The soldiers on the streets and alleys frantically assimilated the people of London and turned British residents into man-made Blood Races.

This process is not harmonious and orderly. On the contrary, it is full of violent resistance and disorderly gunfights.

Although today, the people of the British Empire have long lost the cruelty and cruelty unique to the white-skinned colonists in the early years, and they have become the gentle "corrupt people". But this does not mean that the barbaric nature of the Anglo-Saxons has faded.

The emotionally charged residents of London took full advantage of their numbers and threw bricks, sticks and other props in the narrow alleys to attack the soldiers.

at first **The soldiers didn't care. How could the trifling throwing tiles hurt the tenacious body of the man-made Blood Race?

However, the reality is cruel. Although the scarlet torrent cannot hurt the soldiers, the bodies of the residents of London that have been strengthened by Ether have exceeded the limits of mortals.

The tiles thrown by weird brawn strength are not much less lethal than anti-tank guns, and a large piece of meat will be wiped off when you rub a little bit. Even the artificial Blood Race has extremely high healing power. Can't bear the broken bricks and stones falling like raindrops.

In addition, there is also a mixture of magic net users who "charge money for happiness". These people who can communicate with the Ether network can still cause harm to the artificial Blood Race by releasing witchcraft.

The weird war started. In the close street battle, the fatality rate of both sides rose sharply. The whole city was like a flesh-and-blood grinding disc, crushing lifeform into crumbs.

In the airship command bridge, the major can see clearly the situation below.

The man-made Blood Race’s ** seems to have the upper hand at first, but over time it will definitely be overwhelmed by crowds of tactics. The unequal information has become a major advantage for the stubborn resistance of London residents—— The people of London don't know how many enemies there are, and where they are. They only know that they must resist resolutely to prevent Germany ** from enslaving them again.

"...It's time."

The major moved his short body and turned to the adjutant. Feng Danyun said softly, "Release the gas bomb."

His order was implemented, the bombing bay of the airship opened again, and the cylindrical warheads painted with skull patterns fell down, moving towards London.

Before touching the ground, the warhead exploded, and the rich dark green gas that escaped from it quickly melted into the wind, and as the color continued to fade, the gas cloud began to expand.

"poison qi! It's poison qi, run!"

London residents below immediately noticed this. If there are tangible and qualitative military personnel, they can also use courage. To overcome with wisdom, then the poison qi, which is undying and indestructible, is far from being an enemy that the general public can resist.

People backed away in fear, ran away, and sought shelter in any confined space they might find.

However, the gas that has been diluted into yellow-green, with the help of wind, will always run faster than people. In just a few breaths, the gas cloud has caught up with the people and enveloped them in bleak colors.

These unfortunate London residents pinched their necks while coughing violently. Their faces became red and swollen, and their arms were bruised. After a few seconds, they fell to the ground, knowing their life or death.

"From the performance of the victim, the gas invaded the human body through the respiratory tract, dissolving the water contained in the respiratory tract, generating hypochlorous acid and hydrochloric acid, making the respiratory mucosa swelling and causing breathing difficulties."

Li Ang frowned standing on the edge and watching, Spiritual Consciousness swept through most of the city, focusing on the London residents who fell to the ground in the gas cloud, "much like a chlorine poison qi bomb..."

as everyone knows, chlorine, is almost one of the most widespread killing chemicals that the general public can come into contact with in their daily lives.

You only need to go to the supermarket to spend a few hundred Buying a few large barrels of Mr. Mighty (that is, the toilet cleaner with magical advertisements) and the alkaline cleaner Venom for a dollar, you can produce enough chlorine to produce significant damage to the human body through a chemical reaction-the whole process is simple and rude , Efficient and brainless, Western countries have recently bombed Syria with the nonsense of making chlorine poison qi bombs.

As early as in Gotham, Li Ang mastered the chemical reaction equations by studying chemistry, and learned by analogy, became a talent by self-study, proficient in how to buy daily necessities in the supermarket and make them into weapons of mass destruction.

How to use glycerin in soap, add concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid to make a nitroglycerin bomb;

How to make sodium nitrate by adding sodium nitrite and hydrogen peroxide, and then use sodium nitrate , Sodium bisulfate, and ammonia water (which can be made by purchasing chemical fertilizers in bags) are made into ammonium nitrate, and aluminum nitrate is used to make a liquid mixture bomb. Once it explodes, the barren within a radius of 500 meters will be extinct...

It is easy to cultivate the taboo knowledge of anti-social elements. Li Ang is often labeled as "Housewives' Life Tips" or "108 Tips for Family Caregivers".

Even if the Li Ang cultivation base is lost one day, by using chemical experiment instruments such as crucibles, test tubes, flasks, and alcohol lamps, the level of Thunder Palm formidable power released by the Foundation Establishment cultivator can be produced. Bomb.


Adhering to the spirit of "learning mathematics, physics and chemistry, and not afraid to travel all over the world" and "chemistry is the easiest subject in the world to help people commit high-end crimes" He decisively chose to walk into the weight of the poison qi cloud, and personally inhaled a mouthful of yellow-green gas.

Poison qi followed the mouth into the Li Ang throat, but there was no burning sensation as expected.

"Wait, this is not chlorine."

Li Ang brows slightly wrinkle, the muscle fibers all over the body tremble gently, and the surface skin ripples like waves, driving the air to form a vortex, Securely lock the yellow-green gas at one millimeter from the skin.

He stretched out his take action palm and waved his shoulders to store the rich gas in the palm of his hand and release the Spiritual Qi to continuously compress it, eventually forming a tiny crystalline object less than the size of a rice grain.

Li Ang raised his eyebrows in a little astonishment, "This is an isotope of plutonium, plutonium 186..."

Yes, the yellow-green gas cloud contains What is happening is the weird isotope that can only appear in divine blood, plutonium 186.

Just as Li Ang was holding his breath, thinking carefully about all the clues, the people who fell on the ground covered by the gas cloud, Stood up again.

These London residents, grinning with cracked lips, and with terrifying sharp fangs, have become man-made Blood Races just like those police officers.

What's different is that these people don’t want to be as sober as the military officer, but more like some kind of "ghoul" bloodthirsty wild beast. After a short delay, the victim will also become ghoul.

The number of London residents affected by the gas cloud is more than tens of thousands. After a while, the city of London has turned into hell.

"Blood Race, **, god..."

Li Ang muttered to himself while standing there, all information, clues, and data were presented before his eyes , Put together a complete puzzle.

"It turned out to be so, I understand."

He spits out one mouthful of impure air, raised his arms, and took over the Ether network in London.

Unimaginable huge energy is condensed in the palm of Li Ang's palm, and the extremely compressed Ether is even like a round and full Haoyang, blooming with boundless brilliance, illuminating the entire city.

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