If the sentry robot had a "personal will", it might have been crushed and washed down by the imposing manner escaping from Li Ang, and bowed to the ground.

Achievement of Golden Core is not only an increase in mana, but also a sublimation of the essence of the organism.

If you use the most advanced MRI technology to examine Li Ang, you can find his brain, thyroid, liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidney, and pancreas. The real organs, such as adrenal glands, heart, large blood vessels, etc., are all covered with a dreamlike shadow, and the whole body is like a jade stone.

The Golden Core Realm world can slightly enlighten the body and mind, preach the need of the Dao, can dispel the affiliation of the masses, will never get rid of the taint, the outside is incompatible, and the inside is incompatible.

Popularly speaking, it is self-contained, transparent and clear all over, free from external debris, and there will be no obstacles.

This kind of existence has gone beyond the category of "human" and is moving towards the realm of "immortal".

In the underground fortifications of Washington, the Gungun princes who are driving the carriage of the United States can see the solitary Li Ang through the mechanical pupil of the sentry.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Golden Core cultivator stands there, and its presence is as eye-catching as a natural phenomenon.

Depending on personal style and cultivation technique, the "imposing manner" that surrounds the Golden Core cultivator may be as abrupt as a lonely wall, or as deep and peaceful as a deep blue pool, or It is as violent and noisy as the raging waves, or as distant and silent as the sunset.

And Li Ang, with the "Human Immortal Refining Method" as the bone, "Heavenly Monster Slaughtering God Method" as the skin, and with the help of the Stars Great Array of Sunday, casting thousands of Star Power as Qi Sea Acupuncture Points . Compared with the ordinary Golden Core cultivator, it is more than several times stronger.

The projection screen in the tactical command room is slightly narrow, but this does not limit Li Ang’s presence.

He stands alone on the spire platform of the tower of Babel that is about to collapse. Alone, the Avengers next to him became a foil.

Thor’s facial expression grave was gloomy, Hulk was angry, Tony Stark hid in the Iron Man Suit and did not dare to speak out, and Steve Rogers, the team leader, leaned on the vibranium shield, bowing his head without saying a word.

Compared to mortals, they can feel the power of Li Ang more.

Li Ang is not full of suffocating oppression like the Apocalypse who intends to enshrine the gods. He just stood there peacefully, ignoring the sentry robot lying on the ground, eyes closed, meditation, silence Stand.

In the tactical command room, absolute silence, these dignitaries in suits and leathers were collectively lost in complete confusion for the first time.

What should we do? Try to negotiate? What is the other party's political position? Will he try to hinder the federal government? Or is it trying to carry out a fatal nuclear strike before the opponent reacts to avoid future troubles?

These questions pressed on their hearts, and the matching powerlessness sealed their mouths.

No one squeaked, and the Gonggon officials watched their noses and mouths, staring at the mineral water bottle in front of them.

The Bald Eagle Boss glanced around and took a deep breath, "Is there anyone, can you give me some ideas or suggestions?"

This Latino Boss’ His eyes were so cold and sharp that they pierced everyone's cheeks like a steel knife.

If the high-ranking bald eagle officials present here are all old rivers and lakes who have been up and down in the ocean for many years, and their skins are thicker than body armor, I am afraid that some people can't bear the pressure and squeak in the silence.

Secretary of State Walter sighed in his heart. These people just called them very happy, but now no one dared to come out to lift the tank, so they had to say: "Can I get in touch with Nick Fury?"

The bureaucrats whispered and replied, "The electromagnetic pulse has disappeared. If Director Fury turns on the SHIELD communication headset, it should be able to connect again."

"Hurry up and connect with Nick Fury. Line, tell him to stabilize the situation."

The Secretary of State was nodded indifferently, and turned to the Bald Eagle Boss and said: "My President, the current sentry robot may be impossible to harm Li Ang,

The immediate task at the moment is to immediately show a positive and cooperative attitude to prevent further intensification of conflicts, and at the same time immediately assess the potential threat of the other party."

Unspoken implication is to temporarily cancel the plan of nuclear bombing. After all, Stars Great Array just now I have also seen the formidable power, which is not inferior to nuclear weapons. Whether it can kill the other party is still a matter of two.

If the other party survives by chance and carries out retaliatory activities, it is not a loss that the United States can bear.

The network communication was quickly connected, and the stability maintenance order from the Washington Tactical Command Room made Nick Fury very impulsive.

What is he thinking?

This question ran through Nick Fury's mind.

After defeating Apocalypse, Li Ang is like a stone pillar standing in a pond. Just standing there will have an impact on the cruising fish around.

The Director took a deep breath, whether he wanted it or not, he had to assume the responsibility of negotiating with Li Ang.

Just as he was preparing his belly draft, Li Ang opened his eyes.

According to the Western concept, the closest model that a mortal can model to a god should be a classicist style statue made in ancient Greece.

"The Discus Thrower", "Venus of Milos", "Athena of the Parthenon"

The kind of statues full of dignity and elegance, calm and steady, It has a human image, but it has been given a more ideal and perfect art form, full of what people think is "the divinity that comes from human nature but is higher than human nature."

Li Ang is different. There is no so-called "divineness" in his eyes. He still wants to be the same, gentle and calm, deep and remote.

Together with the solemn imposing manner that had just been backlogged beside him, it also disappeared, which makes people wonder whether the suffocation just now is an illusion of his own.

The Avengers members were finally able to breathe freely. They stayed cautiously on the edge of the platform and did not approach.

Only Nick Fury, at the urging of the tactical command room, stepped forward and said cautiously: "Mr. Li Ang, thank you very much for your help. Without you, all mankind will He will suffer the fate of terrifying."

He may not put the three words "United States" in his speech, but just use a broad word like all mankind, for fear of causing dissatisfaction with the other party.

Li Ang glanced at him peacefully, said with a smile: "Director Fury, don't wear a high hat for me, I just did an insignificant little thing."

Nick Fury was delighted, as long as the other party can communicate, not the kind of madman who comes up to engage in terrorist activities, then everything is easy to say.

As soon as the Halodan Director was about to say something, he saw Li Ang lift his finger and click on the broken sentry robot. He said indifferently: "This robot is yours?"



"It looks very advanced."

Li Ang Spiritual Consciousness swept through and saw through the internal structure of the sentry, playfully Said: "What function?"

Nick Fury's face remained unchanged, and Pinghe said: "This kind of robot is very useful, mainly in other fields, such as rescue and search, post-disaster reconstruction, etc."

"Rescue search?" Li Ang grinned and said casually: "Then it should rescue people in the ruins of the city below, what are they doing?"

"The battle here It's over," Nick Fury glanced at the devastated rooftop of the Tower of Babel, and said solemnly: "It will come up to wash the ground."

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