Man, he is still far from worrying about the entire human race.

"But I found someone who has a deep connection with Wakanda!"

"Ulysses Klaue!"

"An African arms dealer!"

"He was even an important client of Obadiah in the past!"

Tony Stark frowned a little, but his tone was calm after all.

"Because I found out that this guy is actually a wanted criminal in Wakanda!"

"An international wanted criminal who has been put on a global wanted list by Wakanda through the United Nations!"

"But it is obvious that no country would capture an arms broker who could bring huge profits to the"big guys" just for"a mere Wakanda"!"

"In recent years, Ulysses Klaue has thrived despite being wanted by Wakanda, and he even has a huge team under his command!"

Tony Stark's face was full of sarcasm.

"However, through the hidden power of the Stark family"

"We made some deals with Ulysses Klaue"

"I got some Vibranium Ore】!"

Tony Stark stood up and walked to the Mark IV standing nearby.

The Mark IV automatically opened its battle suit and ejected a large glass jar!

A jar of Vibranium Ore that itself emitted a light blue light.】!

[Note: In the movie Avengers 2, it was called vanadium alloy, but here it is called vibranium ore.~]

"Do you know how much this piece of [Vibranium Ore] costs?"

"It’s actually worth a top-of-the-line supercar that just left the factory!"

"Can you believe it?"

Tony Stark handed the glass jar to Qi Jun, and exaggeratedly showed a frightened expression!


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