"Oh? How do you know?" Gu Yi raised his eyebrows and spoke fluent Chinese.

"Haha! The Supreme Sorcerer speaks authentic Chinese!"Qi Jun rarely heard the familiar accent, and he burst into laughter. Regardless of whether this Ancient One really has Chinese blood, at least, he has lived for hundreds of years and knows a lot of languages!

Well, when I copy the ability of the embodied Ancient One later, I will copy the language ability of this old guy as well! Qi Jun thought silently in his heart. At least, the universal language of the Marvel Universe must be copied! The whole universe speaks English? Qi Jun never believed this nonsense!

Qi Jun decided to show up and meet with Ancient One, not just to show his strength, Qi Jun naturally also took a fancy to Ancient One's erudition!

Although Qi Jun did not think highly of the magic of the Vishandi lineage, they did have their strengths in terms of space magic and time magic. By analogy, it was enough to bring enough insights to Qi Jun and improve his own magic!

"��"Master, why do you have to ask when you already know the answer?" Qi Jun put down the teacup and smiled.

"With Master Ancient One's ability, he must be able to sense that more and more dimensional forces are beginning to erode the earth again.

Although the entire earth is wrapped and defended by the magic net formed by the three magic temples, since it is a net, there are naturally loopholes.

I am a space mage, and my perception will be even clearer.

There are many dimensional monsters on the entire earth who try their best to break through the magic net or even directly avoid the magic net and come to the earth.


In fact, after becoming a space magician, Qi Jun sensed the magic net or magic circle that enveloped the entire earth the moment he returned to the earth this time! The main reason is that the magic fluctuations of the three temples are so active. Qi Jun has every reason to believe that any mage can feel it, let alone a space magician like him!

"Of course, this is nothing to the mages of Kamar-Taj who have sufficient countermeasures, not to mention you, Master Ancient One! In fact, there are other mages and wizards who are also doing their best to kill the dimensional monsters. But this is only temporary, isn't it?"

"With the ability to see into the future, you can't possibly not know what the Earth will face in the future!"Qi Jun pointed meaningfully at the......That magic weapon

"Do you know what this is?"Seeing the direction of Qi Jun's finger, Gu Yi, who had been calm from beginning to end, could not help but be cautious for a moment, and looked at Qi Jun with curiosity. Gu Yi had enough confidence that under the layers of magic restrictions, the Time Stone would not leak out even a trace of power for people to perceive. This was the confidence brought by the restrictions set by generations of Supreme Wizards!

But without the blessing of the Time Stone, the Eye of Agamotto itself is actually just a very ordinary magic device. If it weren't for knowing what this thing is, other people would definitely ignore it because of its ordinary appearance. Of course, things that can be worn by the Supreme Wizard will attract enough attention from others, no matter how ordinary they are!

Because the last time in the desert, because there was no assistance from the Eye of Agamotto and suffered the backlash of time magic, Gu Yi has been carrying the Eye of Agamotto with him these days in case of emergency! This is also one of the reasons why Gu Yi dared to appear in front of Qi Jun, a magician who can be seen at a glance that his spatial ability is very strong.

"Of course! The artifact of the Vishanti lineage, the famous 'Eye of Agamotto', has the power to see through and even travel in the river of time!"Qi Jun did not deny that he knew this thing, and there was even a burning heat in Qi Jun's eyes.

Time Gem! Who wouldn't be jealous if they knew what this thing was?

"Are you here for it?"Gu Yi's expression began to become serious, and he was ready to take action. His robes began to flutter.

Gu Yi did not deny Qi Jun's words about the power of the 'Eye of Agamotto', but carefully re-examined Qi Jun.

‘The Eye of Agamotto is not just a sacred artifact of the Vishanti lineage to Kamar-Taj and every Sorcerer Supreme. From the moment the three Vishanti leaders obtained the Time Stone, the mission of Kamar-Taj was to protect the stone and prevent it from being taken away by outsiders. If Qi Jun's goal is the Eye of Agamotto, then Qi Jun is naturally the enemy of Kamar-Taj and the enemy of the Ancient One!

"Yes! And no!"Qi Jun gave an ambiguous answer.

"Don't be nervous! Don't be nervous!" Qi Jun pressed down with both hands to calm Gu Yi down."I do want what's in there, but I won't take it away from you by force. Please believe my promise as a wizard! I can guarantee as a wizard that I will never take that thing from you or even from the wizards of Kamar-Taj!"

"Actually, to be honest, this thing on Earth is also one of the reasons why the Earth will be eroded by the power of many dimensions, isn't it? I believe that through that thing, you have a general observation of the future, and naturally you also know how much attention this thing will attract from outsiders."

"It’s not that I look down on your descendants, but once you are gone, they won’t be able to keep this treasure!"

"How about we make a gentleman's agreement? One day in the future, if a powerful being comes to snatch that thing and they can't keep it, or one day a powerful enemy invades and Kamar-Taj is unable to resist, please ask me to help, and the fee will be exchanged for this thing?"

"Of course, if you or they don't want to, it doesn't matter, I can wait until the thing is taken away, and then go and grab it."

Qi Jun showed a big smile to Gu Yi, and he almost had the words"I am a good person" engraved on his face!......................

"I have used the Eye of Agamotto to observe you, Archmage Qi Jun!" Gu Yi was not moved by the smile on Qi Jun's face at all."But, apart from the fog, it is still fog!"

"You know, by tracing back the long river of time, you can even see those ancient creatures and gods who once wreaked havoc in the universe!"

"But I can’t see your past, I can’t see your future, and I can’t even see your present!"

"If you hadn't been standing in front of me, I wouldn't even dare to believe that there was something that the Eye of Agamotto couldn't observe!"

There was a hint of imperceptible shock in Gu Yi's words!

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