"Man-made Blood Race..."

Standing alone on the street, Li Ang raised his eyebrows with interest, he looked towards Smoke and Dust indifferently The ** soldiers in China, swept through the thick Spiritual Consciousness like a torrent, and analyzed these man-made Blood Races from the inside to the outside.

"Interestingly, the blood vessels of these ** soldiers do contain divine blood, but unlike ordinary Blood Race, their bodies have extremely serious marks of alteration..."

Li Ang’s eyes sent out the beams of light unique to scientific researchers, "These transformations are not normal biochemical transformations, but the results of religion and mysticism..."

He frowned and thought for a while. He was not at all annoyed by these so-called ** disrupting the layout. He just turned his palms to form a seal, hidden his body, and watched the actions of the soldiers next to him.

According to the major on the airship, he wants to build a European Union society with mobilization efficiency, harmony and unity far beyond the "European Union", no exploitation, no slavery, everyone can achieve self-realization The ultimate vision.

In order to achieve this goal, he needs to convert all the people into an artificial Blood Race.

Li Ang squinted his eyes and watched the soldiers quickly assemble to form a dozen or so human-made squads, marching on the street.

A small number of London residents still have the fighting spirit to fight, they hide behind the car ruins, moved towards ** soldiers release Ether impact.

However, the scarlet torrent, which is effective for Blood Race, does not work well in front of man-made Blood Race.

Faced with the rushing Ether, the soldiers did not evade, but hammered their chests, and a virtual golden anti-swastika appeared in their chests, isolating the Ether, like a river The mainstay among them, perfectly avoids the impact.

This unremarkable picture surprised Li Ang who was watching from the sidelines-this kind of consternation and confusion has not appeared in him for a long time.


Li Ang stared wide-eyed, sucked in a cold breath in disbelief, swept across the thick Spiritual Consciousness again, muttering to himself:" Jishou Guangming Buddha’s top, Tathagata Shrangam;

Open Formless Sect, observe Vajra samādhi; Hold the King;

I said that this secret has been learned a lot, to liberate the Dharmakaya Vajra sentence;"

What Li Ang recites is exactly the Shurangama mantra called the mantra of Dhamma. The curse can magnify the light, cover everything with the pure virtues of the Buddha, and cover the world with white pure and great compassion-of course this is what those bald donkeys call themselves.

Li Ang, who has fought against the bald donkeys in his previous life, naturally does not take the exaggerated Supreme limit of Buddhism seriously, but the Shurangama Mantra is one of the most subtle and incredible spells of Buddhism. Nature has its merits.

Buddha light on top of the Buddha Mahasattaya Supreme mantra, which means that the light on the top of the Buddha is like a white umbrella canopy. It protects those who recite the mantra under the umbrella and can not only subdue the heavenly demon. Eliminate all difficult and miscellaneous diseases, you can also "if it is rounded, can form the ten directions of the Buddha's rules", can apply all the laws and the equality and death of all the laws do not take the phase.

This effect is a bit against the sky. "Equality and dying of all dharmas do not take the form", which means that in the era of spiritual Qi scarcity, the Shurangama Mantra can still tap the human body’s potential. Discover Spiritual Qi in the body and complement Spiritual Qi with the outside world to prevent the arrival of Dharma End Era as much as possible.

As long as a large number of people also recite the Shurangama Mantra, Dharma will exist and Dharma End Era will not really come. This is why Shurangama Mantra is called the "Mantra of Dharma".

At this moment, those ** soldiers who symbolize the aftermath of the German 3rd Empire terror rule have spontaneously produced the effect of the Shurangama curse in their bodies, blocking the scarlet torrent of the residents of London. attack.

At its root, the Shurangama Mantra and the scarlet torrent are both bright and moist attribute energies. Scarlet torrents are induced according to the human heart. Naturally, they can destroy the dark and rancid Blood Race effortlessly, but they are unable to deal with the world. The non-invasive Shurangama curse causes harm.

"What's going on?!"

Even Li Ang is a little dazed at this time. As a soldier of the man-made Blood Race, when will he be with Zhenger? The Eight Classics of Buddhism have an intersection?

As he frowned and thought about it, the soldiers had already begun to draw their guns and shoot them, shooting all the London residents who were trying to resist to the maimed.

These ** soldiers claiming to be the "last battallion" swarmed up, like a big net, guarding the fulcrums of London streets and besieging the people.

"Don't panic, don't provoke, follow our instructions, and you will survive."

**The officer shouted in proficient English: "Everyone stands in a row, Keep the whole process harmonious and orderly."

London residents in panic looked at each other in blank dismay, very reluctant to obey the instructions and line up in a row.

"Very good."

**The officer nodded with satisfaction, took off his gloves, walked to a resister who was hit by a bullet in his chest, bowed, with one hand He formed a twisted and weird mark, pressed the palm of one hand on the forehead of the resister, and said the vague words of Chiliquala.

Li Ang on the side heard that it was clear that the ** officer read that it was a modified version of the Shurangama Sutra of a certain Secret Sect.

The resister who was shot in the chest still had blood flowing in his chest. However, as the chanting of the Shurangama Sutra continued to excite, the bleeding momentum on his body was actually hindered.

**The officer smiled with satisfaction, and cut the palm of his hand with his sharp nails. A little blood leaked from the palm and dripped into the mouth of the resister.

As soon as the blood is dripped, the muscle texture of the resister suddenly swells, and the body expands several times. At the same time, the corners of the mouth are split, the fangs are growing in the mouth, and the blood energy fluctuates all over the body. The new man-made Blood Race.

Li Ang, who remained invisible, was shocked, and said in aphasia: "Hands make seals, speak mantras, and minds make wonderful views. Body, mouth, and mind constitute self-nature, which is related to mantras and seals. The Buddha-nature constituted by Vipassana is relative, which produces Dharma-nature, sweeps away the impetuous and dirty habits, and has great freedom."

"This-him-mother, is Secret Sect's initiation method?!"


A tube of Li Ang, who can keep the wind and clouds light, couldn't help but explode a swear word at this time. Obviously, what happened to these military officers had exceeded his expectations.

"Secret Sect’s initiation Dafa, World War II military officers, man-made Blood Race based on Shurangama Mantra, and anti-swastika symbols..."

All Information materials kept flowing in Li Ang's eyes. A few seconds later, he opened his eyes suddenly, spits out one mouthful of impure air, turned around, and looked at a museum-like building in the far distance.

"Heaven is the sutra, the earth is the weft, and the people are the pawns."

Li Ang caresss his palm and chuckles, muttered: "Ancient One sorcerer, I thought you were just a pawn. I never thought you were the real chess player. This long night has become more and more interesting."

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