10 minutes ago, Washington DC, underground fortifications.

Secretary of State Walter sits at the long table and rubs his painful temple with his hand.

Because it was crowded with high-ranking officials, the small tactical command room seemed a little more cramped and cramped.

These high-level leaders who really determine the direction of the Bald Eagle country are all staring at the big screen at the end of the room, where the battle on the spire platform of the Tower of Babel is shown.

The private satellite of Wayne Enterprises, which was temporarily transferred, is indeed as reliable as the company to which it belongs, and the broadcast signal is quite stable, which maximizes the restoration of the scene and presents it to the Gonggon officials present.

The battle between the four Knights and Avengers was thrilling. The energy cannon danced with the blade light, the thunder flew with the strain, and the vibranium shield resisted the shocks. The bow arrow sprang from the dark occasionally and caused a violent explosion.

The fighting momentum is so great that even through the screen, these elites feel tremendous pressure.

What the bald eagle elite relies on is the entire social machine.

Elites who are familiar with the rules of the operation of this huge machine can climb to the top, let other civilians serve oneself, and use the power of society as a whole to formulate rules and regulations for the general public, and civilians are strictly prohibited from surpassing .

However, their pride disappeared in front of these freaks who had weird powers and used the most primordial and savage violence to fight against each other.

This kind of huge gap makes your throat tight. When many senior officials saw Hulk cut a reinforced concrete building, they pulled their collars together, as if they were caught by the palms of their hands. The neck is average.

However, whether it is the four knights shimmering, the Nordic gods who master thunder, or the Hulk who can recharge Infinity with rage, the battle method is at least fixed and can be "common sense" "Understood and resolved.

On the other side, the battle between Li Ang and Apocalypse is beyond the scope of the human body.

Blink, teleport, teleport, disappear, reappear.

The two of them are just like the images on the master's TV that are constantly stuck. The satellite monitoring facilities can't keep up with the speed of the two. The too low frame rate can only record two afterimages, showing In front of everyone present.

More than that, the power fluctuations escaping from the two will always distort the surrounding air, like a mirage.

If you focus too much on the battle between the two, the follower will only feel that his energy is being consumed rapidly, not only unable to objectively analyze it, but also may even vomit due to the nausea caused by the visual impact.

Secretary of State Walter's face was tight, and the motion sickness medicine handed by the secretary eased the pain to a large extent and kept him energetic.

As a loyal patriot to a certain extent, he must concentrate on the outcome of this battle, which will affect the development of the entire United States and even the human race.

Whether it is Apocalypse, who has mastered the plague strains and tried to kidnap all mankind in captivity; or Li Ang, who can easily break out of huge productivity and become a "last producer";

In front of these two powerful existences like gods, the other 7 billion general public on the blue planet are like trivial ant.

Thinking of this, fear once again grabbed the beating heart of Walter peng peng.

The broadcast continued. Apocalypse chanted the scriptures and the Tower of Babel was shrouded in an energy barrier....

Suddenly, the satellite's broadcast screen ended abruptly and turned into darkness. one slice.

"What's the situation? What about the picture?"

Latino Boss gloomy face asked in a deep voice, and the relevant staff immediately took care of it.

After a while, the door of the tactical command room was opened, and a strategic office employee with a sign hanging on his chest said grimly: “New York City is enveloped by broadband and high-intensity electromagnetic energy. The footage cannot be rebroadcast, and the aircraft carrier battle group in the offshore is temporarily unable to connect..."

In this narrow tactical command room, the senior officials wearing clerical costumes are still at a loss, wearing bald eagle uniforms. However, the American generals of the United States have changed their colors, and even yelled out quite lost self-control: "What?!"

The so-called electromagnetic energy eruption is actually the electromagnetic pulse EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse). The ancillary effect can generate a very strong electromagnetic field, which couples with the electronic device, generates a current surge, and then destroys the electronic device itself.

There are very few ways to cause the physical phenomenon of electromagnetic pulses.

If the aircraft carrier loses communication, it can be explained, but satellites in low-Earth orbit can be affected..... ..

"Yes, is it a nuclear bomb?" A certain officer couldn't restrain his trembling body, and asked grimly: "Who did it? Bear?"

"No, It's not a nuclear bomb."

Secretary of State Walter frowned. After thinking about it, resolutely and decisively said: "A low-altitude nuclear explosion below 10 kilometers will only cause a limited electromagnetic effect. The impossible impact is so far.

In a high-altitude nuclear explosion, the deflection of the Earth’s magnetic field will make electromagnetic pulses visible, which can be easily scanned by other satellites.

Also, the 100,000-ton airburst generated at an altitude of 60 miles, The damage caused by EMP can spread to more than half of United States. In that case, our electronic equipment here in Washington will also be affected.

So this is not a nuclear bomb, it is just the aftermath of the battle."


This Secretary of State Guo Ert, who has always been known for his lower body thinking, is well-known in American politics. At this time, when he heard his calm, professional and comprehensive analysis, everyone present was shocked and stared with disbelief. Hold him.

Secretary of State Walter naturally told them that when oneself was a college student, in order to soak up with a professor of physics at the university Daughter), how much hard work has been spent on physics,

Just a cold face, staring at the people present with dead fish eyes, and indifferently said: "What do I do? I like to read science fiction, can't it? "

"This is not the time to discuss this."

A certain American Navy general who was one and the others interrupted Walter and said directly to the Bald Eagle Boss: " Mrs. President, no matter who wins this battle, it is not a good thing for the United States.

We have now lost New York and can no longer bear the risk of losing the east coast."

The navy general didn't say everything, but everyone present was outstanding, and there was a tacit understanding between each other. Xiange knows elegance.

Apocalypse and Li Ang are beyond the reach of conventional weapons. They were considered gods in ancient times and were enshrined in sacrifices.

Regardless of whether the gods are benevolent or indifferent, whether the gods care about the worship of the lower realms, regardless of whether the gods can understand the interests of mortals, the existence of "gods" is for humans themselves It is a threat.

"Humans do not need gods,"

Secretary of State Walter stared at the Latino Boss and said word by word: "The United States, which is trying to maintain its hegemony, does not need gods."

There was a dead silence in the tactical command room.

"God is a threat. Since it is a threat, there is a need to be erased."

The admiral also raised his eyelids and spoke calmly and firmly Said: "My President, the United States needs your judgment."

Latino Boss licked his chapped lips, and said grimly: "...Send sentry groups to observe the situation and make trade-offs.

If you can’t guarantee the success of killing God, then prepare to drop a nuclear bomb."

No one asked the fate of the New York people, and no one cared about the spire on the spire of the Tower of Babel. Avengers, all of them expressionless, easily decided their fate.

"Release the sentinel cluster."

This command was issued quickly, and was transmitted to several aircraft carriers after being broadcasted several times by Wireless Electronics wave communication.

These aircraft carriers are hundreds of kilometers away from New York, avoiding the first electromagnetic pulse of Kabbalah Tree of Life.

The cabin of the aircraft carrier slowly opened, and hundreds of humanoid machines were exposed to the air.

These steel Colossus shapes are more than three meters high, and the exterior is covered with extremely fine scales of fish, layered on top of each other to wrap them.

The head of the humanoid machine is in the shape of an inverted triangle, the lower tip is round, and there is no nose or mouth. There are only two narrow and pointed holes in the eye sockets. The holes are filled with yellow brilliance, presumably acting as a visual sensor. effect.

Since the 1960s and 1970s, the anthropology doctor Bolivar Triske established the Triske Group, which specializes in cooperation with government departments, mainly producing defensive robots related to Mutants gene—— It is the first generation model of the sentinel robot.

Behind the scenes, Trisk Group has been inextricably linked with Weapon X Project. Relying on the confidential Mutants data delivered by Weapon X Project, Trisk Group’s sentinel robots continue to improve and gradually reduce industry Cost and practicality are getting stronger.

Until Magneto hijacked electronic equipment for a global live broadcast, and publicly beheaded William Stryker, the federal government was pressured to suspend any overwhelming majority and Mutants-related projects.

Among them, there are even some ridiculous projects proposed by some pure-bred human chauvinists to rely on genetically modified corn to erase the birth probability of Mutants at the genetic level.

As for the dwarf doctor Bolivar, within a few days after the live broadcast, he was found to be bleeding and violently killed at home.

The police didn't even go into it too deeply, and used the absurd reason that "Bolivar Triske doctor opened an unobstructed meeting in a luxury villa until he died of myocardial infarction" to make a conclusion for him.

This kind of absurd event comparable to onion news did not cause any disturbances during the time when Mutants became politically correct. The dregs only appeared when the time comes and became a chat material for the comrades in the market. ——After all, the scene of the dwarf capitalist holding an open meeting is enough to make people think about it.

Whether Bolivar died from the Mutants forces or whether someone in the federal government wanted to cover up the traces, these are no longer important.

It is important that the sentinel robot technology left over by the Trisk Group is fully received by the Federation, and it has been improving and debugging in secret to prevent the Mutants riots.

Although he has not experienced high-intensity actual combat tests, a certain high-ranking official standing on the aircraft carrier's bridge is extremely confident of the sentry, talking and laughing, and lashing out at Fang Qiu.

"The first echelon of the sentinel robot cluster, let’s go!"

Commander high-spirited and vigorous watched as the sentries fired their own flames and swept forward against the deck of the aircraft carrier go.

These Arc Reactors acquired from Stark Group have completely solved the problem of the energy supply of sentry robots, allowing the robot battle group to fly hundreds of kilometers at high speed and carry out surprise attacks.

In the eyes of this front-line Commander, the sentry robot with small size, high firepower, and non-radar fluctuations seems to be the main battle weapon of the next generation that can be arranged separately.

The most important thing is that the sentinel mechanical cluster can resist the intrusion of electromagnetic pulse and can rush into the barrier of Kabbalah Life Tree.

"May God bless the United States."

Commander drew a cross on his chest, watching hundreds of sentries form a group and flew towards Manhattan.

He stood there in a daze, suddenly, as if thinking of something, clenched his fists, and whispered to himself, "No, no, I shouldn't have said that."


"It should be, go and fiddle with the two gods who tyrannically abuse power."

The sentry robot cluster that Commander had high hopes for, rushed to the spire of the Tower of Babel, aggressive.

They, in order to maintain the order of the world, shoulder the glorious responsibility of "killing the gods".

Unfortunately, Stars Great Array was launched on Sunday.

Under whole heaven's star light, these mechanical clusters that were given high expectations melted and turned into a thousand winds.

What titanium is combined with the golden bone frame, what can change the shell, in front of the star map, it is impossible to withstand a single blow.

Only one sentry machine was extraordinarily lucky, relying on the body of its companion to avoid the overwhelming majority starlight.

This last survivor flew up to the spire of the Tower of Babel, manipulating the remnant body that was wiped out by the starlight with difficulty.

Through the communication device of this sentry robot, the White House Qunying can observe the situation on the spot.

Apocalypse fell to the ground under the falling starlight, while Li Ang put away the large array indifferently, turned around silently, and looked towards the sentry robot with the responsibility of "killing the gods".

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