Hearing the shocked words of Ancient One, and seeing the 'Eye of Agamotto' pendant on Ancient One's chest flashing a green light, Qi Jun's mouth curled up slightly.

Are you kidding? Qi Jun, who has a [mutated gem] that is more noble than the six Infinity Gems combined, can be observed by a mere time magic? How can Qi Jun survive?

However, Qi Jun did not explain, but just picked up the teacup and tasted the tea again~

Sometimes, the right sense of mystery makes it easier for people to maintain awe.

The Time Gem is right in front of him, doesn't Qi Jun want it?

He wants it! He wants it very much! He wants it so much that he can't think about it anymore!

But Qi Jun didn't do it. Because Qi Jun knew that he couldn't beat Ancient One now.

Even if Ancient One couldn't kill him, so what? Make an enemy for nothing? Especially a wizard who can travel through endless dimensions? Only a fool would do that!

Don't underestimate a supreme wizard who has lived for hundreds of years! That represents an unparalleled powerful foundation!

Anyone who underestimates the Supreme Sorcerer will eventually die without even knowing how he died!.......................

"I have lived for a long time."

Seeing that Qi Jun didn't seem to be able to explain, Gu Yi endured the backlash from activating the Time Gem and slowly sat down. Gu Yi didn't expect that even when he was in front of the target and activated the 'Eye of Agamotto' to observe Qi Jun, he still suffered the backlash. Fortunately, with the Time Gem as a buffer, although the backlash was stronger than in the desert, the impact on Gu Yi was also smaller.

But it was precisely because of this that Gu Yi believed the gentleman's agreement that Qi Jun had just mentioned. He could not be detected even if he used the Time Gem. He must have a treasure more powerful than the Time Gem. And those who possess such treasures are all arrogant and will not make promises easily, but once they make a promise, they will certainly not break their promises easily.

"Whether it is protecting Kamar-Taj or protecting the earth, I have done my best!"

"If I hadn't been determined to find a suitable successor, Master Qi Jun, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to see me now."

"There is an old saying in an ancient Eastern country: Children and grandchildren have their own blessings!"

"Just as you said, through the long river of time, I have seen many things that may and will happen in the future!"

"I have lived long enough!" Gu Yi emphasized this sentence again.

"I have done what I can do. The future should naturally look like the future itself!"

Gu Yi changed the subject and said,"I believe in the promise of a mage who swore an oath in the name of a mage. Since you have no intention of forcibly snatching the Eye of Agamotto from me or even from the mages of Kamar-Taj, then you are our friend of Kamar-Taj!"

"However, if you want to do all that you said, then please, Master Qi Jun, show us your strength!"

"Friends of Kamar-Taj cannot be weaklings either!" Looking at Qi Jun in front of him, Gu Yi thought a lot and overturned many of his previous ideas. Qi Jun's mystery needs no further explanation. After using the Time Stone, he was still attacked, so Gu Yi did not want to trace Qi Jun's origin. And to know the detailed information about the 'Eye of Agamotto', the other party must have a powerful inheritance. Gu Yi only needs to know that Qi Jun has enough strength to be a 'friend'!

As Gu Yi said, the strong will never make friends with the weak at any time!.......................

"This is natural! Even if Master Gu Yi didn't say it, I would still challenge you! Communicating with different mages is believed to be of great benefit to both parties!"

Qi Jun looked like a gentleman, and he didn't seem to care about Gu Yi's scrutiny.

But Qi Jun was still speechless in his heart. After all, in this world, strength is still the key!

If the two sides fought, Qi Jun lost?

Haha, the ending would probably be very good.←_←.......................


Without any extra words, seeing Qi Jun agreed, Gu Yi directly stretched out his hand, and a magical wave flashed, and the space around Qi Jun and Gu Yi flipped and spread out like a broken mirror.

The mirror space was activated!

"It's really magical!"

Qi Jun sensed the whole process and found that Gu Yi's mirror magic was indeed very good. At least, it was more handy than when Qi Jun used the magic of different space.

"Well, I'm sorry!"

Entering the battle state, Gu Yi did not say anything extra, and directly rubbed his hands together, and rubbed out a lightsaber that shone with golden light.

"Really? Marvel doesn't feel comfortable with Master Ski without close combat!"Seeing this scene, Qi Jun's mouth twitched, unable to complain.

But he had no intention of going forward to fight with Ancient One in close combat.

Sensing the fluctuation node of the mirror space, Qi Jun retreated directly. In the distortion of space, Qi Jun in the mirror space directly retreated a kilometer away and came to the roof of an unknown building.

"Hey, it's time for all you Marvel mages who are not comfortable with close combat to feel the horror of mobile turrets!"Qi Jun, who had excellent eyesight, clearly saw the astonishment in Gu Yi's eyes. He probably didn't expect that Qi Jun would run away before the fight even started.

But Qi Jun would not really run away. Instead, he started to rub the 'space compression cannon'.

Space compression cannon: also known as air compression cannon, the principle is simple.

It uses the power of space to endlessly compress the surrounding air to the size of a small projectile, and then uses space transmission to attack the enemy unexpectedly, and then instantly cancels the space compression force.

The huge compressed air is released and expands instantly, bursting out with infinite power!

The power is proportional to the strength of the space mage.

The stronger the space constraint ability, the more air can be compressed!

The more powerful it is!

Of course, while capturing endless air and compressing it into the 'space compression cannon', Qi Jun also rubbed the space blade, space dimension wave, and space dimension slash, and kept throwing them in the direction of Gu Yi.

With super brain power, it is too easy to do many things at the same time!

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